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S59 PT #5 - An Unexpected Surprise

Today I am going to talk about the time the Tampa Bay Barracuda traded me.

nah jk you all know that story
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(This post was last modified: 05-18-2021, 08:52 PM by leviadan.)

Probably the most unexpected thing in Burlok's career was the painful plummet back to Earth that the S54 Falcons felt. We had just come off a whirlwind S53 where we, arguably, over performed with a 4 star cup win and a historically successful first season in FHM. I think people remember how dominant that team was, but it wasn't even supposed to be our peak. the S53 class which made up half-- or more than half-- of our roster was at our 350 cap, not 425. So returning to S54 felt like it was truly going to be our year, like we would somehow hit even bigger heights.

Obviously, we did not. After a shocking sub .500 regular season, we somehow made the playoffs by just a handful of points in the 4th seed. We were then ousted in 7 games by Newfoundland. Any other season that's just a rough season and a playoff loss to a good team-- but I think everyone on our roster was going into season 54 with sky high expectations. We all knew S54 was supposed to be our peak, and we had already won the dang cup BEFORE we peaked. How could we not steam roll that season?

But alas, it was not to be. Call it a cup hangover, or bad luck, or any other combination of things, but to me the S54 Falcons were a wildly unexpected surprise. A bad surprise, to be clear. Very bad.

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PBE Affiliate PT

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Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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While my unexpected event probably wasn’t a big deal for almost anyone else, it was a big deal to me, and that was going 5OA in the SMJHL draft. The SHL is my second sim league, and my other league’s player was part of a giant reddit class and went like 109 and 160 OA, largely because I was almost inactive at the time. When I joined the SHL I tempered my expectations on where I would be drafted. I was very shocked when teams started reaching out to me and telling me they wanted to take me in the first round. Of course in the ISFL it's not a live draft and leeks are very bad, but here they basically tell you that they’re using pick X to draft you. So it was a very pleasant surprise when Toast reached out to me and told me that Maine was going to draft me at 5OA unless I went earlier. And sure enough I did. Of course then you don’t want to disappoint anyone for using a high pick on you so I’m more active than I planned on.

189 words

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

The most unexpected thing in the life of Zoltan Topalo is that he is actually playing in the Simulation Hockey League! Abandoned at birth and found by the Zealots and Acolytes of the "Church" of the cult of Zoltan, it was always expected that he would remain inside the temple for the entirety of his life. Early on Zoltan just had an affinity for the sport of hockey. Bedtime is early for acolytes, but there was always a little blue shining light from the TV coming through the doorway to Zoltans room. He was keeping up with the latest Simulation Hockey league news and following what he could. One day, the leader allowed Zoltan to leave on a temporary visa to go chase his dream to be a major force in the Simulation Hockey league. What a surprise to find out Zoltan has a cult following in the league. What a surprise it was for Zoltan to finally peruse his dream of playing hockey

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Easily the most surprising event of my or anyone's lifetime was seeing former Point Task director and current Atlanta Inferno General Manager hotdog posting this week's point task and mini point task. This was very unexpected and actually had me legitimately confused if it was a troll post or accident or bot error for a second. This revelation and changed has shocked me to my core and has questioned my faith in the simulation hockey league point task department. Seeing old point task directors post new point tasks has thoroughly confused me and made me less likely to do point tasks in the future. The repercussions of this are extremely strong, as we have no idea who will post the next point task or any point tasks in the future. People are looking to the point task department for guidance and we will see if they respond to these events and if this is a permanent or temporary change to the point task department.

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Credit to Geck, Ragnar and Juni for sigs

An unexpected event for Sven Svechnikov would be being elected Captain by his peers for the Vancouver Whalers. It's only his sophomore season, but Sven has tried to live up to the high expectations of his teammates by helping the new recruits whenever possible and being flexible on and off the ice. Sven has played both defense and forward this season, aiming to shore up gaps in the team. It's no secret the season has been rough this year in Vancouver, but Sven has set personal records for both goals and assists. The rookies have been very receptive, and the Whalers are gearing up for a potential upset playoff run. Even if they fall short this season, Sven is looking forward to being part of their (and his) continued growth in what is looking to be a very promising next couple of seasons. Hopefully he can continue to be their captain, but he'll continue to put his all into any position he's asked to fill.

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(This post was last modified: 05-18-2021, 10:29 PM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

Graphic Task: Make a graphic illustrating (a) a surprise event in SHL history or (b) your player encountering an unexpected surprise, on or off the ice.

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A surprise moment for 8 year old #A-Rye Izzy when his dad bought him #Kitty his pet tiger for his birthday.

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I think enough time has passed that we can look back on this one and review it. Back in S34 and 35 the Portland Admirals (now the San Francisco Pride) were the toast of the west and made it to back to back Challenge Cup finals. After years of grinding it out in the basement and several rebuilds they arrived. While they couldn't win the cup they were close and S36 looked to be another opportunity to prove that. But then they failed to pay their rookies appropriately, which caused their GM to be penalised and promptly fired, which in turn frustrated the coach who retired in outrage which in turn forced the interim GM to go full fire sale for pennies on the dollar which led a few other players to retire out of frustration which led to the top team in the west being reduced to a basement dweller in a little less than a week. I've been here for a while now and I don't believe I've seen a collapse quite like this one. The next GM would even change the name and relocate the team to shed the nagging stigma from it. A wise choice and although the Admirals logo and colours were dope (and existing) the Pride have grown to become a terrific (and original) brand.

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride
(This post was last modified: 05-18-2021, 10:50 PM by xTri.)

Despite being a professional hockey player, Kappa Kappa does not know a whole lot about the league history. The most absolutely shocking part of his career thus far is being drafted higher than he expected in both the SHL and SMJHL drafts. Coming into his SMJHL draft, he did not have any high expectation on where he might go. He was picked up by the Quebec City Citadelles as a waiver but was not utilized at all in that season. So without games to showcase his skills, he was expecting to likely be drafted in the third or possibly fourth round. But surprisingly enough, he was picked up in the 2nd round by the Citadelles. I guess he fostered a good reputation with the GMs. His first season was not anything spectacular, and he wasn't scouted by too many teams. He tempered his expectation to again the third/fourth. But he was picked up in the 2nd again as he knew someone on the team and I guess he put in a good word to the GMs. Now hopefully, he can surprise everyone with his breakout abilities once he reaches the SHL level.

193 words

(a) What is an unexpected event from SHL history? A trade, a signing, a playoff upset, a hiring, a draft pick - any surprise can fit the bill here.

oh wow i have a great story here it would be really fitting for the point task, although honestly i gotta be honest i expected the PT and the m'PT to be switched. i was about to write just 25 words for this and write a full 150 for the m'PT (i actually still wrote 100 for that so i got most of the way there), but oh well. to me, the most unexpected event from shl history is how @hotdog actually stepped down from being pt director! shocker! we all thought that he would just be the pt director forever, especially because no one actually wants the job and he's such a nice guy that he won't leave the shl pt department hanging. the day that we realized that someone had applied for the job and he was finally free was really the most surprising day in the recent history of the simulation hockey league. now, with keenan stepping down again, you know what else would be really surprising? if hotdog reprised his role as the pee tee director! wow that would be so shocking! everyone would be really shocked!

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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From season fifty nine something that was really unexpected was having Mats Marner traded from the Calgary Dragons to the San Francisco Pride. Marner has played his entire SHL career so far with the Calgary Dragons and while there were uncertainties in a contract year with the way things were going for the Dragons in the regular season he thought that he would be sticking around long term with the team if they had some playoff success. On the trade deadline day with less then twelve hours to go Marner received a call from general manage Mike Izzy who informed him that he wanted to trade Marner to a rebuilding young promising Pride team. Marner never envisioned himself playing for a team that was just beginning to come out of a rebuild but wanted to comply with whatever plans Izzy had so he waived his no trade clause and gave the Pride a chance and see if it could be a place Marner could play long term. So far the Pride franchise has had an amazing first impression in all areas and have been a class act in welcoming Marner with open arms.

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Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

I think one of the most unexpected moves in the SHL involved yours truly and it was the very first move in the history of the SHL. All the way back in the beginning stages of the SHL, there was a lottery to determine the very first draft order Season 1 of the SHL. The lottery balls bounced and bounced and as luck would have it, the ball belonging to the Winnipeg Jets popped out first. As the GM of the Jets, I was ecstatic. Holding the first ever draft pick in league history was truly and honour and a great way to stamp your place in history.

The balls had barely stopped bouncing when I got a message from the GM of the Calgary Dragons. They wanted that first overall pick, and they wanted it bad. There was a goalie by the name of Ryan Jesster who was the talk of the prospects and the Dragons wanted him to build their franchise around. Still enamoured with the idea of making the first ever draft selection, I had to sleep on it. One on hand, history was at stake. On the other hand, getting an extra pick in the first round would go a very long way in competing for a cup. In the end, I couldn't pass up a chance to grab an extra player when they're all on the same level. We agreed on a trade and I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that that was THE move that brought the inaugural Challenge Cup to Winnipeg. While I would have loved to make the first ever draft pick, I'll take becoming the first ever winners of the Challenge Cup.

(284 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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(This post was last modified: 05-23-2021, 06:51 PM by charlieconway.)

Quote:LIFE.... is full of unexpected surprises!
For this PT, choose one of the following prompts that relate to the unexpected:
(a) What is an unexpected event from SHL history? A trade, a signing, a playoff upset, a hiring, a draft pick - any surprise can fit the bill here.
(b) Describe an unexpected event that has happened in your player's life - anything, on ice or off, that surprised your player - and how they handled it.
Written Task: 150 words min. on one of the above.

When the S50 SHL draft rolled around, Adam Barron was expecting to go top five. He knew he was a player with high talent (tpe) and the ability to progress quickly (tpe earning rate), all while playing in a position that was coveted by SHL GMs (defense).
But the day before the draft, there was talk that Barron could go first overall. This was a lot of pressure for the young Halifax Raider, who decided to go drinking to try and alleviate some of the stress of those lofty expectations. After over a dozen cans of beer, he made his way to the nearest arena in Halifax and started to do some skating, which he liked to do when things were getting to him.
It was there that he met a new friend, a fourteen year old boy named Thomas, who was practicing his puck handling skills at the time. They decided to play a game of one-on-one hockey with the nets down on their faces. Thomas smoked Adam, who blamed the poor performance on the alcohol. After stumbling off the ice and out of the rink in a drunken stupor, Thomas decided that his claims of being a soon-pro hockey player were obviously lies, and that he should’ve gone easy on him.
Needless to say, he was shocked to read in the paper the next day that Adam Barron—the guy he skated circles around the night before—had gone first overall.

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