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S59 PT #5 - An Unexpected Surprise

So I have not been in the SHL very long but I kind of do really know basically a few things or two; one thing that surprised me definitely was the trading of nitox out of Saint Louis; Nic was a former GM in that team yet really asked to be traded; and the trade that for the most part happened involved Samro being sent the other way with nic going to the stupid boats team which was insane to mostly see in a subtle way. No idea how crazy this generally was for others to see but I for one definitely thought it literally was sort of super interesting to basically see as it actually was a huge trade in the juniors between two teams who weren’t “tanking” so it was wild to for the most part see a huge name end up on a team like the boat, or so they thought. I

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Kyle Sux Lmap

Got a bit carried away on this one
Friedensreich Hundertwasser  was sitting at home on draft day. He had not had a huge amount of interest on the lead up to the draft. Some beat writers were mocking him top 3 in the class but he knew this was unlikely having been on a poor St. Louis team the year prior he hadn't had a huge amount of time to showcase his talents.
No, his eyes were looking at the back of the first, early second. He knew his talents were better than this but he was happy to be considered steal of the draft for whoever picked him up there.
As the talking heads were rounding up the top 5 picks Hundertwasser went to make himself a coffee. Toronto were on the board and had made it perfectly clear they didn't have much need for the Austrian forward. But at that point his phone started buzzing. "hey man it's Doom, I've been bigging you up to the guys in NOLA, they've traded up man you're the pick right now. Joe's about to give you a call right now"
Holy shit, it's happening! Hundertwasser ran back into the living room to catch the pick live. Incredible. Even more exciting was getting to see the rest of the draft pan out. His FA friend Nikolaj Boyle was also traded up for by NOLA, before they grabbed Ole Olson a couple of picks later.
To make things even better Hundertwassers teammate Jean Luc Zidane slipped to NOLAs second rounder (almost as if he wasn't allowed to be picked before then) giving the Spectres 4 of the top prospects in this draft. Exciting things are on the horizon.

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Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac

The biggest surprise in James Kimanje's career so far is definitely when he was traded from the Toronto North Stars to the Winnipeg Aurora. He hadn't been the most talkative guy in the locker room for Toronto, and was surprised when he was told that he had been sent to WPG along with Sarah Burke, an IA player, and a first round pick for Adam Barron. Since then, James has done his best to avoid being traded again. He doesn't like changing locations much, it always just seems to be a culture shock especially when 60% of your time is spent in the hockey rink. The one exception was the second biggest surprise of his career, being drafted with the last pick of the expansion draft by the Nevada Battleborn in the SMJHL. It was an awesome day and one that James is forever eternally grateful to Nevada for. They trusted in him, and he repaid that trust well enough to go with the second pick of the third round in his second season of draft eligibility.
180 words

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Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

Jst Maro got a son during his first SHL season. Of course that was expected but it still hit him by surprise. After that happy event his season just went down the drain and it is a bit of a miracle that Winnipeg still have Jst Maro on the rooster. First two days after birth Jst Maro was completely unable to play hockey since percentage of alcohol in his blood was just too high. After Maro sober up another problem accrued - lack of sleep. That problem was specially seen at his home games since night before match Maro hardly had any sleep because loud baby cries multiple times per night. Because of that Maro was low on energy and completely confused on ice making mistakes that really should not happened.
Hopefully all this problems will go away in season or two when baby will sleep thru whole nights and there will be silence at night. Maro just wonders what other surprises growing baby will present in future.

The most unexpected thing for Alexis Saint-Michelle was returning to the Vancouver whalers at the draft. After his DFA campaign, he thought that he had put in a good enough performance to be drafted higher than 9th overall. Many in the drafting world had him going as high as 3rd with some even thinking that he would be the first overall pick over Balcers.

There he was sitting at home in Trois-Rivieries, waiting for the selections to comes and then the commissioner came to the podium and said the words:

With the 9th pick in the S59 SMJHL Entry Draft, the Vancouver Whalers select, Alexis Saint-Michel, Right Winger, Canada.

No one expected it, a lot of people were surprised by it and none more so than ASM himself. However with a smile on his face and hope in his heart for what his true campaign with the whalers would bring, ASM would head back to Vancouver a proud hockey player.
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2021, 07:49 AM by TomHanks.)

Well for me personally, my biggest surprise in the SHL was when I was traded. In hindsight I suppose it’s not a massive shock, I’ve never been able to afford coaching and can’t always afford training either, although I am a consistent earner for things that don’t require money. But I received no warning that there were any plans at all or even discussions in the works to trade me. And then, Jakob Hamr, along with a 3rd round pick, heading to Tampa Bay for the retired corpse of the, at the time, GM of the Barracuda, MCP. After that, the at the time GM of the Spectors, Joe, messaged me to let me know I had been traded. In my experience usually as a GM you should let your player know that you’re talking about trading them well before the post goes up publicly but what are you going to do. Tampa has been nothing but welcoming and helpful to me during my time here and unless they don’t want me anymore, I have no intentions of leaving, so it all worked out. Plus, I got to be a member of the perfect season team which I view as my greatest accomplishments in all sim leagues. Still a big surprise though.

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Going to go full homer and a little self-centric and go with a very unexpected event that I was a part of, the whole SFP rebuild thing. So, as someone who wasn't really privy to management chat or that sort of thing at the time, I can't really give a background story to what happened. But the way I see it, there were two major events that led to things expiring the way they did. Management did not expect their future star Kane to leave and the reaction to the Kryyst trade. I think those were really the last two nails in the coffin for that management group. I think it came to a shock to almost everyone, the team included, as HO and the team scrambled to try and salvage the team and make sure the ship was righted. And I ended up being the person HO went with! I must say, I think it was mostly down to be already being on the team as well as my previous apps to GM and expansion GM jobs. I definitely didn't have the resume that a lot of other people had. I was just at the right place at the right time. So far, things are going alright but its really too early to tell. A new direction might have been just what the team needed but its way too early to tell if the path I chose was the right one for the team.

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As my knowledge of this league is not very good I have decided to instead write about an unexpected event in my own life I hope you're happy with that. Now I have left a very eventful life one that I am sure you little humans can barely understand. I am the king of bears and so as I am sure you can imagine being able to defend that title is a big part of it. Now every so often I am challenged for my title by various types of the bears and must then fight to the death to hold my crown.   I have fought black bear, grizzly bears, spectacled bears and of course many polar bear and have defeated them all.  However I once challenged by a kuala bear.  To this day I don't know why He challenged me, I assumed he had a trick up his sleeve, The poor guy never stood a chance I took his head off with one swipe of my paw, it was the strangest challenge I ever had in my life.

WC 179

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I'mma do B just cause I think it fits a little bit better. I created after the draft and as such was just a goalie floating in the pool of FA. I knew that some people had been saying goalie creates were a bad idea because of the log jam and realistically they weren't wrong. So much to my surprise, I got a DM from Flex and shortly after from Evok as well asking me if I wanted to play for QCC as the back up. Of course I jumped on the chance, I wasn't sure what my career was gonna be like or how it worked. But most of my experience came from the ISFL. Things are run a bit differently here. So as an undrafted (Technically) I set out to Quebec to join them and ended up finding my favorite locker room in all of sim sports. It was so much fun memeing with everyone and enjoying the up and downs of the season before. Then we won the fricking cup! Like, I'm still on it and will be until I die. It was just an exciting moment to see the locker room explode with joy and the following "champion" talk the week after. My career has been exciting so far and I hope it continues in the major leagues with Eddymonton winning the cup with me as well.

(This post was last modified: 05-21-2021, 09:34 AM by soulja.)

(b) Describe an unexpected event that has happened in your player's life - anything, on ice or off, that surprised your player - and how they handled it.

"Mr. Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jr., it is with great sadness that we inform you that your dad, the Great Legend, Zlatan senior has just been involved in a car crash in Malmo, Sweden. It is a serious injury and we need you to come here immediately as he is in a coma" This is what junior heard as he picked up his phone before heading into game 1 of his match up against the Blizzard. Junior told the rest of the team that he will probably miss all of playoffs and they will need to call someone from the juniors to help them out meanwhile. This is a devastating blow to the Steelhawks as they will be missing a top defender for their team. But the situation is so grave, that jr needs to leave. As Ibra jr, takes the flight and heads to Malmo, he is visited by a group of body guards who guide him to the hospital. As he goes there, he witnesses his dad in critical situation in the ICU. As the doctors come out and say, sorry mr Ibra junior, we did everything we could but it is up to god now. Junior sheds tears as he hears the sad news but kept calm and handled the situation very well. He kept telling his mom everything will be alright. Moments later, he seems to hear a noise in the ICU. Everyone rushes in and to their shock, Zlatan senior wakes up like nothing happened. He lets out a laugh saying "The reaper tried to get me but I told him that if he gets anywhere close to him, its over" Everyone laughs and junior utters "Dad, even death is afraid of you. I guess i can head back to Hamilton to help my team out in the playoffs. Junior only missed the first game which ended in the defeat of steelhawks. But they won the next 4 games to advance to second round.

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During the S56 draft, I was scouted by several teams who were interested in my player's services. I had made a decent amount of money with some media, stayed on top of my TPE generation for the most part (I did miss the weekly activity for a month, newbie move), and was fairly active in the Whalers' locker room.  Calgary, New England, and especially Atlanta interviewed me before the draft. The Atlanta general manager talked to me several times and told me "If you are available at pick 22, we are taking you." Well, pick 22 rolled around and they didn't take me. 

I expected maybe Calgary or New England to take me after, but out of the blue the Baltimore Platoon drafted me! Nikiforov, one of my Whalers' teammates talked me up to management and they bought whatever he was selling.  I am very happy with their choice as we are moving on up and will be a force to reckon!

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It is difficult for me to choose one specific unexpected situation for me as every day is a new and wonderful adventure since I have arrived on earth. However, one of the biggest surprises of my first few seasons here in the SMJHL, has been my connection with one human in particular. This human, known for his great wisdom, exceptional teeth, and impressive stick checking, is none other than Zayne Rotzuba ( @inverted ). What started as an awkward set of biological interactions has now grown into a symbiotic relationship of both learning and teaching between both of us. This has led to an excellent synergy on the ice as well, and with one more season remaining where both of these players will be anchoring the blueline of the Vancouver Whalers together, it is exciting to think of what might lay ahead.

In the future I hope to be able to also involve Rotzuba in many experiments that will advance my understanding of humanity. I am sure he will agree.

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Signature courtesy of sulovilen.  May his name be exalted in Sardangian lore.

This may be regency bias, but I think an unexpected surprise to the league (not the Maine LR) was the sweeping of Maine Timber over Anaheim Outlaws. Maine had played well against Anaheim throughout the season, but this was still a surprise to those who only look at standings. Anaheim finished the season with 9 more points and a better goal differential of 44. Maine winning the series may not be a surprise, but the sweep definitely was. More so it wasn't just a sweep, it was an all out butt kicking. The aggregate score was 16-4. And this wasn't just some sim luck, roll of the dice either. Maine had 10 more shots throughout the series and out hit Anaheim 106 to 63. The next round will be very tough for Maine, but it's been sweet to finally get the first playoff series win in my career there. Who knows, maybe this is the start of some more surprises!

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It was a massive surprise to Daedalus when he found out his first season with the San Francisco Pride that his Great Grandfather played hockey in Austria as a young adult. After learning this and confirming his Austrian heritage he was approached by the Austrian national team to join them in the senior championships. Seeing an opportunity for more playing time and to represent his family heritage even as far back as it was, he decided to accept and join team Austria on their quest to IIHF success.

Sadly the season of San Francisco ended recently so he took the chance to travel there and begin meeting teammates and training with the staff. While at the training facilities he met members of his family he never knew existed and started learning the language a little bit through friends and outings. All in all a good surprise and he is looking forward to hitting the ice for his country.

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