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s60 PT #5: SHL Family Values

It's nice to get home for a family reunion right before postseason starts. Getting your head cleared after a long regular seasons with a lot of weird stuff happening is nice.

The good thing about my family is, that almost none of them know that I'm a hockey player in the big SHL, so they aren't really up to date with the stuff that was going on over the past few weeks. The only thing that they followed a bit was when my death was in the news for a little while. My parents had to do a lot of explanation to do, as my uncles and aunts were just calling them and asked what that means and if I'm really dead. Welp, they did a good job and here we are, just enjoying a nice family reunion with a nice traditional Austrian BBQ. Delicious Steckerlfisch is served alongside steaks and sausages. Beer is prepared and we have enough to talk about, as we don't see each other very often. Nice time off the ice, clearing the head for the playoffs. Let's go firebirds.

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My family reunion goes pretty well often, but my relatives usually always have a say about what I should be doing with my life

You see, its no secret that I aint exactly a spring chicken. being this age and playing professional hockey is a dream come true, and an absolutely legendary moment. But it obviously comes with some concerns for your health, especially when you play a physical style of the game against guys multiple decades younger than you

Some of my family think that what I'm doing is crazy. I could get really hurt and they think im being stupid for the paycheck. I understand their concern but I dont care about that, I just wanna play

The other part of my family think im badass, and keeping that old style of rough SHL hockey alive! I tend to agree with them, kids these days are too damn soft!

I like to watch them argue at the reunion while i sit back and enjoy a cold brew

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ISFL PT Username: PMoney

Makrus received a letter in the mail from his mother. This wasn’t unusual ever since he revealed to her, he was still alive. They shared letters back and forth and she was understanding about his new identity. This letter was different. This letter was an invitation to a family reunion. Not as Marcus but as a family guest Makrus. The letter even came with a new disguise. A top hat and monocle with a large mustache. Makrus traveled to Germany for the reunion. Makrus had a little trouble checking his wolf in as a dog, but Makrus learned money makes a lot of questions go away. Zephyr was well behaved on the flight due to the calming pills the vet gave him. Once at the reunion his mother introduced him to family as a family friend that plays hockey in Canada. For some reason people kept making comments about passing go but Makrus didn’t understand. Makrus is an only child, but he had many cousins he loved to see after so many years. It was his cousin Noah that first called him dense as a potato. From there the nickname Tater just stuck. The reunion was so much fun the family decided to make it an annual event.

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My immediate family has always been supportive of me, always helping me reach my goals and achieve my dreams. After not seeing them for nearly a year thanks to pandemic restrictions I was looking forward to this reunion. In no way was I prepared for some of the berating I was going to get, the looks of disappointment from the people I love the most, and most surprisingly the general lack of interest that I am in the SHL.

First time in awhile I get to talk to my cousins and when I tell them I am playing for the Edmonton Blizzard of the SHL I got the most confused look like "What the F--- is that?" Just because they are all doctors they think they are better than me, well I made sure they knew I had nearly $50 million in the bank. Needless to say it'll be another long while before we talk again. My grandparents didn't say much but I could tell they didn't have high hopes of a Challenge Cup celebration anytime soon. The worst came from my parents. They didn't care that I put up 1 more point than last season. My role is to score goals and they weren't shy letting me know I dropped the ball this season and not only let my team down but I let them down as well.

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Canada Blizzard Stars Citadelles Citadelles Stars Blizzard Canada 
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The Richard family is a rowdy lot that cause mayhem and havoc wherever they travel. Getting them together all in one place is against the law in fifty two countries and is a federal offense punishable by fifty lashes with a wet noodle, so getting the family together is always a hard process. There is careful planning. Fake identities are created so as to evade the overly cautious arm of the law. This proves especially difficult for the famous Luffy Richard who is so recognizable he can barely leave the ice without a fan asking him how long he has played on the North Stars. So the hundreds of Richards all gather in a public place but sit at different tables and talk to each other using Morse code which is hard because Luffy never learned it fluently so he just shouts “what?” To which his family thinks to themselves “this is what happens when you spend your life stopping pucks with your face” sure this is a strange way to visit family, but this is how it has to be after the ruckus the Richards caused during the “great family reunion of 09” overall the food was terrible and Luffy was confused the entire time.

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O’Duck family reunions are always a wild time. We typically take one every year right as fall ends and they last pretty much all winter. I believe you refer to this as “migrating” whereas we refer to it as a party. Some of the older family members get tired and settle down in the southern states, but us youngsters typically travel down to Mexico. Unfortunately for me, I won’t be able to join the flight down until after the playoffs are over, but there is typically a big get together where things get planned that no one ends up following. I was at least able to attend that. Not much happens there besides the occasional park raid to carbo-load on some bread crumbs from the locals. However, there is one even that’s always done: pin-the-knife-on-the-gooses-neck. It’s pretty self-explanatory. It’s like your version of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. I think all those hyphens kept me under 150 words, so I’ll leave you with this…I can nor cannot confirm nor deny if geese are harmed during this event. The fleeing of the country after this event is pure coincidence and does not implicate me or my family members.

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The family reunion this year was hosted as a traditional Swedish cray fish party. While it might not be exactly the right season for it, I'm not complaining. I really love cray fish and schnaps. Some of the mishaps that have affected me this year were mentioned, but mostly as a side thing where they wanted to make sure I've sorted it all out. Which was nice. I'd rather leave all that behind.

My family is always happy to see me, as it's so rare for them to meet me in person since I moved to the USA. The rest of my family stayed in Sweden and maybe only come visit 2-3 games a year since it's such a long trip.

We had a great time filled with cray fish shells all over the table, schnaps glasses that seemed to magically refill everything they were emptied, and a lot of fun and silly songs longs into the night.

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Past Players

(In an OOC mention, this is kinda nice cause I just had my family reunion 2 weeks ago and saw some family I haven't in nearly 15 years!)

Stan Din'Desque usually keeps quiet from his family. Not because he doesn't love them or anything, but they all have pretty busy blue collar jobs and a lot of them just wanna get by in life and live their lives. That's not a knock against them by any means, Stan was just able to pursue his dream, with the help of his parents, younger sister (who will be joining the league in a few seasons) and extended family all pitching to get him to games and practices, and his hard work to make sure it paid off. The bright side is that thanks to the technology boom, keeping in touch with family outside of a reunion is very easy. The majority of us keep in touch through things like group text messaging and Snapchat, allowing the family to stay close, even when they may not be physically near each other. Stan loves his family, and they love him, and the support is there. Hopefully they can all get together again soon and enjoy the company of one another once more once Covid dies down for good!

After the whole debacle of money being lost to some far away place and the Chinese mail order bride named Yi Lin arriving, (Things Ruslan found out during conversation with her.) Zapo was left with one hell of a challenge. How was his family going to react to him bringing her to home to Zaporizhzhia with him? How would mama react? Or his father and uncles all of them conservative Cossacks?

In a season that his been nothing but upside down for many of the SHL's players, Ruslan included, luck finally turned in his favor. Though the two did there best to hide anything more than her being someone he was seeing, things eventually came to a head when mama pressed about what kind of work she had been doing and, to avoid confusion, the jig was up. Both Ruslan and Yi Lin explained the matter from both sides and, while mama Zaporozhets was upset, the rest of the family praised him for giving her both a new, free life as well as the choice to be with who she wants. "Cossacks value family and freedom above all else Ruslan." For her part, Babushka finds Yi Lin both beautiful and strong willed, "Someone you should think about Маленький козак " a statement that had the couple blushing.

With the regular season at an end and now the family reunion over, Ruslan and Yi Lin must fly back. For the Battle of Ontario might just be THE series of the playoffs.

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When Kappa Kappa started playing professional hockey in the USA and Canada region, his family did not want to go along with him and move there so they stayed back in their hometown in Norway. Because Kappa has no time to go back and visit during the season, he spends most of his time during the off season back in Norway. The first he gets back into the country is always a big reunion day for the family. There really is not anything special about their reunion, Kappa is definitely happy to see his family after several months and vice versa. They hold a nice dinner on the first night and then they would usually hold a house party with Kappa's friends and his family's close friends. But after that, Kappa is now super relieved of all the social aspect and sit back and relax. He will enjoy a nice movie marathon with his brothers occasionally or sometimes go hiking and camping with his parents. All in all, a nice sweet reunion with nothing too special going on.

PBE Affilate

(username on PBE is twix)

[S78] #14 C | Jon Garfield
[SMJHL] Regina Elk

[S58] #72 LD | Shion Okamoto
[SMJHL] Newfoundland Berserkers | Former Captain | S60, S62 Four Star Cup
[SHL]   Chicago Syndicate | S64 Challenge Cup
[IIHF]  Team Japan | S60 Gold

Unfortunately, the Stampede make little time prior to the playoffs, so Emilia made her way to Sweden for just a handful of hours to attend a gigantic reunion/celebration! Little did she know, while she's off playing fancy defensewoman in the SHL, she's hardly the most notable person in her family - indeed, a few of her first cousins and uncles have struck it rich through various methods and managed to stay close to home. Her cousins on her mother's side were up-and-coming national stars for the Swedish football (soccer) and rugby teams, each significant sports in Sweden on their own. An uncle who'd supposedly fallen prey to a Nigerian prince scam suddenly was actually rich after actual African royalty reached out to him via a sketchy looking email and sought to improve diplomatic relations between European and African families (multiples of whom made their way up to Sweden to join the reunion!).

In short, Emilia enjoyed the time out of the limelight (even if she mostly goes unrecognized in Buffalo).

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Thanks @Amidships!

The Harrington family reunion is always a blast in the small town of Hawkins Indiana. Of course Steve's many children get to have fun and hang out with their adoptive extended family. Steve gets a chance to head back to his hometown where many classified adventures took place and see old friends like Nancy and Jonathan. They are very surprised to see he has picked up hockey so quickly considering he only played baseball before graduating high school. They are even more surprised to see he has become one of the best players in the SHL. But of course none of his draft class friends expected that either, least of all Jack Kanoff. His long time friend and current ISFL linebacker Joseph Joestar was there to surprise him as well. The only thing that Harrington worries about is that another random monster attack will occur at the reunion and he will have to chaperone his kids through another life changing event while he is supposed to be relaxing.

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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate

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