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S60 Championship Week

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

The SMJHL should take the best 10 teams. Teams 1 through 8 get an automatic entrance into the SMJHL playoffs. Then you take teams currently seeded 9-12 and have them play in best of one games with seed 9 vs 12 and 10 vs 11. I don't think every team should make the playoffs because sports isn't meant for just participation it is the best of the best. Plus you get to add the hype and intrigue of a mini play in to get in. It would be great to see a 12 seed make it and take a run all the way to the cup. Fun and competition would make the SMJHL playoff even better. (116)

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

As a person who has had players in both Simon T and FHM I can see the benefits and the detriments of both. I believe that all my players would have and did perform better in Simon T. In fact, over the course of 4 players I won 6 titles. The reason why I would benefit and why I preferred Simon is that the randomness that was created along with the fact that you could be a mid-tier earner and still perform well and win awards because you had the right sauce for your player. With FHM, the sim definitely favors those who put in the work and i think that is imperative in getting people to spend time trying to become those max earners. The only true negative to this is that you are creating a parity in the player base simply because each player at a given position shares very similar characteristics with each other from a build aspect. So while I would do better in the Simon T landscape, FHM is overall better for the sustainability of the SHL. (182)

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

A. I think these are the two most deserving, albeit predictable teams to make it to this season's Challenge Cup. The Buffalo Stampede finished with over 50 wins on their way to being crowned best team in the entire league. The Hitman of Chicago finished as the number one team over the course of the season in their conference. You take both of those teams and their success and it creates a recipe for the right finals. (76)

B. I think what Buffalo has done to continue to create a winning culture without sacrificing the respect that they have around the league is huge. For Buffalo to do what they have done and see repeated success for well over 20 seasons, is something to truly marvel at. The Hitmen getting here after a long time is really not even in the same realm when you consider some of the shady tactics they used to reach the promise land. (79)

C. Both teams have great logos and fantastic color schemes for what they are both looking to accomplish. So while I cannot critique from an aesthetic point of view, I will say that the way the Hitmen went about the Juke situation and how they swept it under the rug to try and remain as this great group of people in public is shady and not something I respect. (68)

D. I have only been back for a handful of seasons so I do not know a lot about the history of either team. However I would say that Monkey D. Luffy has to be one of the best players to ever play the game of hockey. He is constantly near the top of the leaderboards and seems to stay at a great pace even as he gets up there in age as shown by his 58 points this season. (78)

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification Word: Based

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Link to Milestone (Claim 3)

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

I am definitely going to take my good friend and former teammate Luke to do all the things he likes. First we will grab a nice steak dinner to set the mood and the expectation that tonight will be a good time with friends. Then we will head on over to the PPG arena in beautiful Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to take in a throttling of the Philadelphia Flyers at the hands of Sidney Crosby and YOUR PITTSBURGH PENGUINS. After look watches his Flyers and cries at the 14-1 loss at the hand of the better squad. We shall relax and watch the disappointment that has been his players career. What a fun night. (112)

3+2+4+3+3 + 2 = 17 (claim 16)

[Image: aOowRDF.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2021, 03:26 PM by Fitted2106.)


[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

Task 15 – 3 TPE, 3 TPE Total.
Trivia verification: JoeK

Task 17 – 2 TPE, 5 TPE Total
Milestones – Claim 2. Milestones

Task 12 – 4 TPE, 9 Total

a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
These teams definitely deserve to be here. It’s not a matter of puck luck or “bullshittery” either. They just have both figured out ways to keep a fantastic core intact despite the changes in cap restraints and whatever else came there way. And since all you need in FHM to be good is to have a lot of TPE, here we are. (62)

b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
Continued success is always more impressive than anything else. But to be clear, Buffalo’s success didn’t begin to happen until S46, when they won the cup for the first time, and was also Chicago’s first season of existence. The main part of the Buffalo run has been during Chicago’s 15 years, and they’ve outclassed them significantly during it. (58)

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
I think the easy bet would’ve been to nitpick about Buffalo’s site attitude not too long ago, but I think its fair to say they’ve reigned it in and are pretty good peeps. So if I have to pick something else, I can always pick Chicago’s logo. It’s just “okay”. I don’t know, the Syndicate never did much for me, and it was used in other places. I feel like Chicago could have something cooler. (75)

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

The best player to play for the Buffalo Stampede was Joe Kurczewski. While he wasn’t there long, Joe K was a first ballot hall of famer, and he won 5 cups over his career. Not to mention he won an MVP, and other trophies as well. Plus, he’s the league’s all time leading playoff scorer, and he did that without having the benefit of the inflated scoring in FHM for most of his career. Easily the best player to don the Stampede sweater. (83)

Task 1 – 3 TPE, 12 Total

Xavier Doom had the usual ups and downs during the season, but we’re going to focus on the bright spots. Fresh off a Rookie of the Year win, Doom played very well yet again despite New Orleans being even less talented this season. The team is starting to gel together, and while we’ll still lose 10-0 on occasion, we can still put it together and beat Hamilton too. We hit our Casino over for the second straight year, which is a sign that we’re overcoming the league’s expectations. As Doom (and the team) grows, there’s just a bright future ahead that’s going to continue to get better and more fun, regardless of outside distractions. Doom really enjoys hanging out with his teammates during the season, and even though we lose more than we win for now, we keep it positive and flowing in the right directions. Our “promising prospect pool” is now flooding the SHL more each season, and its only a matter of time before we’re in the playoffs again. (171)

Task 5 – 2 TPE, 14 Total

Having 12 SMJHL teams is pretty cool, as it really makes the J pop. I understand the reasoning behind letting all of the teams into the playoffs. Believe me, I’m one of the ones that pushed for it so long ago. The reasoning then was that the offseason was so long (seriously) that people who didn’t make the playoffs would get bored from being off so long and as a result go inactive. The “everyone makes the J playoffs” move was to initially curb that. Now that our offseasons are really fast in comparison, there is no need to keep going with allowing everyone in the playoffs. It makes the regular season meaningless. The best times are the last few sims during a “make the playoffs” battle. It’s something that we’ve lost in the J. The J is in a MUCH better spot now that player retention isn’t an issue as it used to be. (155)

Task 13 – 2 TPE, 16 Total

The Buffalo Stampede came down from a 3-1 series deficit to win the Challenge Cup in a surprising fashion over Chicago. Both teams are really stacked, but this series, and playoffs, came down to one person putting the team on their back and carrying them to the Cup. Lizzie Doyle was yet again amazing in the playoffs, leading the goalies in just about every category. She had the most shutouts (3) and she lead the finals in GAA and Save %, performing tremendously in Game 6’s overtime win as well. In a series full of superstars, her outperforming Mat Smith on all levels is why Buffalo has the cup. (109)

[Image: JKortesi81.gif]

Update Page
Player Page

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I feel that this IIHF tournament will see Canada’s return to greatness.  Team Canada had been very successful in the past few seasons, we seemed to always be a threat to take home the gold at the end, and have done so several times. Last season IIHF tournament was different though.  We struggled from the first puck drop and at the end of the round robin portion of the tournament, found ourselves out of the elimination round.  This was a first for me and my player, since joining the league and Team Canada, we had advanced each tournament into the knock out stages, but we couldn’t get it done last go round.  I feel a big tournament coming up for us Canadians, we’ve got some new blood joining us this time around and we are all looking to get back into the 2nd round and hopefully back into the medal rounds.  Should be a fun tournament and I hope Lyle will get another medal to add to his collection. 

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

My player, Lyle Odelein III, came into the league in S48, when Simon T was still breaking people’s hearts on a regular basis.  SHL and Simon T were my first introduction into sim leagues and sim engines for that matter.  I definitely felt the wraith of Simon T during my time in St. Louis and I think in my first season or two with the Specters.  So, like most of us, I was very excited to hear we were going to be moving to a new engine.  I still am happy that we did, I really enjoy the live sim aspect of it, but if we had always been on FHM, I feel that I would have a few more cups to Lyle’s name.  I played on a very solid St. Louis team and we were unable to win a Four Star while I was there, thanks to Simon T.  And when I joined the Specters, we were stacked, and since FHM likes stacked teams a lot, I feel we would have won a few more cups in my early Specter seasons.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?

I’m a firm believer that any team that makes the finals deserves to be there.  I mean, I cheer for the Montreal Canadiens and most people said they had no business being in the Stanley Cup finals, but they beat three teams to be there, just like these two teams did.  You gotta win when it matters and both Buffalo and Chicago did just that.

b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?

It pains me to write this, but I have to give credit where credit is due.  Buffalo has been a force in this league since I joined in S47.  They just keep winning.  Even though I might not like it, and they are jerks for beating NOLA in the finals a few times, they continually find a way to dress one of the top teams in the league. 

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.

This is going to be easy.  See above answer.  Buffalo is and has been just too good for too long.  Maybe this isn’t necessarily nitpicking, so, just in case, I also don’t like the city of Buffalo all that much.  Granted, I haven’t spent much time there, but the time I have spent there wasn’t the greatest.

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

I’m going to go with Corey Kennedy for this one.  Kennedy is a player that I was chasing my whole career.  With Lyle coming in a season behind Kennedy, he always gave me something to strive for.  Seeing him back in the finals this season shows me that Lyle isn’t done yet either.  I hope to be back there soon as well!

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word - Friday

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

3 TPE for milestones

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 

(This post was last modified: 08-14-2021, 01:25 PM by Gifter of Bikes.)

1: 3tpe

Not everything was sunshine and roses for Finnish defenseman Eero Makela in Season 60. While he was leaned upon heavily with the Nevada Battleborn, Nevada quickly fell to the bottom of the junior standings and Makela was unable to break up the losing ways. When he was dealt to the Carolina Kraken partway through the season, Makela seemed to find his stride, ending the season with 22 total points and a 78 defensive game rating. While it was far from the point total Makela had set out for, he certainly reinvented himself from his rookie season, where he was known as a bruising crease-clearing defenseman.

"I think the move to Carolina was a good one for me," Makela said. "They were pushing to make a serious Cup run, and knowing that I was part of their plans for that was a real confidence boost. I'm just disappointed that we weren't able to pull it off."

2: 3tpe

First, and most important, I need to make myself perfectly clear: there are only 151 Pokémon. That said, there are certainly different methodologies that go into creating a formidable squadron of monsters in your pocket. Side note, Monsters in my Pocket was a different thing, and I liked it very much. Anyway, the real question is: do you want to specialize in a type, or be a jack of all trades, master of none kind of trainer? To me, the solution is to have a theme, and my favorite theme is definitely Psychic. If 4 of 6 Pokeymanns are Psychic-type monsters, then the other two should be ones that are strong, but specifically designed to counteract against any Pokeymanns that are strong against Psychic-types. Give me an Alakazam and watch me make magic, pun 100% intended. So if you see me wandering in the tall grass between St. Louis and Colorado, just know that I'm hunting for Abras, and you best leave me alone.

3: 3tpe

I have no idea who is on Buffalo or Chicago. Give me a second to look at the rosters and look for names I actually recognize. Oh, wow, that was easy. Literally the first name in the list is my selection. Clearly the choice is Chimkin Wing, good ol' @Ragnar. And yes, Championship Week Directors, now that I'm Ragnar, I am 100% ogling myself in the mirror. What with my ripped biceps, and my ripped 12 pack, you know that the next step is going to be to rip some bodices. I mean, look at me? I've got a 17 strength, MFers. Not to mention my silky smooth hands - check out the 17 puck handling for proof - and my 16 balance. I'm able to do things with my body that even make your granny's panties moist. My biggest weakness is probably my shooting accuracy - sorry in advance for the bloodshot eyes.

4: 3tpe [but let's be honest, the below is worth WAY more than 3]

"Championship Week is dope!"
Said some dude with a retainer.
You kidding me, pal? Even the Pope would say "Nope."
But that's not all, so here's your disclaimer.
The fire in the heart is tired at the start
Trying too hard to push out diamonds with your farts
Don't come at me with your tee pee eez
Waste of time like MTV
Reality show bullshit getting me down
Everyone's an asshole and a two-faced clown
But I push so hard to rep the Dragons
Calgary coming to circle the wagons
Year after year without stop or fear
Because how many teams go in constant top gear?
With a site-wide emoji that pre-dates your daddy's sploosh stain
Grade school kids think they're bringing some new pain
I wasn't born into this, I shaped this shit raw
Season 5 represent, we layin' down the law
So when the Dragons hoist the Cup season after season
Don't ever forget that I told y'all the reason

5: 2tpe

Two new junior teams, eh? The idea of every team making the playoffs is absolutely absurd. Why even bother with a regular season? It doesn't matter if you have 4 teams or 40 teams: the whole point of the regular season is to eliminate the contenders from the pretenders. Best of seven every round, to try to eliminate as much luck as possible from the ultimate victor. It's one of those situations where your first thought is your logical thought, and your best thought. This is a slam dunk - don't overthink the obvious. What else is there to even say? Make the regular season mean something.

Milestones: 3tpe
(This post was last modified: 08-14-2021, 05:02 PM by Festinator.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)

So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

Definitely a bit of a rough season for Jonas off the ice with the obscene amount of random bad luck he had, but on the ice it was certainly his best season yet. Jonas set a new personal high for himself in goals scored, assists, shots on goal, time on ice and +/-. It all came with the larger top 6 role that he had with LAP this season, finding himself even on the top defensive pairing for bits of the season, which was certainly exciting, and even in the lead for points amongst defencemen just under halfway through the season. Hoping for even bigger roles next season, although LAP is expected to maybe start taking a few steps back which means the amount of production from Jonas may not increase, and there are still a few defencemen ahead of him on the depth chart. But hopefully he can keep up his offensive production and increase his effectiveness defensively as well over the off-season to make himself more effective by the start of next season.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

Personally I think that it would be much more exciting to just take the best 8 teams and have them duke it out in the playoffs. i say this because playoffs are supposed to be a best of the best tournament, so letting everyone into the playoffs kind of takes away the special aura surrounding the playoffs, as the regular season is then basically just made for seeding everyone for the playoffs. With only the top 8 involved, it's up to teams to push harder for SMJHL glory. But, we have to rememeber that thjis is the smjhl and it serves other purposes for the league as a whole apart from just winning trophies. But winning is certainly fun.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Well, congratulations to a team from the great lakes yet again. Chicago thought they were lucky to escape the infamous great lakes division, but what they didnt realize was that they were now losing out on the also infamous great lakes magic that causes them teams from the great lakes to have a 80% chance of winning the league before the season has even started. My series MVP will be Ryuuji Minamino because he is just my overall MVP and hero. Plants himself in front of the net and just scores goals. What a legend. Jukka Timonen is pretty cool too, to be honest.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?

I will say that Chicago deserved to be there but you know what, I am gonna say that Buffalo did not, and this is purely because they lost me tpe by beating hamilton who i am pretty sure i had winning it all (but on 2nd thought I may have actually chosen buffalo to win, in which case they very much deserved to be in the finals). But these were two of the best teams in the league regardless so it is not a big surprise to see either of them here.

b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?

I would have to say that it is the continued dominance of The Buffalo Stampede over the past 20 seasons that is more impressive. To be so good for so long takes a lot of good management work. Now I am not sure if it is unique because it seems like buffalo, chicago and hamilton have all been so good for so long, at least ever since i entered the league in S55.

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.

Chicago has a very fitting goal horn by using that song of theirs, but I think it is also very boring.  They should find something that pumps people up a bit more (or at least pumps themselves up). But oldschool jazz or whatever isn't exactly what im lookin to hear when a goal is scored.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)


[Image: kahnwald.png]
Sig by @Ragnar

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Pokemon! Everyone loves em, and if you don't, you didn't have a childhood. Or adulthood. Anyways, let's imagine all SHL and SMJHL players are now pokemon. Assemble your team! On top of that, what is your strategy to navigate the POKESHL? Try to get the strongest pokemon and become champion? Catch all of the possible players and complete your pokedex? UwU Breed them? Catch low level juniors players and train them? Or become a gym leader, helping others on their path to greatness? I'd love to hear your approach.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body...

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)
Ugh, poetry is so 17th century, we're ditching that prompt. Earlier in the season I had you flex your songwriting in an SHL style parody, but this time you don't have a song to lean on. You're writing your very own diss track about something SHL related. A player, A team, A GM, anything. You can write a diss track about CW if you want.

Here are the rules: At least 12 lines (and at least 60 words total) but if you wanna do more go for it. I'm not laying out a specific rhyme scheme but there has to be rhyme in it. Be creative! This prompt is not for everyone, if you have a problem with it there are like 15 other prompts I made for ya. NOTE: THIS IS ALL IN JEST; ANYTHING OVERLY MEAN OR MALICIOUS WILL NOT BE GRADED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

8. Graphic, 3 TPE
I'm pretty sure y'all were doing the ring prompt in like 5 minutes on a website... so we'll do something harder. Sorry. Depict the championship parade of either team in the finals. Fans should be wearing the appropriate color clothes and the logo of the winning team should be depicted at least twice in the image.

9. Graphic, 3 TPE
Create a magazine cover that highlights either a player in the finals or a standout player from the regular season.

10. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup Championship banner for one of the teams in the finals, like those which appear on the side of the site.

11. Podcast, 3 or 4 TPE
Record a mini-podcast on any of the below topics!
-How good the PT/mPT prompts were this season
-How good these CW prompts are
-How much of a hunk that SlashACM guy is
-Oh yeah... we should talk about S60 stuff too I guess.. reg season and/or playoffs.

1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 5 minutes or 4 TPE for 7 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 6 Minutes or 4 TPE for 8 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

14. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and you also like doing graphics instead of writing. That's cool, too! Create a Series Recap broadcast graphic - the contents can be whatever you want, but your graphic must list both teams and at least 3 stats for each.


15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)



(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 08:12 PM by CheerfulBender20.)

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Pokemon! Everyone loves em, and if you don't, you didn't have a childhood. Or adulthood. Anyways, let's imagine all SHL and SMJHL players are now pokemon. Assemble your team! On top of that, what is your strategy to navigate the POKESHL? Try to get the strongest pokemon and become champion? Catch all of the possible players and complete your pokedex? UwU Breed them? Catch low level juniors players and train them? Or become a gym leader, helping others on their path to greatness? I'd love to hear your approach.

Pokemon - a Nintendo classic.  Enthusiasts might try to concoct a strategy based upon each generation’s metas.  For example, composing a team with speedy, generation one Pokemon that will constantly score critical hits -  I’m assuming that a critical hit is roughly equivalent to a goal or big check?  Don’t know, don’t care.  This line of thinking is folly, anyway.  

The correct strategy is outlined in another Nintendo hit - the 1988 classic Ice Hockey.  Famously, in Ice Hockey, you are allowed to construct a roster with any combination of the three types of people:  painfully skinny, normie, and chonky.  While all player types have their merits, the correct strategy is to compose a team entirely of units.  As Sam Richardson would say, “Look at that crop!  What a crop!”

A logical extension of this strategy for a Pokemon hockey league would be a team comprised solely of Snorlaxs.  My squad of gentle giants would terrorize the opposition, scoring on slapshot after slapshot while putting the opposition over the boards.

+3 TPE

Goals -> 23 or more
Assists -> 27 or more
Points -> 56 or more
+/- -> +17 or higher
Penalty Minutes -> 18 or fewer
Shots on goal -> 166 or more
Hits -> 40 or more (105 hits during regular season)
Takeaways -> 11 or more (23 takeaways during regular season)
Shots Blocked -> 50 or more (111 blocks during regular season)
Fights Won -> 1 or more
Powerplay Points -> 12 or more

3/3 for 3 TPE

As indicated in the milestone code/hyperlink, I met the qualifications for hits, takeaways, and shot blocks for 3 TPE.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

Personally, I am in favor of keeping the current SMJHL playoff format.  Depending on the depth in the SHL at any given time, some really overpowered teams can terrorize the juniors, leading to some pretty outlandish points totals and box scores.  I do not have a problem with this, precisely because the current format gives everyone a chance at playoff glory, even if it is a long-shot.  Moreover, the playoff sims themselves are great to watch, slowed down to the point that you can get a good sense for your player’s contribution to game-flow.  Everyone should be able to enjoy this aspect of the league.  To summarize:  keep the dang playoff format the same!

+ 2 TPE

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

A.  In Short:  Yes…and No.
Is it frustrating to see two perennial contenders compete for yet another Challenge Cup victory?  It sure is.  It is hardly surprising, however.  After all, the Stampede finished the regular season with one-hundred-seven points; the fates haven’t exactly played a twisted joke on us.  They deserve to be on this stage.  Is it also surprising to see both the Stampede AND the Berserkers win in the same season?  YES!  I would imagine the union of those probabilities is probably lower than you would expect - say, between fifteen and twenty percent.  So, in a sense, is it also a matter of luck to see the Stampede hoist the cup?  In my opinion, this is also true. 

C.  Losing the Mandate of Heaven
A concept throughout much of Chinese history was the “Mandate of Heaven,” which justified both the extended rule - and sudden ruin - of various dynasties.  Heaven brings the ruling class into power; heaven rescinds its blessing when the ruling class proves wanting.  

There is no doubt that the Stampede have had something akin to a divine mandate over the last twenty seasons.  Indeed, it seems that they are invincible.  All things come to an end, however.  If I had to nitpick about the Stampede’s run of success, then I would point to the myriad trades and forfeiture of assets that they have made to secure Challenge Cup victories.  Eventually, we all have to pay the piper.  Perhaps the splashy trades they are known for will be their eventual undoing?  Maybe they will lose the “Mandate of Heaven?”

D.  Legendary Game Seven Performance Earns Harrington GOAT Status
Although I already wrote about this for another CW prompt, I cannot stress how ridiculous it is that Steve Harrington notched the first three Buffalo goals in a Challenge Cup game seven.  Indeed, I think scoring the tying goal is almost more impressive than netting the game winner - Harrington basically dragged the Stampede across the finish line.  Sports fans have short memories;  at least I do, anyway.  Given such a spectacular performance, for the brief offseason between season sixty and season sixty-one, Steve Harrington is the best member of the herd to ever lace up the skates.

+ 3 TPE

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

You have to give it to the Buffalo Stampede.  Those plucky underdogs, who only managed to scrape together a meager * checks notes * one-hundred-seven points, actually pulled off the Challenge Cup Victory, defeating the Chicago Syndicate over seven hard-fought games.  What’s that?  You’re asking me who deserves the MVP nod for the series?


This is not even remotely debatable.  Not only did Steve Harrington score a hat trick in a game seven, but he also notched the game-tying third goal to spark the Stampede comeback.  There’s a simple formula for determining MVP:  who had the biggest impact in the most important game?  The hair rose to the occasion on the SHL’s biggest stage.  Arriving at any other answer would be grounds for summary execution by the SHL’s Head Office.

+ 2 TPE

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[Image: 22HFBQB.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

It’s hard to get much worse than identity theft and half the user base claiming they would eat me if they had to choose a player to eat. Especially during a chicken shortage, I was worried I would be “the next best thing”. However, it did get much worse. One day, on my way home from the bank sorting out my identity, I was dodging multiple bite attempts from passer byers and came across a crisp one dollar bill lying on the ground. “Wow!” I exclaimed, “this is my lucky day!” As I bent over to pick up the dollar, I clenched it between my index and duck thumb and felt a smoosh. As this happened, I heard kids across the street yell “POOP DOLLAR! WE GOT O’DUCK TO PICK UP A POOP DOLLAR!” and then they all ran off. I had been gotten by a classic poop dollar prank. Now I had no money and poop all over my feathers. At least no one tried to eat me after that. Well one guy did, but I don’t wanna talk about it any more.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body...

Before I start, I have one very important question: what happens if I die in this person's body? Do I return to my duck body and he returns to dark nothingness? Or would my soul be the one that dies and that person is stuck in my duck body. The reason I ask is, as you well know, ducks are capable of flight and I would absolutely forget I’m in an inferior body and jump off a roof expecting my wings to open and me to fly off, but instead, I would be careening towards the ground and splat. I need to know who dies in this situation. If it’s him, cool, let’s swap. If it’s me, then we should probably keep the interspecies swapping to the side and stick with just human to human. If I somehow remember to not accidentally kill myself, then I would probably eat a bunch of different foods that aren’t worms and crackers.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I have been told that Norway is a team to watch out for this season and after viewing their roster, I can see why. They have sharp shooters in Slava Petrov, Adam Scianna, and and Andreas Kvalheim. They also have some very good defenders in Karlstrasse Scholz, Teddy Murphy, and Eko van Otter. And it's not just these superstars that have to carry the load. They are deep throughout and I could see them making a serious push for a title. Will it be enough to overcome the perennial powers like Canada, USA, and Great Britain? I honestly think it could. With the new formatting, things got crazy last year with both Great Britain and Canada missing out. So if they can get a few lucky puck bounces and play to the best of their ability, they could definitely pull a rabbit out of the hat and shock the world. As far as teams who will struggle, Latvia and Switzerland look dire. They will probably win a game or two, but I give them no chance at advancing beyond the group stage.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

a) Absolutely not. Neither team deserves to be here. The only team worthy of being in the final is the Atlanta Inferno. Sure, how would that work? Only one team? Yes, that’s exactly how. Atlanta is so good that they shouldn’t have to stoop to the level of playing the rest of the scum that calls themselves hockey players.
b) If you’re too lazy to look up how many times Chicago has been to the final in the last 20 seasons, then I’m going to be too lazy to answer this question. Well, actually I will because I need 50 words. Buffalo’s run is more impressive. Consistency is better than a couple flukes. Speaking of consistency, did you know Atlanta has never not made it past the 1st round of the playoffs in their entire history? Now that’s impressive!
c) Buffalo’s logo has great colors (green and yellow, go ducks!), but it needs some three dimensional aspects. It’s too flat. I was invited to a fake Buffalo discord server and that place was toxic, but I’m going to pretend it was the real one, so I’ll say they’re toxic. Chicago Syndicate? I don’t even know what a syndicate is, but it sounds boring. Stop being fancy and just call yourselves the Mobsters or better yet, just the Mob.
d) Frantically pulls up the league index… Aron Hernadivic appears to be Buffalo’s best player. He could be a finalist for MVP as he put 41 pucks into the back of the net while helping his teammates do it 51 times. Chicago’s best player is Martijn Westbroek, the player who I wanted to draft in fantasy, but got sniped. Cost me first place too!

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE (lol i got zero)
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

0 MILESTONES! FUCK YEAH! Give bonus points for having to do more work than everyone else. Thanks!

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]

1. Ups and Downs (3 TPE, 150 words min)
It was an interesting season for Roddy B. During regular season play, his performance was well within acceptable for his role as a 3rd line PK specialist. Putting up decent numbers, and a lot of Penalty Kill time, it was a fairly good year for him. However, the post-season was an absolute disaster. After a tough 6 game series loss to the Quebec City Citadelles, Roderic Banes finished the brief post-season run with 1 point in 6 games and a -1 overall rating. Not exactly inspiring numbers, and when the Kraken needed everyone to step up in their line matchups, Roddy B fell short. Off-season adjustments will be made, and hopefully he can find some redemption in the WJC tourney. Expectations are high, and he holds himself to a higher standard than what he has shown so far. Hopefully this doesn't blunt the trajectory of Roddy's career, and he still has more to offer Carolina and Montreal.

4. A Poem (3 TPE, 60 words min)+
From scorching sandy beach
to frozen lake of ice
comes Roddy B.
His abs are tight as fuck,
his flow looks awful nice,
sweet Roddy B.
The Kraken took him in,
and showed him how to flex his heart,
Oh Roddy B,
Oh Roddy B.
From baby squidlet grown,
Vancouvers own,
that sexy dude who loves to bone:

Roddy B.

5. Playoff Format (2 TPE, 100 words minimum)
I believe the SMJHL should adopt a 10-team format, with the top 4 teams from each conference qualifying for post-season, with 2 wildcard slots based on Win Percentage, Points, and Goal Differential (tie-breakers only) advancing. This would make regular season play more competitive, since fewer teams will qualify, as well as adding an exciting element with the addition of the two wildcard slots. Obviously, my opinions are one hundred percent correct and anyone who disagrees with me on this is inherently wrong and, as the kids like to say, "can catch these motherfucking hands, boi." I will not be taking questions at this time.

15. Trivia (3 TPE) Verification Word: eggroll

16. Secret Prompt (2 TPE)
We got out to a big, fancy restaurant, somewhere they have cloth napkins. We order lobster, too much garlic bread, and big ol' steaks. After dinner, we sit and drink excessive amounts of beer while i gloatingly lay out how the heist went down. At some point you interject that you knew I was coming all along. I pause, and sip my drink. Turns out, you reveal, that I stole fake money. I'm rattled, but it's just for show. I knew you were going to swap the real cash for the fake stuff, so the REAL heist happened two days before, where we swapped out your real money for fake money. then, when you went to swap your 'real' cash for the 'fake cash,' we simply laughed, as we already had your money, but went ahead with the heist to not blow the ruse. I drop the big reveal, you're insulted, we both draw and die in the subsequent exchange of gunfire.

17. Milestones (3 TPE)
18 or fewer PIM: 12
40+ hits: 51
11+ Takeaways: 25
50+ shots blocked: 86

[Image: banes.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2021, 07:18 PM by visceralpotamus.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
 Well, certainly a season of feverish heights and despairing lows for Pasta the Turtle. Chief amongst his challenges this year was being subjected to the traumatizing and horrific branding out of the Vancouver Hockey Club. They continued using their outdated, insensitive, and frankly outwardly violent team name, despite Pasta's best efforts to bring light to these injustices. His Cetacean allies feel incredibly uncomfortable supporting a specist league that condones this type of behaviours. Nevertheless, with the support of wonderful teammates, the Berserkers were able to turn a negative into a positive, both by easily dispatching the Vancouver Hockey Club on the ice, as well as raising a substantial amount of money for charities dedicated to saving whales. Finally, the obvious high of the season was the dominating performance the Newfoundland team had, setting regular-season records, as well as culminating the season with a resounding 4 star cup victory. Pasta is so grateful to his team mates and especially the leadership group for making this happen. (166 words)

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Poof! Pasta the Turtle wakes up in the dainty body of Steve Harrington, of the Buffalo Stampede. He gazes down at his soft mushy body, disgusted at the lack of protection. How do humans live like this? A protective epidermal layer with the structural integrity of wet cardboard. So this is what the human species put forth as their offering of an athlete? Sad. As his gaze lowers from his luscious locks, his flat chest, his unremarkable abdomen, and his thin hips, his eyes are suddenly alerted to a source of incredible beauty. Long and slender legs with minimal hair follicles, leading to agile and dainty toes, Pasta gasped in disbelief. He wriggled his toes and admired their versatility. "Goodness" he wondered aloud, "I surely could easily engage in the bizarre human mating ritual of intertwining toes with potential mates with these industrious appendages."
He stood up and walked around on the clumsy stilts humans called legs, and admired how incredible these particular stilts felt as he practiced walking, skipping, and finally prancing around the bedroom. "By the luck of Munk," he said to himself " I am certain to dominate the opposition with sexy legs such as these."
Then he did. (201 words)

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
My prediction for IIHF is a return to form for Canada, as well as Great Britain. I do not project either of them to win, but rather that they do not embarrass themselves again. Canada has too much talent to be so unlucky, so I suspect things get back on track for them. Great Britain compounded a poor performance by making a questionable hire with @steveoiscool, but I suspect they;; be able to overcome that error to go deep in the tournament.

I feel that it is a fool's game to go against a repeat performance out of Japan, especially with @"Minnesotafine" running the show. Dominant players who have developed an appetite for success, as well as displayed the tenacity and grind required to win the whole thing, I definitely see them repeating. Ryuuji Minamino is a dominant player and fearless leader, and I can only imagine the type of devastation he will leave in his wake.

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
The evening starts with a casual stroll around my favourite pond. We will eventually settle on a half-submerged log that protrudes from the middle of the body of water. We will rest motionless and silently as we absorb heat from the sun in order to allow our blood to be sufficiently heated so as to circulate oxygen efficiently. We will proceed to submerge underwater in search of aquatic plant life that will serve as an appetizer. Typically beer is the drink of choice, but tonight is special so I bust open a box of wine, which we pair with a delightful bit of decaying lettuce I had found on our walk. Finally, the night ends with a firm but friendly embrace, and we part our separate ways (127 words)

15. CW trivia 3 TPE - Penne verification word

17. Milestones,  3 TPE

17 TPE total (in case I mess up a trivia Q

[Image: visceralpotamus.gif]

Zoltan CW S60


1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.) 204 Words 3/3 TPE
The worst thing that happened to Zoltan was getting mugged in the streets of Detroit. Zoltan after getting away with the massive bank heist along with his good buddy Luke and WT went to lay low in Detroit for a little while. Zoltan has quite a current history in that city, ya know, with his entire Simulation Major junior hockey league career playing for the falcons. You may or may not know that Zoltan does not carry a wallet. Like a casual lady, he stuffs his bubble wrap. Unfortunately for Zoltan bubble wrap is see through and its really not the greatest of idea's to lay low in a city where tons of people know you as a four star cup winning champion in the Simulation Major Junior Hockey league. Zoltan went out in broad daylight, bubble wrap packed up tight with his daily spending money (its a lot). He was passing by a local skating rink and next thing you know it he was mobbed! Kids and adults and people wanting his autograph. Zoltan tried to run, but his bubble wrap ripped when he bent over to squeeze through a gate. It was too late, he had to run for it. Poor Zoltan.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.) 167 words 3 TPE
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?
For this seasons IIHF tournament I really think that my Finnish team is really going to be surprising. There is a heavy contingent of players on the team that really make us a force to be reckoned with this time around. We have two players on the team that know how to play under pressure. Both Seppala and Aumy Jr. are coming off of a challenge cup win. Just teasing in the waters are some Season 59 Challenge cup winners in Kubinec, Lemo Pihl, kekkonen and Bjorn Leppanen. With Harry Carpet and White goodman in net we are looking fresh between the bars as well. Both Michael Fitted and myself Zoltan Topalo are no joke either. We are really pushing to be a 1500+ TPE team on offense and a great heavy Defensive core as well. It may have taken a few seasons (or more than a few seasons) for this core to develop but man it is going to be exciting to watch this time around!!

15. CW Trivia - 3 TPE

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.) - 2 TPE
Good ol' @luketd two of the premier SHL employees. After @Weretarantula and I stole Nine hundred nintey nine million nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninteny nine dollars we went for a nice cup of coffee. Not one of those boring Mcdonalds $1 cups but a nice specialty pour over coffee at a specialty shop. I also treated him to a golden sandwich. Where we're from, its a Pork Roll Egg and Cheese on a toasted everything bagel. Salt Pepper Ketchup of course. We go ride bike and walk along the beach together. We end the night over a porterhouse for three and a bottle of red. I pass out on the couch.

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE  - 2 tpe

[Image: topalo2.png] [Image: sig-nash.png]
[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]

5. Written, 2 TPE - I've been removed from the SMJHL for quite some time now so it wasn't until just now when I read this did I learn every team makes it. While the competitor in me says best 8 or 12, I can understand the mentality for everyone making it. The discrepancy between between teams is much smaller in the SMJHL given the build cap so while there certainly are favorites I feel upsets can happen much more which does keep things interesting. More importantly, the goal of the SMJHL in my mind has always been to get people interested in committing to the user base are joining the SHL and what better way to do that then playoffs. No one likes to watch playoffs, give everyone a shot at the cup!

6. Written, 3 TPE - As I'm writing this we are already a good chunk of the way through the round robin portion of the tournament so it's hard to feign surprise, but I am pleasantly surprised with Norway's success through 6 games with a very strong 5-1 record. As I type this I hope they don't fall off a cliff, but for the time being it has been a welcome surprise as one of the teams top defenders. The other team surprisingly me thus far is Finland. A perfect 5-0 through 5 games they have outscored their opponents 25-8, which is just nuts. Player wise I'm pretty sure I picked Vorteides to lead the way in scoring so he's a welcome name to see at the top of the leaderboard. I was shocked to learn he retired, so hopefully he can make the most of his farewell IIHF tour. As far as goalies go you have to admire the play of Kavanagh. He's easily the biggest reason Norway is where they are after 6 games. Hopefully he can stay hot and we can ride him to a medal finish!

7. Written, 3 TPE - Hmmm, interesting one. I believe I hit my prime window right around the time of the switch so from a statistical stand point the switch from STHS to FHM to wonders for my player. Had we have stayed in the STHS engine it's tough to say how my player would have performed, but given the Blizzard's success in the early to mid S50's I imagine he would still have been one of the better blue liners in the game. On the flip side had my player been an FHM player from day 1 I believe I would’ve had a more linear growth. There seems to be a much greater discrepancy from year to year in the STHS engine which does give a greater sense of randomness, but almost to the point of it doesn’t really make sense. At the end of my career I don’t think it would have had a huge impact on my career, but I bet the season to season results would have been much more linear in a full FHM era.

13. Written, 2 TPE - For me this one always comes down to the top forward and goalie from the winning team. I'd love to see a defenseman win, but I have yet to see one truly dominate and bring home a cup. So for me it's Aron Hernadivic or Elizabeth Doyle. Leading the team in goals, points, shots and time on ice among forwards he was the offensive catalyst the Stampede needed him to be. Between the pipes it's hard not to like a 16-4-2 record, 2.02 GAA, 0.926 save%, 3 shutouts and a 76 game rating. Easily the best among the goalies to go beyond round 1. In this battle I'd lean Doyle.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - karl

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE - milestones

[Image: IAP8v68.png]

pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2021, 08:39 PM by DELIRIVM.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)

So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

The most crushing thing to happen to Daniil Nikiforov this season, other than losing in the second round of the playoffs, was breaking his lucky stick. He took the chance of playing with the stick in game one of the second round. The stick had served him well in his juniors days and he scored many goals with that stick in Vancouver. So he thought it would be an amazing item to bring out for the playoffs. But unfortunately he got stick checked by an Atlanta defender and the stick snapped in half. He was devastated. The brightest spot in a season of bright spots for Daniil Nikiforov was the success he saw opening a Russian-Canadian fast food restaurant chain in the Baltimore area. The business specializes in Russian takes on the Canadian traditional dish of Poutine. He came up with the clever name Raspoutine for his chain. Along with traditional Canadian versions of Poutine there is a dried fish and beets version available along with other Russian takes on the dish. 

[172 Words]


6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I'd say that the IIHF is usually a tossup. But teams with a large number of high tpe players usually do quite well. I think both the United States of America, United Kingdom, and Canada will continue to make waves in the tournament. One name to look out for is Vorian Atreides, the newly announced retiree from the Los Angeles Panthers seems to be on a tear and wants to help the United Kingdom win while he's still able to play for the squad. His trigger finger is itching and he's ready to put the puck in the back of the net. I am expecting Latvia to flounder. The team always struggles every IIHF and they don't seem to be making any steps forward. Russia is also a team with a very small talent pool and I am sad to say that they won't likely doing much or even coming close to a birth in the playoff. Neither of these teams have the players to compete with the top teams in the tournament. Maybe if they can get new recruits they can eventually make some noise. But for now they are just pretty terrible. 

[194 Words]


7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

On my first player, goaltender Timo Haas, I came into a very beneficial situation in Los Angeles. The STHS sim engine allowed teams with one or two good lines to really excel in the league. Honestly, if you had a team that was made of one fantastic line, you really didn't need anything else. So seeing as that my goalie played on a team with a fantastic first line, good second line, and really great top pairing, I was able to achieve a lot in my first year. Winning 37 games (in a 50 game season) as a 650 TPE rookie was just absolutely insane. Fast forward to the FHM days. If Haas played back then and we used FHM, well, I doubt he'd have had the success he did. FHM is more punishing for teams that don't build depth. I am very much on board with FHM and what it has to offer. While it's not perfect it's just a lot more fun to see matchups, defensive shadowing, and overall better game planning. The damn sliders and number changes in STHS were just a thing of nightmare and often didn't matter one bit. If people want to say goalie TPE means little now, they must not have been part of the STHS era as a goalie. 

[217 Words]


12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?

Not gifted by anything sim related. Both teams are just stuffed with players and TPE. Maybe it's shrewd dealings, maybe it's collusion and tampering, or maybe it's nothing. But it's funny seeing players go to these teams for less and help build up a dynasty. I think most people are tired of these two teams being good though. 

[58 Words]

b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?

Since I refuse to acknowledge any team in the Great Lakes currently, I will say that Chicago has done a great job cultivating their team. But all it really comes from building a pipeline from Newfoundland of players that don't really care to play anywhere else. As long as you draft people, keep them active in Newfoundland, and get them to sign in Chicago, you're going to do well. But it's still an impressive feat. 

[75 Words]

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.

I absolutely hate the goal horn for the Stampede. Just having a clip from Jumanji play over and over again? No editing? No weird shit? Just a line of Robin Williams yelling, "It's a STAMPEDE!" Boring as fuck. Change it now and find something good to play every time your stacked team scores. Because currently it's just annoying. 

[58 Words]

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

I'd probably make the case that it's Aron Hernadivic. 92 points this last season, along with 80 hits and 52 blocks. Just overall one of, if not the most, dominant players in the entire SHL. Pretty much in his prime right now and completely destroying teams in his way. I'd put my eggs into his basket for the next 3-4 season to be completely honest. 

[65 Words]


15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

[Image: 2Y6XCEF.png]
[Image: Xwhw2zl.gif]
[Image: 2utoLVQ.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)

The things that were happening weekly to Jarmo were pretty much the worst things going on in his life. In terms of the positive, there was a lot of good to take away from this season. First of all, he made his SHL debut! (and on a personal note, this was cool for me as it’s my first of three players to make it, while I was still active at least). There were definitely a lot of down points on the season, as playing for an expansion team is never easy. But Jarmo actually performed pretty well, and beat the goals that I set for him during the preseason. I set out for 25 points, and he had 31. He was put into a pretty good position, getting top six minutes and a bit of powerplay time too. All in all, some downs, but mostly up! It’s onto season 61!

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Pokemon in the SHL eh.. hmm. I guess I’d try and catch em all. That was always my strategy when I played. Mind you, I don’t think I ever got close. But I’d definitely try. I think each team would probably be it’s own gym. You’d start off getting the Winnipeg badge, then maybe a few of the expansion teams, until you have to work your way up to the big bad boss in Texas. I don’t know how players would be sorted into “types”’though. Maybe by their play style. Like a slow, big, stay at home defenceman is weak against a speedy winger. And a sniper’s weakness is a really big athletic goalie. Experience would be replaced by TPE. Maybe I’d just rather say frig it and just be like one of those bug catcher boys, standing in one spot, waiting for a really active, dedicated player to come by and take my TPE.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Oh man, that’s a tough one. First of all, it would have to be a fantasy stud. That’s my dream, to create a player that just kills it in fantasy. Maybe my short lived teammate Boris Porochenko, who had over 400 hits this year and nearly 60 points. Or I could go with his teammate, Martjin Westbroek, whose been a fantasy monster for awhile now. Big point getter. On Buffalo, maybe Hernadivic or Kholin. Now, in terms of what I’d do, I had some serious cash on Baltimore winning this, so I probably wouldn’t do much as I was already FUCKED. Maybe I’d force a Buffalo win, as I did pick them in my predictions and could use the TPE!
Maybe I’d force a Buffalo win, as I did pick them in my predictions and could use the TPE! Maybe I’d just switch spots with the player with the highest bank balance, and send some cash my way. Man am I poor. I don’t know, I’d have some fun. Congrats to both teams

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)

Jarmo, Jarmo, drafted to Montreal
Travelled to the big city
He didn’t know French at all
At first he found the town rather shitty

Soon, his teammates, he got to know
Working hard to better his game
Lots of kindness, they did show
Even learning to spell his name

After some time, Jarmo started to score
His points were piling up,
The team is building up their core,
In a few seasons, they might win a cup!

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

I think, in the SMJHL, and even the SHL, the more teams that make the playoffs, the better. This league is built on activity. It’s a real bummer to miss the playoffs, and have to sit around for a few weeks while other people are enjoying sims. I mean, you could still get swept in the first round, but at least you’d get a few more days. The more people participating in the playoffs, the better it is for activity, and the more likely you’re going to keep your members around. I think some people might think it’s cheap, but i think the more players that can get a taste of the playoffs, the better.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer.


16/16 tpe (17 kind of, bonus please?)

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