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S61 SHL Branding Ranking and Reviews Part II - West & Final Thoughts [20% Bonus]
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2021, 10:28 PM by Arkz.)

Notes: The first version of this was all one single post. But it was too many characters so I had to break it up. You can find my first post on the Eastern Conference HERE. As always, thank you for taking the time to read! If you agree, disagree, or want to call me an idiot, comment below. 
Shl SHL Western Conference Shl

Dragons Calgary Dragons Dragons

[Image: LcSlUPL.png]
Location: Our fourth Canadian team and the first one we're looking at in the Western conference. I actually didn't know too much about Calgary before compiling this article. Its the fourth largest city in Canada, and the second largest in western Canada by population (trailing Vancouver in both categories). It was also the first city in Canada to host the Winter Olympic Games, which is pretty neat. All that means that it makes a lot of sense for a city like Calgary to have a team, western Canada does deserve more love. 
Branding: Another team that features red! That's our third or fourth one, depending on how you would classify Philadelphia's branding choices. I actually like this logo a lot. Once again, we've got the two different colored fonts here with the small "Calgary" above the "Dragons" moniker, and we're starting to see a pattern with some of these modern logo designs with how their typefaces are designed. But I like the fonts used here, suitably mythic and the dragon's design is top notch. Honestly the dragon here is one of my favorite bits of art in any logo in the whole league. Fearsome and dynamic as it leers over the text on the logo. The dragon moniker itself is unique, and I like that idea for a team. Its not something you normally see and allows for a lot of fun other branding options for a team. 
Colors: Color-wise we are verging on Manhattan territory a little here. Similar reds, blacks, and silvers being used. Manhattan features a bit more white with their horns while the dragon has silver scales, so that helps differentiate it a bit. I like the general theme though, and I think the colors pop well in this design. 
Uniforms: Its close but I think I'll go with the home kits here as my favorite: 
[Image: IeXgwku.png]
We have another black home jersey here, but I think the bicep stripes look better here than on the away jerseys (which are white). For those keeping track at home this is our fourth team that features a black home jersey, and we haven't even gotten to New Orleans, Texas, and Chicago yet. A potential idea here would be to go with a primary silver kit as opposed to black. It would be a unique take and differentiate the team a bit from some of their contemporaries. But I like the details with the sleeve flourishes and the secondary logo on the shorts, looks great. 
Overall Rating: 8/10. Its hard for me to give a high score to another team that features a black primary since they are so common, but at least here I feel like it makes sense. If this was a silver uniform though, this brand would compete with Buffalo for one of the best in the league. Love the logo, love the colors overall (though Manhattan are side-eying them), and the uniforms make sense. There's some room for improvement here, but nothing too crazy. This certainly feels like one of the more "brands that could exist in real life" along with Buffalo. Toronto doesn't count since that is a real life brand.
syndicate Chicago Syndicate syndicate

[Image: ChicagoSyndicateLD3a.png?width=632&height=474]
Location: Chicago needs more love. It feels like, to me, one of those major American cities that gets attention for all the wrong reasons. Its a great city, though with a terrible airport because of the lake, but still an awesome city. I'm glad we have a team in Chicago, and that its one of the more visible teams in the league. There's maybe an argument to be made to put a team somewhere else in Illinois, but its hard to pick another city in that area that fits better than Chicago. 
Branding: Love it. Unique, but still has some ties to the past history of Chicago. There's maybe a case to be made of "hey, the mafia and gang violence ruined a lot of lives and this team seems to be celebrating that," but its sim hockey and I don't want to take it too seriously. But I like how different the 'Syndicate' moniker is and how it can apply to the entire team. There's an alternate universe where they are the Chicago Wise Guys, and that's awful. I also like the general design of the logo as well. I think its a little complicated but well designed and drawn. Its a simplified version of their original logo, and I think they are on the right track. 
Colors: The yellow/gold! As may have been evident when I spoke about the Steelhawks uniforms, I love yellow or gold for a hockey team. Its such a wonderful accent color and always plays well when its on the ice with some darker primary colors. We've got more black, greys, whites, and silvers here but that plays well against the more traditional gold/yellow. 
Uniforms: Again, going to go with the home jerseys again here for Chicago: 
[Image: mypJtjg.png]
Fifth team that features black as their primary, but this is probably the best team that has black out of anyone in the league. The black and yellow/gold plays really well, and would look great on the ice. The main logo also looks great with the all black background, you can tell that it was designed with this color sweater in mind. The horizontal lines on the sleeves and socks are also great and help break up the overall design. The dark grey on the shoulders are a choice, its hard to imagine how it would look in real life. I'd almost prefer them to either go with gold or just leave it black in its entirety. My only knock is that the away jerseys are a little strange. They kind of look like oversized white t-shirts with the logo in the center. Not sure how to fix these, maybe with the shoulder changes that I mentioned above. 
Overall Rating: 9/10. Tied with Buffalo with some of the highest scores so far, I love everything about Chicago's branding. Great location, cool and interesting moniker and logo, and some good uniform designs. This is really what a sim hockey league team should be striving for. Thoughtful, interesting, and potentially classic designs that feel lived in. The logo is a little busy and doesn't look good with a white sweater, but otherwise its a great brand. 
Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard Blizzard

[Image: kFa1bxd.png]

Location: About 186 miles (300 KM) north of Calgary, you'll find the city of Edmonton. Another one of our Canada teams, Edmonton is actually the northernmost city in North America with at least a million people. That's pretty neat. Again, I like highlighting cities in Canada, especially cities on the west that may not get as much attention as Toronto or Montreal (or Vancouver, though that's also in the west). 
Branding: As befitting its status as the largest, northernmost city in North America, Edmonton is going with the ice team here. We actually don't have many teams that go with a winter theme in the league. For the SHL, its really just Edmonton and Winnipeg (kinda). So instantly Edmonton gets a bunch of points from me for doing something unique and that's a bit different from the other folks, even if it is an ice theme. Logo-wise I like it a lot as well. The arctic fox is neat, and the stylized 'Blizzard' is really neat. There's probably an alternate reality where this is a yeti or a snowman, and I much prefer the arctic fox here over those ideas. The fox looks majestic, regal, and like its about to mess someone up. Just a great crest that would look wonderful on merchandise. 
Colors: Unsurprising for a team that focuses around ice and storms, its a lot of blues and whites here. I like the various shades of blues being used, it doesn't create as simple of a design as Buffalo but it still looks classic and adds details. These colors remind me a bit of Calgary's, with one minor exception. The yellow that shows up in the 'Edmonton' and the eyes of the fox. Great way to add a bit of variety and highlights some details that would otherwise be missed in the shirt. Great addition. 
Uniforms: So after talking about how much I like the yellow, imagine my disappointment at the uniforms:
[Image: Blizzard.png]
You've got that wonderful yellow color, use it! The jerseys themselves are solid, if unremarkable. I like the use of teal for the lines on the home kits, but the away sweaters and socks look flat with just the lines on a white background. This would be a great spot for a yellow border or even a yellow line instead. Unfortunately, we just get the blues here and while they look good with the logo in the center of the sweater, I just wish it used the yellow a bit more. It would help these otherwise flat jerseys to really pop. 
Overall Rating: 8/10. To me, Edmonton's brand is very similar to Calgary's. Great location, cool brand, and great logo design. The uniforms themselves, however, are fine but unremarkable and could reach the next level with only a few tweaks. Edmonton has the right idea with that yellow and its even in their logo! But the fact that its left out of their kits really hurts the overall rating for this team. Still really great, but could be better. 

Panthers Los Angeles Panthers Panthers

[Image: Rz9e0eN.png]

Location: Here's my thoughts about Los Angeles. I think its an awful hockey city. Its not a great city to begin with, but I also don't think its a great hockey city either. You're basically hoping that the city is so big that there's enough people to build some sort of fanbase. Its kind of like putting a team in Las Vegas, you're banking on people going to a game cause its something to do more than hoping you buildup a grass roots fan movement. There's always a chance that the Panthers become the hottest ticket in town, but its a long, long uphill battle to get there. 
Branding: Minnesota, is that you? So I generally like the panthers as a moniker. Its a little overdone, but at least there are panthers in the state of California. I kind of like the idea of the mountain lions or cougars more, but the panthers aren't bad. As opposed to all the other teams on this list, I'm actually going to talk about both logos in detail because it seems like Los Angeles isn't really sure which one they like better. The panther head with the city skyline is the primary logo, while the secondary is a panther prowling with a rising sun behind it. The primary logo, as I mentioned, is very similar to another real life logo, but its design is still interesting. The skyline and spotlights with the orange are a neat combination. And while the teal/orange dynamic is a bit overplayed elsewhere, its still fresh in this league. 
Colors: Lets talk more about the colors! So the teal/orange combo is very common. Its just one of those combinations that inherently works, like purple and yellow or blue and white. I swear teal and orange is a thing, look it up. I like it here in a hockey team, as its unique and different. There's still a lot of black in this logo, but it seems this league has a strong attachment to including a lot of black SOMEWHERE on their logo. 
Uniforms: Tough call here, I suppose I'll go with the home kit: 
[Image: kwMTlnX.jpg]
Like I said, interesting choice with these uniforms. I'm not talking about the design itself, although praise hockey Jesus Los Angeles went with a teal sweater over the all blacks. They are simple, but well-designed and would look good on the ice (seriously, watch a SJ Sharks game, the teal looks great against the white of the ice). Its an interesting choice to go with the secondary logo in the place of prominence in the center of the sweater though. It makes me wonder if Los Angeles would rather have that be their primary logo? The current panther head is neat, but has far more in common with the secondary logos around the league than primary. Still, not going to knock them for making the (probably) correct choice, though I would like to see a mockup of what the kits would look like with the primary logo instead. 
Overall Rating: 6/10. Its fine. I like he color scheme although its a bit common outside of hockey, and the primary logo is very familiar. I'm a bit biased against the city of Los Angeles though, and I think its not a great hockey city. Its not even a fun place to visit like San Diego is. There's some good ideas here but a lot of these details feel like they were made by a league executive because they felt like they had to put a team in LA based on how many people live there. 

Monarchs Minnesota Monarchs Monarchs

[Image: monarch-FINAL.png]
Location: Minnesota is like, the hockey state in the United States. Its where the Mighty Ducks was set (I think?) And its right on the border of Canada, and you know how they all feel about hockey. Interesting choice going with Minnesota over Minneapolis, but I suppose there isn't really much of a difference. I will say that Minnesota is far easier to spell, so I appreciate their choice there. Minnesota is a solid choice and I'm glad they are sporting an SHL team and not an SMJHL one, as I feel like the state deserves a club in the top leagues. 
Branding: Look, its an interesting choice since I don't think Minnesota has ever had a monarchy, but we don't hold that against some of the real life teams named the Kings and so on. I also appreciate the fact a 'Monarch' is gender neutral, though obviously the logo is a king. As far as the logo is concerned, its fine. I think the little 'smiley' version we use here on the site makes the logo look like an angry Lord Farquaad from Shrek, but the full sized logo is neat. The scepter is a choice, I think it would potentially look better if it was a hockey stick or something more hockey themed. Overall its stylized, and I think would look good on a hat, so I appreciate that. Also, the state butterfly for Minnesota is the monarch, but if that's what they were going for why isn't the logo a butterfly? 
Colors: Another green team! This is the third green team we've run into, and the shade of green is honestly fairly similar to Buffalo. Actually, the general colors are very similar to Buffalo overall, just with some added silver and white in there to mix it up. Can't hold it against Minnesota though, its a great combo and looks good on the ice. There's some purple on the scepter here, which I think is an interesting choice and wish they either highlighted the purple more or abandoned it complete. 
Uniforms: The home uniforms are fine, a little Buffalo esq, but I do like the Away kits, seen here:
[Image: iuP4eJi.png]
The grey! Finally someone embraces the grey/silver choice for their uniforms. This is the type of coloring I wish Calgary had in their home kits, and I'm glad to see Minnesota rock it here. The silver with the forest green looks slick, and is an inspired choice. There's some detail work with the purple here (collar, gloves), but I think I'd like to see it as an accent line in some of the horizontal linework on the sweater/socks as well, if only to help differentiate their look from Buffalo a bit more. Still, a very strong kit. 
Overall Rating: 6/10. I can feel Lord Farquaad judging me as I put down this score. Look, I like the location and I think the colors are fine. The logo itself is also okay, but I feel like having the scepter be a hockey stick would help tie the whole thing together. I also believe they could make more use of the purple if they are going to put it in some key spots in the logo. Really this is a 6.5, I feel like I just need a little bit more to bump it up to a 7 and I'm not getting it. 

Specters New Orleans Specters Specters
[Image: 3oEk9uh.png]
Location: Hey, its my team! Despite the fact I play for New Orleans, I'm still going to try and judge them as impartially as possible. New Orleans as a hockey city is an interesting choice. Like I said before, its kind of like picking Las Vegas as a locale. People are going to be flying in all year long, there's a lot of casinos around, and so you've always got people who might be down to visit a game. Does that equate to a strong fanbase? Sometimes. Aside from Los Angeles, New Orleans is probably the hardest city to get a hockey team going and so while I would absolutely go to a game if I was in town for a bachelor party, it wouldn't be my first choice to host a team. 
Branding: Its very hard not to talk about the purple here, so I'm trying not to steal my own thunder. I do like the fact that this logo just says "Specters" here and doesn't call attention to the fact that the team plays in New Orleans. I feel like if you were going to rock some merchandise from your favorite team you don't always need to be reminded of where they play. The specter itself being put into the fleur-de-lis is a really neat choice and I think works very well here. If you've been to New Orleans before, you know they like to highlight the 'spooky' and haunted vibes of the city, so I don't think the specter is that random of a moniker. 
Colors: Neon fucking purple boys. The first of the purple teams we will talk about (and the other comes right after), I'm not really sure how I feel about it. To me, the color scheme feels very gimmicky, like its trying too hard to be random. Still, its very different from all the other teams in the league (save one) and a very unique color scheme overall. The natural instinct with purple is to go with a white or yellow, but to swerve and go with black is at least interesting if hard on the eyes. 
Uniforms: It has to be the home uniforms, let me tell you why:
[Image: EsqItc2.jpg]
I like these uniforms. You know why? Because if you're going to pick neon purple for your team color you might as well lean all the way into it. You can probably see these things from space they are so bright. The Specters probably look like Decepticons as they are going up and down the ice in these things. With that said, these kits are incredibly busy with the amount of fleur-de-lis they have wringing the sleeves and bottom of the sweaters and even the socks. I think I'd rather see a slightly different design here that featured less, but more elaborate designs. I also think the Specters could take a page out of Toronto's book with working their secondary logo into the sleeves in a bigger way. Still, got to respect the commitment to be in your face at all times. 
Overall Rating: 7/10. I'm not fully sold on New Orleans as a destination or the neon purple as the signature color, but at least the Specters are going for it. They made some bold choices and while it doesn't all work, its at least creative and brings a different vibe compared to the rest of the league. I also greatly enjoy the fact that they don't feature black primary jerseys. A team named the Specters knew that black was overplayed and went in the complete opposite direction. I hope some of the other teams can learn from their example. 

pride San Francisco Pride pride
[Image: hTCxJl4.png]

Location: Look, I think hockey overall is a tough sell in California. Its just not a sport people grow up with out there. That said, if I had to pick a city where it would have the most chance to thrive, I'd pick San Francisco. Its a more compact city compared to the sprawling hellscape of Los Angeles and has a rich sports tradition on its own. Its also in northern California so you don't have to compete with beautiful weather and sandy beaches for everyone's time. So out of the two California teams in the league, I think the Pride got the better option. 
Branding: Behold, more purple. I put together this list in the order that teams appear on the site, and unfortunately we need to follow up one purple team with another. But at least San Francisco is going somewhere else with their branding. In fact, compared to the other logos of the league that are always mired in shadow, San Francisco is downright bright as hell! The Pride moniker is a great choice for its multiple meanings, including its reference to San Francisco's storied history and culture. The lion here itself looks a little goofy, and I think its mostly the eyes. Gong with all-white or at least less-beady eyes would remove some of the awkwardness of this logo, which I like overall. I like the fact that it doesn't have any awkward text in it, since I think it would be difficult to fit "San Francisco Pride" on this logo in a way that wouldn't be messy. 
Color: So after talking at great length about what New Orleans did to break the mold we usually see with purple teams, we find a brand that features much more conventional complimentary colors for purple. And you know what? They are conventional because they work really well! The dark purple and gold here are doing a lot of the work, but the secret MVP is the white in the teeth and highlights of the mane. They help this logo to pop and not look like some high school's design. 
Uniforms: But really the colors come together when we look at the uniforms. Check out the home kits: 
[Image: SFP_-_Home.png?width=956&height=603]
What do the kids say these days? Check out that drip? Well, not really sure what that means but these Pride uniforms got it. The white outline around the lion's head means that the Pride can go full purple people eaters with their jerseys. The trim on the sleeves, socks, and sweater bottoms though are really what sell it for me. Its unique, clever design that makes use of complimentary colors that really helps these uniforms to pop. Again, San Francisco leans into their colors and their theme instead of trying to hide them with an all-black or otherwise bland choice. I really enjoy this design. 
Overall Rating: 9/10. You know, I'm really surprised how much I like what San Francisco is doing here. I think the lion could be cleaned up a little (literally just the eyes, don't touch anything else), and I go back and forth on the purple shorts of the home kits, but overall I think this is a great set up and a great brand. The city is an interesting choice, the logo and overall brand are great as well. This one is up there with Buffalo and Chicago and I only wish more people knew it. 

Argonauts Seattle Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: argos_logo-1-2.png]

Location: Kind of crazy that the SHL beat the real life NHL to having a hockey team in Seattle. Given the area's close proximity to Canada, overall difficult weather, and city size, you'd figure there would be a team there for a while. Nope! Well, I think its a great choice for the Argonauts to call home. Its a neat city with a lot of pride and its easy to imagine a dedicated fanbase popping up here to support their local team. Good pick!
Branding: Honestly I'm not exactly sure where to begin. For those of you who don't recall your Greek mythology classes, the Argonauts were a group of heroes who followed a guy named Jason on his mythic quest to recover the Golden Fleece. They were called the Argonauts because their boat was called the Argo. How the hell that relates to a team in the Pacific Northwest I have no idea. I can understand the desire to do something nautical here, given Seattle's location on Puget Sound and a stones throw from the Pacific, but this is an odd choice that I'm finding it difficult to connect the dots to. Then we have to talk about the logo itself. The ship here is a trireme, which did have eyes and other designs painted on them way, way, WAY back in the day. But the boat here looks like someone who got kicked off of Thomas the Tank Engine. The type face, while also well-designed, makes me think of the League of Legends logo as well. Overall, I'm just not a fan of the moniker or the logo. 
Colors: Let me tell you about these colors though, cause I love them. Blue and gold is a combination that doesn't get enough love. I think there's always a tendency to pair blue with something like white, silver, or in the opposite direction with red. But blue and gold is a great combination and I'm glad to see it represented here with Seattle. I also respect that they didn't go with some sort of green, which seems incredibly common with teams that reside in the Pacific North West. 
Uniforms: Both sets are tremendous, but have to go with the home kits as my favorite: 
[Image: Argos_Home-4.png]
Its just beautiful. As mention, I think blue and gold are a great combo and glad to see that the Argonauts leaned into it with their jerseys. The white is used to break up some of the lines and there is a smartly added gold outline against the numbers and name in the back. These uniforms would look awesome on a clean sheet of ice, and its a bit of a bummer that this is a sim league and not real life so I could see it. I think gold helmets could be interesting here, but mostly as an experiment because I think the blue looks fine. 
Overall Rating: 6/10. City? Great. Color scheme? Great. Uniforms? Great. Logo and brand? Gross. Its random, disconnected from the location in which they play, and just not well executed. The secondary logo, which looks like a guy from the movie '300' is a little better, but I think more could be done here to improve this brand. A derpy boat just has too many holes in it to carry all the other great elements for this brand. 

Renegades Texas Renegades Renegades

[Image: CCsVGwg.png]

Location: Centered in Dallas, the Renegades have the unenviable task to try and represent a state of about 30 million people. The idea of Texas as a hockey hub I think has changed in recent years. It will always be a football-first state, but given the recent influx of people moving to Texas there's a chance a following could be built for a team. Plus its hot as hell down there and the thought of escaping to a nice, air conditioned arena to watch some guys beat each other up is probably attractive to the local populace. So while its not everyone's first thought as a hockey location, I don't think its that crazy either. 
Branding: Look, its the New Orleans Specter's brother! Or Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat. I'm going to get into the colors (or lack thereof) in a moment, but I think the overall branding is solid here. The hockey sticks behind the titular renegade are a good look, and I like the fact that both "Texas" and "Renegades" are the same font and colors. The Renegades itself is a good moniker for a team in Texas, both in terms of the state's history and the very idea of putting a team in Texas is a bit of a renegade thought. My only real critique here is that its just too dark. From far away you can barely tell what you're looking at with the Renegade itself, and all the cool details (like the fact the renegade is roughly in the shape of the state of Texas) gets lost in the shading. 
Colors: There are no colors. Some enterprising person realized they could save a fortune on colored ink if they went with the full monochrome look. And honestly, it wouldn't be a bad idea if half the other teams in the league didn't want to also rock black as one of their primary colors and roll with black jerseys. Instead of the Renegades looking different compared to the rest of the league they instead look the most drab. 
Uniforms: You thought I was going to pick the away uniforms because they feature the logo with color? Well think again. 
[Image: f3DgGMC.jpg]
I'm using the home uniforms here to prove a point. Six teams in this league use black as the primary color for their home kits. Six! That's almost a third of the league all using the same primary color. But whereas the other teams like New England, Atlanta, and Calgary all have something vibrant to liven up the uniforms, the Renegades go in the complete opposite direction. They somehow find a way to make their kits more drab, and downplay the white elements to just some lines around the bottom of the sweater. The end result is flat and uninspiring. And while the away uniforms feature a logo with a bit of color to it (mask has the Texas flag colors and the sticks are brown) the rest of the uniform is the same monochrome so nothing really matches. Not a good look. 
Overall Rating: 5/10. Its not the Renegades fault that a big chunk of the rest of the league has defaulted to using black primary kits for their home team instead of more vibrant options, but it also means that there's nothing about the Renegades that really sticks out. They are just dark blobs with their dark blob logo skating across the ice. There are some neat details here, but they are all hidden and thus unremarkable. 

Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

[Image: unknown.png]

Location: Manitoba in the house! Not sure what to classify Winnipeg as. Central Canada? I'm sure to the people in Ontario its in the west and to people in Alberta its in the east. Winnipeg is the seventh largest city in Canada, and I think its a good spot for a team. There's also a decent sports culture here and certainly enough folks to support a team, so it makes sense to highlight the folks who aren't in one of Canada's largest population centers. 
Branding: Man I was going to have a field day with this section if this team was still the Jets. I know they were the Jets before the NHL team moved back, but even still it was a lazy choice. Anyway, they are the Aurora now so lets talk about that. For those that don't know, the Aurora here refers to the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. A sort of natural light show that happens near the poles of the earth (yes, even the South Pole) due to ionized particles refracting light in the atmosphere. Its a good choice for Winnipeg, since it also highlights the city as being one of the northernmost teams in the league. The only real issue here is that, while the Aurora Borealis is an utterly impressive and humbling phenomenon in real life, its hard to translate to a hockey logo you're going to print on hats, shirts, and banners. So instead we get an artist's best approximation in a stylized way, but to me it feels like it misses the mark a little. Its actually one of the very few logos in the league that looks better smaller than blown up. But at the very least its unique and that is always worth rewarding. 
Colors: Our fourth green team, depending on how you classify teal (which I don't, so I'm not including Los Angeles and Tampa Bay in this count), the Aurora have decided to avoid the well-trod forest green (wise) for more pastel colors. As mentioned, its hard to capture the majesty of the Northern Lights in a logo and color scheme, but this at least approximates it somewhat. What's missing here is that the Aurora Borealis also has some purple in it as well, that I think could have helped break up the various shades of green we have going on. 
Uniforms: So I actually like the away kits better but I just have to talk about the home uniforms because they have to be seen to be believed: 

[Image: unknown.png]

Like I said, I liked the idea of some pastel greens complimenting some darker greens that the other teams aren't really using. But instead the Aurora have decided to opt for what I can only describe as radioactive green. Its hard to imagine this kit making its way up and down the ice, but I've tried to be consistent and reward creativity and this is certainly it. As I mentioned in the Colors section, this brand could really use a non-green color here to break this up. A purple or a silver, something. As it stand its just way too much green. 
Overall Rating: 5/10. The city of Winnipeg is a great choice, and I like the creativity of choosing something like the Aurora Borealis for the the team moniker. But the logo is a bit unfocused and the colors are like someone said 'what shade of green do you want?' And the response was, 'yes.' So I like some of the creative choices here but there really needs to be some contrast added because otherwise its like we're downing in Nickelodeon slime. 

Shl Final Rankings Shl

1. Stampede Buffalo Stampede Stampede
2. pride San Francisco Pride pride
3. syndicate Chicago Syndicate syndicate
4. Dragons Calgary Dragons Dragons
5. Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard Blizzard
6. Rage Manhattan Rage Rage
7. Specters New Orleans SpecterSpecters
8. Forge Philadelphia Forge Forge
9. Inferno Atlanta Inferno Inferno
10. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack Wolfpack
11. Monarchs Minnesota Monarchs Monarchs
12. Patriotes Montreal Patriotes Patriotes
13. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks Steelhawks
14. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers Panthers
15. Argonauts Seattle Argonauts Argonauts
16. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda Barracuda
17. Renegades Texas Renegades Renegades
18. Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora
19. Platoon Baltimore Platoon Platoon
20.  Stars Toronto North Stars Stars
Final Thoughts: If you've made it this far and didn't just go look for your team to build up some ammunition for an angry PM, I appreciate it. I come out of this exercise with a greater appreciation of all the hardworking and creative people we have in this league. To design a team from the ground up is not an easy thing, and to then take that task and knock it out of the park is even harder. And while some of my ratings or words may be harsh, I do not want to discredit all the time and energy put into designing and maintaining these brands. For many of them, a lot of thought and care and careful decisions went into the design of these teams and if I just didn't get it or missed what you were going for, I apologize and admit the error on my part. Except for Toronto. That's a copy/paste of the Maple Leafs with a name referencing another NHL team. Thank you for reading and have a great day!  
[Word Count: 6,092]

[Image: v71TGsT.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2021, 03:15 AM by DeletedAtUserRequest.)

The Dragons have been around since season 1 so we are the OG red color pattern.
Grey unis could be dope. Real cool article.. +1

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

good rankings

[Image: arTbD7O.png][Image: fQjjgGe.png]

Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
[Image: PuANRuu.png]

Love the presentation of this piece, great work!

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Highlanders Specters Usa


[Image: vb2mTMZ.jpeg]
[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

10-08-2021, 08:00 PMAce Wrote: L

Polar bear logo better

[Image: fishyshl.gif]
Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

[Image: czechpp.png][Image: czechup.png]

Good read tho Arkz 10/10

[Image: fishyshl.gif]
Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

[Image: czechpp.png][Image: czechup.png]

Really enjoyed this series, great work! Also helps that umyou like SFP so much!

[Image: uDjThoa.png]


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