Create Account

S61 Universal Claims

The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for 3v3 #3, Hit and Run. 1 TPE for submission and 1 additional TPE for picking the Orange Cats. @Count Chocula led the way with 10 hits over 3 games, carrying the spirit of the Clean Andrei himself.

.bojo    1
39alaska39    1
3lewsers    1
5ympathies    1
aaronwilson    1
academydropout    2
ACapitalChicago    1
Accka    1
Ace    1
Acsolap    1
Aephino    1
AgentSmith630    1
Aleris    1
Andy    2
Arkz    1
arturs33    1
Asked Madden    1
BadWolf    2
BarnabasCollins    1
Bayley    2
bbjygm    1
bdu754    1
BenDover    1
Benpachi    1
Bfine    1
bilbo    1
bjkman    1
bk1689    1
bluesfan55    1
BoloBill    1
Bongo    1
boom    1
Bruins10    1
Buster    1
By-Tor    1
C9Van    1
CampinKiller    2
CanadianDuck    1
Canadice    1
canes2112    2
Capt_Blitzkrieg    1
CaptainCamel    1
Carpy48    1
CD12    1
CementHands    1
charlieconway    1
CheerfulBender20    1
Citizen of Adraa    1
Count Chocula    2
Crazylemire    1
CrazyMojito    2
crutch    2
Cyanide    1
Dagumpa    1
DannyC    2
Deng    2
Dextaria    1
dogwoodmaple    1
DollarAndADream    1
Drokeep    1
DrunkenTeddy    1
dude_man    1
efischermann    1
enigmatic    1
Esso2264    1
Evil_AllBran    1
Evok    1
Eynhallow    1
Fantobens    1
Festinator    2
fever95    1
FinnRhys    1
fishy    1
Fitted2106    1
FlappyGiraffe    1
Fluw    2
Frick_Nasty    1
FuzzSHL    2
gaby    1
Gaia Mormont    2
GCool    1
Geekusoid    2
Gifter of Bikes    1
goilers    1
golden_apricot    1
goldenglutes    1
gordieboom    1
GrannyPanPan    1
Grapehead    1
Graydonsanatomy    2
Grum    1
gurbs    1
Gwdjohnson    1
Halkohol    2
hewasajazzman    1
hhh81    1
Highhaschdi    1
Hordle    2
hotdog    1
Inf1d3l    1
jay2233    1
Jepox    1
Jericson    1
JKortesi81    1
Jonny Tsunami    1
Jorec    1
jRuutu    1
JT3    1
juke    1
Julio Tokolosh    2
Jumbobone19    2
JumpierPegasus    1
Kalakar    1
KaleSalad    1
karlssens    1
KC15    1
Keenan    1
KenitohMenara    1
kentakira    1
kenvald    1
Keygan    1
Kierkan    2
kikish18    1
KlusteR    2
Kraagenskul    1
krazko    1
LairdButler    1
Lazyeye    1
LB3737    1
leafs1997    1
Leafs4ever    2
leafsftw1967    1
Leppish    1
lespoils    1
leviadan    1
lilstifler    2
Lime    1
lmao    1
Lobbanet    1
LordBirdman    1
Lorec    1
Lowlycrib    1
Lukstins88    1
marco999    2
Massive Coiler    1
mastersheep    1
Mazatt    1
Mediocre_Fred    1
Memento Mori    1
Merica    1
micool132    1
Mike Izzy    1
MN_Moosey    1
monochroma    1
Mooney    1
Mooty99    2
MP7    1
Mr. Finland    1
Muerto    2
Muford    1
Mutedfaith    1
natedoeshockey    1
negs77    2
Nerio    1
Nhamlet    1
Nictox    1
Nike    1
NorwegianDemon    1
notorioustig    1
notoriousTRON    1
Ohtaay    1
Opera_Phantom    1
Otrebor13    1
Patty    1
Pickle Juice    1
puolivalmiste    1
Pythonic    1
r0tzbua    1
Rabidsponge21    1
Ragnar    2
Rangerjase    1
Rankle    1
raymond3000    1
RedCapeDiver    1
reid    1
RenoJacksonHS    1
Renomitsu    1
retuperkele    1
Rich    1
roastpuff    1
Ronniewalker    1
Ruggsy    1
rum_ham    1
sakrosankt    1
Salming    1
santej29    1
SchwarzNarr    1
Scrufdaddy    2
Segi    2
SewingWithNancy    1
SeymourSnatches    1
SFresh3    1
Shmurph    1
siddhus    1
simo_393    1
Sivart    1
sköldpaddor    1
SlashACM    1
slothfacekilla    2
Snuffalupagus    1
Sopath    1
soulja    1
Spartan    1
spooked    1
st4rface    2
StadiumGambler    1
steveoiscool    1
suavemente    1
sulovilen    1
sve7en    1
takethehorizon    1
Talls    1
TapdancingNecrons    1
taterswc    1
Tayjay    1
Thatguy91    1
the5urreal    1
TheCC    1
TheDangaZone    2
TheFlash    1
TheSparkyDee    1
TheWoZy    1
TML99    1
TnlAstatine    1
Toast    2
Toivo    1
Tomen    2
TommySalami    1
traphag    1
trashae    1
Trautner    1
trella    1
TubbyTim69    2
tweedledunn    1
Tylar    1
Urq660    1
ValorX77    2
Vandy    1
Velevra    1
Vikian    1
visceralpotamus    1
VRTX L4S3R    1
Wally    1
WannabeFinn    1
Wearingabear    1
WithTheMoose    1
wumaduce    2
XLeafer    1
Z-Whiz    1
zaynzk    2
zeagle1    2
Zombiewolf    1

[Image: 1rdovVs.gif]

[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]

The following users may claim the TPE listed next to their name for Primetime #2 which saw New Orleans, Toronto and Tampa Bay emerge victorious.

PM me with any issues

.bojo    1.5
39alaska39    2
3lewsers    2.5
5ympathies    1.5
aaronwilson    2
academydropout    1.5
ACapitalChicago    2
Accka    2
Ace    2
Acsolap    1
Aephino    2
AgentSmith630    2.5
Air Crou    2.5
Aleris    1.5
Amidships    2.5
Andy    2
Arkz    1.5
artermis    1.5
arturs33    2
Asked Madden    2
BarnabasCollins    2
BasedMinkus    1.5
Bayley    2.5
bbjygm    1.5
bdu754    2
BenDover    1.5
Benpachi    2
Bfine    1.5
Big Newff    2
bjkman    2
bk1689    2
Blasoon    2
Blastmeaway    1.5
bluesfan55    2
BoloBill    1.5
Bongo    1
boom    2
BrewskyBoy    2.5
Bruins10    2
Buster    2
By-Tor    2
C9Van    1.5
caltroit_red_flames    1.5
CampinKiller    2
CanadianDuck    2
Canadice    1.5
canes2112    2
Capt_Blitzkrieg    2.5
CaptainCamel    2
Carpy48    2
CD12    2.5
CementHands    2
charlieconway    2
CheerfulBender20    2
ckroyal92    2.5
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn    1.5
Count Chocula    2
CptSquall    2
Crazylemire    2
CrazyMojito    2.5
crutch    1.5
Cyanide    2
Dagumpa    1.5
dankoa    2
DannyC    2
DarkCanuck29    2
Deng    2
Dewalt27    1.5
Dextaria    2
dmills3    2.5
dogwoodmaple    2
DollarAndADream    2
DrunkenTeddy    2
Duff101    1.5
efischermann    2
enigmatic    2
Evil_AllBran    1.5
Evok    2
Exilate    2
Eynhallow    2
Faded    2
Faelax    1.5
Fantobens    2.5
Ferda    2
Festinator    2
fever95    2
FinnRhys    1.5
fishy    2.5
Fitted2106    2
FlappyGiraffe    2
Fluw    2
Frick_Nasty    1.5
FuzzSHL    2
gaby    2
Gaia Mormont    1.5
GCool    2
Geekusoid    2
Gifter of Bikes    2
goilers    1.5
golden_apricot    2
goldenglutes    2.5
GoonerBear    2
gordieboom    2.5
GrannyPanPan    2
Grapehead    2
Graydonsanatomy    2
greencityny    2
grimreaper    2.5
grok    1.5
Grum    1.5
gucci    2
gurbs    2.5
Gwdjohnson    2
H0PPY75    1.5
Halkohol    2.5
HanTheMan_    2
Hazack    2
hewasajazzman    2
hhh81    2.5
Highhaschdi    1.5
hockeyiscool    1.5
honkerrs    1
hotdog    1
Huck24    2.5
Inf1d3l    2
inverted    2
jay2233    2
Jedi    2.5
jeffie43    2
Jepox    1.5
Jericson    2.5
Jimmysmo27    2
jjlangabeer    2
JKortesi81    2
JNH    2.5
Jonny Tsunami    2
Jorec    2.5
jRuutu    1.5
JSS331    2
JT3    2
jtam    2
juke    2
Julio Tokolosh    2
Jumbobone19    2
JumpierPegasus    2.5
juniped    2
Kalakar    2
KaleSalad    1
karlssens    2.5
Katth    2
KC15    2
Keenan    2
KenitohMenara    2.5
kentakira    2
kenvald    1.5
Keven    2
Keygan    2
Kierkan    2
kikish18    2
KlusteR    1.5
Kraagenskul    2
krazko    1.5
Kyamprac    2.5
LairdButler    2
Lazyeye    1
LB3737    2
leafs1997    2
Leafs4ever    1.5
leafsftw1967    2.5
Leppish    1.5
lespoils    2.5
leviadan    2
lilstifler    1.5
Lime    2
lmao    2
Lobbanet    2
Locagiess    2
LordBirdman    2.5
Lorec    2
Lowlycrib    1.5
Lukstins88    1.5
majesiu    1.5
marco999    1.5
Massive Coiler    2
mastersheep    2
Matteo    2
Mazatt    2
Mediocre_Fred    2
Merica    2
micool132    1.5
Mike Izzy    1.5
MN_Moosey    2
monochroma    2
Mooney    2.5
Mooty99    2.5
Moreorless89    2
MP7    2
Mr. Finland    2
MrRuihu    2
Muerto    2
Muford    2
Mutedfaith    2
MyLittleHexx    2
natedoeshockey    2
negs77    1.5
Nerio    1.5
Nhamlet    2
Nictox    2.5
Nike    2
NorwegianDemon    1.5
notorioustig    2.5
notoriousTRON    2.5
nour    1.5
nyumbayangu    1
O4L    2
Obsidian311    2
Ohtaay    1.5
Omniscius    2
Opera_Phantom    1
Otrebor13    2
overdoo    2
Patty    1.5
peej2189    2
Pickle Juice    2
PremierBromanov    2.5
ProjectSaint    1.5
puolivalmiste    2
Pythonic    2.5
qWest    2
r0tzbua    2
Rabidsponge21    2
Ragnar    1.5
Rancidbudgie    1.5
Rangerjase    2.5
Rankle    2
Raven    2
raymond3000    2.5
ReaperComePepegaAim    2
RedCapeDiver    2
reid    2
RenoJacksonHS    2
Renomitsu    2
retuperkele    2
Rich    2
roastpuff    2
RomanesEuntDomus    2
Ronniewalker    2
RotticusScott    2
Ruggsy    2
rum_ham    2.5
sakrosankt    1.5
Salming    2
santej29    2.5
SchwarzNarr    1
scorycory    1.5
Scrufdaddy    2
SDCore    2.5
Segi    2
SewingWithNancy    2
SeymourSnatches    1.5
SFresh3    1.5
Shmurph    2
simo_393    1.5
sköldpaddor    2
SlashACM    1.5
slothfacekilla    2.5
Snuffalupagus    1.5
soulja    2
Spartan    2
SpartanGibbles    1.5
spooked    2
st4rface    1.5
StadiumGambler    2
Steelhead77    2
steveoiscool    2
suavemente    1.5
sulovilen    2
supertardis101    1.5
sve7en    1.5
takethehorizon    2
Talls    2
TapdancingNecrons    2
Tate    1.5
taterswc    2.5
Tayjay    2.5
Thatguy91    2
the5urreal    2.5
TheCC    2
TheDangaZone    2.5
TheFlash    2
TheSparkyDee    2.5
TheWoZy    2.5
Thunfish    2.5
TML99    1.5
TnlAstatine    2
Toast    1
Toivo    2
Tomasnz    1
Tomen    2.5
TommySalami    2
traphag    1.5
trashae    2.5
Trautner    1.5
trella    2
TubbyTim69    2
tweedledunn    2
Tylar    2
Urq660    2.5
ValorX77    2.5
Vandy    1.5
Velevra    2
Vikian    2
visceralpotamus    2
VRTX L4S3R    1.5
Wally    2.5
WannabeFinn    2.5
Wearingabear    1.5
WithTheMoose    1
wumaduce    2.5
XLeafer    2
XLeafer    2
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie    2
Z-Whiz    1.5
zaynzk    1.5
zeagle1    2
Zema    2
Zombiewolf    2
Zomp    2
Zoone16    1.5
ZootTX    2

[Image: Katth.gif]

  [Image: CsnVET2.png]
Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

[Image: cgv4vCv.png] [Image: 95lCCDx.png] [Image: GATPRRX.png]
S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
[Image: gNFVjT6.png]

The following users may claim the TPE listed next to their name for Primetime #3 which saw Seattle, New England and Hamilton emerge victorious.

PM me with any issues

.bojo    2.5
39alaska39    2.5
3lewsers    1
5ympathies    1
aaronwilson    2.5
academydropout    2.5
ACapitalChicago    1
Accka    2
Ace    1
Acsolap    2
Aephino    2.5
AgentSmith630    2
Aleris    2
Andy    2
Arkz    2.5
arturs33    2.5
Asked Madden    2.5
BadWolf    1.5
BarnabasCollins    1
Bayley    1.5
bbjygm    2.5
bdu754    2.5
BenDover    2
Benpachi    1
Bfine    2
bilbo    1.5
bjkman    2.5
bk1689    1
bluesfan55    2
BoloBill    1
Bongo    1.5
boom    2
Bruins10    2.5
Buster    2
By-Tor    2
C9Van    1.5
CampinKiller    1.5
CanadianDuck    2.5
Canadice    2
canes2112    1
Capt_Blitzkrieg    1.5
CaptainCamel    2
Carpy48    2
CD12    1.5
CementHands    2.5
charlieconway    2
CheerfulBender20    1
Citizen of Adraa    2
Count Chocula    1
Crazylemire    1.5
CrazyMojito    2.5
crutch    1
Cyanide    2
Dagumpa    1
DannyC    1
Deng    1.5
Dextaria    2
dogwoodmaple    2
DollarAndADream    2.5
Drokeep    1
DrunkenTeddy    2
dude_man    1
efischermann    2.5
enigmatic    2
EricNCSU    2.5
Esso2264    1.5
Evil_AllBran    2
Evok    1.5
Eynhallow    2
Fantobens    2
Festinator    2.5
fever95    1
FinnRhys    2
fishy    2
Fitted2106    1.5
FlappyGiraffe    2
Fluw    2
Frick_Nasty    1.5
FuzzSHL    2.5
gaby    2
Gaia Mormont    1.5
GCool    2
Geekusoid    2
Gifter of Bikes    1
goilers    1
golden_apricot    1
goldenglutes    2
gordieboom    2
GrannyPanPan    2
Grapehead    1
Graydonsanatomy    1.5
Grum    2
gurbs    2
Gwdjohnson    2
Halkohol    2
hewasajazzman    2
hhh81    1
Highhaschdi    2
Hordle    2.5
hotdog    1.5
Inf1d3l    1.5
jay2233    1
Jepox    1
Jericson    2
JKortesi81    2
Jonny Tsunami    2.5
Jorec    1
jRuutu    1.5
JT3    2
juke    2
Julio Tokolosh    2
Jumbobone19    1.5
JumpierPegasus    2
Kalakar    2.5
KaleSalad    2
karlssens    2
KC15    1.5
Keenan    1.5
KenitohMenara    1.5
kentakira    2
kenvald    2
Keygan    2
Kierkan    1
kikish18    1
KlusteR    2
Kraagenskul    2.5
krazko    2.5
LairdButler    1
Lazyeye    1
LB3737    1.5
leafs1997    2.5
Leafs4ever    2
leafsftw1967    2.5
Leppish    1
lespoils    2
leviadan    2
lilstifler    2
Lime    2.5
lmao    1.5
Lobbanet    1
LordBirdman    1.5
Lorec    2
Lowlycrib    2.5
Lukstins88    1.5
marco999    1.5
Massive Coiler    1.5
mastersheep    2.5
Mazatt    2
Mediocre_Fred    1
Memento Mori    1
Merica    1
micool132    1.5
Mike Izzy    1
MN_Moosey    1.5
monochroma    2
Mooney    2
Mooty99    2
MP7    1.5
Mr. Finland    1
Muerto    2.5
Muford    1.5
Mutedfaith    1.5
natedoeshockey    2.5
negs77    1
Nerio    1
Nhamlet    2.5
Nictox    1.5
Nike    1
NorwegianDemon    2
notorioustig    2.5
notoriousTRON    2
Ohtaay    2
Opera_Phantom    2.5
Otrebor13    2.5
Patty    1
Pickle Juice    2.5
puolivalmiste    2
Pythonic    1.5
r0tzbua    2
Rabidsponge21    2.5
Ragnar    1
Rangerjase    1.5
Rankle    2
raymond3000    2.5
RedCapeDiver    2
reid    2.5
RenoJacksonHS    1
Renomitsu    2.5
retuperkele    2
Rich    2.5
roastpuff    2
Ronniewalker    2
Ruggsy    1.5
rum_ham    2
sakrosankt    1.5
Salming    1
santej29    1.5
SchwarzNarr    1.5
Scrufdaddy    2
Segi    2
SewingWithNancy    2.5
SeymourSnatches    1
SFresh3    1.5
Shmurph    1.5
siddhus    2.5
simo_393    1
Sivart    1.5
sköldpaddor    1.5
SlashACM    1
slothfacekilla    1.5
Snuffalupagus    2
Sopath    1.5
soulja    1.5
Spartan    1
spooked    2
st4rface    2
StadiumGambler    2.5
steveoiscool    2
suavemente    2
sulovilen    1
sve7en    2.5
takethehorizon    2
Talls    2
TapdancingNecrons    2.5
taterswc    2.5
Tayjay    2
Thatguy91    2
the5urreal    2.5
TheCC    1.5
TheDangaZone    2.5
TheFlash    1
TheSparkyDee    2.5
TheWoZy    2
TML99    1
TnlAstatine    1
Toivo    2
Tomen    1.5
TommySalami    2.5
traphag    1.5
trashae    1
Trautner    2
trella    2.5
TubbyTim69    2.5
tweedledunn    2
Tylar    1.5
Urq660    2.5
ValorX77    2.5
Vandy    1.5
Velevra    2.5
Vikian    2.5
visceralpotamus    2
VRTX L4S3R    1.5
Wally    2
WannabeFinn    1
Wearingabear    1.5
WithTheMoose    1.5
wumaduce    1
XLeafer    2.5
Z-Whiz    1
zaynzk    1
zeagle1    2.5
Zombiewolf    2

[Image: Katth.gif]

  [Image: CsnVET2.png]
Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

[Image: cgv4vCv.png] [Image: 95lCCDx.png] [Image: GATPRRX.png]
S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
[Image: gNFVjT6.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2021, 10:52 AM by SlashACM.)

The following users may claim the TPE listed next to their name for participating in PT#4- Attributes

.bojo 3
3lewsers 3
5ympathies 3
aaronwilson 3
ACapitalChicago 3
Accka 3
Ace 3
Acsolap 3
Aephino 3
AgentSmith630 3
Air Crou 3
Aleris 3
Amidships 3
Andy 3
Arkz 3
artermis 3
arturs33 0 (did not meet word count)
Asked Madden 3
BadWolf 3
BarnabasCollins 3
BasedMinkus 3
Bayley 3
bbjygm 3
bdu754 3
BenDover 3
Benpachi 3
Bfine 3
Big Newff 3
BigTittySmitty 3
bjkman 3
bk1689 3
Blasoon 3
bluesfan55 3
BoloBill 3
boom 3
Bruins10 3
Buster 3
By-Tor 3
C9Van 3
caltroit_red_flames 3
CampinKiller 3
CanadianDuck 3
Canadice 3
canes2112 3
Capt_Blitzkrieg 3
Carpy48 3
CementHands 3
charlieconway 3
CheerfulBender20 3
Citizen of Adraa 3
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn 3
Count Chocula 3
Crazylemire 3
CrazyMojito 3
crutch 3
Cyanide 3
Dagumpa 3
DannyC 3
DarkCanuck29 3
Dextaria 3
dogwoodmaple 3
DollarAndADream 3
Drokeep 3
DrunkenTeddy 3
efischermann 3
enigmatic 3
EsAmYk 3
Evil_AllBran 3
Evok 3
Exilate 3
Eynhallow 3
Faelax 3
Fantobens 3(Watch your word count please)
feeler 3
Ferda 3
Festinator 3
fever95 3
FinnRhys 3
Fitted2106 3
FlappyGiraffe 3
Fluw 3
Frick_Nasty 3
gaby 3
Gaia Mormont 3
GCool 3
Geekusoid 3
Gifter of Bikes 3
goilers 3
golden_apricot 3
goldenglutes 3
GoonerBear 3
GrannyPanPan 3
Grapehead 3
Graydonsanatomy 3
greencityny 3
grok 3
gurbs 3
Gwdjohnson 3
Halkohol 3
Hallsy 3
hhh81 3
Highhaschdi 3
hockeyiscool 3
Hordle 3
Huck24 3
Inf1d3l 3
jay2233 3
JaytheGreat 3
jeffie43 3
Jepox 3
Jimmysmo27 3
Jonny Tsunami 3
Jorec 3
jRuutu 3
JT3 3
jtam 3
juke 3
Julio Tokolosh 3
Jumbobone19 3
JumpierPegasus 3
Kalakar 3
KaleSalad 3
karlssens 3
Katth 3
KC15 3
Keenan 3
KenitohMenara 3
kentakira 3
kenvald 3
Keven 3
Kierkan 3
kikish18 3
Kraagenskul 3
krazko 3
Kyamprac 3
Kylrad 3
LairdButler 3
Lazyeye 3
LB3737 3
leafs1997 3
Leafs4ever 3
leafsftw1967 3
Leppish 3
lespoils 3
leviadan 3
lilstifler 3
Lime 3
lmao 3
Lobbanet 3
LordBirdman 3
Lorec 3
Lowlycrib 3
LucidDreams702 3
Lukstins88 3
marco999 3
Massive Coiler 3
mastersheep 3
Matteo 3
Mazatt 3
Memento Mori 3
Merica 3
micool132 3
Mike Izzy 3
MN_Moosey 3
monochroma 3
Mooney 3
Mooty99 3
Moreorless89 3
MP7 3
Mr. Finland 3
MrRuihu 3
Muerto 3
Muford 3
Mutedfaith 3
MyLittleHexx 3
natedoeshockey 3
Nhamlet 3
Nictox 3
Nike 3
NorwegianDemon 3
notorioustig 3
notoriousTRON 3
nour 3
nyumbayangu 3
O4L 3
Ohtaay 3
Opera_Phantom 3
Otrebor13 3
overdoo 3
peej2189 3
Pickle Juice 3
ProjectSaint 3
puolivalmiste 3
Pythonic 3
qWest 3
Rabidsponge21 3
Ragnar 3
Rancidbudgie 3
Rangerjase 3
Raven 3
raymond3000 3
reid 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 3
retuperkele 3
Rev 3
Rich 3
roastpuff 3
RomanesEuntDomus 3
Ronniewalker 3
RotticusScott 3
Ruggsy 3
rum_ham 3
sakrosankt 3
Salming 3
SchwarzNarr 3
Scrufdaddy 3
Sebster 3
Segi 3
SeymourSnatches 3
SFresh3 3
siddhus 3
simo_393 3
sköldpaddor 3
SlashACM 3
slothfacekilla 3
Snuffalupagus 3
Sopath 3
soulja 3
Spartan 3
SpartanGibbles 3
spooked 3
st4rface 3
StadiumGambler 3
Steelhead77 3
steveoiscool 3
suavemente 3
sulovilen 3
supertardis101 3
sve7en 3
takethehorizon 3
Talls 3
TapdancingNecrons 3
taterswc 3
Tayjay 3
Thatguy91 3
the5urreal 3
TheCC 3
TheDangaZone 3
TheFlash 3
TheSparkyDee 3
Thunfish 3
Toast 3
Toivo 3
Tomasnz 3
Tomen 3
TommySalami 3
traphag 3
trashae 3
Trautner 3
trella 3
tweedledunn 3
Tylar 3
Urq660 3
ValorX77 3
Vandy 3
Vikian 3
visceralpotamus 3
Wearingabear 3
WithTheMoose 3
wumaduce 3
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 3
Z-Whiz 3
zaynzk 3
zeagle1 3
Zombiewolf 3
ZootTX 3

Please feel free to message me with any questions or concerns
*Just a friendly reminder to identify which of the two prompts you are writing about*

[Image: manh_sig6.png?width=499&height=542][Image: lebedev-sig.gif]

The following may claim the tpe number listed next to their username for participating in mPT#3: Trades!

RIP to everyone you guys fleeced with these pokemon card trades damn

.bojo    1
39alaska39    1
3lewsers    1
5ympathies    1
aaronwilson    1
academydropout    1
ACapitalChicago    1
Accka    1
Ace    1
Acsolap    1
Aephino    1
Air Crou    1
Aleris    1
Amidships    1
Andy    1
Arkz    1
artermis    1
arturs33    1
Asked Madden    1
BarnabasCollins    1
BasedMinkus    1
Bayley    1
bbjygm    1
bdu754    1
BenDover    1
Benpachi    1
Bfine    1
Big Newff    1
bjkman    1
bk1689    1
Blasoon    1
bluesfan55    1
BoloBill    1
Bongo    1
boom    1
Bruins10    1
Buster    1
By-Tor    1
C9Van    1
caltroit_red_flames    1
CampinKiller    1
CanadianDuck    1
Canadice    1
Capt_Blitzkrieg    1
CaptainCamel    1
Carpy48    1
CementHands    1
charlieconway    1
CheerfulBender20    1
Citizen of Adraa    1
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn    1
Count Chocula    1
CptSquall    1
Crazylemire    1
CrazyMojito    1
crutch    1
Cyanide    1
Dagumpa    1
dankoa    1
DannyC    1
DarkCanuck29    1
Dewalt27    1
Dextaria    1
dmills3    1
dogwoodmaple    1
Drokeep    1
DrunkenTeddy    1
efischermann    1
enigmatic    1
Evil_AllBran    1
Evok    1
Exilate    1
Eynhallow    1
Faded    1
Faelax    1
Fantobens    1
Ferda    1
Festinator    1
fever95    1
FinnRhys    1
fishy    1
Fitted2106    1
FlappyGiraffe    1
Fluw    1
Frick_Nasty    1
FuzzSHL    1
gaby    1
Gaia Mormont    1
GCool    1
Geekusoid    1
Gifter of Bikes    1
goilers    1
goldenglutes    1
GoonerBear    1
GrannyPanPan    1
Grapehead    1
Graydonsanatomy    1
greencityny    1
grimreaper    1
grok    1
Grum    1
gucci    1
gurbs    1
Gwdjohnson    1
H0PPY75    1
Halkohol    1
Hallsy    1
HanTheMan_    1
Hazack    1
hewasajazzman    1
hhh81    1
Highhaschdi    1
hockeyiscool    1
hotdog    1
Huck24    1
Inf1d3l    1
jay2233    1
Jepox    1
Jericson    1
Jimmysmo27    1
jjlangabeer    1
JKortesi81    1
JNH    1
Jonny Tsunami    1
Jorec    1
jRuutu    1
JT3    1
jtam    1
Julio Tokolosh    1
Jumbobone19    1
JumpierPegasus    1
juniped    1
Kalakar    1
KaleSalad    1
karlssens    1
Katth    1
KC15    1
Keenan    1
kentakira    1
kenvald    1
Keven    1
Keygan    1
Kierkan    1
kikish18    1
KlusteR    1
Kraagenskul    1
krazko    1
Kyamprac    1
Kylrad    1
Lazyeye    1
LB3737    1
leafs1997    1
Leafs4ever    1
leafsftw1967    1
Leppish    1
lespoils    1
leviadan    1
lilstifler    1
Lime    1
lmao    1
Lobbanet    1
Locagiess    1
LordBirdman    1
Lorec    1
Lowlycrib    1
Lukstins88    1
marco999    1
Massive Coiler    1
mastersheep    1
Matteo    1
Mazatt    1
Mediocre_Fred    1
Memento Mori    1
Merica    1
micool132    1
Mike Izzy    1
MN_Moosey    1
monochroma    1
Mooney    1
Mooty99    1
Moreorless89    1
MP7    1
Mr. Finland    1
MrRuihu    1
Muerto    1
Muford    1
Mutedfaith    1
MyLittleHexx    1
natedoeshockey    1
negs77    1
Nhamlet    1
Nictox    1
Nike    1
NorwegianDemon    1
notorioustig    1
notoriousTRON    1
nour    1
nyumbayangu    1
Obsidian311    1
Ohtaay    1
Omniscius    1
Opera_Phantom    1
Otrebor13    1
overdoo    1
Patty    1
peej2189    1
Pickle Juice    1
PremierBromanov    1
ProjectSaint    1
puolivalmiste    1
Pythonic    1
qWest    1
r0tzbua    1
Rabidsponge21    1
Ragnar    1
Rancidbudgie    1
Rangerjase    1
Rankle    1
Raven    1
raymond3000    1
ReaperComePepegaAim    1
reid    1
RenoJacksonHS    1
Renomitsu    1
retuperkele    1
Rich    1
roastpuff    1
RomanesEuntDomus    1
Ronniewalker    1
RotticusScott    1
Ruggsy    1
rum_ham    1
sakrosankt    1
Salming    1
SchwarzNarr    1
Scrufdaddy    1
SDCore    1
SewingWithNancy    1
SeymourSnatches    1
SFresh3    1
Shmurph    1
Skeleton Party    1
sköldpaddor    1
SlashACM    1
slothfacekilla    1
Snuffalupagus    1
Sopath    1
soulja    1
Spartan    1
SpartanGibbles    1
spooked    1
st4rface    1
StadiumGambler    1
Steelhead77    1
steveoiscool    1
suavemente    1
sulovilen    1
supertardis101    1
sve7en    1
takethehorizon    1
Talls    1
TapdancingNecrons    1
taterswc    1
Tayjay    1
Thatguy91    1
the5urreal    1
TheCC    1
TheDangaZone    1
TheFlash    1
Thunfish    1
TnlAstatine    1
Toast    1
Toivo    1
Tomasnz    1
Tomen    1
TommySalami    1
traphag    1
trashae    1
Trautner    1
trella    1
tweedledunn    1
Tylar    1
UberBJ    1
Urq660    1
UrsinZ    1
ValorX77    1
Vandy    1
Vikian    1
visceralpotamus    1
VRTX L4S3R    1
WannabeFinn    1
Wearingabear    1
WithTheMoose    1
wumaduce    1
XLeafer    1
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie    1
Z-Whiz    1
zaynzk    1
zeagle1    1
Zombiewolf    1
Zomp    1
Zoone16    1
ZootTX    1

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

The following may claim the tpe number listed next to their username for participating in mPT#4: Heroes!

I hope it was fun to reflect on a time when you were brand new to the league.

.bojo    1
3lewsers    1
5ympathies    1
aaronwilson    1
academydropout    1
ACapitalChicago    1
Accka    1
Ace    1
Acsolap    1
Aephino    1
AgentSmith630    1
Air Crou    1
Aleris    1
Amidships    1
Andy    1
Arkz    1
artermis    1
arturs33    1
Asked Madden    1
Avakael    1
BadWolf    1
BarnabasCollins    1
BasedMinkus    1
Bayley    1
bbjygm    1
bdu754    1
BenDover    1
Benpachi    1
Bfine    1
BigTittySmitty    1
bjkman    1
bk1689    1
Blasoon    1
Blastmeaway    1
bluesfan55    1
BoloBill    1
boom    1
Bruins10    1
Buster    1
By-Tor    1
C9Van    1
caltroit_red_flames    1
CampinKiller    1
CanadianDuck    1
Canadice    1
canes2112    1
Capt_Blitzkrieg    1
Carpy48    1
CementHands    1
charlieconway    1
CheerfulBender20    1
Citizen of Adraa    1
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn    1
Crazylemire    1
CrazyMojito    1
crutch    1
Dagumpa    1
DannyC    1
DarkCanuck29    1
Dewalt27    1
Dextaria    1
dogwoodmaple    1
Drokeep    1
DrunkenTeddy    1
dude_man    1
efischermann    1
enigmatic    1
EsAmYk    1
Evil_AllBran    1
Evok    1
Exilate    1
Eynhallow    1
Faelax    1
Fantobens    1
Ferda    1
Festinator    1
fever95    1
FinnRhys    1
fishy    1
FlappyGiraffe    1
Fluw    1
Frick_Nasty    1
gaby    1
Gaia Mormont    1
GCool    1
Geekusoid    1
Gifter of Bikes    1
goilers    1
golden_apricot    1
goldenglutes    1
GoonerBear    1
GrannyPanPan    1
Grapehead    1
Graydonsanatomy    1
greencityny    1
grok    1
Grum    1
gucci    1
gurbs    1
Gwdjohnson    1
Halkohol    1
Hallsy    1
hhh81    1
Highhaschdi    1
hockeyiscool    1
Hordle    1
hotdog    1
Huck24    1
Inf1d3l    1
jay2233    1
jeffie43    1 (cutting it close)
Jepox    1
Jimmysmo27    1
Jonny Tsunami    1
Jorec    1
jRuutu    1
JT3    1
jtam    1
juke    1
Julio Tokolosh    1
Jumbobone19    1
JumpierPegasus    1
Kalakar    1
KaleSalad    1
karlssens    1
Katth    1
KC15    1
Keenan    1
KenitohMenara    1
kentakira    1
kenvald    1
Keven    1
Keygan    1
Kierkan    1
kikish18    1
KlusteR    1
Kraagenskul    1
krazko    1
Kyamprac    1
Kylrad    1
LairdButler    1
Lazyeye    1
LB3737    1
leafs1997    1
Leafs4ever    1
leafsftw1967    1
Leppish    1
lespoils    1
leviadan    1
lilstifler    1
Lime    1
lmao    1
Lobbanet    1
LordBirdman    1
Lorec    1
Lowlycrib    1
Lukstins88    1
marco999    1
Massive Coiler    1
mastersheep    1
Matteo    1
Mazatt    1
Mediocre_Fred    1
Memento Mori    1
Merica    1
micool132    1
Mike Izzy    1
MN_Moosey    1
monochroma    1
Mooney    1
Mooty99    1
Moreorless89    1
MP7    1
Mr. Finland    1
MrRuihu    1
Muerto    1
Muford    1
Mutedfaith    1
MyLittleHexx    1
natedoeshockey    1
Nhamlet    1
Nictox    1
Nike    1
NorwegianDemon    1
notorioustig    1
notoriousTRON    1
nour    1
nyumbayangu    1
O4L    1
Obsidian311    1
Ohtaay    1
Opera_Phantom    1
Otrebor13    1
overdoo    1
Patty    1
peej2189    1
Pickle Juice    1
ProjectSaint    1
puolivalmiste    1
Pythonic    1
r0tzbua    1
Rabidsponge21    1
Ragnar    1
Rancidbudgie    1
Rangerjase    1
Rankle    1
Raven    1
raymond3000    1
ReaperComePepegaAim    1
reid    1
RenoJacksonHS    1
Renomitsu    1
retuperkele    1
Rich    1
roastpuff    1
RomanesEuntDomus    1
Ronniewalker    1
RotticusScott    1
Ruggsy    1
rum_ham    1
sakrosankt    1
Salming    1
SchwarzNarr    1
Scrufdaddy    1
Sebster    1
SeymourSnatches    1
SFresh3    1
sköldpaddor    1
SlashACM    1
slothfacekilla    1
Snuffalupagus    1
Sopath    1
soulja    1
Spartan    1
SpartanGibbles    1
spooked    1
st4rface    1
StadiumGambler    1
Steelhead77    1
steveoiscool    1
suavemente    1
sulovilen    1
sve7en    1
takethehorizon    1
Talls    1
TapdancingNecrons    1
taterswc    1
Tayjay    1
Thatguy91    1
the5urreal    1
TheCC    1
TheDangaZone    1
TheFlash    1
Thunfish    1
TnlAstatine    1
Toast    1
Toivo    1
Tomasnz    1
Tomen    1
TommySalami    1
traphag    1
trashae    1
Trautner    1
trella    1
tweedledunn    1
Tylar    1
Urq660    1
ValorX77    1
Vandy    1
Vikian    1
visceralpotamus    1
VRTX L4S3R    1
WannabeFinn    1
Wearingabear    1
WithTheMoose    1
wumaduce    1
XLeafer    1
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie    1
Z-Whiz    1
zaynzk    1
zeagle1    1
Zombiewolf    1
ZootTX    1

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

The following users may claim the TPE listed next to their username for participating in PT #5-Legacy

3lewsers 3
5ympathies 3
aaronwilson 3
academydropout 3
ACapitalChicago 3
Accka 3
Ace 3
Acsolap 3
Aephino 3
AgentSmith630 3
Air Crou 3
Aleris 3
Amidships 3
Andy 3
Arkz 3
artermis 3
Asked Madden 3
AW13 3
BadWolf 3
BasedMinkus 3
bbjygm 3
bdu754 3
BenDover 3
Benpachi 3
Bfine 3
bjkman 3
bk1689 3
Blasoon 3
bluesfan55 3
BoloBill 3
Bruins10 3
Buster 3
By-Tor 3
C9Van 3
CanadianDuck 3
Canadice 3
canes2112 3
Capt_Blitzkrieg 3
CaptainCamel 3
Carpy48 3
CementHands 3
charlieconway 3
CheerfulBender20 3
Citizen of Adraa 3
ckroyal92 3
Cobbenstein 3
Count Chocula 3
Crazylemire 3
CrazyMojito 3
crutch 3
Dagumpa 3
DannyC 3
DarkCanuck29 3
Dewalt27 3
Dextaria 3
dmills3 3
dogwoodmaple 3
DollarAndADream 3
Drokeep 3
DrunkenTeddy 3
efischermann 3
enigmatic 3
Evil_AllBran 3
Evok 3
Exilate 3
Eynhallow 3
Faelax 3
Fantobens 3
Festinator 3
fever95 3
FinnRhys 3
Fitted2106 3
FlappyGiraffe 3
Fluw 3
Frick_Nasty 3
FuzzSHL 3
gaby 3
Gaia Mormont 3
GCool 3
Geekusoid 3
Gifter of Bikes 3
goilers 3
golden_apricot 3
goldenglutes 3
GoonerBear 3
GrannyPanPan 3
Grapehead 3
Graydonsanatomy 3
greencityny 3
grimreaper 3
gurbs 3
Gwdjohnson 3
H0PPY75 3
Halkohol 3
hewasajazzman 3
hhh81 3
Highhaschdi 3
hockeyiscool 3
Hordle 2 (under word count)
hotdog 3
Huck24 3
Inf1d3l 3
jay2233 3
JaytheGreat 3
Jepox 3
Jericson 3
JKortesi81 3
Jonny Tsunami 3
Jorec 3
jRuutu 3
JT3 3
jtam 3
juke 3
Julio Tokolosh 3
Jumbobone19 3
JumpierPegasus 3
Kalakar 3
KaleSalad 3
karlssens 3
Katth 3
KC15 3
Keenan 3
KenitohMenara 3
kentakira 3
kenvald 3
Keven 3
Keygan 3
Kierkan 3
kikish18 3
KlusteR 3
Kraagenskul 3
krazko 3
Kyamprac 3
Kylrad 3
Lazyeye 3
LB3737 3
leafs1997 3
Leafs4ever 3
leafsftw1967 3
Leppish 3
lespoils 3
leviadan 3
lilstifler 3
Lime 3
Lobbanet 3
LordBirdman 3
Lorec 3
Lowlycrib 3
LucidDreams702 3
marco999 3
mastersheep 3
Matteo 3
Mazatt 3
Memento Mori 3
Merica 3
micool132 3
Mike Izzy 3
MN_Moosey 3
monochroma 3
Mooney 3
Mooty99 3
Moreorless89 3
MP7 3
Mr. Finland 3
Muerto 3
Muford 3
Mutedfaith 3
natedoeshockey 3
negs77 3
Nhamlet 3
Nike 3
NorwegianDemon 3
notorioustig 3
notoriousTRON 3
nyumbayangu 3
Ohtaay 3
Opera_Phantom 3
Otrebor13 3
Patty 3
peej2189 3
Pickle Juice 3
PremierBromanov 3
ProjectSaint 3
Pythonic 3
qWest 3
r0tzbua 3
Rabidsponge21 3
Ragnar 3
Rancidbudgie 3
Rangerjase 3
Raven 3
raymond3000 3
reid 3
RenoJacksonHS 3
Renomitsu 3
retuperkele 3
Rich 3
roastpuff 3
RomanesEuntDomus 3
Ronniewalker 3
RotticusScott 3
rum_ham 3
sakrosankt 3
Salming 3
SchwarzNarr 3
Scrufdaddy 3
Sebster 3
SewingWithNancy 3
SeymourSnatches 3
SFresh3 3
simo_393 3
sköldpaddor 3
SlashACM 3
slothfacekilla 3
Snuffalupagus 3
Sopath 3
soulja 3
Spartan 3
SpartanGibbles 3
spooked 3
st4rface 3
StadiumGambler 3
Steelhead77 3
steveoiscool 3
suavemente 3
sulovilen 3
supertardis101 3
sve7en 3
takethehorizon 3
Talls 3
TapdancingNecrons 3
taterswc 3
Tayjay 3
Thatguy91 3
the5urreal 3
TheDangaZone 3
TheFlash 3
TheSparkyDee 3
Thunfish 3
Toast 3
Toivo 3
Tomasnz 3
Tomen 3
TommySalami 3
traphag 3
Trautner 3
tweedledunn 3
Tylar 3
Urq660 3
ValorX77 3
Vikian 3
visceralpotamus 3
Wearingabear 3
WithTheMoose 3
wumaduce 3
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie 3
Z-Whiz 3
zaynzk 3
zeagle1 3
Zombiewolf 3
Zomp 3
ZootTX 3

Please message me if you have any questions or concerns

[Image: manh_sig6.png?width=499&height=542][Image: lebedev-sig.gif]

The following users may claim the TPE listed next to their name for Primetime #4 which saw Seattle, Calgary and Chicago emerge victorious.

PM me with any issues

.bojo    2
3lewsers    1.5
5ympathies    2
aaronwilson    1.5
academydropout    1.5
ACapitalChicago    2
Accka    1
Ace    2
Acsolap    1
Aephino    1
AgentSmith630    1.5
Aleris    1.5
Amidships    1
Andy    1.5
Arkz    1
artermis    1
Asked Madden    1.5
AW13    1.5
BadWolf    1.5
BarnabasCollins    1.5
BasedMinkus    1
bbjygm    2.5
bdu754    2
BenDover    1
Benpachi    1.5
Bfine    1.5
bjkman    1.5
Blasoon    2
bluesfan55    2
Bongo    2
boom    1
Bruins10    1.5
Buster    1.5
By-Tor    1.5
C9Van    1.5
caltroit_red_flames    1
CampinKiller    2.5
CanadianDuck    2
Canadice    1.5
Capt_Blitzkrieg    2
CaptainCamel    1.5
Carpy48    1.5
CD12    2
CementHands    2
charlieconway    1
CheerfulBender20    1
Citizen of Adraa    1.5
Cobbenstein    2
Count Chocula    1
CptSquall    2
Crazylemire    1.5
CrazyMojito    2
Cyanide    2
Dagumpa    1.5
DannyC    1.5
DarkCanuck29    2
Deng    1.5
Dewalt27    2
Dextaria    2
dogwoodmaple    2
Drokeep    1.5
DrunkenTeddy    2
dude_man    2
efischermann    1.5
enigmatic    1.5
EricNCSU    2
Esso2264    1.5
Evil_AllBran    1.5
Evok    1.5
Exilate    1.5
Eynhallow    2
Faelax    1
Fantobens    1.5
Ferda    1.5
Festinator    1
fever95    1.5
FinnRhys    1
fishy    1.5
Fitted2106    2
FlappyGiraffe    1.5
Fluw    1.5
Frick_Nasty    1.5
gaby    2
Gaia Mormont    1.5
GCool    2
Geekusoid    2
Gifter of Bikes    2
goilers    1.5
golden_apricot    1
goldenglutes    2
GoonerBear    2
gordieboom    1
GrannyPanPan    1.5
Grapehead    1.5
Graydonsanatomy    2
greencityny    1.5
grimreaper    1.5
grok    1.5
Grum    1
gurbs    1
Gwdjohnson    1.5
H0PPY75    2
Halkohol    1.5
hewasajazzman    1.5
hhh81    1
Highhaschdi    2
hockeyiscool    1
honkerrs    1.5
Hordle    1.5
hotdog    2
Huck24    1
Inf1d3l    2
jay2233    1.5
JaytheGreat    1
Jepox    1
Jimmysmo27    1.5
JKortesi81    1.5
Jonny Tsunami    1
Jorec    1
jRuutu    2
JSS331    1.5
JT3    2
jtam    1
juke    1.5
Julio Tokolosh    2
Jumbobone19    2
JumpierPegasus    1.5
juniped    1
Kalakar    1.5
KaleSalad    1.5
karlssens    1.5
Katth    1.5
KC15    1.5
Keenan    1.5
KenitohMenara    1.5
kentakira    2
kenvald    1.5
Keven    1.5
Kierkan    2
kikish18    2
KlusteR    1
Kraagenskul    1.5
krazko    1
Kyamprac    1
Kylrad    1
LairdButler    2.5
Lazyeye    1.5
LB3737    2
leafs1997    1.5
Leafs4ever    1
leafsftw1967    1
Leppish    2
lespoils    2
leviadan    1.5
lilstifler    1
Lime    1
Lobbanet    1
LordBirdman    1
Lorec    1.5
Lowlycrib    2
luketd    1
majesiu    1
marco999    1.5
Massive Coiler    1.5
mastersheep    1.5
Matteo    2
Mazatt    1
Memento Mori    1.5
Merica    1.5
micool132    2
Mike Izzy    2
MN_Moosey    2
monochroma    1.5
Mooney    1.5
Mooty99    2.5
Mr. Finland    1
Muerto    1.5
Muford    1
Mutedfaith    1.5
MyLittleHexx    1.5
natedoeshockey    1
negs77    1.5
Nerio    1.5
Nhamlet    1
Nictox    1.5
Nike    1
NorwegianDemon    2
notoriousTRON    1
nyumbayangu    2
Ohtaay    1
Opera_Phantom    1.5
Otrebor13    2
overdoo    1
Patty    1.5
peej2189    1.5
Pickle Juice    1.5
PremierBromanov    2
ProjectSaint    1.5
puolivalmiste    1
Pythonic    1
qWest    1.5
r0tzbua    1
Ragnar    1
Rancidbudgie    1.5
Rangerjase    1
Rankle    1.5
Raven    2
RedCapeDiver    2
reid    1.5
RenoJacksonHS    1.5
Renomitsu    1
retuperkele    1.5
Rich    1.5
roastpuff    1
RomanesEuntDomus    2
Ronniewalker    1
RotticusScott    1.5
Ruggsy    2
rum_ham    1
sakrosankt    1
Salming    2.5
santej29    1.5
SchwarzNarr    2
Scrufdaddy    1.5
Sebster    2
SewingWithNancy    1
SeymourSnatches    1.5
SFresh3    1.5
Shmurph    1
siddhus    1
simo_393    1
Sivart    1.5
sköldpaddor    2.5
SlashACM    1
slothfacekilla    1
Snuffalupagus    1.5
Sopath    1
soulja    1
Spartan    2
SpartanGibbles    1
spooked    1.5
st4rface    1.5
StadiumGambler    2
Steelhead77    2
steveoiscool    1.5
suavemente    1.5
sulovilen    1.5
supertardis101    1.5
takethehorizon    1
Talls    1.5
TapdancingNecrons    1.5
taterswc    2
Tayjay    2
Thatguy91    1.5
the5urreal    1.5
TheCC    1.5
TheDangaZone    1.5
TheFlash    1.5
TheSparkyDee    1
Thunfish    1.5
TML99    1
TnlAstatine    1.5
Toast    1.5
Toivo    1.5
Tomasnz    1.5
TommySalami    1
traphag    1.5
Trautner    1.5
trella    1.5
tweedledunn    1.5
Tylar    1
Urq660    2
ValorX77    2
Vandy    2
Velevra    2
Vikian    1
visceralpotamus    1.5
VRTX L4S3R    2
Wally    2
WannabeFinn    1.5
Wearingabear    2
WithTheMoose    2
wumaduce    1
XLeafer    1.5
Z-Whiz    1.5
zaynzk    2
zeagle1    1.5
Zema    1
Zombiewolf    1.5
Zomp    1.5
Zoone16    1.5
ZootTX    1.5

[Image: Katth.gif]

  [Image: CsnVET2.png]
Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

[Image: cgv4vCv.png] [Image: 95lCCDx.png] [Image: GATPRRX.png]
S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
[Image: gNFVjT6.png]

The following may claim the tpe number listed next to their username for participating in mPT#5: Snacks!

This was a fun mpt to read and I hope you enjoyed writing it

.bojo    1
3lewsers    1
5ympathies    1
aaronwilson    1
academydropout    1
ACapitalChicago    1
Accka    1
Ace    1
Acsolap    1
Aephino    1
AgentSmith630    1
Air Crou    1
Aleris    1
Amidships    1
Andy    1
Arkz    1
artermis    1
Asked Madden    1
AW13    1
BadWolf    1
BarnabasCollins    1
BasedMinkus    1
bbjygm    1
bdu754    1
BenDover    1
Benpachi    1
Bfine    1
bjkman    1
bk1689    1
Blasoon    1
bluesfan55    1
BoloBill    1
Bongo    1
boom    1
Bruins10    1
Buster    1
By-Tor    1
C9Van    1
caltroit_red_flames    1
CampinKiller    1
CanadianDuck    1
Canadice    1
canes2112    1
Capt_Blitzkrieg    1
CaptainCamel    1
Carpy48    1
CementHands    1
charlieconway    1
CheerfulBender20    1
Citizen of Adraa    1
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn    1
Cobbenstein    1
Count Chocula    1
CptSquall    1
Crazylemire    1
CrazyMojito    1
crutch    1
Cyanide    0
Dagumpa    1
DannyC    1
DarkCanuck29    1
Dewalt27    1
Dextaria    1
dmills3    1
dogwoodmaple    1
Drokeep    1
DrunkenTeddy    1
efischermann    1
enigmatic    1
Evil_AllBran    1
Evok    1
Exilate    1
Eynhallow    1
Faelax    1
Fantobens    1
Festinator    1
fever95    1
FinnRhys    1
Fitted2106    1
FlappyGiraffe    1
Fluw    1
Frick_Nasty    1
FuzzSHL    1
gaby    1
Gaia Mormont    1
GCool    1
Geekusoid    1
Gifter of Bikes    1
goilers    1
golden_apricot    1
goldenglutes    1
GoonerBear    1
GrannyPanPan    1
Grapehead    1
Graydonsanatomy    1
greencityny    1
grimreaper    1
gurbs    1
Gwdjohnson    1
H0PPY75    1
Halkohol    1
Hallsy    1
hewasajazzman    1
hhh81    1
Highhaschdi    1
hockeyiscool    1
Hordle    1
hotdog    1
Huck24    1
Inf1d3l    1
jay2233    1
JaytheGreat    1
Jepox    1
Jericson    1
Jimmysmo27    1
JKortesi81    1
Jonny Tsunami    1
Jorec    1
jRuutu    1
JT3    1
jtam    1
juke    1
Julio Tokolosh    1
Jumbobone19    1
JumpierPegasus    1
juniped    1
KaleSalad    1
karlssens    1
Katth    1
KC15    1
Keenan    1
kentakira    1
kenvald    1
Keven    1
Keygan    1
Kierkan    1
kikish18    1
KlusteR    1
Kraagenskul    1
krazko    1
Kyamprac    1
Kylrad    1
LairdButler    1
Lazyeye    1
LB3737    1
leafs1997    1
Leafs4ever    1
leafsftw1967    1
Leppish    1
lespoils    1
leviadan    1
lilstifler    1
Lime    1
Lobbanet    1
LordBirdman    1
Lorec    1
Lowlycrib    1
Lukstins88    1
marco999    1
Massive Coiler    1
mastersheep    1
Matteo    1
Mazatt    1
Memento Mori    1
Merica    1
micool132    1
Mike Izzy    1
MN_Moosey    1
monochroma    1
Mooney    1
Mooty99    1
Moreorless89    1
MP7    1
Mr. Finland    1
Muerto    1
Muford    1
Mutedfaith    1
natedoeshockey    1
negs77    1
Nhamlet    1
Nictox    1
Nike    1
NorwegianDemon    1
notorioustig    1
notoriousTRON    1
nyumbayangu    1
Ohtaay    1
Opera_Phantom    1
Otrebor13    1
Patty    1
peej2189    1
Pickle Juice    1
PremierBromanov    1
Pythonic    1
qWest    1
r0tzbua    1
Rabidsponge21    1
Ragnar    1
Rancidbudgie    1
Rangerjase    1
Raven    1
raymond3000    1
reid    1
RenoJacksonHS    1
Renomitsu    1
retuperkele    1
Rich    1
roastpuff    1
RomanesEuntDomus    1
Ronniewalker    1
RotticusScott    1
Ruggsy    1
rum_ham    1
sakrosankt    1
Salming    1
SchwarzNarr    1
Scrufdaddy    1
Sebster    1
SewingWithNancy    1
SeymourSnatches    1
SFresh3    1
Sivart    1
sköldpaddor    1
SlashACM    1
slothfacekilla    1
Snuffalupagus    1
Sopath    1
soulja    1
Spartan    1
SpartanGibbles    1
spooked    1
st4rface    1
StadiumGambler    1
Steelhead77    1
steveoiscool    1
suavemente    1
sulovilen    1
supertardis101    1
sve7en    1
takethehorizon    1
Talls    1
TapdancingNecrons    1
taterswc    1
Tayjay    1
Thatguy91    1
TheDangaZone    1
TheFlash    1
TheSparkyDee    1
Thunfish    1
TnlAstatine    1
Toast    1
Toivo    1
Tomasnz    1
Tomen    1
TommySalami    1
traphag    1
Trautner    1
tweedledunn    1
Tylar    1
Urq660    1
ValorX77    1
Vandy    1
Vikian    1
visceralpotamus    1
VRTX L4S3R    1
Wearingabear    1
WithTheMoose    1
wumaduce    1
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie    1
Z-Whiz    1
zaynzk    1
zeagle1    1
Zombiewolf    1
Zomp    1
Zoone16    1
ZootTX    1

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

A lil' late.
The following users can claim the TPE next to their name for 3v3 #4, Shotblocks. 1 TPE for submission and 1 additional TPE for believing that Hamilton would turn Toronto players into target practice.
.bojo    1
3lewsers    1
5ympathies    2
aaronwilson    1
academydropout    1
ACapitalChicago    1
Accka    1
Ace    1
Acsolap    1
Aephino    1
AgentSmith630    1
Aleris    2
Amidships    1
Andy    1
Arkz    1
artermis    2
Asked Madden    1
AW13    1
BadWolf    1
BarnabasCollins    1
BasedMinkus    1
bbjygm    2
bdu754    2
BenDover    2
Benpachi    1
Bfine    1
bjkman    2
Blasoon    2
bluesfan55    2
Bongo    1
boom    1
Bruins10    1
Buster    1
By-Tor    2
C9Van    1
caltroit_red_flames    1
CampinKiller    1
CanadianDuck    1
Canadice    1
Capt_Blitzkrieg    1
CaptainCamel    1
Carpy48    2
CD12    2
CementHands    2
charlieconway    2
CheerfulBender20    2
Citizen of Adraa    2
Cobbenstein    1
Count Chocula    2
CptSquall    1
Crazylemire    1
CrazyMojito    1
Cyanide    1
Dagumpa    1
DannyC    1
DarkCanuck29    1
Deng    2
Dewalt27    2
Dextaria    2
dogwoodmaple    2
Drokeep    1
DrunkenTeddy    2
efischermann    1
enigmatic    1
EricNCSU    2
Esso2264    2
Evil_AllBran    2
Evok    1
Exilate    2
Eynhallow    1
Faelax    1
Fantobens    2
Ferda    2
Festinator    2
fever95    2
FinnRhys    1
fishy    1
Fitted2106    1
FlappyGiraffe    2
Fluw    1
Frick_Nasty    1
gaby    2
Gaia Mormont    2
GCool    1
Geekusoid    2
Gifter of Bikes    1
goilers    2
golden_apricot    1
goldenglutes    2
GoonerBear    2
gordieboom    1
GrannyPanPan    1
Grapehead    1
Graydonsanatomy    1
greencityny    1
grimreaper    2
grok    1
Grum    2
gurbs    2
Gwdjohnson    1
H0PPY75    1
Halkohol    2
hewasajazzman    1
hhh81    1
Highhaschdi    1
hockeyiscool    1
honkerrs    2
Hordle    2
hotdog    2
Huck24    1
Inf1d3l    2
jay2233    1
JaytheGreat    2
jeffie43    1
Jepox    1
Jimmysmo27    1
JKortesi81    1
Jonny Tsunami    1
Jorec    1
jRuutu    1
JT3    2
jtam    1
juke    2
Julio Tokolosh    1
Jumbobone19    2
JumpierPegasus    2
juniped    2
Kalakar    2
KaleSalad    2
karlssens    1
Katth    1
KC15    2
Keenan    1
KenitohMenara    1
kentakira    1
kenvald    1
Keven    2
Kierkan    1
kikish18    1
KlusteR    1
Kraagenskul    1
krazko    1
Kyamprac    1
Kylrad    1
LairdButler    1
Lazyeye    1
LB3737    1
leafs1997    1
Leafs4ever    2
leafsftw1967    2
Leppish    2
lespoils    2
leviadan    1
lilstifler    2
Lime    1
Lobbanet    2
LordBirdman    1
Lorec    1
Lowlycrib    1
luketd    1
majesiu    1
marco999    1
Massive Coiler    1
mastersheep    2
Matteo    2
Mazatt    1
Memento Mori    1
Merica    2
micool132    1
Mike Izzy    1
MN_Moosey    1
monochroma    1
Mooney    2
Mooty99    2
Moreorless89    2
MP7    2
Mr. Finland    1
Muerto    1
Muford    2
Mutedfaith    2
MyLittleHexx    1
natedoeshockey    2
negs77    1
Nerio    1
Nictox    2
Nike    2
NorwegianDemon    1
notoriousTRON    2
nyumbayangu    1
Ohtaay    1
Opera_Phantom    1
Otrebor13    2
overdoo    1
Patty    2
peej2189    2
Pickle Juice    1
PremierBromanov    1
ProjectSaint    2
puolivalmiste    1
Pythonic    1
qWest    1
r0tzbua    1
Ragnar    2
Rancidbudgie    2
Rangerjase    1
Rankle    1
Raven    2
RedCapeDiver    2
reid    1
RenoJacksonHS    1
Renomitsu    2
retuperkele    1
Rich    2
roastpuff    1
RomanesEuntDomus    2
Ronniewalker    2
RotticusScott    1
Ruggsy    1
rum_ham    2
sakrosankt    1
Salming    1
santej29    1
SchwarzNarr    1
Scrufdaddy    1
Sebster    1
SewingWithNancy    1
SeymourSnatches    2
SFresh3    2
Shmurph    1
simo_393    1
Sivart    1
sköldpaddor    1
SlashACM    1
slothfacekilla    1
Snuffalupagus    1
Sopath    2
soulja    2
Spartan    1
SpartanGibbles    2
spooked    1
st4rface    2
StadiumGambler    2
Steelhead77    1
steveoiscool    1
suavemente    1
sulovilen    1
supertardis101    1
takethehorizon    2
Talls    1
TapdancingNecrons    1
taterswc    1
Tayjay    2
Thatguy91    1
the5urreal    1
TheCC    2
TheDangaZone    2
TheFlash    1
TheSparkyDee    2
Thunfish    1
TML99    1
TnlAstatine    1
Toast    2
Toivo    1
Tomasnz    2
TommySalami    1
traphag    2
Trautner    2
trella    1
TubbyTim69    1
tweedledunn    2
Tylar    1
Urq660    1
ValorX77    1
Vandy    1
Velevra    2
Vikian    1
visceralpotamus    1
VRTX L4S3R    2
Wally    2
WannabeFinn    1
Wearingabear    1
WithTheMoose    1
wumaduce    2
XLeafer    2
Z-Whiz    1
zaynzk    1
zeagle1    1
Zema    2
Zombiewolf    2
Zomp    1
Zoone16    1
ZootTX    1

[Image: 1rdovVs.gif]

[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]

The following users can claim the TPE next to them for S61 Playoff Brackets. Congrats to Hamilton for winning the challenge cup. If you have any questions feel free to dm me

If you want to view the spreadsheet for grading / viewing your shit:

.bojo - 6
(Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn - 8
39alaska39 - 7.5
3lewsers - 9.5
5ympathies - 8.5
aaronwilson - 7.5
academydropout - 9
ACapitalChicago - 7.5
Accka - 7.5
Ace - 5.5
Acsolap - 9
Aephino - 9.5
AgentSmith630 - 7.5
Air Crou - 7.5
Aleris - 7
Amidships - 9.5
Andy - 6.5
Arkz - 9.5
artermis - 6.5
Asked Madden  - 9.5
BadWolf - 7.5
BasedMinkus - 8.5
bbjygm - 7
bdu754 - 5.5
BenDover - 8.5
Benpachi - 5.5
Bfine - 8.5
bjkman - 9.5
Bk1689 - 7.5
Blasoon - 8.5
bluesfan55 - 9
BoloBill - 5.5
Bongo - 7.5
boom - 8
BrewskyBoy - 8.5
Bruins10 - 9
Buster - 8
By-Tor - 8
C9Van - 7.5
caltroit_red_flames - 7
CampinKiller - 6.5
CanadianDuck - 9
canadice - 6
canes2112 - 7
CaptainCamel - 9.5
Carpy48 - 7.5
CementHands - 7
charlieconway - 7
ckroyal92 - 6.5
Cobbebstein - 8
Count Chocula - 9
crazylemire - 6.5
CrazyMojito - 8.5
crutch - 7.5
Cyanide - 5.5
Damienj10 - 4
Dannyc - 7.5
DarkCanuck29 - 5
Dewalt27 - 7.5
Dextaria - 9
dmills3 - 9
dogwoodmaple - 9.5
DollarAndADream - 7.5
Drokeep - 6.5
DrunkenTeddy - 7.5
efischermann - 8
enigmatic - 8.5
Ephensstsa - 5
EricNCSU - 7.5
Esso2264 - 6.5
Evil_AllBran - 9.5
Evok - 8
Eynhallow - 4
Faelax - 9
Fantobens  - 7
Ferda - 9
Festinator - 9
fever95 - 5.5
FinnRhys - 9.5
Fishy - 9.5
Fitted2106 - 8.5
FlappyGiraffe - 6
Fluw - 6.5
Frick_Nasty - 7.5
FuzzSHL - 8.5
gaby - 9.5
Gaia Mormont - 4
GCool - 6.5
Geekusoid - 6.5
Goilers - 8.5
golden_apricot - 8.5
goldenglutes - 8.5
gordieboom - 9.5
GrannyPanPan - 9.5
Graydonsanatomy - 7
grimreaper - 7
Grum - 8.5
gurbs - 7.5
Gwdjohnson - 9.5
Halkohol - 7
Hallsy - 9.5
hewasajazzman - 9.5
hhh81 - 6.5
Highhaschdi - 9.5
hockeyiscool - 7.5
honkerrs - 9
hotdog - 7.5
Inf1d3l - 8.5
Inverted  - 6.5
jay2233 - 8
Jepox - 9.5
Jericson - 5
JKortesi81 - 8.5
JNH - 7
jRuutu - 8.5
JSS331 - 9
JT3 - 9.5
jtam - 8
juke - 8
Julio Tokolosh - 7
Jumbobone19 - 8
JumpierPegasus - 6.5
Juniped - 7.5
Kalakar - 9
KaleSalad - 9
karlssens - 9.5
Katth - 7
KC15 - 7
KenitohMenara - 7
kentakira - 8
kenvald - 9.5
Keven - 8
Keygan - 6.5
Kierkan - 7
kikish18 - 5.5
KlusteR - 7
Kraagenskul - 8.5
Krazko - 9.5
Kyamprac - 8
Kylrad - 9
LairdButler - 4
Lazyeye - 7.5
LB3737 - 4.5
leafs1997 - 9.5
Leafs4ever - 9.5
leafsftw1967 - 8
Leppish - 8
lespoils - 6
leviadan - 8
lilstifler - 6
Lime - 9
lmao - 6.5
Lobbanet - 7
LordBirdman - 9
Lorecy - 8
Luketd - 6.5
Lukstins88 - 6.5
marco999 - 9
mastersheep - 8.5
Matteo - 6.5
Mazatt - 7.5
Mediocre_Fred - 5
Memento Mori - 9.5
Merica  - 6
micool132 - 5.5
Mike Izzy - 6
MN_Moosey - 8
monochroma - 7.5
Mooney - 7
MP7 - 8
Mr. Finland - 9.5
Muerto - 9
Muford - 9
Mutedfaith - 8.5
Naosu - 7
natedoeshockey - 9.5
negs - 7.5
Nhamlet  - 8.5
Nike - 6.5
NorwegianDemon - 9
notorioustig - 9.5
notoriousTRON - 8
nour - 7
nyumbayangu - 9
O4L - 7
Ohtaay - 7.5
Opera_Phantom - 7.5
Otrebor13 - 9.5
Patty - 6.5
Peej2189 - 7.5
Pickle Juice - 7.5
PremierBromanov - 8
ProjectSaint - 5.5
puolivalmiste - 8
Pythonic - 7.5
r0tzbua - 9.5
Ragnar  - 5.5
Rancidbudgie  - 7.5
Rangerjase - 9
Ranidsponge21 - 7.5
Rankle - 6
Raven - 9
raymond3000 - 9.5
RedCapeDiver - 8
reid - 9
RenoJacksonHS - 5.5
retuperkele - 9
Rich - 7.5
roastpuff  - 7.5
RomanesEuntDomus - 9
Ronniewalker - 8.5
RotticusScott - 8.5
Ruggsy - 4.5
rum_ham - 8
sakrosankt - 9.5
Salming - 7.5
santej29 - 6.5
SchwarzNarr - 7.5
scrufdaddy - 8.5
SDCore - 7
Sebster - 7.5
Segi - 7.5
SewingWithNancy - 8
SeymourSnatches - 8
SFresh3 - 9.5
Shmurph - 6
siddhus - 7
Sivart - 7.5
Skeleton Party - 7.5
Sköldpaddor  - 4.5
Slashacm - 7.5
slothfacekilla - 6
Snuffalupagus - 7
soulja - 8.5
SpartanGibbles  - 6
spooked - 9.5
st4rface - 9
StadiumGambler - 8.5
steelhead77 - 7
steveoiscool - 9.5
suavemente - 7.5
sulovilen - 9
supertardis101 - 4.5
sve7en - 9
takethehorizon - 9
Talls - 7.5
TapdancingNecrons - 6.5
taterswc - 8.5
Tayjay - 7.5
Thatguy91  - 7
the5urreal - 9.5
TheDangaZone  - 7.5
TheFlash - 9
TheSparkyDee - 8.5
TheWoZy - 9.5
Thunfish - 7.5
tnlastatine - 6
Toast - 6.5
Toivo - 7
Tomasnz - 6.5
Tomen - 9.5
TommySalami - 8
traphag - 8
trashae - 8.5
Trautner - 9.5
trella - 6.5
TubbyTim69 - 9.5
tweedledunn - 9
Tylar - 9
Urq660 - 5.5
ValorX77  - 7
Vandy - 6
Velevra - 7
Vikian - 8.5
Visceralpotamus - 6
VRTX L4S3R - 4
Wally - 6.5
WannabeFinn - 7.5
washed-up trash - 5.5
wearingabear - 9
Whikadoodle - 4
WithTheMoose - 7.5
Wumaduce  - 7
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie - 8.5
Z-Whiz - 9.5
zeagle1 - 8
Zombiewolf - 7
Zomp - 4
Zoone16 - 7.5
ZootTX - 8.5
ztevans - 7

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


The following users can claim the TPE next to them for S61 Finals Predictions.

Which team will have more shots on goal in the game 1?
TEX: 46
HAM: 28

Which team will have more hits in the series?
TEX: 89
HAM: 88

Which team will win Game 5?
Series will end at 4

How many games in this series will go to overtime?
Under 3

Which player will have the most points for Hamilton in the series?
Mitchell van der Heijden - 6

Which player will have the most points for Texas in the series? all 2 points
Noah Brusky
Josef Kubinec
Lemo Pihl
Bjorn Leppanen
Andreas Kvalheim
Theo Kondos

Spreadsheet to view:

.bojo - 3
39alaska39 - 2
5ympathies - 2
aaronwilson - 1.5
academydropout - 3
ACapitalChicago - 2
Accka - 3
Acsolap - 2
Aephino - 2
AgentSmith630 - 3
Air Crou - 2
Aleris - 2.5
Amidships - 2
Andy - 2.5
Arkz - 2
artermis - 3
Asked Madden  - 2
BadWolf - 3
BasedMinkus - 2
Bayley - 2
bbjygm - 1.5
bdu754 - 2.5
BenDover - 1.5
Benpachi - 2
Bfine - 2
bilbo - 1.5
bjkman - 2
Bk1689  - 2.5
Blastmeaway - 2.5
bluesfan55  - 2
Bongo - 2
boom - 2
Buster - 2
By-Tor - 2.5
C9Van - 2.5
caltroit_red_flames - 1.5
CampinKiller - 1.5
CanadianDuck - 2
canadice - 2
canes2112 - 2
Capt_Blitzkrieg - 3
Carpy48 - 2
CementHands - 1.5
charlieconway - 1.5
CheerfulBender20 - 2
Citizen of Adraa - 2
ckroyal92 - 2.5
Count Chocula - 2
CrazyMojito - 1.5
Dagumpa - 3
Damienj10 - 2.5
DarkCanuck29 - 1.5
Dewalt27 - 2.5
Dextaria - 2.5
dogwoodmaple - 2
DollarAndADream - 2.5
Drokeep - 2
DrunkenTeddy - 1.5
Duff101 - 2.5
efischermann - 2
enigmatic - 2.5
EricNCSU - 2
Esso2264 - 2.5
Evil_AllBran - 2
Evok - 2
Eynhallow - 1.5
Faelax - 1.5
Fantobens - 2
Ferda - 2
Festinator - 2
fever95 - 2.5
FinnRhys - 1.5
Fishy - 1.5
Fitted2106 - 2
FlappyGiraffe - 1.5
Fluw - 1.5
Frick_Nasty - 3.5
gaby - 2.5
Gaia Mormont  - 2.5
GCool - 2
Geekusoid - 3
Goilers - 1.5
golden_apricot - 2
goldenglutes - 2
gordieboom - 1.5
GrannyPanPan - 1.5
Grapehead - 3
Graydonsanatomy  - 2
grimreaper - 1.5
Grok - 2
Grum - 2
gurbs - 2
Halkohol - 1.5
hewasajazzman - 1.5
hhh81 - 1
Highhaschdi - 2
hockeyiscool - 2
honkerrs - 1.5
Hordle - 3
hotdog - 2
Huck24 - 1.5
Inf1d3l - 3
jay2233 - 2.5
Jepox - 2.5
Jericson - 1.5
JKortesi81 - 2
jnh - 2
jobin - 3
Jonny Tsunami - 1.5
Jorec - 2.5
jRuutu - 2.5
JT3 - 2.5
jtam - 2
juke - 2
Julio Tokolosh - 2
Jumbobone19 - 1.5
JumpierPegasus - 3
Kalakar - 2
KaleSalad - 2
karlssens - 1.5
Katth - 2.5
KC15 - 2.5
KenitohMenara - 3
kentakira - 2
kenvald - 2
Keven - 2
Keygan - 1.5
Kierkan - 2.5
kikish18 - 2.5
Kraagenskul - 2
Krazko - 2
kyamprac - 2.5
Kylrad - 1.5
Lazyeye - 2
leafs1997 - 2
Leafs4ever - 1.5
leafsftw1967 - 2.5
Leppish - 2
leviadan - 2.5
lilstifler - 2
Lobbanet - 1.5
LordBirdman - 2
Lorec - 2.5
Luketd - 2
Lukstins88 - 2.5
marco999 - 2
Massive Coiler - 1.5
mastersheep - 1.5
Matteo - 2.5
Mazatt - 3
Memento Mori - 2
Merica - 2
micool132 - 3
Mike Izzy - 2
MN_Moosey - 2.5
monochroma - 2
Mooney - 2.5
Mooty99 - 2.5
MP7 - 2
Mr. Finland  - 2.5
Muerto - 2.5
Muford - 2.5
Mutedfaith - 2
MyLittleHexx - 2.5
Naosu - 1
natedoeshockey - 2
Nerio - 2
Nhamlet - 1.5
Nictox - 3
NorwegianDemon - 2
notorioustig - 2
notoriousTRON - 1.5
Ohtaay - 2
Opera_Phantom - 2
Otrebor13 - 2
Patty - 2
Peej2189 - 2.5
PremierBromanov - 1.5
puolivalmiste - 1.5
Pythonic - 2.5
qWest - 2.5
Rabidsponge21 - 2
Ragnar - 2.5
Rancidbudgie - 2.5
Rangerjase - 3
Rankle - 2.5
Raven - 2
raymond3000 - 2
ReaperComePepegaAim - 2
RedCapeDiver - 2.5
reid - 2
RenoJacksonHS  - 2
Renomitsu - 1.5
retuperkele - 2
Rich - 1.5
roastpuff  - 2
RomanesEuntDomus - 2
Ronniewalker - 2
RotticusScott - 2.5
rum_ham - 2.5
sakrosankt - 2.5
Salming - 3
santej29 - 2
SchwarzNarr - 1.5
scrufdaddy - 1.5
SDCore - 2.5
Sebster - 1.5
SewingWithNancy - 2.5
SeymourSnatches - 1.5
SFresh3 - 1.5
Shmurph - 2.5
siddhus - 2.5
Skeleton Party - 2
sköldpaddor - 2
Slashacm - 2.5
slothfacekilla - 2
Snuffalupagus - 1.5
soulja - 1.5
Spooked - 1.5
st4rface - 1.5
StadiumGambler - 2.5
steelhead77 - 2
steveoiscool - 2.5
suavemente - 3
Sve7en - 1.5
takethehorizon - 2.5
Talls - 2
TapdancingNecrons - 2
taterswc - 2
the5urreal - 2
TheDangaZone - 2.5
TheFlash - 2
TheSparkyDee - 2
Toast - 1.5
Toivo - 2
TOmen - 1.5
TommySalami - 2.5
traphag - 2
trashae - 2
Trautner - 2
trella - 1.5
tweedledunn - 2
Tylar - 3
Urq660 - 1.5
ValorX77  - 2.5
Vandy - 2
Vikian - 2
visceralpotamus - 2
Wally - 1.5
washed-up trash - 2.5
Wearingabear - 3
WithTheMoose - 1.5
Wumaduce  - 3
XLeafer - 1.5
Z-Whiz - 2
zeagle1 - 1.5
Zoone16 - 2

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]

(This post was last modified: 10-14-2021, 02:03 PM by Hallsy.)

S61 Fantasy

10 TPE (1st)

5 TPE (2nd)
Skeleton Party
James Truong

3 TPE (3rd)
Washed-up trash

1 TPE (4th)
Jonny Tsunami
Pickle Juice
DarkCanuck29 to signup for next season

The following users may claim the tpe number listed next to their username for completing Offseason Funtime 1! If you got both questions right, you received 1 tpe. If you did not, you received 0 tpe.

Question 1 was false, 3 users got suspended for down-repping. Question 2 was false, Andrew Joycon was a Left Wing.

.bojo    0
3lewsers    1
5ympathies    1
aaronwilson    1
academydropout    1
ACapitalChicago    1
Accka    1
Ace    1
Acsolap    1
Aephino    1
AgentSmith630    1
Air Crou    1
Amidships    1
Andy    1
Arkz    1
artermis    0
Asked Madden    1
BadWolf    1
BasedMinkus    1
Bayley    1
bbjygm    1
bdu754    1
Beaver    1
BenDover    1
Benpachi    1
Bfine    1
bjkman    1
Blasoon    1
Blastmeaway    1
BLBertrand    1
bluesfan55    0
boom    1
brickwall35    1
Briedaqueduc    1
Bruins10    1
Buster    1
By-Tor    0
C9Van    1
CampinKiller    1
CanadianDuck    1
Canadice    1
canes2112    1
CapnCooper    1
CaptainCamel    1
Carpy48    1
CementHands    1
charlieconway    1
CheerfulBender20    1
Chris-McZehrl    1
Clean Andrei Kostitsyn    1
Cobbenstein    1
Count Chocula    1
Crazylemire    1
CrazyMojito    1
crutch    1
Dagumpa    1
DarkCanuck29    1
Dewalt27    1
Dextaria    1
dogwoodmaple    1
DollarAndADream    1
Drokeep    1
DrunkenTeddy    1
duffleman2002    1
efischermann    1
enigmatic    1
Evil_AllBran    1
Evok    1
Eynhallow    0
Faelax    1
Fantobens    0
Ferda    1
Festinator    1
fever95    1
FinnRhys    1
fishy    1
Fitted2106    1
FlappyGiraffe    1
Fluw    1
FormuleUn    1
FourFour    1
Frick_Nasty    1
FuzzSHL    1
G2019    1
gaby    0
Gaia Mormont    1
GCool    1
Geekusoid    0
Gifter of Bikes    1
goilers    1
golden_apricot    1
goldenglutes    1
GoonerBear    1
gordieboom    1
GrannyPanPan    1
Grapehead    1
Graydonsanatomy    1
grimreaper    1
grok    1
Grum    1
gurbs    1
Gwdjohnson    1
H0PPY75    1
Halkohol    1
Hallsy    1
HanTheMan_    1
hewasajazzman    1
hhh81    1
High Stick King    1
Highhaschdi    1
hockeyiscool    1
honkerrs    1
Hordle    1
hotdog    1
Huck24    1
Inf1d3l    1
James Truong    1
jay2233    1
Jepox    1
JKortesi81    1
Jonny Tsunami    1
jRuutu    0
JSS331    1
JT3    1
jtam    1
juke    1
Julio Tokolosh    1
Jumbobone19    1
JumpierPegasus    1
juniped    1
JuOSu    0
Kalakar    1
KaleSalad    1
karlssens    1
KC15    1
KenitohMenara    1
kentakira    1
kenvald    1
Keven    1
Keygan    1
Kierkan    1
kingtag1999    1
KlusteR    0
Kraagenskul    1
krazko    1
Kyamprac    1
Lazyeye    1
LB3737    1
leafs1997    1
Leafs4ever    1
leafsftw1967    1
Leppish    1
lespoils    1
leviadan    1
lilstifler    1
Lime    1
lmao    1
Lobbanet    1
LordBirdman    1
Lorec    1
luketd    1
Lukstins88    1
marco999    1
mastersheep    1
Matteo    1
Mazatt    1
Mediocre_Fred    0
Memento Mori    1
mer    1
Merica    1
micool132    1
Mike Izzy    0
MN_Moosey    1
monochroma    1
Mook    1
Mook    1
Mooney    1
Mooty99    1
Moreorless89    1
Mr. Finland    1
Muerto    0
Muford    1
Mutedfaith    1
MyLittleHexx    1
NamelessNate    1
Naosu    1
natedoeshockey    1
Nerio    1
Nhamlet    1
Nike    1
NorwegianDemon    1
notorioustig    1
notoriousTRON    1
O4L    1
Ohtaay    1
Omniscius    1
Opera_Phantom    1
OrbitingDeath    1
Otrebor13    1
overdoo    1
Patty    1
peej2189    1
Philliesphan96    1
Pickle Juice    1
puolivalmiste    0
Pythonic    1
qWest    1
r0tzbua    1
r1c3bowl22    1
Rabidsponge21    1
Ragnar    1
Rancidbudgie    1
Rangerjase    1
Rankle    1
RashfordU    1
Raven    1
raymond3000    1
ReaperComePepegaAim    1
RedCapeDiver    1
Redderder15    1
reid    1
RenoJacksonHS    1
Renomitsu    1
retuperkele    0
Rich    1
roastpuff    1
RomanesEuntDomus    1
Ronniewalker    1
RotticusScott    1
Ruggsy    1
rum_ham    0
sakrosankt    1
Salming    1
santej29    1
Sburbine    1
SchwarzNarr    1
Scrufdaddy    1
SDCore    1
Sebster    1
Segi    1
Serpe x 13    1
SewingWithNancy    1
SeymourSnatches    1
SFresh3    1
Shmurph    1
sköldpaddor    1
SlashACM    1
slothfacekilla    1
Snuffalupagus    1
Sopath    1
Spartan    1
spooked    0
st4rface    1
StadiumGambler    1
Steelhead77    1
steveoiscool    1
suavemente    1
sulovilen    1
supertardis101    1
sve7en    1
takethehorizon    1
Talls    1
TapdancingNecrons    1
taterswc    1
Tayjay    1
Tha_Lux    1
Thatguy91    1
the5urreal    1
TheCC    1
TheDangaZone    1
TheFlash    1
Thelastheraclid    1
TheSparkyDee    0
TheWoZy    1
thiefofcheese    1
Thunfish    1
Toivo    1
Tomen    1
TommySalami    1
tommytightpants    1
traphag    1
trashae    1
Trautner    1
tweedledunn    1
Tylar    1
unconfident69    1
Urq660    1
ValorX77    1
Vandy    1
Vaxlare    1
Vikian    0
VillageBC    1
visceralpotamus    1
Wally    1
WannabeFinn    1
Washed-up trash    1
Wearingabear    1
Whitecap    1
WithTheMoose    1
XLeafer    1
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie    1
Z-Whiz    1
zaynzk    0
zeagle1    1
Zombiewolf    1
Zomp    1
Zoone16    1
ZootTX    1

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

Hello all, the following users may claim the number of tpe next to their username for Offseason Funtime #2! Team 2 was looking like it would pull out the win until a late surge of joinees pushed it over the edge! Team 1 wins! Congrats to my teammates on Team 1 and thank you for participating in my experiment.

.bojo    1
3lewsers    1
5ympathies    2
aaronwilson    2
academydropout    2
ACapitalChicago    2
Accka    2
Ace    1
Aephino    1
AgentSmith630    2
Air Crou    1
Amidships    1
Arkz    1
artermis    1
Asked Madden    1
Avakael    1
BadWolf    1
bbjygm    2
bdu754    1
BenDover    2
Benpachi    1
Bfine    2
Blastmeaway    1
BLBertrand    2
bluesfan55    1
Bongo    1
boom    2
brickwall35    2
Briedaqueduc    2
Bruins10    1
By-Tor    2
C9Van    1
caltroit_red_flames    1
CampinKiller    2
CanadianDuck    2
Canadice    1
canes2112    1
CapnCooper    2
Capt_Blitzkrieg    1
CaptainCamel    2
Carpy48    1
charlieconway    1
CheerfulBender20    1
Chris-McZehrl    1
Count Chocula    2
CrazyMojito    1
crutch    1
Dagumpa    1
DarkCanuck29    1
Dewalt27    1
Dextaria    1
dogwoodmaple    1
DollarAndADream    1
DrB1gMack    1
Drokeep    2
DrunkenTeddy    1
Duff101    1
duffleman2002    2
Dukemarriot    1
Durden    1
efischermann    1
enigmatic    1
Evil_AllBran    2
Evok    1
Eynhallow    1
Faelax    2
Fantobens    2
Festinator    2
fever95    1
FinnRhys    1
fishy    2
Fitted2106    1
FlappyGiraffe    1
Fluw    1
FormuleUn    1
FourFour    1
Frick_Nasty    1
FuzzSHL    2
G2019    1
gaby    1
Gaia Mormont    1
GCool    2
Geekusoid    1
Gifter of Bikes    1
goilers    1
golden_apricot    1
goldenglutes    2
GoonerBear    1
gordieboom    1
Grapehead    1
Graydonsanatomy    1
greencityny    1
grimreaper    2
Grum    1
gurbs    1
Gwdjohnson    2
H0PPY75    1
Halkohol    1
HanTheMan_    1
hewasajazzman    2
hhh81    1
High Stick King    1
Highhaschdi    1
hockeyiscool    1
honkerrs    1
hotdog    1
Huck24    1
Inf1d3l    1
James Truong    1
jay2233    1
JayWhy    1
Jepox    2
JKortesi81    2
Jonny Tsunami    2
Jorec    2
JR95    1
jRuutu    2
JSS331    2
JT3    1
juke    1
Julio Tokolosh    1
Jumbobone19    1
JuOSu    1
Kalakar    1
KaleSalad    2
karlssens    2
Katth    1
KC15    1
KenitohMenara    2
kentakira    2
kenvald    2
Keven    1
Kierkan    2
kingtag1999    1
KlusteR    1
Kraagenskul    1
krazko    1
Kyamprac    1
Kylrad    2
Lazyeye    2
leafs1997    1
Leafs4ever    1
leafsftw1967    1
Leppish    1
lespoils    2
leviadan    2
lilstifler    2
Lime    2
LordBirdman    2
Lorec    2
luketd    1
Lukstins88    2
marco999    1
Massive Coiler    1
mastersheep    1
Matteo    2
Mazatt    2
MDavidson    1
Mediocre_Fred    2
Memento Mori    1
mer    1
Merica    1
Michiganonymous    1
micool132    1
Mike Izzy    2
MN_Moosey    1
monochroma    1
Mook    1
Moreorless89    1
Mr. Finland    1
Muerto    2
Mutedfaith    1
MyLittleHexx    2
NamelessNate    2
Naosu    1
natedoeshockey    2
Nerio    1
Nictox    1
Nike    2
NorwegianDemon    2
notorioustig    2
notoriousTRON    1
O4L    1
Ohtaay    2
Opera_Phantom    1
OrbitingDeath    2
Otrebor13    2
overdoo    1
Patty    2
peej2189    2
Philliesphan96    1
Pickle Juice    1
PremierBromanov    1
puolivalmiste    1
Pythonic    1
qWest    2
r0tzbua    1
r1c3bowl22    1
Rabidsponge21    1
Ragnar    1
Rancidbudgie    1
Rangerjase    1
Rankle    2
RashfordU    1
Raven    1
raymond3000    1
Redderder15    2
reid    2
RenoJacksonHS    2
Renomitsu    2
retuperkele    1
Rich    1
roastpuff    1
RomanesEuntDomus    2
Ronniewalker    1
RotticusScott    1
Ruggsy    1
sakrosankt    1
Salming    1
santej29    1
Sburbine    1
SchwarzNarr    2
Scrufdaddy    2
Sebster    2
Segi    1
Serpe x 13    2
SewingWithNancy    1
SeymourSnatches    1
SFresh3    1
shan3p    1
siddhus    1
sköldpaddor    1
SlashACM    2
slothfacekilla    1
Snuffalupagus    1
Sopath    1
soulja    2
Spartan    2
SpartanGibbles    1
spooked    1
st4rface    1
StadiumGambler    2
Steelhead77    1
steveoiscool    1
suavemente    1
sulovilen    1
supertardis101    1
sve7en    1
Symmetrik    1
takethehorizon    1
Talls    1
TapdancingNecrons    2
taterswc    1
Tayjay    2
Tha_Lux    1
Thatguy91    1
the5urreal    1
TheCC    1
TheDangaZone    2
TheFlash    2
Thelastheraclid    2
TheSparkyDee    2
TheWoZy    2
thiefofcheese    2
Thunder39    1
Thunfish    1
Toast    1
Toivo    1
Tomen    2
TommySalami    2
tommytightpants    2
traphag    1
Trautner    1
Tylar    2
Urq660    1
ValorX77    2
Vandy    1
Vaxlare    1
Vikian    1
VillageBC    2
visceralpotamus    2
VRTX L4S3R    1
Wally    1
Wearingabear    1
Whitecap    1
WithTheMoose    2
wumaduce    1
XLeafer    2
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie    1
Z-Whiz    1
zaynzk    1
zeagle1    2
Zombiewolf    1
Zomp    1
ZootTX    1

[Image: unknown.png]

UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

[Image: cainbanner_35.jpg]

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