[2x Draft Media] ESS: Justin Time
![]() Registered Posting Freak ESS: Justin Time Report [Double Media Week]
[ESS] Elite Scouting Services
Justin Time ![]() When I wrote the first article making an ESS comeback, I wasn’t too sure what to expect but I definitely wasn’t confident that I would eventually be a few articles deep for the so called “Elite Scouting Services”. At this very second, without including these words or the entirety of this article/scouting report, I am sitting at a comfy 7,294 words for the ESS reports. That’s not including whatever else I’ve put out for some extra credit and cash to help me out along the way. There’s a few reasons I’m doing this and it overall has me fairly motivated to continue my ways. The first reason is the most obvious one and it’s what everyone could guess with their eyes closed in the dark. You got it! MONEY. I need that sweet, sweet nectar so that I can work now, play later. It’s double media week. Now is the time to cash your paychecks, sell your stocks and set yourself up for the future. The second reason would be, while not a huge effect on them, I do like doing the scouting reports for the members. It gives me the ability to have a quick talk with them, get to know them and their player and just start a small relationship with a fellow prospect that will hopefully lead to fun down the road. Lastly, speaking of that three letter word, I’m doing it for fun. Coming back, I was hungry to make a good player. The nostalgia was real. Thinking back on the old days, I had that three letter word. Writing these articles and the drives and motivation it has helped give me has brought back a little bit of the hunger and fun. With that being said, let’s hope it keeps up with me. This go around, instead of chatting with two longer termed members who have been here something like 7 to 11 years, we’ve reached out to a newer member and had a discussion with them to see what their player was like, how they were finding the Simulation Hockey League and just to see what’s going on. I seen when they joined the Discord locker room made up for the S64 draftees and since he’s joined, he’s put in a good amount of work and effort to learn the league, chat with a bunch of the other prospects and likely managers and has even gone ahead and completed some point tasks and a pretty good article! What makes this even better is that I am an absolute fan of the goalie position. I think it’s the coolest position in hockey and all sports. It’s cool what they do. The spectacular saves look, well, spectacular..and their gear makes them look bad ass.. Furthering onto that, it only makes sense to go with the pattern. We’ve written about a forward (Mikael Jakobsen), then a defender (Luca Hunziker) and we’ve officially saved the best for last - A GOALIE. Also, when I say last, who knows if this will be it for the media but I’d imagine I’ll feel the burn pretty good with this one. Either way, I’m excited to strap up the pads, pull down the mask and put a little work into goalie prospect Justin Time. Let’s go! (when I wrote that, I heard that one DJ kid’s voice saying “let’s go!” on tiktok doing it.. If you know, you know..). Justin time Biography
Player Information
Name: Justin Time Position: Goalie Handedness: Left Render: Pekka Rinne Jersey Number: 33 Height: 6’3” Weight: 201 Birth Place: Boise, Idaho, USA Justin Time was born on August 27th, 2004, in the capital city of Idaho, Boise. If you do some quick research on Boise, you will quickly come to learn that in 2018 it was ranked the fastest growing place in the USA and that it’s an amazing place for millennials to grow up. Apparently it also stinks due to the overflowing sewage and landfills, but we’re going to have to do a little more research with our beakers, litmus papers and electric testing rods to ensure this is true. Tell you what, if anyone has ever been to Boise, let us know what it smells like. On the contrary, it is also known as the city of trees, owning a 25 massive green belt that follows along the Boise River. Stink, stink aside, it’s a beautiful city and has been a great place for the Time’s family to call home. Justin and his family lived on the very edge of town, probably about a mile out if you truly measured it. His mother and father were farmers and I’m unsure if you follow worldly stereotypes, but this family might fit the bill? They farm a little bit of everything but they’re massively involved in the potato game. Hee-Hee, Haw-Haw, this guy farms potatoes and grew up as a potato farmer, but let me tell you something (and I’m sure Justin would too), a lot can be learned on a farm that grows potatoes when you have two younger brothers and a very hard working parent duo. Now, before we go into too much else, know they aren’t your typical potato farmer family. They're special one. They go above and beyond to bring the world the best tasting potatoes they’ve ever experienced. They have an underground laboratory underneath one of their barns and they do a lot of research there. For the purpose of their son’s report, they allowed us to go down there and had given us some information of what they did. Massive machines peeling potatoes, bright colors and lights blinking everywhere, a couple employees dressed fancy in full gear PPE and, of course, millions of potatoes. All sorts of potatoes! In fact, potatoes that haven’t even been known on the market or your local grocer yet. Not only did they grow potatoes, but they were potato breeders. That’s right, folks! You heard it here first. Timely Time’s Potatoes (that is what they call themselves - so look for it in the stores!) actually takes the normal potato you eat on your dinner plates and through magical science, they create new potatoes full of higher nutrients, colours and tastes. They are potato entrepreneurs and are one of the more famous potato farmers in Idaho and the United States. So much, in fact, that they recently signed a deal with Lays potato chips in Canada for an estimated 111 million dollars, but you didn’t hear that from me despite reading it in here from me. With all this being said, the family lived a rewarding lifestyle and did so by working extremely hard over something they had so much passion about. Now, the potatoes served more than just a purpose for the dinner plate or your belly. The potato became a staple of life for the kids playing around the farm when they were young. It taught them determination, patience and hardwork. It taught them that if you want something, all you have to do is work for it and while it might not be easy, eventually if you do it right and hard, it’s worth it. They took those lessons and I mean, look at Justin now, they used it to their advantage. All from a simple potato. Outside of the expected lessons it taught them, it taught them fun. It taught them to think out of the box. When they’d be lined up in the field, one at home plate, one on the mound and the other in the field, the pitcher would toss it and crack, the batter would send the potato flying in the air. Everyone knows about laser tag, but have you ever played potato tag? Imagine running through the beautiful, thick forest beside the Boise river, only to have the person who is it pop out of a shrub nearby, fire the potato like they’re Randy Johnson ont he mound and fucking boom, you just became the bird he nailed for the Diamondbacks. For Justin, his speciality was turning the potato into a frozen little homemade puck stacked with carbs and similar to the NHL, their very own puck seen quite the evolution. Cutting, trimming and peeling it in all shapes and sizes, they eventually went with the standard puck ideas, but potato! His younger brothers would line up on the ice, lined a bunch of potato pucks up and spend all night firing them his way. There was something about a potato coming soaring towards Justin’s face at 65MPH that gave him relief and taught him so many things. Their father loved it but from time to time always tried to get the boys to use a puck. Of course, they refused and Justin still thanks the potato to this day for getting him to where he is. In fact, he’s stated that had he used a real puck, he might not be where he’s at, nor as good. Outside of the farm, Justin was a normal boy like most. He had his buddies/brothers and they loved to go piss around down by the river, floating or catching fish. They bombed around town on their scooters, bikes or rollerblades, causing hell, chaos and sometimes, too, destruction where ever they went. They weren’t trouble makers that were constantly involved with bad doings and the law, but they definitely were your average little boys who liked to have fun, didn’t know the consequences until after it happened and were considered a little bit to be the “wild boys”. Eventually, after some time of causing mayhem throughout the city of Boise, their school sports teams and hockey teams that they were on also began being called the wild boys, which was lowkey creative until you knew that their team was called the Boise Wild hogs. Actually, nah, fuck it. It’s still pretty damn creative and hilarious that you would have the Wild Boys (Boise???) playing for the Boise Wild Hogs. For school, Justin struggled a little bit with all of his learnings but I think this could be credited too to how much he loved and cared for the potato. You would always hear him telling the old men down at the hardware store “I ain’t got fucking time for these fucking words. What the fuck I need to know about Mitosis? All I need is my blocker, my glove, my pads and potatoes and you know I will be happy”. And you know what, we couldn’t agree more. His words were spoken like a true Idahoer. Time passed and as it did, his skills at many things in life continued to progress. Using the learning he read about in science class and on Google, he’s currently working on a potato that could cure cancer. It’s a long, challenging process that involves a lot of big words that 99.9% of us likely wouldn’t understand, in combination with snow from the arctic circle, ocean salt off the coast of Hawaii and a pinch of penguin yolk. For hockey, he progressed too. He eventually turned his puck machine that his dad got off amazon into a potato firing machine so that it could shoot at him and he made epic gloved saves in the potato fields. His future is extremely bright, whether it’s becoming a goalie in the sport of hockey, or continuing his family business as a potato expert. Where will life take him? Only Jesus Christ and Father Time know (and maybe the United States secret service). Youth Career Review
Team: Boise Wild Hogs Idaho Super League (ISL) During his first season of play, you could tell this kid had one thing on his brain: Potatoes. If you read the biography, you’d know that he isn’t used to having pucks fired at him. His entire childhood and young adolescence, he’s used the potato as a puck to train himself in the game of hockey, specifically netminding. I think the moment he threw on his equipment and it came to game play, the fuck really fucked with him. You could tell in practices before the season started that it was gonna be a challenge, but he didn’t know it was gonna be this rough. Despite the tough season and challenges that persistently tickled him, he prevailed with a strong mind and that shows extreme character and potential to what he can become as a player and maybe a professional one day. STATS 27GP - 9 W - 14 L - 4 OTL - 0 SO - .903SV% - 3.73 GAA Age:16
Team: Boise Wildhogs Idaho Super League (ISL) In his sophomore season, he ended up switching things up a little bit and went with a little combination of potato puck and normal black hockey pucks. He strongly felt that keeping a bit of the same but also trying the new which was the normal would strongly help him in his play and similar to his schoolings, learning and cancer research for his newest potato prototype, he was correct. His sophomore season was a lot better and through the 72 game season, he wasn’t seen as a full time backup goalie anymore. His play and strong attitude led him to being noticed by the coach, his teammates, the fans and scouts through that portion of the United States. It wasn’t anything massive, but they saw the kid had raw talent that needed to be discovered and developed and that his heart was massive for the game and his team. Boise made the playoffs this year and did make a tiny bit of noise, despite losing in game 7 of the first round. STATS 39GP - 19 W - 17 L - 3 OTL - 2 SO - .911SV% - 3.20 GAA Age:17
Team: Boise Wildhogs Idaho Super League (ISL) His final season with the Boise Wildhogs, he turned up the potato, I mean heat. Or maybe heat on the potato? Anyway, his play jumped through the roof and similar to what had been mentioned in his other reports and biography, it’s the determination that they had seen in the locker room when he first joined that got him to the level of play he dramatically increased too over the off-season between his sophomore and 3rd season in the Idaho Super League. He continued to maintain his love with potatoes, keeping the ratio of 50/50 for percentage on how he trained with potatoes and pucks. In fact, sometimes just for fun, his teammates would bring homemade potato pucks they’ve made to practice and shoot a few his way. Maybe this was the secret for him after all? If it was, it was a good secret because boy did it ever work! The team made some thunder throughout the regular season and Time stood on his head like a mad man. The team lost out in the “conference” finals to the Meridian Rhinos, but they had a hell of a season and it easily put Justin Time on the map. STATS Time’s Prospect Review and Draft Analysis
Third times a charm but we might as well explain it each time so that anyone who is new understands. With his junior/youth career portion being completed, and us now having the opportunity of getting to know who Justin Time is through his biography, we’re gonna turn the potato microscope on that he has in his underground lab and see what we can find out about him as a goalie. We’re going to be analyzing who we think he is as a player, what he could turn into, what is good and bad about him and how we think he’s gonna pan out in the league. With this being said, please note there’s a 84% chance we’re wrong on this but also a 64.56% chance we’re correct. These statistics were taken from a population of 869 people going in and out of the Boise Walmart over the Christmas holidays. CHEERS! PROS & CONS
Intelligent - We figured we’d start off with this one and see where the path leads us. Having a smart goalie is a good thing to have. If you don’t have a smart goalie, well, look at the Edmonton Oilers and how often they love to go behind the net, pass it out, lose it and be scored on. Fun stuff being a fan of them! Justin Lose is an incredibly smart guy. I mean, the guy is making a potato that can potentially cure or help treat cancer. The man is a genius and this brain capacity of his will strongly help him progress and develop through his career. Well Rounded - It seems like he’s going for a well rounded version of himself and this isn’t a bad thing. He may not have any strengths hopping out saying “ LOOK AT ME “, but he definitely doesn’t have too many weaknesses doing the same thing either. There’s never anything wrong with a well rounded player but we wonder how long this development continues for? These are my thoughts, and I could be wrong, but eventually the consistent development of each area of his game will go stale for some time. This is pretty normal. He’s going to want to excel and become elite and the well rounded game may not be for him. For now? It is and it will work out for him. Potatoes - The guy comes from Idaho. His family owns a massive business growing and making potatoes and using science and all of that. He is almost literally a living and breathing potato. I’m honestly surprised his parents didn’t try turning him into a potato. What’s the benefit of this? The team will never have to buy potatoes. Breakfast? He’s got you covered? Lunch? You bet your ass. Supper and you want low cal, higher carbs and all that goodness a potato has to offer? Fuck yeah. He’s got your back and your potato. CONS
Passing - The guy obviously never played pass the hot potato because his passing game has honestly been passed up when it comes to his development. Walk right on by it. No passing here. His stick game is garbage. It’s actually funny that we brought up the Edmonton Oilers and their goalies a short time ago because it’s extremely fitting for here. Don’t let him pass the puck. “God damn fucking Koskinen, what the hell are you doing? Stay in the fucking net. Oh my god, they fucking scored”. Listen to that pain and feel it. It’s me in almost every oiler game. For the love of all things godly, his passing is bad and will need to be addressed. It’s not a red flag, but it’s something he’ll have to touch on later on. Poke Checking - It’s allegedly his second lowest attribute and it could be a useful one for a goalie to have. Similar to passing, it’s not make or break, but some small attention in the future to it definitely will do wonders for his game. He lacks the ability to be a good poke checker and tends to want to stick to his game and that is his decent positioning. Potatoes - He’s never gonna shut the fuck up about potatoes. You could be talking about the mama you just swiped right on and matched with on Tinder and he’s gonna pull out his phone and show you a picture of a potato. Don’t ask his cat’s name either because you guessed right, potato. Potato this, potato that. It’s a good thing and a bad thing and once you play with him you are going to have a strong love/hate relationship with this vegetable. Player Analysis and Draft Thoughts
I’m extremely impressed with myself for having the strength and focus to not fall into the trap of using his name “Justin Time” as some silly little play on words. Hell yes! I am better than that. The kids probably received it his entire life and I am not gonna fall to those levels. I respect you, Justin Time. Now, speaking of the guy, this was an extremely fun report to do and I’m grateful he took the time to have a short discussion and give me free range on what I could do with it. The moment he said potato, he should have regretted it. You are not a potato, Justin. For the player and how he’s going to turn out, I think he’s going to do just fine but I’d keep a strong eye on him. While I’m not super familiar, he is new to me in the locker room all us S64 guys are in and he does seem new with the questions he’s asking. Being a potential first gen (stupid bana and ESS if I’m wrong), there’s always a strong risk with them but with what I’ve seen, you never know. A First Gen can turn into absolute magic, die off right away, chug along slowly or seem amazing only to bail on you the moment after you draft them. However, right now he seems like a super solid pick and as long as you engage with them, help them and keep them happy and around, you have a very good player on your hands. They’ve been excellent to talk with in the locker room, have done their tasks and seem motivated to learn and have the hunger to improve their player. Player Ratings:
8.5C As mentioned in prior, the number kind of states what we believe the player could hit once they’re at their full potential, build or talent and the letter/colouring has to do with what we believe they will come with for risk. For this player, we feel like an 8.5 is an accurate amount at the moment as they’re new to the league and could become anything. Honestly, you could give every player a 9.0C and it may be true or not. For Justin Lose, we think he’s going to be strong at the start but this is going to be a marathon not a sprint, so we’ll see what happens later on. We truly wish for the best but feel like there’s going to be some bouncing around 8.0 and 9.0, with the averaging falling around 8.4 to 8.6 range. As time goes on, obviously you’ll get a better read and you’ll be able to nail it down even better. The C and red represent that there is some risk to him and most of that risk comes from being newer, a first gen and all of that fun. Again, these things can change over time and quickly too! He has all the right tools and attitude to bump himself higher and remove the risk. Time will tell whether he does not but we wish him the best of luck in his career and the upcoming draft! CHEERS. Quote:3,823 words, 1 picture (professionally made by me) [Double Media Week] ![]() Registered S36 Challenge Cup Champion
In case nobody else has been keeping track, @BANACKOCK has now pumped out 12,453 x2 media words so far.
Incredible, respect. ![]() SMJHL GM Posting Freak |
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