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S63 PT #3: Hell's Kitchen

ISFL affiliate (negs)

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Prompt 1.

You know what? That previous chef had no idea what he was doing. Alex would know because cooking is a bit of a hobby of his, as he used to spend a lot of time cooking with his mother growing up. His specialty is the Russian comfort food his mother made, especially beef stroganoff. That's the good stuff, y'all. So he would aim to make his teammates some of his mom's famous stroganoff for his first meal as chef. Now, obviously, that's not exactly a healthy meal and some people may be vegetarians or vegans or something, so he'd have to make sure there were options for everyone. After that, though, the sky's the limit. His teammates come from a lot of different parts of the globe and he's excited to learn more about their favorite comfort foods and to learn how to make them. Of course, if the team has too much comfort food it may impact their play on the ice, so we're probably going to have to throw in some healthier stuff, too, even if that's not as fun.

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(sigs courtesy of Carpy48, BDonini, Turd Ferguson, FlappyGiraffe, and Sulovilen)

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Prompt 2

[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
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Aumy Jr. isn't that youngest player in this league. Well, he is young, but league's regression scale tries to say that he is already an old head who has to lose around 200 TPE seasonly. However, he loves to eat sushi and that's of what his eating plan mostly contains. He eats sushi daily and mostly before workout. After workouts he loves to eat meat since it's very needed after hard work. When Aumy Jr. has day offs, he loves to eat some pizza or some tasty burgers, but that's only once per week, since he rests only on Sundays. Sometimes happens some random stuff and then he eats something unexpected (like soups or chips), but it's very rare and happens maybe twice per month or just on a road trip to away games, since it's harder to get a good food there. However, he really loves to eat food and there isn't problem to find something he will always love to eat. He tries to eat well, but it's not always that easy.

174 words

Stars Stars Stars


I guess prompt 2 and overall it would be literally no different than any other sports star at the elite level's pre game meal. I heavily doubt anyone is having chilli, chinese food, pizza, lasagna or other random bollocks before a game professionally so I will just say like a light salad with a protein meat like chicken breast or something nice like that. Just something that will keep the body going but not really feel like he has eaten a whole lot. Certain premier league players have small pastas for the carbs they are about to burn off but since they wont be skating anywhere close to 10km in 90 minutes I think that is a little extreme.

Also helps matches are way later in the evening so prolly mean Jon could get away with something slightly bigger at lunch time but I will keep it basic for this. Overall, just healthy food. God help anyone have more than 1 meal though.

[164 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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Unlike his mentor Gunnar, Lias cannot cook. So when Lias is given the assignment of cooking things for the team (what kind of organization is this? they can't hire a professional or get catering in the meantime?), he panics a little. Now, Lias has been working at his moms' little coffee and sandwich shop for most summers of his life, so it's not like he doesn't know how to put a little meal together, but he's not much for cooking. He enlists his friend/captain/etc Conner Snooks to help him out with this venture because he doesn't feel like he can do it on his own. The two of them decide to keep things basic and make a pretty simple lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches, salad, and tomato soup. Lias does an excellent job of putting the sandwiches together, but when the stove gets involved, things start to go wrong. Somehow he manages to burn the bread without fully melting the cheese, and while he's trying to figure out why the cheese isn't melting, he also burns the soup. Conner makes the salad just fine though so everyone ends up eating a lot of lettuce for a few days.

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

Slavakov’s main meal plan switched over time. When he played in Russia he ate plenty of potato soup and borsch, and a nice mix of Gatorade and vodka. The second he showed up in Newfoundland, that changed to Tim Horton’s to get carbs, a lot of fish out of the St. John’s harbor, and keeping in tradition the Gatorade and vodka. Once he moved up to Edmonton, he kept the Tim Horton’s and Gatorade and vodka combination, but decided to add a little bit of meat into his pre-game diet with some classic Alberta bison. But the biggest change came with Japan. Being introduced to Japanese cuisine was a life changer for Slavakov. Sushi, miso soup, sake, ramen, katsudon, udon, onigiri, it was a food awakening, as Russia and the more rural areas of Canada cannot compare to what Japan offered food wise. Whatever was in his routine before left as Japanese food now consumes Slavakov’s life.

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!


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WSBL Username: Seymour

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Shout out Ragnarr for these two amazing sigs

In response to prompt #2, Sconnie McHits comes from a family line of butchers, so he's all about the protein! Subscribing to a variant of the Keto diet, McHits regularly can be seen downing chicken breast, baked fish (mainly cod, perch, and walleye), and demolishing porterhouse steaks using only his hands (shout out my IRL former best friend who deadass did this in front of us once and didn't think anything of it). While his managers also try to control his beverage intake, McHits also has an affinity for alcoholic beverages, especially after a tough night on the ice. He can frequently be seen drinking an assortment of spirits, mainly gin and rum, but does enjoy sharing a fine scotch with his good friend Scon Burgundy from time to time as well (but that's only for truly classy affairs). On rare occasions, McHits also consumes beer, with his recent purchase of a chocolate lager piquing his interest. All in all, McHits subscribes to a good old-fashioned diet of, well, things he loves. How he's able to maintain his performance on the ice is a shock to all, but he just keeps doing his thing.

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Prompt 1
The Detroit Falcons team chef has quit, and for some reason, GM G2019 has decided that both Mrs. McSaves and Dirty Boots will be the culinary experts going forward and will provide the team meals. After a very short and quick discussion with the team’s special role consultant, it was decided that Hot Dogs would not be the way forward.

Mrs. McSaves and Dirty Boots came to the easiest conclusion that every meal served would now be team brunch. After a very firm email to management, the finest maple syrups were put on order to be regularly shipped from Northern Ontario to Detroit which would then be accompanied by fluffy pancakes and french toast. Coffee would also be provided and would eventually replace the Gatorade and protein shakes. This would then become the key to Detroit’s success. The light fluffy pancakes would make the team light on their toes and speedier than ever. The delicious French toast would give them the grit of a French Canadian and hit harder than ever. The Maple Syrup would provide the stamina for the skaters but also that stickiness to the goalies to cover all rebounds. And finally the coffee would give them the jitteriness on the bench to keep them energized as well as sophisticated as all water bottles have now been replaced with team hockey mugs.

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Prompt 1

I am a terrible cook, but when our GM said we needed a new cook for the team, I figured now is as good a time as any to start learning, especially with my dear husband Gunnar at home always cooking for me. I know he's content enough that I do the dishes afterwards, but I still feel like it would be a very nice surprise to start cooking by myself from time to time, or even to cook with him as a fun couple activity. We will not be doing orders, however, I will decide what's on the menu, and so I decided that everyone would be eating different variations of poutine all the time because that's the best thing ever. Sometimes it's going to be Italian Poutine (with Spaghetti sauce instead of gravy), sometimes Galvaude (with chicken and peas), sometimes we'll go with the fully carnivore one with bacon, sausage and ham, but the Argos will keep eating poutine until they die.

[Image: lespoils.gif]

As the newly appointed team chef, on top of everything else that Melvin does for Nevada, it was time for him to introduce the rest of the world to the literal most important food item ever invented. Cake. There are so many insanely incredible varieties of cake, and they are all so important and near and dear to Melvin's heart. To start with, he was going to make the team a red velvet cake, in honor of his best friend in the whole wide world. Daria Guava-Fresca. She was such an incredibly kind soul, and he knew that he had to share the single most important type of cake of hers, with his entire team. Now don't be fooled, it wasn't as though this was actually the best type of cake to eat, and in fact there was quite a bit of vomiting on the ice during practice after Melvin made it for the team. Part of that was the moose milk that was used in lieu of cow's milk, and part of that is well, he's a moose and kind of sucks at cooking. Regardless, the team prevailed and powered through.

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Petr Svoboda is a machine. Ok, maybe we all are in a way, but Petr is probably like 99% robot. He eats nothing but a light red (pink) paste that he claims contains all the nutrients he needs, especially protein and carbs to reach a certain caloric value. He has different pastes for different needs but they have no discernable physical difference, apparently it's all in the contents, whatever the hell they may be. By that I mean Petr has sludge for game days, sludge for snacks, pre-workout sludge, gamer sludge, hell I've even seen him stick it in a stew once. He vehemently refuses any food given to him and will only order this stuff from back home. Apparently you can't even buy it? He makes it sound like you need the right connections. Oh, and if you ask him why he eats what he does, and why he doesn't partake in more normal food, even the healthier kind, all he says is "I'm allergic" and then walks away.

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
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PBE Affiliate- vulfgravy

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