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S63 PT #3: Hell's Kitchen

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S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
S56 Challenge Cup Champion - Hamilton Steelhawks
(This post was last modified: 02-02-2022, 04:15 PM by Kyamprac.)

Prompt 2

Sarah Burke has never followed a strict regimen to ensure peak fitness, and she's not about to start now. Honestly can't say I blame her. It's not fair to deprive your tastebuds of all the amazing flavours in the world. That's why Burke definitely eats whatever the hell she wants, and isn't shy about trying new meals or snacks if only once before passing judgement. If she forgets about moderation and indulges in a few extra cream puffs or something from time to time, no big deal. She just trains a little harder that day to work off the fatty stuff. Some critics tell her she should probably tone it back a bit and substitute some of the delicious dishes she eats for protein shakes and granola bars, but she doesn't have any of it. If she wants to eat a big plate of cannelloni with a garlic loaf and caesar salad she's gonna go ahead and do it.. and maybe follow it up with a slice of cheesecake or some kind of brownie delight. Yum

(176 words)

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thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

Well I would as a food place do burgers obviously hot dogs French fries some kind apple turnover or cake. I think that would awesome to take orders in this place because it's easy and dealing with people is easy. But customer service would be priority. I think that's priority is because that the fact that you want your product to be good and the customer to be happy. I think that I would be a good cook I do this pretty much every month one weekend depending what we are doing. The cake awesome cake I love get it every birthday it's awesome and enjoyable to eat. I think the hot dogs are hot dogs and they will never change. I do want there to be chips and French fries homemade chips are awesome especially if you do them really well. I think the French fries will be crigle done in the fryer. This was awesome and hope yall enjoy the experience.

Words 166

Prompt 1

Evgeni Petrov as the team chef? Hoo boy there is no way that this is going to end well for any party involved. Evgeni is well known for his tendencies to hunt his pregame meal, which would delay the pregame meal quite a bit if he was having a bad day tracking the deer. The teammates would allowed to offer suggestions to Evgeni, its just that there’s a very high chance he snaps at them and throws a butchers knife into the wall. The most customization they are allowed would be how well done they want their deer cooked. This is because having been raise by wolves, Evgeni knows nothing but deer and moose, and since moose is less common, he hunts deer. Deer is a great source of energy and protein for the team, it helps them perform at their absolute best despite the questionable ethics surrounding its origins. If he’s feeling really fancy, there’s gonna be some deer cake as well.

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ISFL +2/2/2022

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Kyle Sux Lmap

Prompt one. Makrus “The Chef” Jager starts his first day as team chef. How hard can it be to make food for a team of hockey players? There are some dietary requirements that Makrus had to take into consideration. We can eat any beef. After all Julio Tokolosh is a cow after all and feeding a cow beef is morally wrong. We also can’t make anything with turtles. While that is a much more uncommon animal to eat Pasta the Turtle wouldn’t like it much. Makrus specializes in cooking caught game. His wolf Zephyr has been living with him in Edmonton since Zephyr moved to YellowKnife. Zephyr brings lots of game home and Makrus cooks it up. The team will enjoy fresh rabbit, squirrel, deer, moose, and the occasional cat or dog. Because Zephyr likes his meat on the raw side Makrus usually serves everything rare to extra rare. Hope the team is ready for the best chef they have ever had.

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I take orders from several of the members of the atlanta inferno.
Pablo Salvatici requested a big plate of spaghetti and meat ball.
Towelie requested just water.
Puddles O'Duck requested pieces of stale bread.
Eko van Otter requested lots and lots of fish.
Jay Sink requested roast duck.
Gabriel Johnson requested roast duck.
Angus McFife XVIII requested a big angus beef burger.
Michael Withecheck requested roast duck.
Samat Beibitzhanov requested a few flies, fresh.
Jack Nishimori requested roast duck.
Paul Binder requested roast duck.
Pavel Jeziak requested long drinks.

in fact, there were so many requests for roast duck that we roast Puddles O'Duck and had enough roast duck to feed our players for quite some time. The problem, though, was that we now only had five active defensemen and we just lost one of our best players. So we traveled to Oregon and it turns out there are several of them up there so we just grabbed a new duck and brought it back and we'll pretend he's Puddles O'Duck now. Puddles tasted exquisite with nice crispy skin and juicy breast (tits). thank you @Z-Whiz for the idea

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

ISFL affiliate +


Prompt 2

Manning doesn't have an extremely strict regimen when it comes to what he eats, but there are some dos and dont's before and after his games and during his break times. The night before games he likes his carbs, things like pasta, alongside a nice healthy salad and water. Water is what he drinks everyday, everywhere. His favorite late night snacks are chips, fruits and more water. In the morning, Manning likes to eat a nice hearty breakfast, with tons of proteins, grains and dairy. Some whole wheat toast, milk, scrambled eggs and more water is ideal for him. Now, when it comes to after games, that's where the fun really begins. Pizza, more pizza and more pizza. Manning absolutely loves all kinds and can devour a whole one in no time. Water is included in his dinner too. On off days, he sometimes treats himself to more of a fried food, like fried chicken, but no matter what no matter where, even in games, Manning loves water.

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!

Raptors Argonauts 
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Prompt 1:

I would feel really bad for the Chef all the work and everyone is picky. If I took over I would get a census of what everyone wants and then make a schedule so everyone gets a chance to have their meal at least once. I would use their choice as the main course yet still try getting a little signature style of mine in there as sides. I would want them to eat what can help their play but everyone has their ideal meal before games and everyone is different. The weird orders would be Enes Gundogan, of course goalies are a different kind, he ordered Lutefisk. If you aren't sure what it is, well simply put, preserved fish mash. The other weird order was Eddie Creller, he ordered Spam. I know what you are thinking; Spam what? That's he just wanted a plate of spam. I can now feel for the past chef.

(161 Words)

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Prompt 2

Being Scottish, Urquhart does not have what you could call a traditional athlete’s diet. Coming from the land of battered pizza and deep fried Mars bars, it’s ingrained in him to, let’s say, not be too strict. But, it also doesn’t mean he eats haggis all the time, and if you make that assumption, then you are a bigot and I’d kindly ask you to stop.
Aaaaaanyway, he does try his best to keep it kind of healthy as he can, but he doesn’t deprive himself the occasional slice of pizza or bit of ice cream. Moderation is the key. He does not, however, even entertain the thought of a salad. The true Scotsman in him coming through!  He’d much rather have something tasty, but eat less of it, than eat what he’d call ‘a big plate of rabbit food’. Each to their own, and he certainly makes sure to load up on protein!

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ISFL Affiliate

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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


It's easy to fuck around and find out with cooking, and Foley is pretty darn good at the former, and not so good at the cooking aspect of things. So while the team might wonder "why does this dude get the oppo to cook?" Foley is out there giving it his all for his assistant captainly duties. Unfortunately, those duties would entail a whole lot of massive pots of instant ramen being made--alongside subsequent compliants that the last servings have the most noodles. Foley had never really considered that that's how that worked. In an attempt to switch things up from a healthy mix of ramen, cereal, and "BYOS" (Build Your Own Sandwhich, where he just puts the ingredients to a ham sandwhich out for people to make as a responsibility exercise) he attempted to make something real special--spaghetti. Unfortunately, he served it in a mug (@ACapitalChicago) so the team hated him even more, leading to him not to stray from the tried and true strategies of utilizing minute-made mixes and DIY meal

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