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S64 PT#0: Read the Room

I'm not sure what kind of prompts I prefer.  I tend to bounce between the two options week to week depending on how creative I'm feeling. Overall though I really like having the option and the continuity to create some sort of story line over the coarse of the season with the more creative prompt is great so please keep that up.  I won't lie to you though, they definitely are a bit of a chore no matter what, but it be what it be.

Skipping on ahead to thanking Slash i think you're right.  Personally I loved how he did the job and feel like the past few seasons PT's have become a much more enjoyable experience providing flexibility to the user base.  I may be completely wrong here, but having a canned set of tasks throughout the season and on the other side creating some continuity betwixt the alternate written task seems like it makes the job just a touch easier while adding the user fun.

(This post was last modified: 03-07-2022, 09:37 PM by artermis.)

I suck at meeting minimum word requirements. I find most prompts don't speak to me creatively, so I struggle at rambling on enough to reach them, not unlike my schoolwork. To be honest, since I've made Petr Svoboda and with Slash as PT head, this is the first time where PTs have been somewhat fun, as I've been making nearly every single PT about my player's backstory and the international context behind his existence, especially a hatred for Japan and Switzerland.

Just for example, I find the second prompt on this one to be too open (I think) and I struggled thinking of a way to approach it, but yes making all my PTs about the same thing has been the closest I've been to having fun with PTs. Slash's PTs seemed to really help me, perhaps due to their oddities and non-generic hockey contexts most of the time, but perhaps I just needed the dual-prompt system to help me.

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
[Image: xuHy0EF.png]
[Image: Artermis.gif]

I tend to enjoy doing the PTs because it's a good way to do some creative writing, and since I'm not very good at it lets me practice it a bit. With that said, the PTs I tend to enjoy the most are ones where I just get to write about the league itself. This allows me to get better acquainted with some of the players here, as well as the situations different teams are in. I do think some people unfairly criticized some of the PTs in the past, and I would challenge them to do a better job. I can't imagine it's an easy thing to keep coming up with all these prompts throughout the season. No, people are not going to like all of them but that's just the nature of it I guess. The 150 word minimum is really quite easy to hit, and if that feels like a chore to people then I don't know what to say. It's not like TPE should be given out freely.

172 words




I've been writing PTs for 63 seasons so it's tough sometimes to get motivated to write them. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the "in character" PTs or the ones not related to hockey. I'd rather write about the season and get into the stats and standings and analyze them. That's really been my focus in the SHL, the actual sim itself, so I like writing about it. Since I've been here so long, I also like the PTs that hit on the history of the league. There is always some great content that comes out of them.

Outside of the PTs, I really do enjoy all the prediction PTs we have. It's a simple and fun way to try and earn TPE and it also makes it worthwhile to pay attention to the sim and learn the players and teams. Other than that, I think the PT team has done a great job and I'm sure that will continue with your tenure. Good luck!

(166 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

[Image: ERs3IrD.png]


My favorite PTs are that asked questions about what is going on around the league or about my players. I like to answer questions about my players path or make an evaluation about how my season is going, what is my player doing well in, what is his struggling with what are the areas in which he needs to get better. I also like PTs when we can ask how our team is performing, are we meeting the expansion, who are the best players on the team, who are the most improved. I would love to see more PTs that ask us to talk about certain things that are going on across the league, because I feel like most people only focus on their teams, outside of fantasy, and can lose sight of what is happening outside of their bubble. Question like which teams are surprising you or getting people’s opinions about which players should win which trophy and why could be interesting.

163 words

Nor Ge
norway Citadelles

Salzberger Lillehammersson
norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2022, 11:25 PM by MrMom.)

WT #2 - 156 Words

Making mistakes always sucks especially in the 3rd period and as a goaltender. Adam let in a open net goal while he went for a poke check and left the net wide open. after the game seeing his furious team he felt guilty because its never fun to lose games especially on mistakes. Adam sat quiet for a bit because his team seemed too mad to talk as time went on he apologized to his team for his mistake "I am so sorry this loss was 100% on me and I am the one to blame, it wont happen again and I will never make a mistake like this again and I will accept any punishment that comes my way." the team obviously still upset accept his apology. they all end up calming down and accept its a mistake and they agree they all make mistakes. Adam accepted his punishment of a sort of overtime practice.

Prompt 1

Having two prompt options has been nice. I know a lot of people care a lot about what they write about, but I'm really just here for the TPE. Give me anything I can easily vomit 150 words about and I'm happy. I'm terrible with stats and don't look at the index often, so I appreciate having the option to write about random things like what pre-game routines my player follows or what I think about my home team's fans or something. I also appreciate having graphic options because sometimes I really just don't feel like writing and some of the prompts in the past have been really fun and easy enough to throw together.

One thing that really needs an overhaul (across leagues, not just here) is championship week. The lump sum of TPE is fantastic but it's one of the most daunting things we've got to do to max earn and I just kind of dread having to do it. I welcome any change that makes it less of a bother.

(173 words)

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

Prompt 1

Mostly I like PTs that prompt you to write about sim results and about hockey generally. How is your player doing, how does the team look, who are the top performers, etc - writing about things that happened are sometimes easier than making things up! So talking about the standings or the statistics to me is generally more inspiring than trying to do more 'roleplay' type of tasks. However, sometimes it can be fun to do those, too, or to see the character development that players can have.

One thing that I really liked over Slash's tenure (thanks Slash!) was the switch to having two prompts! I thought that was a really positive thing to introduce, definitely seemed like if one of them seemed hard or uninspiring, the other made up for it, so kudos on that! Also I hope we keep the weekly 'prediction' tasks like Hat Tricks or 3v3s. All in all, the effort to keep this up really is appreciated even if you can't make everybody happy all the time!

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway


Aw jeez you guys , I really .... my head just was not in it for a second there. I have so much goin on back home , come on guys you know how it is. The wife and I, we are really going through a rough patch right now since I called her sister dumb that one time. I just got distracted , so I stood there. I get it, I froze up in the middle of the net. Just staring blankly as the puck came slowly sliding by. Heck , a freaking new born baby could have saved that shot had it just been in a stroller and sitting in the net. 

Here is the thing guys , I know your pissed but please hear me out because I think your really going to like this one.... I'm gonna take us all to Hooters ! How about it guys ? it is on the house  , all drinks and as many darn burgers as you could plow into those big mouths of yours, NO OFFENSE IM JUST EXCITED THOUGH AREN'T YOU GUYS? 

Come on please give me another chance. I swear I'll finally tell my wife her sister isn't dumb and from here on I'll really keep my eyes open moving forward. TO HOOTERS!

Prompt #1

I remember really enjoying Kennans tenure as PT head so I went back and looked through his prompts. Mostly, they didnt seem too different from what we have had recently but the league was definitely in a different state and there had just been a second expansion draft in 5 seasons so there was a lot of excitement. But I think I generally enjoy a lot of the PT prompts that revolve around the league but dont necessarily focus on the player or an in-game performance. Like, make a free-agent pitch or make an advertisement to hype your team. That sort of stuff I really love. Or design a reverse retro jersey. Something that is real simple but that just allows for creativity instead of just going over the same old hockey lingo over and over again. I think the 2 prompt system is a good way to add a little bit of spice because I definitely didn't like the main storyline of the PTs that Slash was doing, but I appreciate his creativity and willingness to do something different.

So I think, for me atleast, the way to make it feel less like a chore is to make pretty open-ended questions that focus on the league but allow users to really be creative with their PTs. I think that really gets users creative juices flowing and gets the hype rolling.

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[Image: 9tINabI.png] [Image: c97iD9R.png]

[Image: uDjThoa.png]


Task 2

William Salming makes rarely mistakes. But he is a human being too and sometimes those mistakes can happen on the worst moment which is late in the third period. One of the mistakes I can remember is a couple of seasons ago when I had just entered Argonauts roster and hadn't enough experience from this tough adult's league. I leaned maybe too much my puck possession kills and lost the puck for the opponent who scored from the counter-attack. But I didn't apologize it. Why? Because if you begin to change your play style, you lost your identity. My identity is to play bravely with the puck. I am not afraid of mistakes. If you want to create offense, sometimes you need to take risks and sometimes reward is not a goal for, it is a goal against. So, I just told my teammates that I am going to make similar moves also from this moment onwards and sometimes it leads to that kind of things. You need to keep your confidence even if mistakes happen.

[Image: salming.png]

I want to start out by saying welcome. Slash was an awesome PT director and if he believes in you then so do I. I really like PTs despite procrastinating them sometimes. I love the double prompts and am glad to see that is still a thing with this first PT. I like prompts that develop my players lore. Over the season my player has adopted a wolf, caught a Pokémon, committed a heist. These were all so great. Weird and fun prompts are great because I can decide what Makrus would do and he always does the weirdest things. I think a prompt is really good when you realize you are over the word count but just need to finish this thought. I would like to see PTs about what our players do off the ice. Sure we all play hockey but like what gameshow do we go on in off season? if we are spending the night in a haunted house how do we react? We have to do community service, what did we do and why did we have to do it? Just some thoughts on cool outside the league ideas. Another thing that I like is when I can talk about my fellow players. Lets me brag about the Turtle on my team or our locker room flirt. I look forward to seeing where this season PTs take us.

[Image: qm0v49d.png]

Slash did a great job creating not only one, but two interesting prompts each week for people to inflate word counts around. Championship Week never had so many options for meticulously chipping away on the keyboard to climb to that 16 TPE limit. I think the nature of PTs combined with the lack of other interactions on the site doesn't leave much room for these prompts to be truly engaging, especially after 5, 10, 15, or more seasons on the site! It really feels like that, at this point, there's nothing else to improve in the PT department besides some automation things we could carry into Discord. Imagine a bot that slaps you with a prompt in the DMs every week. You respond to the bot until you hit a word count. The bot then pings a database to mark that you've completed the TPE requirement, and you get that 3 TPE claimed. Seems like something that could be done! I'm sure there's a development team already working on something like it. But my actual point is that, unless we're going to change what you earn or actually how you complete tasks, you shouldn't worry too much about 'innovating' PTs. Cool prompts are the least and most you can do.

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[Image: notoriousTRON.gif]
Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
[Image: gs89eGV.png]

First of all, Hello Dan and congrats on the new job. 1st prompt and I really do not mind the basic bitch ones of asking simple questions about your player or their backgrounds or say just anything with how they react to insert situation here. I do not think there is anything wrong with talking or going more in depth with your character. I have issues with the dumber ones. Like we had a weird ass big tiddy goth gf one a while back or the fucking weird ass pills based one. I can tolerate dumb ones but not on the regular. They did give multiple options so I guess that is a good thing but overall don't do them that often. Maybe a few fun holiday specific ones would be cool? I do not really remember many of them being done passed thanksgiving which is only an NA holiday and maybe christmas and halloween.

I guess just see what SHL also suggest but dont go crazy please.

[169 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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