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S64 PT#0: Read the Room

Congratulations on the new job, hope you will enjoy it! Hope you do not spend too much time on it and can remain enjoying the job and the league for a long time coming!
I am one who does not like to write for the sake of writing, so I often leave the PTs to last minute. When done, I do prefer the PTs to be about my player, the games played, performance or things that has happened during the course of the day, week, season, career or life. It helps build a story and something to relate to while having to write the 150 words required for each PT. So in short, PTs related to my own player, the team, perhaps the division we are playing in would be my preference for PTs.
I will also always compare the PTs available to me (ISFL and SHL) and chose the one that I feel is less bothersome when I do write the PT.

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credit to amazing @Carpy48, @Ragnar @sköldpaddor, @the_paytonium & @sulovilen !

I personally much prefer the ability and prompts that allow me to get more creative with my responses and not necessarily rely on stats. I find that relying on stats can often just lead to a pretty wrote style and corners us a bit more into something specific, or a certain style of writing. When they're more open ended, we get to really flex our brains and come up with something fun, expand on our character, and just in general be a little more silly or idiotic (if that's the vibe that we want to have). I know that some may not agree, as they may want things to be a little more rigid and easier to follow a certain format type.

Also, thanks to Slash! I think that PT director is a role that requires a lot more work than most of us would think, and is often a pretty thankless job. In my opinion, it's very much one of those jobs that only that bad ever comes out, and that must be really grating after a while. So thanks Slash for all your work! Enjoy your retirement.

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What' I've enjoyed most from doing PTs is the opportunity to imagine scenarios whether they're realistic or wild. The SHL provides a huge opportunity to be creative and the prompts help direct that imagination. I don't mind writing about my player and how he scored an overtime winner or blew it big in the third but if given the opportunity to write about dinosaurs playing hockey like in the championship week tasks than I'm going to write about dinosaurs. Having the variety to avoid that hockey burnout is cool. This is a hockey league though so tying things all together is great. 

This is also my moment to say thank you to Slash for providing the PTs since I've been part of the league. It's one thing to write off a prompt but another to come up with one, and not only just one but multiple prompts to choose from. It's definitely easier said than done. Thanks for everything! 

Look forward to your PTs and prompts leviadan!

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Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

Being totally honest and not shitting on Slash at all, I think PTs here are an absolute drag and incredibly annoying to write 95% of the time. I don't hate the idea of a prompt, but sometimes the prompt is just so thoroughly uninteresting that I can't be bothered. Add in the amount of irritation I feel at the update scale and the chore-like nature of updating, and it's a pretty hard sell to take the time to write about something so unrelatable.

I guess I wish the PTs could be more like mini media spots, where it's more freeform and fluid. I don't want to write about my player getting drunk at a wedding of a teammate and name at least 3 other drunkards. That's not interesting to me. I'm much more interested in storytelling based on sim stats, but the Sims feel like they have no real priority here either.


I like any of the tasks. Especially those who can make my brain move faster. It's not my mother tongue and is a very good way to learn their language much better. More like tasks associated with hockey. There I'm more able to unwind and new thoughts are shooting in my mind about what I could do and write. In general, I greatly appreciate the great work that people in this department are investing in, because each week it is just amazing to think of new tasks that others need to perform. My imagination would certainly not be so great as to figure it out. I am delighted to have the opportunity to carry out such tasks and to be part of this community. Keep working in the same spirit and you'll be fine. There's a lot of endurance for young people, too, because I suppose it's not the easiest thing to do.

Henlo Dan. I'll admit Slash brought a breathe of fresh air to an activity that many see as repetitive and mundane. Personally speaking I often picked the boring option when he gave us two, but that's mostly because I couldn't find the word count for some of his incredibly precise and wild prompts haha. I imagine many users found the prompts to be different and engaging. Thanks for your hard work and dedication Slash! May you now rest.
Going forward I've always enjoyed PT tasks where I don't even need to worry about hitting the word count. Some of the "boring" ones like make an all star lineup (F,F,F,D,D,G) or which young player do you see becoming the next superstar, or which team is on the rise/decline are my favorite. Something broad with lots of room for discussion (and typing). These ones are typically recycled year after year and become stale, but after a few seasons I think they're fair game to re-use again.

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(This post was last modified: 03-08-2022, 07:28 PM by O4L.)

The PT's I enjoy most are ones where I can actually rant on a topic I'm knowledgeable about, it's a lot easier for me to write like 300 words ranting on an interesting topic than it is to talk about something my player did. There are times when I enjoy the usual PT of "What did your player do over Christmas holidays?" but I've also probably done that PT or a PT very similiar to that 500 times since I joined SHL and it can get tiring, I enjoyed those PT's earlier in my sim life career but now they just get incredibly repetitive. I really enjoy PT's where the topic is related to the sim/gming/site improvements, like if you asked me what a first time GM should focus on doing to be able to compete with the top teams in the league I could write 5x the word requirement, while if I have to talk about my player there are times where it's tough to even reach the 150 word requirement.

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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
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Prompt 1
Even though it sounds kind of boring, I think I enjoy the PTs where I can just talk about my player and team instead of something more creative like summoning big tiddy goth gfs. It's easy for my to just look at the numbers in the index and be able to throw them up in a PT with some sort of analysis, be it how I can improve, where I'm doing well and how it all relates to Jay O'Neil himself. I also like being able to talk about my team, The berserkers have won back to back cups and winning is very easy and fun to talk about. On top of that Winnipeg is doing great things and I can see us competing very soon which make talking about them exciting. I haven't been here long enough to talk about what is working and what isn't, Lev and Slash are the only two PT directors I know. So I guess my only real feedback is less big tiddy goth gf prompts, that was kind of weird.

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pt pass

Quote:Written Task: Tell me what you enjoy from PTs and the PT department! (150 words minimum) What kind of prompts do you love? What do you want to see more of? Are PTs a chore that you won't find fun or engaging no matter what they are? I think getting a vibe from all of you will help me settle in and plot my course forward, so why not award a little TPE for it.

I also think you should thank Slash for his work over the last few seasons. I've now seen first hand how much work this position takes, and he did it excellently. Thank you Slash.

I think I like it most when the PT allows the freedom to just go with what's on your mind. That means coming up with something that doesn't require foreknowledge, and instead lets you just freestyle something that's either personal to you or to your player.
I also prefer prompts that focus on your player and NOT on the other players on your team, and it's for a simple reason: even if you know someone from an LR or from the forums, it's rare to have a solid handle on how they imagine their own player. I don't like the idea of taking that player and putting my own spin on their personality with a clean slate because it kind of goes against the ownership that user has over the player.
Finally, there was something that happened last season (I think?) that I liked but at the same time didn't like: there was a continuation of prompts that had to do with a tournament of sorts. This allowed a throughline of plot for the user to add to every week. I think this was an interesting development, but the problem I had was that if you missed one week it seemed tough to rejoin the next week's prompt seamlessly and it created a situation where once I strayed I felt compelled to never return to that setting.

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To start I want to thank Slash for the work he has done as head of PT. It definitely seems like one of the more thankless jobs on this site. Also thanks to Leviadan for stepping up and taking over. I really enjoy the duel prompts that were implemented last season, I think it really opens up the options for people to write about something that might interest them more than the other topic. I also enjoy that I get to explore and express my creative writing when I feel like it. The PTs don't feel like a chore to me. That whole argument is pretty weird to be honest. We are playing imaginary hockey in an imaginary league on the internet using renders of real people and people want to complain about writing a little bit about the experience. It also doesn't make you any weirder than you already are for enjoying the RP that comes with it. I really think people complain just to complain sometimes.

168 Words

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I’ve loved everything about the PT department these past few seasons because they’re actually fun and creative prompts and not just 150+ word vomit of the indexes. It helps showcase the personality that users have. When you ask them the same prompts about who’s going to win the league and who’s the favorites for X or Y Award, it’s boring. It’s why I loved all the stuff about the mysterious pills with people pooping themselves or forming heist teams, shit like that boosts player interest and creativity. It helps people find other people who share similar mindsets to them and become friends. I want to see similar stuff, really let the abstract creative juices fly for the prompts and let the players have some fun with their responses. Slash, thanks for everything as the PT director, you did an awesome job and really allowed me to tap into my crackhead energy and get benefits for it, lev is a great successor for you.

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