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S64 PT#0: Read the Room

First of all congrats on getting the job, it's probably the most thankless one and I hope people go easy on you when some tasks miss the mark. It will happen, I'm sure Slash could tell you about it. Slash brought the greatest thing with PTs by offering two prompts. I really hope it will stay the same. As someone with English not being their primary language, tasks based around originality or outside the hockey sim is a lot harder. I know they might be less fun to come up with and repetitive, but talking about our player or team is so much easier for me personally. As long as we still get two options, I'm good with whatever topics. No wait, please no more PTs around lyrics and songs. I wouldn't say they are a chore to do, it doesn't take too long to write them. I don't think you can reinvent the wheel, PTs won't ever be fun.

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Written Task: Tell me what you enjoy from PTs and the PT department! (150 words minimum) What kind of prompts do you love? What do you want to see more of? Are PTs a chore that you won't find fun or engaging no matter what they are? I think getting a vibe from all of you will help me settle in and plot my course forward, so why not award a little TPE for it.

There are a lot of things which have been good and bad from the PT department over the past couple of years. I think the biggest positive I saw during Slash's tenure was having a normal option to simply write about the season to that date. I think having at least having the option to simply write about the sim in a meta sense allows the PT do be done with a little bit less creativity, which makes them a little bit less energy draining if you aren't quite up to it that week. That being said, I think the biggest negative I find is still the idea that we need to have users write blurbs weekly for PTs & mPTs (why are they separate things, seems like just another thing that we need to claim and just doubles updater verification/auditor checks etc. by having another thing to link?)

I think if I were to magically change how PTs work in the SHL I would do this:
  1. Combine PTs and mPTs to only require 1 written submission per week
  2. Allow for a media piece to be claimed as a PT submission for that week (Article/Podcast/Graphic) so that users can use cash generating activities to fulfill their PT requirement instead of having to do both (just link their thread in the PT thread similar to affiliate claims maybe?)
  3. Condense as many things as possible into the minimal amount of activities needed. Why do we need so many different PT threads to do every week, why not just have a max of one or two per week to do? We need to make things easier not harder, providing more avenues to generate site media is always good, and reducing the "chore" feeling of having the sheer number of fairly small PT related things we need to not-forget will help make things less annoying for everyone.
At the end of the day, I think PTs really benefit from the idea that less is more. The less things users need to not-forget, the better, and further, the more users can do to replace a PT the better as well, so they can use things they may rather do instead as a replacement and help save everyone time and energy, so they can channel that into making more memes in discord, and having a good time on the site.

I think I echo the sentiments of a lot of people in that having two different prompts to answer makes a big difference when getting ready to do a PT. Sometimes you look at one and you just have absolutely nothing going on between your ears, but the other one at least is enough to shit out 150 words on the spot. It's a small thing that makes a difference in my opinion. Sillier PTs are good if the secondary prompt is a bit more grounded, they're fun especially if they're interactive with other people in some way but I realize some people aren't fans. Overall I would avoid using your new platform as PT director to bitch about certain teams or the state of the league, it's certainly not fun for people to try and write a PT when the PT is feeding into the negativity a lot of people have about things right now. Godspeed my son

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All PTs by traitorous PT head will of course be interior to anything we have seen in past and those were already pretty boring to do. Honesty I always preferred to do graphics when I had time but at some point (though more so issue in ISFL) I felt there were too many things you had to had and to be sure they were clearly there. I understand that those were to cut out min effort posts but it still felt like I was taking a risk doing graphics PT instead of written one (and in worst case spending like 3 to 10 times more time on doing so). Slashes introduction of dual prompts was good addition and I hope you keep up with it, sometimes you want to write more about your player and sim stuff and sometimes you want to go crazy with things, I mixed both and it felt relatively less boring that way.

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Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me

All PTs are interesting in one way or another. If I do them or I do not do them it is totally up to me, if I have an inspiration to write that promt or not. I like promts where I can express my emotions about something, it does not matter if it is teams success or unsuccess, my oven game, leagues things overall or just like some off-season details. In these kinda promts I can easily write something about how I feel and express my thoughts about all. I really do not like promts what are meant to be funny or just lame (in my opinion), in these kinda promts I just do not feel what to write/tell there, that is reason I just do not do that promt.
Of course I do not blame PT department because they do anything to come up with great promts but something they are out of great inspiration themselves so it is understandable that sometimes promts are funny and just not my type.

Drafted 59th Overall in SMJHL S58 draft by Anchorage Armada
Drafted 9th in SMJHL S60 expansion draft by Great Falls Grizzlies
Drafted 36th Overall in SHL S59 draft by Calgary Dragons

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The addition of two prompts has definitely been an improvement. As some users have already mentioned English is not our first language and forcing oneself to write about a topic that is not that interesting or you find difficult to write about just drains your energy. The current system gives some flexibility in what you write about. Another thing I like about these PTs is the way you get to delve into your player, to understand where they are coming from and what their plans for the future.

But honestly, a lot of the time I do feel like these PTs are more of a chore than something I enjoy doing. I always have a difficult time writing about role-playing stuff when it doesn't cover statistical analyses or some other form of information to base the writing about. Most of the time the PT is more or less just writing a text using a lot of extra words that increase the word count but doesn't necessarily mean something.

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Kenneth Lind (S78-)

Tomas Lind (S57-S78)

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@sköldpaddor @High Stick King @Ragnar

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I like more structured hockey based tasks as I'm not a really good writer and have really hard times getting ideas for what to write.

I'm very divided on if I feel like the tasks are a chore or if they are fun. Most of the time I think they are fun to do but sometimes I get really tired and struggle to keep up with them all which can stress me out quite a bit. Especially if I also have a lot of work to do in real life.

So those tasks that will have me writing a story that isnt about hockey will sometimes really bum me out but I really like writing stories that ties into my players as it gives me the power to really define my players personality. For example those tasks about your players diet or what he does outside of playing hockey are really fun to do.

Also, thank you slash!

Genuinely, I liked the alternatives for Point Tasks when it came to what to write about. I can understand Point Tasks being rather same-ish after a while and the prompts made them fresh, even if the whackjob options were sometimes deep into the wild mad pot. Personally, I'm looking actually looking forward to whatever you can come up with, hopefully, it remains creative and fun, even if perhaps a tad risqué here and there.

As for what I like to write about, I usually like to write about my player but I've got to admit I'm sometimes bored with the concept of a normal player - I'm keen on writing them out as some larger than life character that may or may not deal with matters outside of their expect realms. Namely because normal players are what we have in real life and that's kinda boring in the long run.

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Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
Player Page - Update Page
Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

hello dan and congratulations on the job Smile 

I love what Slash added during his tenure of having two different prompts - a goofy and a generic. It takes a lot of work to put together one prompt (let alone two) so shoutout to him for putting in the work for that (which I believe people very much appreciated) and if you're able to do so, I'd recommend continuing doing that for as long as you can. In general, i like the goofy prompts - actually, maybe better to say I like whatever prompt because I'll make it goofy on my own. I don't think most people liked the S40's style of PTs that required you to tag people, but I do enjoy tagging people in PTs when appropriate and I of course love getting tagged in others' PTs. I wouldn't make that a requirement, but it is a part of PTs that I enjoy. Other than that, I see them not quite as a chore but not quite as a gift either. PTs don't take me very long so I can pretty much knock them out as they come to mind (which is quickly!). 

My other PT head advice has already been conferred in private

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

I enjoy sillier point tasks over statistical point tasks. That is the easiest thing I think I can say as I remember the PT where you had to replace the cook because they quit after being asked to make a meme product too many times. While I do not understand the statistics of hockey to be able to write in that regard I do understand silly behavior and can write about that for days.

I also liked the Championship Week prompts about what the league was like so many years ago and the dinosaur league type stuff. A creative prompt that does not require outside knowledge is the ideal in my book as it just allows me to bring out my own creativity in response which is the best. Honestly reminds me of one of my new hobbies I just picked up Jumpchain which is similar in that having the prompt prepared allows me to be more creative in turn.

I can also admit PTs are a bit of a chore, but not so much that they really bother me. A couple hundred words a week to max earn is a reasonable expectation to me. That said I wish you luck with dealing with the people who do consider it to be too much, and also good luck with the position as a whole as it is an important one for league health! Hope you have a good day!

Word Count: 239

I will be honest: I have found PTs to be a bit of chore over the last two seasons. Mind you, this isn't the result of the PT subjects, but more of my general sense of blahness.  The change in allowing us to pick from two different PTs was a welcome one, and I thought that the subject matter has improved on greatly over the last few seasons as well. 
It is just that... it feels too much like work. I loved doing them at first and even for four or five seasons but now I am just like "I guess I better get these done." I think one of the issues is that I have no idea how many people ever read and enjoy them.  It is too bad we do not have some sort of rating system where people could quickly upvote (no downvotes, that would just be depressing) or make positive comments about the writing.

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ISFL Affiliate

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Written Task: Whoops! You made an enormous mistake late in the third and it cost you the game. Everyone looks furious and it seems like they don't want to talk about it, but for some reason you feel compelled to apologize. What was the mistake, and how do you make it up to your team? (150 words minimum)

Mr. Archangelo has spent a lot of his last season being the motor behind the success of his team. He has lead the scoring for Maine by a decent margin, scored countless goals, numerous assists and, to many people surprisingly, even a decent few penalties. Mr. Archangelo therefore might have done exactly that - at the end of the very important game that was played very importantly during a very important time, he has taken an untimely penalty just as the heat was starting to pile onto the opposing team, which cost them not only momentum, but also their best scorer on the team. Understandably, when the game was lost after a goal scored in the upcoming powerplay, his team wasn't exactly happy with the antics of a certain mr. Archangelo, last name Scaradog Jr., and have been very angry about it. Archangelo knew how to get his teammates back to his side though - it is known that Maine players are raging alcoholics and pandering to that addiction would win him hearts of the locker room back, so a night in the bar entirely on him was exactly what the team needed to deal with the searing dissapointment of mr. Archangelo's actions on the ice that one very important evening game experience period game night.

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
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thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

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Prompt 1:

I prefer the more silly/unique prompts over the typical "a hockey happened, tell us about it". Those kind of prompts are okay every once in awhile, but, I mean, how many different answers can you expect to see? I prefer the zany prompts where people can be creative and still tie things back into their player. I won't lie, I rarely go out of my way to read the PT responses of other users. But, if a teammate makes an interesting post and shares it on the LR, I'm happy to read it, and really enjoy when it's something funny and witty versus just another "he shoots he scores". I'm excited to see what kind of PTs you'll come up with, Dan! And a huge shout out to Slash and all the amazing and hard work he has put in during his tenure, you will definitely be missed!

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