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S65 mPT #0: Sparks Joy

Even though we lost, making it to the Finals was a happy time for me. I scored the game winning goal in Game 1 (or 2?) and I felt like I was on top of the world.

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(This post was last modified: 05-11-2022, 06:19 PM by Gooney.)

my friends make me happy. i like to hang out with them. i hung out with nour and han last week. love good people and good time

[Image: TommyWestbrook.jpg]
[Image: UznKCpb.png]

Honestly, joy has been hard to come by these past 12 months, but a very simple thing that can instantly improve my day, and I’m going to sound like a fatty for saying this, mostly because I am, but chocolate never fails to improve my mood, if not my waistline!

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I had a really tough day at work yesterday, and moneys been really tight lately (car needed work). So when I got home, I was on the toilet, taking a post-work shit before a shower, really just feeling stressed, exhausted, and lousy. Opened my online banking to check my bills, I saw the tax return that got lost last year auto-deposited into my account by the CRA. Extra 500 bucks and I was just so flooded with relief and surprise it was almost euphoric

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Fried chicken, I love going to different cities and trying their top fried chicken joints, which includes korean fried chicken. Just tonight I had a Korean Fried Chicken stir fry which was top tier. Can't wait to see what I have next.

40+ words

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Happy is me Niko Boyle which is me what makes me happy is watching movies and having friends with part and i will be awesome timr like every year and will be a fun time

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Kyle Sux Lmap

It’s been a rough month, but I’ve been discovering a lot of songs/literature pieces/other media that help me feel comfortable in my identity and that’s really what I need right now so I’m thankful for it.

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I bought a new apple watch for myself and i have really been enjoying it for tracking fitness things (especially hockey) and just the other little joys of having a smart watch.

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Sig by @Ragnar

I gain joy when i am just being myself and interacting with people i enjoy. nothing bring more joy then when you find out your sim league friend also loves run the jewels.

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I recently completely my second year of college marking the halfway point to my degree. I'm also working a full time office job over the summer related to my major. It makes me happy that I'll learn relevant things while being able to pay my bills.

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Canada Knights Canada Knights Canada

Springs is here and that brings an end to a long miserable Canadian winter. I start hosting local pick up street soccer in my neighbourhood and it's been a lot of fun.

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Every night before I go to sleep, I pull the blanket over my head and watch stupid shit on my phone for a bit. Could be someone playing Mario Maker on Youtube, or a bit of a movie, or maybe some Joshi wrestling, but it's a good way to wind down for the day.

Been kind of a struggle IRL the past couple months and the one thing that keeps me anchored and happy is my family. My beautiful daughter and son are the best things in my life and they bring me so much joy, and my wonderful spouse.

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Canada Blizzard Stars Citadelles Citadelles Stars Blizzard Canada 
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Something that brings me joy right now is playing Vampire Survivors. It's a really fun, simple game but it only costs 3 bucks! It's awesome.

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the one and only thing that makes ace happy is scoring goals and winning ships. That being said there are other things that make ace happy like snipers.

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