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S66 PT #0: Passion Project

After taking a year away from the game, Jamal Nightingale's offseason training regimen largely consisted of conditioning. "You have to be in the right kind of shape to compete at the highest level," he explains. "It's a tough sport, and taking a year out will put you far behind your peers, so there needs to be a serious effort on reconditioning." In addition, he worked on defense specific drills, to make sure his balance -- for making hits -- and stick checking were still up to snuff. "Coach had me viewing a lot of tape," he says. "I already had a pretty good read on things but there are a lot of mental shortcuts you make, that kind of wither away when you don't use them. So by watching a lot of tape I can re-immerse myself in situations, and rebuild those shortcuts, or strengthen them, like any muscle."

Nightingale's arrival in Baltimore comes as a surprise, even to him. "I thought my career was done, to be honest," he says. "But I got a call, and they asked me to come in and work out, and I thought 'hey maybe my story has more to come', so I've been working on every aspect of my game. Not just defensive stuff, through watching tape I can get open better, and I revisited my puck handling drills Uncle Mo gave me years ago. I still have a lot to offer."

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ISFL Affiliate: Sebster

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PT pass

[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
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Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2022, 12:31 PM by Fantobens. Edited 1 time in total.)

Hockey prompt-

Eight weeks of training. The other half of my goalie duo stepped out of net and is now playing defense. So all of the goaltending rests on me. Well, me and whoever is the back up. Because they are. I have been working too hard this off season to be splitting time. And if I’m not one of the top goalie this season I will be devistated. So I will work. I will work for the remaining eight weeks until I am a goal saving machine. Until I can stand on my head. Flop around like hasek. Up and down like Marty and the butterfly of the king henrik. These are the things I have to do! I’m going to train like it is an anime montage. Going to play some bad ass progressive metal in happy major cords until my ass falls out! Nothing will stop me from getting to the top! Even when my skates are filled with blood! And my eyes blurry from head trauma! I will fight on for my ancestors! For every one in neo Tokyo! FOR MY FRRRRIIIIIEEEENNNNDDDDSSSSS!!!!!!

[Image: HqPCLbj_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand]

For Nicolae Antonescu, his current passion project is designing a home-brew world for Dungeons and Dragons. He has been exposed to the game in earlier years by teammates, and absolutely loves the experience. After experiencing the game as a player, he has begun running his own campaign in a world of his own design, a map that he is constantly tinkering with. To do this, Antonescu looks to all sorts of mediums for inspiration, be it literature, movies, or real life historical examples, then spins it with a high fantasy twist. In odrer to have an immersive world with some semblance of internal consistency, Antonescu has to chart out the important historical events that set up the curreent landscape of the world. Antonescu typically plays the Pathfinder module, but has dabbled in many other editions of Dungeons and Dragons over his time, including 2nd edition, edition 3.5, 4th edition that one time (but never again), and 5th edition.

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Thank you to Ham and Sulo for the sigs!
Scarecrows Chiefs Renegades Dragons Stampede Panthers norway
Scarecrows Specters Switzerland
Scarecrows pride Switzerland
  Armada pride Ireland


Karl's plan for this off season is fairly straightforward: He want's to extend his ability to remain somewhat relevant. Last season was a pretty rough hit to his abilities, atleast on the score sheet where he was able to put up a decent amount of assists, but goal total hit the dumpster. So, to fight back on this he's working on his shooting. Looking to play a more prominent role in the team this season should help get some opportunities as well, he wants to do good and make sure he can continue to capitalize when given the opportunity.
Spending days shooting the puck, drinking his smoothies to cut the off season fat, flexibility daily sessions of yoga to keep up, he's obviously going to be slower out there, so he needs to make his mark through other avenues.
If he can manage 15-20 goals this year it will be well worth the effort, and help him solidify his mark.

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To be honest, Shion Okamoto does not really have many things that he does outside of hockey. You can imagine that hockey does take up a significant portion of his life, and he has been dedicating the majority of his life to furthering his hockey career. However, there is one passion that he has outside of hockey, and that passion is playing baseball. Not many know this, that despite Shion Okamoto choosing to pursue a career in hockey, that was not actually his main or favourite sport, which is actually baseball. So thankfully, the good baseball playing weather lines up with the offseason of the simulation hockey league. So often times when the season is finished for the Syndicate, you can find Okamoto on the baseball field with some of his hometown friends, while some of his other teammates are out doing the more traditional offseason pastime of golfing. I would say that both pastimes are equally great though.

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[S78] #14 C | Jon Garfield
[SMJHL] Regina Elk / Thunder Bay Walleye

[SHL] Buffalo Stampede | Prospect

[S58] #72 LD | Shion Okamoto
[SMJHL] Newfoundland Berserkers | Former Captain | S60, S62 Four Star Cup
[SHL] Chicago Syndicate | S64 Challenge Cup
[IIHF] Team Japan | S60 Gold

The offseason in the SHL typically lines up with the summer break for the University of Oregon, so I don't really have any place to go and kill time doing the things I love (being a mascot at football and basketball games). This is somewhat nice as it allows me to focus on some other passions, mainly golf. The summer weather is usually a little hot for my liking down in Atlanta, so a couple buddies and I will typically fly north and hit some golf courses on the way. Oh, I should clarify, I'm not playing golf, I'm attempting to mess with golfers while heading north. We'll go around and sit on ponds and wait until players are in their back swing to let out a loud quack. You do need to make sure you're at the good golf courses, not the ones on the wrong side of the neighborhood. The cheap courses are run by geese and ain't nobody have time for a turf war during my time off.

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ISFL affiliate PT

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

Player Prompt
After Great Britain heroically lost to eventually silver medalist Ireland in the IIHFs biggest rivalry. Conner decided to stay and watch Lias (@sköldpaddor ) finish out his final WJC season. After the tourny. Conner finally confessed his feelings for Lias. After 2 seasons away and the feelings bottling up. Conner let it all spill out. And then he invited Lias to spend a week in a Austrain Alps cabin. They went hiking, biking, and bird watching. It was the best week of Conner's life. Forgetting everything else that was going on in hockey and his life back in the US. Just the smell of the salt water (Lias always carried the smell of the ocean with him) and Lias goofy smile. Conner didn't worry that they would be playing against each other more than once this coming season. He loved Lias and now Lias knew. It was a massive weight off his chest. And now he knew. Through the separation and time apart. At a minimum their friendship would always endure.

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So far in his career (before and during his SMJHL tenure), M’Baku Olubori has been a raw, physically imposing winger. He’s been able to skate by on his natural physical gifts without much in the way of finesse. This offseason, that changed. For the second straight offseason, he spent a week at Cassius Darrow’s elite conditioning camp getting his ass handed to him by one of the most quietly unhinged gym rats in recent history. During his exit interview, the Regina coaching staff asked Baku to transition to playing center for S66. This would be a major departure for the young Nigerian, and likely a significant challenge. Never one to back down from a challenge, Baku agreed. During Darrow’s camp, he worked one on one with Cassius on how to better read a forecheck in a holistic way to prepare for the defensive parts of playing center. He also approached his longtime rival—Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson @sköldpaddor—to see if the soon-to-be SHL rookie would give him some pointers on playing center. Lias offered some solo drills to improve (or, y’know, develop) faceoff skills. After the Darrow camp, Olubori returned for a month to Nigeria where he worked tirelessly on his faceoffs. Time will tell how his offseason routine will pay off in S66.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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my passion is to try all different kinds of sour candy. most people don't really know all that much about eel anatomy but the reason they're so long and skinny like that is because their entire bodily cavity is made of mouth. so like in humans the mouth goes back a bit but stops and then it turns into throat and so on and so forth. for eels, the whole body is mouth, which means an eel can taste everything as it goes on and on. eventually it turns into poop but that's where the mouth stops. so when i try different kinds of sour candy i can taste it for so long and it's such an enjoyable experience to keep tasting sour candy for a long time because also i don't ahve teeths so i can't really break it down so yeah it's just like sucking on a sour patch watermelon that lasts like half an hour and you can taste it nicely the whole time yum yum. love exploring different kinds of sour candy and trying them all!

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway


Nikolai Skovgaard loves to spend his offseason exploring the local wilderness as much as he can. Back in his home of Denmark, Nikolai was really into hiking and camping, and he has been having a blast doing as much of that as he can. Quebec is a beautiful providence, and he has heard great things about upstate New York and the rest of the Buffalo area. Hiking is a nice way to stay in shape over the offseason while still being relaxing and enjoyable, and camping is a really chill activity. Besides that, Nikolai really loves to eat, so he obviously loves to try out all of the best local restaurants. While visiting Buffalo after he was drafted, Nikolai ate so many wings. They aren't really popular or readily available in Denmark, so he took the chance to feast while he was in Buffalo. Quebec food still weirds him out a little bit, smoked meat is a kind of bizarre concept but he might get used to it eventually.

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Now that he's finally got a break from the regular season, he can finally work on his second passion, bowling. If there's anything he likes even close to hockey, it's bowling. He has been going with his family since he can remember. Now that he is in the big leagues there is very little time for working on his game. So he's gonna take the next few weeks to just relax at the local bowling alley. One day he hopes to bowl a perfect game at the lanes in Regina, which is not an easy feat. He did it once at his lanes back home but has never replicated it before. He would like to get his picture on the wall of fame at the Regina Lanes before he leaves. Other than just chilling with his family he invited to Regina for the last part of the offseason and the start of the season to see his first few games.

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