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S66 PT #1: Opening Ceremony


Alright so first of all there's no way we're going to do fireworks INSIDE THE ARENA who's idea is this this is terrible. And if you want to do them outside, who's going to see them? This makes no sense, and fireworks are bad anyways so much noise pollution and regular pollution. What we're going to do is an Elk petting zoo in from of the arena during pre-game and we'll get some circus people to train elks to do a show on the ice during intermission they can definitely get that ready on time. We'll also have a lot of fun live music, probably going to get Gloryhammer to come sing some epic motivational songs even if Angus McFife doesn't play for us we'll just stick horns on the same Elks mentioned before and so they'll become the Unicorns, the Elknicorns invasion of Saskatchewan.

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My party is crazy. Was? As you may know, as you may not know, I player for the Hamilton Steelhawks in the Simulation Hockey League, which some people like to refer to as the SHL for short. We started off the night, by all going to Skyline and eating chilligetti which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It is chilli on top of spaghetti. Pretty straightforward. Is it like the national dish of Ohio or something. After that we went to Chicken World, which is a chicken franchise in the lower mainland that started when this one dude from the middle east came over and couldn't get hired at KFC. Im sure im butchering the story, but it's pretty close to that. After that we drank all night long. The bar we went to did not have cranberry juice, so I instead had to drink my vodka drinks with pomegranate juice instead, and honestly it slapped.

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Thanks to JSS for the signature

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Player Prompt
First game of the season and Makrus is ready to start out strong. He is nervous starting for a new team. Makrus has played every season so far as a blizzard and now he is a wolf. There is a lot on his plate this season. new team, new teammates, bigger expectations, and more rivalry. All of these things are going through his head as he prepares for the first puck drop of the season. Will he live up to his own expectations. Will he be able to lead the Wolfpack to victory or will he fall flat. The stress of wondering will his friend do better than him on their new teams or will Makrus show them all who made the best choice. Makrus got so lost in his own thoughts that he totally missed the puck drop. Makrus did manage to make his first goal on his NEW team right before then end of the 1st period. Starting his season strong.

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(This post was last modified: 07-22-2022, 05:02 AM by dankoa. Edited 1 time in total.)

Creative prompt

On opening night for the Forge, the team decided to go all out and get into the spectacle of the new season. The main attraction was moving a real life metal furnace onto the ice. It wasn't the best thought out entertainment the team has put on, as the live metal forging that took place with cheerleaders skating around it ultimately led to disaster when recently forged metal dropped onto the ice, burning a hole in it and causing panic among the dancers. From there, the team decided to abandon that idea and just had the players skate laps around the ice, waving as they went. It ultimately was boring as fuck, with even the most die hard fans getting bored after an hour of seeing players skating and waving to them. Not the most successful opening night the Forge have ever had, and I'm sure that the powers in charge of the team will have lots of lessons that they've learnt from it and can apply next season.

169 words

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Atticus Hale stands on the blue line along with his teammates. As the national anthem plays, many thoughts are running through his head. The New Orleans Specters made a huge splash in the offseason, going all-in with a win now attitude. They have recognized their championship window with their best players just beginning to come down from the peak of their prime and their young guns ready to step up into the spotlight. Atticus doesn’t want to let his team down. He’s trapped on the third line behind two top notch centers in Doom and Hundertwasser and eager to show that he can carry the third line that has at times been offensively anemic. This is his third season in the SHL yet he always has butterflies in his stomach leading up to the opening puck drop of the season. He’s excited for what this season could bring. He looks down the blue line to his left, then to his right. Several new but familiar faces. All of the poised and ready to make this a season to remember for the New Orleans Specters.

[184 words]

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Creative Prompt

Agent Tesla: You are going to give me...ME, an effectively unlimited budget and zero restraints for what tools I am allowed to use for the opening day celebration so long as I can guarantee it will be memorable. Normally I am all for throwing caution to the wind and damning thousands of souls to an eternity of pain, however even I think this is a terrible idea.

The 'Boss?': That's what the paper says so that's what I am doing. If you have a problem with it you're going to have to take it up with the folks upstairs.

Agent Tesla: You are meant to represent both the mob boss that I presume to be in charge of The Syndicate and also the owner. Who is upstairs compared to you?

The 'Boss?': King Bob.

Agent Tesla: From Recess?

The 'Boss?': Yes.

Agent Tesla: I'd rather not have to negotiate with him so onto describing my plans then. Given three is the magic number I am going to go with a simple three step plan here to make sure that this is a night that nobody will forget. Step one melt the ice and reveal the abomination whose name is redacted for legal reasons related to spellcasters of the sound to devastate the arena to the best of their ability. Step two replace said devastated arena with one suitable for Hockey Z-9 as invented by the delightful children of Danville. Finally step three is to have the sun go supernova thus ending all life as we know it and guaranteeing that the event will be memorable by having it be the last thing any of the visitors ever get to do.

The 'Boss?': Dave do you have an alternative suggestion?

Dave Heinrich: Balloon animals?

The 'Boss?': That is a perfect idea!

Word Count: 300

Jasper Maximov is new to the New Orleans Specters so they don't know yet they can't trust him with money, especially large quantities of it.

For him, the logical association with specters is "ghosts" so he invested all the show's budget on making sure there were more ghosts in the arena than there were people. He called up the dudes from the ghost chasers tv show and asked them to summon spirits at the Specters' arena. Obviously, it's all bullshit and they took his money knowing full well they couldn't deliver on what they promised, because ghosts aren't real. Instead they made sure to spend the cash making sure the lights would flicker in menacing ways or that the water dispensers (whatever they're called) would malfunction and look like they were possessed by evil spirits. They used as little money from the budget as they could to pocket the rest so the Specters' arena is screwed for years to come.

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The opener for the Dragons is huge, as this year they are expected to push for playoffs for the first time since DMack had been on the team. After last seasons personal success, DMack is seen as a team leader and a big part of the LR. As he stands on the blue line he thinks about how his team and its fans depends on him to go out there and play top line hockey every moment. He cannot take a shift off all year. He looks over at his linemates Grogu Mandosson and Alexis Saint-Michel and recalls the success of S65.

Then his mind switches over into full hockey mode. The world drops away. His pulse calms. Time slows down. He can see the opening face off in his mind. Grogu wins the puck back to the defence. DMack will go to the front of the net, pushing defenders out of the way. DMack will screen the goalie. A Shot. A Goal.

The next shift the hitting will start.

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Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

Creative Prompt
Here in Carolina, I propose that we celebrate the start of the season with a little arena cook out featuring well... Cook Out. I have not personally had food from the southeast chain but I have heard good things about it from friends who live in the area. The usual fair around the concourse will be replaced with the cheap and greasy platters of various barbeque cuts and sandwiches. The fans will be simply too full and dazed in a mild coma to properly cheer on the team so crowd noise might have to be pumped in to keep the lads going. Should the team rise to victory on the home opener, shakes will be shared in the locker room. Extra protein might need to be mixed in to make for good recovery but I'm sure the lads wouldn't mind such a tasty treat. That is only if they win. If they lose then well it is just the basic recovery food. (162)

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Kyle Sux Lmap

The whole opening night is going to be a celebration of love and lust. The jumbotron will be playing a full length romance movie starring myself and @Zombiewolf, following the trials and tribulations of a hot and steamy love affair between two athletes in their hockey and sexual primes. There will be laughs, tears, and erections aplenty. Two hockey players who are madly in love, along with their journey through life trying to figure out how to make it on the road and at home. Two hockey players become one incredible and sweaty entity who will stop at nothing to experience true love and true, unabashed ecstasy. No one will stand in their way as they overcome the odds and live life on their own terms, with all the things that come with it: love, jealousy, lust, and a whole lot of water based lubrication.

Side note: opening night will be 18 or over only.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤


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Graj stood on the corner of the ice, eyes searching the rink for any sign of his mentor, even though he knew it was futile to try and pick him out in the slew of Knights jerseys and towels. Graj's nerves were at a near all-time high, knowing that this was the first time he was going to test himself against players who he didn't know the inside mechanics of, players who had skill sets that he was totally foreign to and traits that he would have no idea how to defend. He glanced over at the keeper Fantobens beside him, who gave him a reassuring nod of approval and gently tapped his stick on the ice twice. That familiar sound of "good luck" that they had begun for each other last season when coming on and off the ice in relief of each other during their goalie swap season calmed his nerves slightly and made Graj feel a bit more at home. He grabbed a hold of his anxiety, pushed it down, and swung out onto the ice to begin his season as a defenseman.

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Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

player prompt

Whenever it's been a few months since you played any competetive hockey, I think it's in place to be very excited when you can finally get back at it. This season is especially exciting, with Manhattan's return to being a team rather than a kicking bag, the whole group on the ice and in the locker room has been buzzing with excitement. Archie hasn't played for a team that would be competetive on SHL level yet, since he is only really entering his third season in the league, but suddenly, he finds himself on the 2nd pair of a team that isn't looking to just squeeze into the playoffs, but maybe looks to get the proper division spot and looks to maybe be a bit of a danger to it's opponents, rather than like last season, being happy with not getting swept by them. With all of those changes in circumstances, it's hard to not be excited, even if there is a lot of hard work and difficulties ahead, Manhattan is looking to fight and Archie is certainly not going to slow them down.

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
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thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

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