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S66 PT #1: Opening Ceremony

Stan Din'desque has a mission this season, and it's hard to see. I mean, with changes to the Winnipeg organization, Stan has been deemed a third line center, and his ice time has seen a hit from the previous one. That being said, he's out to prove to everyone he deserves to be a top line player. Maybe he's not the richest, best earning, hardest worker, but damnit, he likes to play and really enjoys fucking off at Apex Legends with teammates and players from all around the league, and other sports leagues. That's a big part of what has made him a fan favorite in the past, his willingness to show his emotion on and off the ice, and share moments with fans, if it's signing an autograph or playing Apex Legends games with them online. So yeah, Stan's a big ready to kick someone's ass, on and off the ice, to prove a point


At this point in my career, I have this do you put it, a somber and calm state of mind that I put myself into. I mean, my normal nature right now is just having more sense than my cousin, dare he may try to argue and contest over. However, once the offseason ends and the regular season begins, I feel that need to focus hard on the task on hand. A bit like its work. Yes, its work that I love to do, I mean why else would I have been playing for as long as I did, but its still work, and I don't want to let myself just get way too overexcited or carried away with this. While the fans and some of my teammates use the pyrotechnics and light show to get into the zone of things, just keeping myself quite and calm does wonders for me. That's simple how its to be, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Some are extroverts, some are introverts, and I'm in the latter camp there......I think.

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Sig Credit: Flappy (EVO) and Skolpaddor (RESO)


First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

Eternal RaptorsRaptors Old, onwards we roll Rage

And Let's Retire at the Pinnacle

Even as a grizzled vet, Sven still gets excited and nervous for the first game of the season. Sven is particularly excited this year because he is reunited with his partner in crime from his days on the Colorado Raptors, JUST. Sven knew JUST all the way back when we still JURT and had some great seasons playing alongside him in the J. JUST and Sven’s games complement each other very well, JUST is a prototypical defensive shadow with some offensive capabilities and Sven is a heavy power forward that has lapses on defense but is a deadly goal scorer with a nose for the net. This season, Sven has an extra level of excitement and anticipation to see if he can have a bit of a career resurgence alongside JUST. Once Sven gets on the ice for that first shift, all of the anticipation and nerves will subsidy. He’s been there before and knows what he has to do once the puck drops.

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Jean-François Bokassa

Proud Father of Johnny Wagner-Svenson

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Sven Svenson Career Stats

Sweden Raptors pride

For the first game of the Seattle Argonauts season, no expense was spared. Draped over every seat in Climate Pledge Arena was an inflatable Greek-style warrior helmet and foam sword, and the pre-game festivities were significant. The team debuted a new walk out tunnel in the shape of the Argo, the titular ship the team gets its name from. Before the teams took the ice, a state of the art light show tool place depicting a fictionalized Argonaut defeating the namesakes of teams around the league in combat, eventually emerging victorious over every single one. The team's mascot, Jason, was them lowered dramatically from the rafters to "slay" actors dressed up as lions and panthers, much to the crowd's delight. Finally, the evening's buildup concluded with the introduction of this year's roster, with each player greeted with a massive cheer. All in all, it was a memorable night as the Argonauts look back on 10 years as a franchise

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The Tampa Bay Barracuda are going to start the season with the first ever indoor fly-in from the Air Force. Two fighter jets are going to rev their engines and obnoxiously remind everyone in the arena that not only are they at a hockey game, but they're in the United States of America as well. After the windows of the arena open up and let out some of the burned-off fuel from the planes, the Barracuda will unveil something that they've been working hard on all off season. The league did not feel that it would be appropriate to make a runner-up banner for the team for their efforts last season, so the team made one themselves. As the banner made of hundreds of stapled-together napkins raised to the rafters, the team embraced each other. They felt very proud of what they were able to do last season. That feeling dissipated when they realized that they misspelled Barracuda. They kept it up anyway.

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[Image: ddIlIkT.png]Colin Lambert ll Left Defence ll Barracuda[Image: NA3IV5m.png]

Oh what a wonderful moment when the puck is finally dropped on opening night. It is something that is nearly as special as Christmas morning. The Philadelphia Forge are no exception to that and they go all out when it comes to opening ceremonies. The rink is lined with blacksmiths that are forging away on molten metal. All of the blacksmiths are working in unison to the music as flames continue to erupt out of the edge of the ice. Yes it does make it difficult for cleanup but, man does it look cool. The Forge players all lineup and all together they rush onto the ice and right as they do the graphics department turns the projectors to the ice and make it appear to be molten lava! The music continues to blare and that entire atmosphere in the arena is transformed and you just know it in your heart that this season is going to be special! Just wait and see!

163 words

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Going through Hans' mind before the start of this season is the potential that it possesses. He's had a couple of rough seasons in the SHL but he is slowly getting better and becoming a pillar in the forge defense. While his offensive output has been decent his defensive side could use some improvement. And ao far it looks like it will come to pass, with a very good first week defensively.

That being said this potential and hope does not trouble him or make him nervous. He is ready and has a cool mind heading into the matches. This mental fortitude comes from his Colorado Raptors days, where as a captain he was in charge of the team during crucial playoff moments. He hopes that down the line it is possible for him to gain these duties again in Philadelphia and become a presence in team and league history, giving back to the forge for their trust

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

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The best way to make a night memorable is to fuck something up deep within it very slightly, but also in a notable way. Also notably in a non-animal endangering way. That bars out something like putting live barracuda in the ice underneath the players, since that would go wrong in an exciting but might cost lives of players or fish. So the real way to make it memorable? People dressed as fish being harnessed and rappelled down from the ceiling during the pre-game. The caveat? Someone mysteriously forgets to pull them back up, and since the show must go on, the game is played with a bunch of human-sized fabric barracuda sadly dangling over the ice. This takes away the danger (ropes and harnesses are like, so safe) but would still go down as real memorable for fans. Plus the guys in the suits are gonna get paid a ton of money. Finally once the game has been finished, the fish men are lowered into the ice, and their harnesses are released from them so they can enter a coordinated dance routine on ice. The harnesses will also light on fire for the spectacle of it all. I don't think anyone would forget that.

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Christian Kinsinger is coming into his sophomore season, and more than anything nervous about a sophomore slump. The Winnipeg Aurora started with 7 season 62 rookies last season, and a sophomore slump would be pretty tough to see for a Winnipeg team that is looking forward to building off a 2nd round, 7 game playoff series loss to the Chicago Syndicate. There's a lot of sophomores, including the McBride finalist Rebecca Montange, and slumps from any of them, Kinsinger, Montagne, Rashford, O'Neil, Jarrow, will put a pretty big damper on Winnipeg's championship hopes this season. Kinsinger knows the Aurora have made some big moves this season, and set themselves up with a lot of hope for a successful season, and he's definitely nervous about what the season could bring. Kinsinger is also excited though, hopeful to build off what he learned as a rookie and have an even better season in the SHL.

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Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
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Opening night is always one of the most thrilling & exciting times when it comes to hockey. This year since we are the Buffalo stampede we decided to show up in style all riding on the back of a buffalo & oh man did that intimidate the other team when they seen that we already had the game in our hands. Then comes the ice entrance, who doesn’t like a little smoke show with strobe lights entrance with Taylor Swift introducing every player as they do a lap around the ice & line up on the blue line as they wait for Taylor to sing the national anthem to get the season under the way! It’s one of the best opening entrances in the league & one many fans will talk about for seasons to come. At the end of the game when we the Buffalo stampede win, there will be tons of fireworks. Let’s go.
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Stampede Citadelles  [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: nBgNUTY.png]  Citadelles Stampede
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Jaska Seppala has been doing this for a long time and being is even older than the original plan because of bad regression rules. Because of how old he is, he knows what to expect going out on his first shift. Coming up to right before he steps onto the ice for his first shift he feels excited and ready to get out there. However, right before he is about to step onto the ice Jaska Seppala does not feel nervous or excited or anxious, rather a calming effect washes over him. He knows what needs to be done the second he steps onto the ice. It is almost second nature to him. When he was a younger player, he would sometimes let his nerves get the better of him but he has since learned to not let his nerves do that. He has had a lot of great mentors on Buffalo to teach him how to do that.

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Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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Player Page || Update page

When I'm standing there, before the game and I hear the anthem and all the trappings of pageantry and pregame rituals, I truly find peace. I work so hard to grind and be the best player that I can, that sometimes I don't have any time to reflect on myself as a player or the current position that I'm blessed to be in. At those pre-game moments, that's what's going through my head. I can reflect on how hard I've strived, how far I've come, and all the things that have led me to this singular moment. It's very freeing to be able to relax for just a few minutes and make sure my mind is right before I skate out on the ice. Just that little extra focus and quiet before the game can make all the difference in my performance and attitude. It's something that I highly encourage my teammates to do, as well. I call it my mini-meditation and it has had a huge impact on me since I started doing it. We constantly go go go in this league and it's so nice to just sit back, take a deep breath, and enjoy where we're at.

200 words

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Quote:PLAYER PROMPT- The start of a new season is no doubt an incredibly exciting time for a player. Anything can happen in a new season, and this might be your year. After weeks of hard work and training, you're finally standing on the blue line, helmet off for the national anthem, staring up at the spot lights-- your first game back is just moments away.

Written Task: Tell me what's going through your players head at this last moment, seconds before their first shift after a long off-season. Are they nervous? Excited? Maybe stressed? Are there specific people or moments that come to their mind? Do they need to settle down in a moment like this to play their best? If so, how? Or are you the type of player with ice in your veins that thrives in exciting moments like this? (150+ words)

There was a lot going through Adam's head when the season started.

The first was trepidation, wondering if this was finally going to be the year in which he won the Challenge Cup. The Inferno are actually the team that eliminated his Platoon for two post-seasons running, and he knew that they have the horses to win it all, but still, he's not getting any younger and the chances to finally take home the trophy are getting fewer and fewer each season.

He was also considering his position as the oldest player on the team, and what that meant for so many young, skilled players. That's a lot of responsibility for someone, to need to set an example and behave in such a way that doesn't hinder players whose careers are in a very different spot than his.

Finally, I think he was feeling a fair amount of doubt. Has he slowed down too much? Can he still compete and keep the puck out of his own net? He's always been gifted offensively, so there was relatively little worry there, but defensive responsibility is a real priority for players that occupy bottom pairing minutes; you want to hold serve and make sure that you aren't putting the more skilled players in the hole.

Of course, all that mental activity goes away once the puck drops and instinct takes over. When you're in the moment and doing those same things you've done your entire career, there's no more place for worry or nervousness. It's just a matter of putting one skate in front of the other and giving it everything you've got.

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Canada | Player Page | Grizzlies | Player Updates | Inferno

Written Task: What incredible spectacle do you plan for your team's opening night? Fireworks? Live music? Live animals? Your only goal is to make the most exciting and memorable opening night you can. Go as crazy as you like, but try to incorporate at least some elements of your team's branding or culture! (150+ words)

Opening night in Newfoundland we are always doing really crazy things, but this year might top it all. We are running a promotion for free first shot of "screech". This is a Newfoundland traditional alcohol that is used in a lot of celebratory ways. Everyone over the age of 18 is allowed to get one free shot upon entry into the arena. All additional shots will only be an additional dollar. Along with that, there will be a live bear brought onto the ice and thrown carp in a feeding frenzy before the game. The blood from the fish will be allowed to melt into the ice and remain for the game. This will be used to intimidate the opponents, while everyone is feeling nice and sauced from the pre-game booze. There will also be a free giveaway of Berserker caps and toy axes. The plan is to have everyone in the arena dressed to impress and get a really great atmosphere from our amazing fans.

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Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

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For the final year in the J, Chad Nickelback wants to make sure the season kicks off with a bang. Calling in favours from across the entertainment industry, he really has some bangers lined up for the fans.

It will start with an unveiling of this year's roster accompanied by the music of Chad Nickelback while he skates around the rink, shreds on his guitar, and lavishes the crowd with his dulcet tones. This will be accompanied by an in arena fireworks show that will be get the crowd going.

While the smoke clears (literally) the teams will get in a quick warmup before digging into the anthem, while the puck gets dropped by world famous magicians Penn and Teller who will have the crowd laughing and get them into a great mood before the game.

Finally, we have Michael Bolton to come and sing the anthem, because who can disagree to a big sexy start to the night like that

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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