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S66 PT #2: Freaky Friday

Prompt 2 - Magnus dove over the boards in a crazy line change, and managed to hit the head of his current coach with his own, and when he woke up in the infirmary he was in the body of his coach. Therefore he decided to use his newfound life or power to tell the team to take the rest of the day off. When they returned the next day for a practice, Magnus implemented the star formation to match their team name, where they moved up ice in a star formation and passed the puck around in an unpredictable manner. This tactic seemed to work for a bit and then it backfired as the other teams figured out how to beat it. Therefore, Magnus decided to collide with his own head - boy that is confusing - again on a line change and returned to his own body. He would rather stick to being a hockey player rather than a coach.

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I'll be a reality TV star. That travels around the world and country and state, to do every day bluecollar jobs. Bet you've never heard of that idea before. You know why, because I came up with it, right now and right here.
I'll go down to the dirty and.. Do regular jobs like some normal people, but I'm not normal though, I'm a super star ofcourse. On my travels I will discover what different kinds of hidden talents and passions I have deep inside.
Such as garbage truck driver, you ever dream of a job within your city where all you have to do is sit and press a couple of buttons and move some wheeled boxes? That 's the job for you.
How about have you ever wanted to just kick it back and move a stick around? How about construction worker? Do you like adventures and hights? Radio tower fixer person.

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Whalers Whalers Whalers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack
Finland / Germany  
Big thanks to Pythonic(first sig evah), Sloth(first LAP sig<3) and Ragnar for their sigs<3
Three time playoffs MVP and two time nominee
Triple gold club
Discord: asska

Player Prompt

Suddenly waking up in some weird storage room felt a little odd indeed, but after a moment Harry Carpet remembered everything about where he was and why he actually went into that room. He was the owner of a little café/restaurant now that got awarded “best coffee in town” the last 5 years in a row. In a city with many similar cafés this was a big deal. Harry does not quite remember how he ever ended up in that situation, but he does know that he likes good coffee and cooking so this was the natural career choice – wasn’t it? Since he somehow felt a little like something hit him in the head, he decided to go back to the front (the café wasn’t open yet) and sit down to have a coffee first. That usually solved all problems. Looking around the room it felt weird that everything was decorated in hockey equipment, but Harry had never even played the sport before as far as he could remember, so someone else must’ve come up with that idea. The coffee was still good though.

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

Player prompt.

So this seems to come up a lot but Alex likes to cook, particularly all the Russian staples he cooked with his mom as a kid. I'm sure that if this hockey thing didn't work out with him he would have wanted to be a chef of some nature, and he probably would have done his best to get to America regardless as it's always kind of been the promised land for him. He'd probably be able to handle the kitchen life just fine, demanding as it is, because he's dealt with the demanding hockey life (or he'd have the temperament to do so at least). Will he still be rich and famous? Who knows. Even in his hockey career he's shown some talent for cooking. With a little culinary school and a lot of luck, maybe he'd end up on Chopped or something and show his stuff. He's a guy that works well under pressure so he'd probably be successful if it got to that point.

[Image: traphag2.gif]
(sigs courtesy of Carpy48, BDonini, Turd Ferguson, FlappyGiraffe, and Sulovilen)

Quote:PLAYER PROMPT - A stray puck takes a weird bounce in practice and-- oops! You got bonked on the noggin! To your surprise, you wake up as yourself, but with a different life!

Written Task: If your player could choose any job outside of being an SHL player, what would it be and why? Simulated doctor? Simulated European truck driver? What other talents or passions does your player have that they want to explore? What does this life look like? Is it super different? Or do you end up rich and famous anyway? (150+ words)

Rafael had awoken, laid up between the chair and the stand, head resting on his hand which was the only thing propping him upright. The shudder and the jolt was enough to have him sat upright - only to find that he was no longer on the ice but in a courtroom. His parallel life if he hadn't taken to hockey almost immediately. Be it that the next time he blinked, he was in the back office sorting out his paperwork in quite the hurry - a coffee bought left to cool on one side - as he prepared to give his next client a run through. Tireless it seemed, his body ached just as much as his head did (though Rafa wondered whether or not it was the side effects from having been hit by a puck - or perhaps it had been his imagination). Had he always been a lawyer? Barely scraping through? Rafael had yet to walk through the door into the court room to catch a glimpse of the client, though from the notes, he was pretty sure he was the prosecution in this instance.

The suit is strange to wear and the tie is suffocating, but this - apparently - is his new life.

And he better get used to it quickly.

(211 words)

Canada   Battleborn

Player Prompt 

Now, you might expect a guy from the far flung highlands of Scotland to maybe choose being a farmer, or a caber tosser (stop sniggering at the back!!) or an Irn Bru taste tester!

But Daryl has other ideas! He knows the big money in the north of Scotland is in one thing - haggis! The traditional Scottish delicacy,  long rumoured to be made of a mixture of various parts of a sheeps insides and oatmeal with spices, every true Scotsman knows that the haggis is a shy, difficult to catch creature, small and round, hairy like a highland cow, with a wee tartan tammy on its head. That, is where the money is. If you can become an elite haggis hunter, the sky is the limit… sorry, Skye is the limit (a wee Scottish joke for you there!). He’d hone his tracking skills in the hills around his home, learning the best time to hunt, where to find them and how to trap them without losing any of their delicious goodness. A proper job for a proper highlander!

[Image: A3AlstA.png]

Player Prompt:

If Marcel got knocked in the noggin, he would become a world traveller/ excusionist. He would document his travels in the wonderful world of social media and review all the places he's been in Google. Maybe he'll get a nice Google tshirt. He'll travel to Spain, Japan, South America. All the while, he will be experiencing what the world has to offer with a little ringing in the back of his head about his mysterious love for hockey. 

Soon he will get tired of travelling the world by himself and he will take up ventriloquism while on his travels. Instead of sharing his love of culture with the internet, he will start sharing his experiences with Loople the Poodle. 

Eventually he will become so well known that he will have his own Netflix Original about the "accomplishments" and dramas of his life. He will die a happy man with a full life surrounded by his ... friends.

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png][Image: augr5GV.jpeg]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


Player Prompt

After a long day of playing House Flipper (available now on Xbox and PC Game Pass!), Paul Binder goes into a deep coma dreaming of becoming a professional house flipper. Yeah, these people are unfortunately the scourge of millions of Americans, all but forcing housing prices to skyrocket, but man is it satisfying. Paul Binder goes around all sorts of neighborhoods, inner cities, suburbs, farm houses, and buys the absolute crappiest ones he can find. Luckily because this is in coma-land, fixing these houses up from crap hole to paradise only takes at most a couple hours and hardly no hard work at all! Rotten floorboards all throughout? Here, have new flooring in a matter of seconds. Yes, he is selling these houses at an extreme profit, but it's okay because it's all made up and he is just selfishly living out his dream of forcing hard-working citizens to pay more for housing.

WC: 157

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Seamus suddenly finds himself waking up from a dream where he was a hockey player. It was a refreshing dream, but time to get ready for his day job as a bartender. Being a bartender has been a dream job for Seamus ever since he was little. It was always to be a stepping stone to his eventual job of brewing his own alcohol. Preferably looking to specialize in beer and mead, Seamus uses his experience as an accomplished drinker and shmoozer to bolster his already proficient bar skills with the opportunity to try many different types of drinks. While young, Seamus has already been heralded in different circles for his taste and professionalism. At his job, he is one step away from receiving the owners blessing to take over the business. He is a leader amongst people and many look to him for guidance and leadership at such a young age. A day in the life of Seamus is running inventory, talking to different breweries about featuring their products, and managing the events calendar for the small pub. Things are on the up and up and it's only getting better.

[Image: seamsu_500.png?ex=66b438d3&is=66b2e753&h...96a382d50&]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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PBE Claim

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Gritty McGritterson Player Page
Gritty McGritterson Update Page

S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
S56 Challenge Cup Champion - Hamilton Steelhawks


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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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If B Jobin wasn't a hockey player he would most likely end up being famous regardless as the world's most handsome, talented and intelligent apiarist, capable of caring for bees in a way that no one on earth had ever seen before this time. Not only would he be a good mama to these bees, buzzing around relying on him to provide for all of them, he would be a leader in genetic mutation allowing these bees to produce other things besides honey and wax, and using this ability to solve resource shortages around the world simply by breeding more bees of whatever resource the world might be in need of (oil, metals, elements etc). He would likely spend so much time on the bees that storage, resource collection and automation would be too tall a task for him to tackle alone, so he'd employ the help of a lab assistant named Simon who would help him to deal with powering the bee farm and storing its resources.

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

Baku was alarmed to wake up in the body of his coach (and who wouldn’t if they woke up half a foot shorter with skinny little twig arms?) Once he went through the stages of grief, he got to work. The current Regina Elk team likes to play a physical game… but Baku planned to turn that up to 11. Every on ice practice was an hour plus of hitting and intense forechecking drills. The strategy for forwards became very simple—drive to the net and harass the other team. Goalies hated this new Bad Antler Bunch. They immediately started leading the entire SMHJL in hits and penalties as they bullied their way through the league. David-Arturri Donskoi loved it—DAD is always down to beat up other teams’ players. However, after a few losses (no matter how good their penalty kill strategies, there’s only so many minutes they could play down a man before giving up some goals), Coach Baku listened to his assistant coaches calling for a more moderated approach. The aggression slid down slightly (SLIGHTLY) as they went back to something closer to their previous scheme. The power play remained as physical and aggressive as they’d started playing, and bully ball actually worked! Goalies cried about “interference”, but the refs swallowed their whistles and let the Elk have every advantage on the PP. It was a shame when Baku tripped one day a week before playoffs and witchcrafted back into his normal body.

Where was coach-in-Baku all this time? I have no idea.

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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Player prompt -
This is such a great question. I definable know I would be best suited for simulation celebrity star. Maybe simulation movie star. Or better yet simulation rock legend turned simulation media star of some kind.
Simulationrocker Fantobens really came into their own. Staring in simulation Netflix new series, simulation superstar, the semi autobiographical story of a simulation music star that parlayed his fame into a simulation movie career, staring Fantobens and uma Thurman, with Nick cage and c. Thomas Howell.
I guess I would have to be writing prompts about getting hit on the head and living a new life. I would probably pick simulation hockey player. I could play out my career as a mid tier talent. Multiple times. I would be a goalie. That is constantly getting shelled and let’s in too many goals. They I would probably have to write about getting hit in the head, and living out some alternate simulated life…

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JUST would have been a star anyway. Jean-Uhtred has always wanted to be famous, he even thought about hiring a camera crew with his hard earned money when he was younger to record his life in the early days, before being famous, to be able to make a documentary out of it once he did get famous. Unfortunately, he didn't get to do it because he was too busy getting better at playing hockey. Going through with that project would probably have hindered his ability to effectively get famous so it probably would've just been a waste of time. The number one possibility would probably have been being a musician, because he is a very talented musician and can sing all kinds of song, but he might also have been a great stand-up comedian because he is hilarious and knows a lot of funny jokes. Not the jerk kind of comedian that make fun of people's differences tho, more like an absurd comedy kinda guy.

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