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S66 PT #2: Freaky Friday


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If I ever got the opportunity to be a hockey coach I would definitely employ a very physical play style. This style would revolve on a team of defenders that would be extremely punishing. I know that a lot of teams love having a quarterback or a playmaking defender but, for me it is always about having a defender that can punish the opposing teams forwards. If you have a team that can do that then the game will slowly come to you throughout the periods. Being able to out physical a team means that your player remain in better health and also that they have more energy later in the game to really finish off the opposition. Making sure to pair that defensive mind with a group of amazing scoring forwards would be the next tactic I would implement so that there is plenty of offense to back up such a heavily defensive play! I always believe that defense wins championships!
162 words

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Take pucks off the dome isn't a new thing for Brick, it's a part of the job as a goalie. But usually, they come when you're paying attention, not when your mask is off to grab a drink of water. Safe to say a mask doesn't help when your forehead is exposed. When Wall woke up, he realized something was off. He recognized his aunt sitting next to him, but why did he feel so...hairy? Wall quickly realized what was going on. He was still Wall, but not Brick...he was his cousin, Green Wall! His aunt (or his mother, as it currently stands) explained that he had ran to the side of the stands during batting practice to sign a ball for a kid, and stray foul ball knocked him out cold. It must have happened exactly at the same time! Growing up around his cousin, Brick had always had an interest in baseball, but just never quite had what it took to make the leap, like his cousin Green did. The opposite was true for Green, who just couldn't compete on the ice like the other kids. Maybe this would be a chance for the both of them to live out their professional dreams in their backup sport! But how will they change back? Surely neither wants to stay in their borrowed bodies forever. A quick text seals the plan: enjoy things for a day or two, then a quick game of head on Chicken will hopefully knock them both back where they belong.

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A depiction of Anton Harrier in his daily routine as a pro skater.

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Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
Player Page - Update Page
Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

Prompt 2

As a hockey coach, I would do a couple of fun things to kind of spice the game up. First of all, at five on five, I would go back to running the neutral zone trap. Now you might be thinking, "Faelax that's the opposite of fun!". Nah, I love the trap system, you gotta teach these kids that you can't always just skate into the offensive zone like it's nothing, you gotta work for it. I would also tell my middle three guys to not be afraid to throw the body, especially if the star player of the opposing team is carrying the puck. Can't let the other team skill it up against you with no repercussions. Another thing I want to bring back is fighting. Players these days are so soft, and I think we should beat that out of them, quite literally. How do you expect them to perform in the super physical playoffs if they do a bunch of fancy skating around and try to do all of the showboating moves instead of simply beating the snot out of some other 4th liner?

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Player Prompt

I think there would be a couple of different careers I would like to take on. As widely known by the league Kondos loves all things fried chicken, this would lead me to a career of owning my own fried chicken restaurant. As of late I have been a big fan of Korean fried chicken, and would love to serve some authentic korean fried chicken. However, I would not stop there I would have all the staples of chicken wings with lots of sauce flavors, chicken tenders, and of course chicken nuggets as well. This would be your one stop shop for all things fried chicken.

Alternatively, I think it would be fun to have a career as a race car driver. I recently went go karting and it really brought the enjoyment of whipping a car around a race track and trying to push yourself each lap to have the best laptime and bragging rights. I would definitely give racing a shot if I had the chance.


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WSBL Affiliate

Did Ya Get It?

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ok so i think if my player can choose any job outside of being an SHL player there's gonna be 2 job that match well with my player, first one gonna be chef, yup my player really good at cooking and really like to have some experiment with food, cloudera will be a really good chef if not being a SHL player for sure. Cloudera from japan so japanese cuisine will be his best!!!! all of you should try it. Ok other than being a chef i think cloudera is good at singing and acting, yup you're not reading it wrong, cloudera usually sing in the shower, so you can ask his teammates how good he is at singing. Being actor or singer will be a perfect fit for cloudera, that's why cloudera is a defenseman, so he really good at acting while fighting ahahhaha, no just joking for that, cloudera is a fighter but he don't like to fight, but he like to act

ISFL affiliate

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As a player who prioritizes defense and gritty play, Tommy Thompson would probably try to orient his team towards some fairly classic principles: to out-work and out-skate the opposition. While he wouldn't try to mould the team in his image, that is to say he wouldn't start running his mouth about pugnacity, testosterone, truculence and belligerence, he would aim for superior conditioning and players who have the will and the ability to play with their heart on their sleeve. It doesn't matter if you're a six foot five behemoth who runs people into the boards, or a five foot eight skilled winger: as long as you don't shy away from the dangerous areas of the ice, and as long as you give it your all every game.

Ultimately, hockey is a game that requires adaptability and creativity to win, so Thompson would likely end up running a loose system focusing more on hard defense and counter-attacks than something more complex and intricate: the goal would be to emphasize player strengths and the conditioning players would be going through, rather than to trap their skills within a hard-coded system that might not benefit them. In practice, this would really only work if the skill level of the team was high enough, but Thompson would aim to bring the SHL back towards having a skilled top six and a skilled bottom six, in different areas of the ice. That is to say, he would aim to populate the bottom six with checkers, energy players, and two-way players, and avoid the pitfall that so many teams find themselves in, when they place underdeveloped flashy scorers on the fourth line and suddenly find they can't keep the puck out of their own net whenever they're on the ice.

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Berserkers Blizzard Usa

Tommi Koivu takes a bonk off the noggin. He's hazy, but for some reason it is not as cold as it was earlier when he was hit. He looks around, and what the heck, he's at a desk in some house he doesn't recognize. He looks around and sees a laptop belonging to an insurance company, and oh my god, he has been teleported brain wise into a new job as an insurance worker. His job is to now set up claims for people and get their documents together to help them file their claims. This is quite a change from being a big bad rough and rowdy defenseman for the St Louis Scarecrows. Tommi starts bonking himself on the head periodically so he can go back to his old job in the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League, but it just wont work. He finally resigns himself to his new life, lays down for bed, and BANG hes back out on the ice with his homies. That was weird but hey it was a good experience for Tommi.

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The puck redirected off Patches III’s stick, and it hit me right below the eye. Darkness enveloped me, and when I woke up, I was in a bakery. I had just the finest apple turnovers in the oven. The crust was cooking right up with a rich brown crust on the outside, and you could almost see the aroma lines like it was a cartoon. I looked around me and I saw other workers eagerly and happily working in the bakery.

I had apparently already made a few pies, including blueberry peach, blueberry apple, and strawberry rhubarb. It was fantastic. All of this fine baking craftsmanship had me considering if perhaps I made the wrong decision in my line of work… was hockey really what I wanted to do with my life? Or would I be more fulfilled if I packed it up and brought my talents into the kitchen and the Kitchenaid mixer.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother
(This post was last modified: 07-31-2022, 02:53 PM by jackkmart. Edited 1 time in total.)

Manny slowly opens his eyes and is greeted by an entirely unfamiliar sight. He’s suddenly found himself waking up in a strangers bed. Scanning the room he can see the door, covered by a Union Jack flag, a ‘simple minds’ poster over an unkempt dresser, and ‘slave to love’ wall art hung above his head. Across from him is an ancient looking computer and a pretty complicated stereo system. 

Suddenly, the door swings open and Manny, or whatever form Manny has taken, swings their head to see the silhouettes of two figures, a man and a woman, both in dated business attire. 

“Oh Ferris, your father told me you were sick…” the woman says as she comes to the side of the bed placing a hand on Manny’s temple. “Poor thing.”

“What’s the matter Ferris?” The man inquires. Manny’s confused expression prompts the woman to answer for him. “Feel his hands, they’re cold and clammy”

“I get up” Manny says in a babyish tone completely unlike his own voice. He’s not even sure what compelled him to say it. 

“No!” The duo says as they gently push him back into the bed. 

“I have a test today. I have to take it if I want to get into a good college and have a fruitful life.” Manny seemingly has no control over his speech now, he’s being driven by some deeper somewhat inevitable compulsion or force.

A brief spell of goodbyes ensues before the parents exit both heading to work. And the form manny is inhabiting shoots up and exclaims “They bought it.” looking to the opposite corner of the room almost as if speaking to a camera or person, neither of which are there.

Manny isnt exactly sure about what’s going to happen but the upbeat 80s rock that quickly fades in suggests it’s going to be a good day.

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