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S66 PT #4: Just Wanna Have Fun

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Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

Player Prompt

As we probably all know by now, GK is from Iceland and in the past I mentioned that his family has their own fishing fleet and business back home. When he returns to iceland during the offseason GK continues to join his family in sea fishing on the trawlers, and as such it is a reminder of what truly matters.

As this is very dear to GK he tends to have a small simple drawing of a fish on all his equipment to remind him of his humble beginnings, and never forget what the game means to him. GK finds the fishing business to be his life work, and hockey to be something that he does because he has a passion, and love for it. Reminding himself of where he came from with the fish drawings, is an effective tool so that he doesnt lose sight of what the game of hockey means to him, and never loses his cool when on the ice.

(164 words)

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(This post was last modified: 08-10-2022, 06:05 PM by hhh81.)

Player Prompt

What started as a little inside joke has become a reminder of home and why M’Baku Olubori keeps grinding toward being a star. A large part of Nigerian culture is the food, and being a total goof, Baku’s friend, Chinyelu Sani of the WBSL’s Columbus Cosmos, has been writing “fufu” on every new pair of shoes he wears in the league. Fufu, for those who don’t know, is a West African food made of boiled cassava mixed with either green plaintain or cocoyam that they mix with their native thick stews. You roll it into little balls and dip it in something like egusi soup. Chin loves fufu (not that Baku doesn’t), so he rolled with it.

Initially, Baku found this corny, but Chinyelu snuck into his gear last offseason and wrote fufu on the side of Baku’s shoulder pads. Baku found this and laughed. Now, Baku started writing it on his gear as well, as a solidarity thing with his friends and his home country. It’s not the fanciest or most exciting little quirk, but it works for Baku (especially as he’s broken out as a top line player for the Elk).

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

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Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
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Player prompt

In the past, Jean-Uhtred Ragnarsson-Tremblay did not use to do such thing of personalizing his equipment with trinkets or other things like that, he thought it was useless and frivolous to do so and was admittedly a bit judgemental of the people who would do such things. Now things are different, people change a lot over their career and Jean-Uhtred definitely did. If Jean-Uhtred Ragnarsson-Tremblay did judge people for that kind of stuff, Jean-Uhtred Söderberg-Tremblay, on the other hand, has now been doing it for a while. It started with putting black and yellow tape on his stick, to remind himself of his dear husband back in Chicago. When Gunnar took off into the land of retirement, JUST kept the tape until they got their three children. All three of the children have a distinct color associated to them so they can tell them apart, and so every game the color of the tape changes in a rotation between the three.

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Prompt 1

The Atlanta Inferno like to play something they call their "grinch sicko mode game" every practice. This game is a lot like keep away except it has a few big differences. For one, the player who is "it" has to wear a custom made jersey that has a big ole' picture of the grinch on it. Anything goes in this game, tricks and dirty moves and full physical contact are all fair game and constantly used to try and one up each other. Thankfully because of their miraculous ability to be fully healed and fit in time for every game they don't have to worry about injuries, as many broken bones and concussions have resulted from playing this game that are magically gone when players wake up the next morning. This game lets everyone practice their duckhandling (puckhandling) and lets them blow off steam after a hard practice. It's hard to say who really wins in this game as everyone wants to wear the grinch jersey so they purposely fumble the puck sometimes so they get to wear it.

180 ish words

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My team always loved to play " keep away " at the end of practice. The object of the game is to keep the puck away from the other team for as long as possible. It's a great way to blow off some steam and have some fun. The game also has some practical applications. It helps players to learn how to keep possession of the puck and how to make quick passes. It also helps players to learn how to read the other team's defensive strategy. The game of keep away is believed to have originated in old and historic Sparta. The game was adjusted a bit though, as in the modern way of playing it noone gets killed anymore. It is very surprising how good a duck is at playing keep away, but that's probably partly due to the ability of flying. This nasty little boy sometimes just grabs the puck and flies to the rooftop. The worst one out there until last season definitely was Withecheck, he really loved to turn the puck over. He surprisingly improved a lot in the turnover game though this season.

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There are a couple of games that my team likes to play, a lot of them are dirived from drinking and party games but they gain an extra bit of fun and craziness if you add skates and ice to the mix. Two specific ones we love are "Wo ist mein Huhn?" (where's my chicken) and "Flunkyball" and the one I'd like to explain in more detail is the latter. Flunkyball is a mainstay in German youths drinking culture these days, two teams line up opposite each other with some distance between them, with each player having a bottle of beer (or any other drink, it can even be non-alcoholic in theory) in front of them. Between the teams is a water bottle or any other reasonably hard to hit object that can serve as a target. Now one team starts the game by throwing a ball (or shooting a puck for that matter) at the bottle. If they hit, they get to drink from their own individual bottles until the other teams has both retrieved the ball/puck and put the target back in its spot. The teams alternate taking shots no matter if they hit, and the first team where every player has finished their drink wins. There are some extra rules to add a little spice to the game as well: If you manage to hit the bottle in front of another player (which they are allowed to cover AFTER the ball has been throwin) instead of the main target or a player accidentally spills or knocks over his own bottle, he has to finish that one immediately and get a new one and start over. Let the fun begin!

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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Creative Prompt

Coach gave us the green light to have something akin to fun as long as we practice some hockey skills. What we have decided to do is have a series of mini challenges like you might see in the all-star game. We are doing fastest skater, best passer, shooting accuracy and finishing off by running the gauntlet. First off, we need some teams and it is decided that we will have two forwards and one defenseman on each team; the defenders will be captains and draft forwards in a snake draft. The teams are set and we start with the fastest skater relay; skaters line up beside the bench and once they are off the next skater jumps onto the ice ready to take off when the lap is finished. Even after a long gruelling practice under us, the relay is heated and our rookie BK anchors his team to the first win. The shooting accuracy is fun because not all of us can shoot like those in the all-star games. However, resident sniper AJ goes four for four and wins it for his team. The gauntlet has skaters skate up the boards from blue-line to blue-line and try not to get knocked down by the opposing players. Yours truly wins that competition and thanks to BK we win the whole tournament.

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Written Task: What are some on-ice games or drills that your team likes to run for fun? (Don't just say scrimmage please) Does it have any practical applications to a game, or is it purely to blow off some steam? Where did the game come from? Who's the best on your team at it? Who's the worst? (150+ words)

So the Carolina Kraken have been running a new drill that we have instituted since the switch over to FHM8, this is all based off of the live sims we have observed since we cannot test. So it seems like for some reason, BASE PACK's skates often get glued into the ice and he can't move. I don't know how many times this season I've seen him just stay on the wrong side of the net, stationary as the puck slowly goes into the net on a shot from the point. I don't know what it is but for some reason FHM8 will lock the goalie in place! So we run a drill where BASE PACK just stands still against the far post so that he gives as much net as possible to the shooter. Then someone will shoot it as slowly as possible from the point. BASE PACK has to pray that the puck hits him because he sure aint moving out there. So far he hasn't made a single save in this drill even though they run it at the end of every practice. This must be why his save percentage is so bad.

196 words without prompt

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Player Prompt

You know that episode of King of the Hill where Hank takes the boys on a camping trip for Order of the Straight Arrow, and then Bobby Hill winds up smackin a whooping crane and knocking it out, and then he does the "wooo loo loo!" thing with his fingers to try and bring it back with the power of Wematanye? So Paul Binder really loves King of the Hill, and his go-to goal celebration is that little jazz finger "wooo loo loo" thing that Bobby does. It's silly, no one gets it except for maybe a small handful of fans that are also King of the Hill fans, but it brings him joy and helps motivate him to get those goals. Aside from this, he also keeps a plushie otter at the top of his space in the locker room. It seems childish to many, but the sight of a cute stuffed otter toy brings him joy and reminds him that there are more things to life than shooting puck in net.

WC 175

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My player have the names of his parents behind his mask so when he take it of, he sees it and it's remind him about all the sacrifices they had to make so he can play in the SHL. He also have the initial of his hometown to think about how far his from and he have to continue to work hard and stay down to earth. He let his little brother paint on his pads to have a little reminder of him when he made some pads saves. Anthony Dionne is not really a big fan of superstitions so his equipement don't really have anything crazy. His little brother also choose witch color the tape of his hockey stick will be. This put the other team players on the toes because there're like wtf is this? His mask is simple, but have the color of his team (St Louis), but one with the color of the Texas Renegas is on the way.

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Player prompt

We don't know much about Harry Carpet, because he keeps almost everything about his private life, well ... private. Recently someone talked to one of the equipment managers of the North Stars and they revealed some of the hidden custom messages or texts on the equipment. We all know goalies like to paint their masks, but those masks are 'out there' and everyone can see them, but you typically can't see what they write on their equipment if you don't have a close-up view. Apparently, Harry Carpet has drawings of coffee beans painted on the inside of his pads and a small text with the hashtag #redcarpet on his goalie glove. The meaning of the coffee beans is obvious, but so far nobody was able to figure out the other message. When asked directly, Carpet first tried to avoid the question but eventually said there were some things that not everyone needed to know and his equipment customization was part of it. People would figure it out sooner or later.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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Slavakov is not necessarily a player that needs extra motivation in order to succeed as a player. All his life he has wanted to play hockey, and now he gets to live the dream every night. But even for him, during those long trips on the road, he every now and then needs to find a way to keep that motivation going. When he was a kid growing up in Siberia, Slavakov received a small wooden hockey stick, almost like a figurine of sorts. It was made by his father, who carved it out of a reindeer antler from a buck that he ended up killing himself. His father died when he was a kid, so it’s something he always keeps with him for that little extra motivation if he ever feels like he needs it. He also has a picture of Mount Fuji on his gearbag to remind him of his new home in Japan and of all the friends he’s made as a part of that team.

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

Creative Task

Well at the Forge for fun we go over to the industrial side of the arena and dare each other to walk over the cauldron of boiling slag. Oh and we have to do it with skate and gear on cause that's hardcore. Everyone has to be good at it cause well if you're not well let's just say that your player retires early and is reincarnated back to the Js. It's not easy either. The whole team has to get across before the 2x4 that is used to cross catches on fire so the team is forced to work quick to get all the players over the cauldron of boiling hot slag. Really does bring the team together. And then after we get ice cream in the locker room cause who doesn't love copious amounts of sugar and dairy after a hard practice. It really is a great habit to have.

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