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S66 PT #4: Just Wanna Have Fun

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Manon has always been really straight to the point when it comes to drills. For instance, edge work, stick handling work, body coordination, it’s all been relatively straight forward to her. When she joined her team though, she found that adding a bit of fun into drills can really create a stronger bond between players, and just on - ice plays in general. Some of the ones she likes to do is sort of a baseball style thing, you slap the puck from one end of the ice and skate to a certain area of the mid ice line or quarter ice line. If the puck is passed to the position played on the field between you make it, then your out. She grew up playing similar games and adding it to the drills really made for quite a lot of laughs. She couldn’t say who is the best, but she can certainly say that when she rushes, she is the worst.

(163 words)

Marty Sanderson pulls out from his secret book of super fun and super serious drills for hockey and new comers and also old timers to the game of hockey: Marty Sanderson reads out the drill:

Marty Sanderson calls it the British Bulldog:

All players line up on the goal line except three chasers who are in the neutral zone. The players try to skate to the far end of the ice without being touched by the chasers. Players caught by chasers become chasers for the next rush down the ice. The last player caught is the winner. In this version, players carry their sticks. Variation: Add pucks with chasers trying to knock puck off sticks.

Overall this is a great drill to shake off the shame of sucking and go have some fun for christ sakes. Speed, agility, power, coaches are a big fan of these things, and Marty Sanderson knows what a coach loved

tryna make a change
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2022, 01:19 AM by Mazatt.)

There is a ton of fun games that everyone team gets to play at the youth level. The Tampa Bay Barracuda are gonna run through that gauntlet to spice up that last 20 minutes of practice time. They're gonna play British Bulldog. Strom will be the first one "it" of course. He'd be easy prey for the un-geared skaters and his size in the goalie pads create a fun, unique challenge for the skaters. They are gonna play Asteroids. Hopefully no one is angry when they play Asteroids, because it's a game where you just rip pucks at guys without sticks skating up-ice, trying to hit them to get them out. Maybe they'll save that one for last. Tampa is also gonna have a fun little game of S-T-R-O-M. It's the same rules as horse but it's more applicable to Tampa due to the name. Whoever can take the wackiest, zaniest, unrepeatable shots wins. After that, well, they're probably gonna be bruised and battered, but that's alright! Anything for team building, baby.

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After a long hard practice one of the favorite games of the Yukon malamutes is what they call a relay race. Firstly all of the players are sorted Into pairs and then one of the players sits down on his knees and grips both sticks by the blades. The other player holds the sticks by the shaft and then when the coach gives the word the players standing skate to the other end of the rink carrying the other player. And then at the opposite goal line they swap between the players sitting and skating, and then they go back down the ice. The last team is eliminated and then they run it again until there is only one pair left. This is a good drill because competition is always fun but it also allows players to practice on their skating skills as it's more mass to pull along. The many heats ran also helps with endurance so players can play shifts more effectively

Since Noel has been traded to the Winnipeg Aurora he's found something that he has never experienced with any other teams he's played with before. Every week a different player on the team will choose a fun game to play after practice is over. This can be any kind of game they want to choose, whether it's a classic schoolyard game or something they made up themselves. The only rule is that it cannot be hockey related (besides being on skates of course). Not only does it help unwind after a tough practice but it's a great opportunity to do some teambuilding and have a bit of fun and keep things light. Some of the games he's taken part in so far have been ice bowling, capture the flag, and red light green light (incredibly difficult on skates!) One particularly memorable one that someone came up with that someone came up with was something called Mission Impossible. They shut the arena lights and set up obstacles all the way down the rink with whatever they had available. The goal is to get to the opposite end of the rink using the obstacles without being hit by teammates on the sidelines who are armed with dodgeballs. That one was a great laugh for the team.

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Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

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Red Kirkby has never been one to be supersticious or one to be attached to a particular piece of equipment. In fact he generally replaces his equipment as often as feasibly possible as due to the heavy aerobic nature of ice hockey things that you wear tend to get sweaty and stanky pretty fast and they are not the easiest things in the world to wash properly given their large and bulky nature. However he does have a jock strap that has been passed down for generations, not just through his own family either. No one knows its exact path through the ages but it is known that it was discovered by Basil Battersby when he raided Tutenkhamens tomb and found it attached to the mummified body of the ancient king. Who knows if it was used for ice hockey back in the days of ancient Egypt but it does seem to grant other worldy powers to its bearer so for the time being he will continue to wear it.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
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The New Orleans Specters love having those 20 minutes at the end of practice to blow off some steam and have some fun. For us, it basically turns into an NHL All-Star Game Events type thing. So, it really does depend on the day. Some days, we'll get those tired legs going and see whose stamina still has something left in the tank to win races around the rink. Some days, we run accuracy battles. Who's the best at those games? Usually, Malik does a great job. Doom does well as well. It really does depend on the day and game. But you know who is the worst generally across all days and games? Go on, I'll give you one guess. Kauppinen? You guessed it! How did you know? Is it because Kauppinen always seems to suck at everything? Sounds about right. Its a wonder Doom and Malik still carry him on their line. Back pain is a killer eh.

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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: QtEp67y.png]

Our favorite drill to run in practice is shoot the scooch. It consists of our star chokey goalie, scoochie, skating side to side on the ice while the whole team peppers him with slapshots. Now this may seem like a cruel and not very team like thing to do, but I guarantee you it is a necessity both for the skaters and for him. In the goalie side, he slowly becomes more immune to being shot from all angles and it also lets the skates blow off steam and frustrations against scoochie and all the goals he allows. After we run a scoochie drill, the whole team takes him out to have his favorite ice cream, as a reward for putting up withe punishment. As much as I'd love to keep this drill once he retires, I feel it is unfair to our newcomer goalie, since they will probably be an upgrade over scoochie. That being said we love scoochie and hope he can clutch in the playoffs.

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