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S66 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 08-31-2022, 12:05 AM by blakec1414. Edited 13 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Trivia verification word: Boom

3. Written, 3 TPE, It Gets the People Going! (150 words min.)
There’s been some great Stanley Cup Playoff marketing campaigns over the years. Lots of us probably know the “Because it’s the Cup” series of commercials, for example. Well for the S66 playoffs we’ve really turned on the money faucet and we want YOU to give us the next great playoff ad campaign. Tell me how you’d go about promoting the S66 SHL playoffs in a way that will have people talking about it for years to come.

The commercial opens with a shot of a striking green tree frog slurping up a wandering fly in what appears to be a dark cave. The camera then zooms out to show that the surroundings were not a cave at all, but in fact the gaping jaws of a bull alligator. The jaws snap shut and we hear a remorseful ribbit muffled by the jaws before the alligator shuffles off into some brush (the camera has now zoomed out far enough to reveal a lush swamp setting). After a brief still shot of the bush, we hear a loud crunching sound before a motherfucking T-Rex emerges like a bat out of hell, the now extremely dead alligator lodged between its dino jaws. It takes roughly 5 steps towards the camera before an absolutely massive foot crushes it in one fell swoop, causes dino blood to spurt all over the greenery. the camera zooms way out to reveal a massive creature that is legally distinct from Godzilla. The screen fades to black with one sentence taking center stage: "Micool won the cup.". After a moment the SHL logo appears and the commercial ends. (192 words)

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE - Milestones

16. Written, 2 TPE, Top Line (100 words min.)
Create the best line you can using real life or SHL hockey players from your player’s home country. Give me 3F, 2D and a G– and a short description of why you chose who you did!

Well, Kezia is from Canada, which makes it a little unfair for this kind of prompt. So, in the interest of fairness, i will give what is the most objectively amazing lineup that could ever be concocted in the fires of hockey hell. Don't roast me, this absolutely scorching lineup has absolutely no underlying connection that has anything to do with any preferred hockey team (although if it did, it would probably be absolutely fire, just red hot.). For real though, this is unbiased, so please don't direct any heat my way. Calgary Flames.

Huberdeau - Kadri - Iginla

Giordano - Macinnis


(100 words)

17. Written, 3 TPE, Home Town (150 words min.)
In seasons past I’ve asked about your favourite foods or favourite things about your home country, now let’s get even more specific! Where specifically are you from in your country, and what do you like about it? Tell me some fun facts about your players home town and the kinds of places that you liked to go growing up!

Me and Kezia are both from central Alberta, raised in Three Hills to be specific although that place is a shitty conservative bible belt hellhole so the less said about it the better. I've lived all over this province though, and even with it's (rightfully earned) reputation as the 'south' of Canada, there's still a lot of very cool people and places here. For instance, there's a small town called Hanna which is roughly half an hour from where i grew up. Despite having a meager population of only 2,559 (2016), It has multiple claims to fame - most significantly being the starting place of the massively commercially successful rock band Nickleback, as well as the hometown Flames/Rockies(lmao)/Leafs legend Lanny MacDonald. No matter how you feel about Nickleback, I've never heard someone say a bad word about Lanny so i think it's pretty neat. Overall Alberta is kinda lame but there's some bright spots if you really look! (159 words)

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series? Did the engine switch make a difference for you?

Atlanta won and it's just as was expected. I'm totally not biased due to being a prospect in their system, no sir. It was quite obvious to anyone with functioning eyes that the best team in the entire league (in any sim league, really) was gonna take home the cup. FHM8 sure is an interesting engine. my player got arguably slightly worse with the engine change so I'm not gonna pretend like I'm happy about that, but watching the sims play out on an actual ice surface is kinda fun i guess. I didn't watch the SHL playoffs at all tho so i can't comment on it in relation to the UNDISPUTED Atlanta cup victory in the S66 finals. (119 words)

[Image: kezia-elk4-smol.png]
sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno

Task #1 - 3 TPE
Word: perkele

Task #2 - 4 TPE
a) While it would be safe to say that Atlanta would take it all based on their better record and how the team is built, somehow I'm still rooting for Seattle. Their path to the finals has been way more difficult than Atlanta's and I really think they will make it through the bitter end, especially after sweeping LA

b) Im not entirely sure on how to defeat the goalie situation. Miller is very skilled technical goaltender with crazy high mentality. I think they (ATL) would have to resort to doing some really stupid yet effective things to disrupt Miller's mental and get him beaten by doing that so they can hinder his goaltending and do what ATL did the whole regular season

c) If I was Seattle in this situation, I need to play the defense equally. We cant allow players to get exhausted to the point where Atlanta's offensive depth just wrecks them in the 2nd or 3rd period. If I was on Atlanta on the other hand, I would just go all-in offense. Eventually the defense will break under immense depth these guys do have, which will grant them the wanted results

d) I think this is better for Atlanta. As long as they dont take stupid penalties, they should be fine, since Seattle has been rather weak during 5-on-5 play. Seattle on the other hand are in big trouble, since they face a team that is superior during 5-on-5 play, where as their 5 powerplay goals on 59 total goals scored in playoffs do not matter, you cant draw penalties just because their powerplay is terrible. It's still a huge disadvantage

Task #6 - 3 TPE
Since Presidents curse is no longer a thing after the S65 LA Panthers broke it, after winning it all - Presidents trophy and the Challenge Cup, I present to you - the Corsi Warrior Trophy. The Corsi Warrior trophy is an unofficial SHL award given to the player with the highest rate of PDO per Corsi. The rate is simply counted by dividing the player's PDO stat with its Corsi stat, subtracting the Corsi Rel% at the end. That number is the player's Corsi Warrior stat, and here is why it is the most ridiculous "trophy" in SHL history

Even if you would have 100-108 PDO, you could still have 50-56 Corsi, this is why the Corsi Warrior is absolutely necessary stat when it comes to advanced statistics in the SHL. This trophy line solely contributes to the fact that this player made it through the regular season being lucky, but not relevant on the ice. His contribution on the ice was non-existent, but somehow he managed to launch a slapshot from his own net to the back of the enemy's net.

Task #7 - 3 TPE

Task #20 - 3 TPE
Putting out the LA Panthers into the Anagram program, I present to you the new and improved LA Panthers, per their rebranding situation which was put into effect after losing to the Seattle Argonauts 4-0 in the S66 SHL Playoffs. I give to you...

The Angelo Net Splashers (abbr. ANS)
The newly branded LA Panthers now features navy blue, silver and teal as their primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Their trademark panther logo is now replaced by a surfer with a hockey stick, and the Los Angeles City lights visible on their logo no longer exist in the sky, but the buildings which provide the trademark city lights are now hidden in a rock formation right behind the surfer on his left. We still get the feeling that this franchise belongs in Los Angeles, but not quite obviously as we did before the the Los Angeles Panthers, sharing the same values and morals as before - as long as the bitter sweep against Seattle isnt memorable

[Image: jE4ioeC.png][Image: meOh9pz.png]

+3 ISFL Affiliate (37thchamber)
+1 S66 Milestones
+3 Trivia. Confirmation word: big endian dates are the superior format. don't @ me

Quote:3. Written, 3 TPE, It Gets the People Going! (150 words min.)
okay so you know that scene in Troy? Where Achilles (Brad Pitt) is talking to the Myrmidons as they're about to storm the beach and the temple etc? And he goes "you know what lies beyond that ridge? Immortality! Take it! It's yours!" now combine that with the Nike one that had Wayne Rooney imagine life living in a trailer because he missed a tackle or something.

Anyway, rework those two ideas, but as a race. Hear me out.

So you build up the whole expansion teams founded at the same time thing, and show them both lining up to skate down the ice to grab the cup, right? Both have a vision of their legacy if they win.
Quick cuts to flashbacks of previous champions, epic moments in previous finals series etc. Then a voice speaks "You know what's in that cup? Immortality."

Race begins, and there's some epic music soundtrack. They're closing in on the cup, they're neck and neck, both reaching for the cup. The music has been gradually building to a crescendo.
But before we see who wins, cut to black. And the movie trailer voice guy goes "Challenge Cup Finals. Who will live forever?"

Quote:5. Written, 3 TPE, Secret Weapon (150 words min)
There is a simple way to do this. First, you need to recruit all of Jamal's aunties and cousins from Jamaica. Get each of them working in the kitchen for a different SHL team.

Now I know what you're thinking. Food poisoning or some other such sabotage, right? Wrong!
Firstly, no Jamaican would ever deliberately cook bad food. That's just... no.
Secondly, this would be far too easy to trace. Gotta be smarter than that.

What they would do is, cook traditional Jamaican "hard food" ahead of when these teams play the Platoon. These meals are very starchy, very heavy. Eating one can tire you out if you're not accustomed to it. Then you also lace these meals with scotch bonnet pepper (because duh, Jamaican food) and wait for either the players to struggle to eat because of the pepper (leaving them weakened ahead of matches), or to feel sleepy from eating such a heavy meal (giving Baltimore an advantage).

This only works for the away games, though. So how do you tackle the home games? Haven't got that far tbh.
But hey, 50% wins as a starting point is great!

Quote:6. Written, 3 TPE, Curse (150 words min.)
A curse I've seen elsewhere is "the curse of the runner up", and it's brutal. Basically the curse goes that the team losing the championship final is doomed to either fail to reach the playoffs entirely the following season, or fall at the first hurdle. So not only do you have to deal with the disappointment of going almost all the way and falling short, but then the following season you don't even get a chance at redemption.

Imagine this applied to every aspect of the league though. Point runner up finishes outside the top 50 next year, etc etc. If this was a real thing, you'd probably see players deliberately underperform at times to make sure they don't finish second -- if there's a clear front-runner, for example -- or possibly go all out in an attempt to win certain stat titles and avoid the curse. Imagine losing out on the point title by one on the final day of the season? Your trade value would plummet as well because every team signing you would know you're gonna be a dud the next season in terms of points scored. Would be mad to see how that changes the league dynamic.

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The Journey

6,000 mile road#DidItForDildo1,700 miles more
A Silver Road

Drought Ender, Curse Breaker, Firebird


[Image: manh_sig6.png?width=499&height=542][Image: lebedev-sig.gif]
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2022, 08:29 AM by Dangles13. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. I'm not sure many people would have seen this coming. Two teams that joined the league at the same time, both making the finals and competing against each other for their franchise-first cup. So... who do think wins it all? The first time to the Challenge Cup Seattle Argonauts, that have been dismantling higher seeded teams through their entire playoff run? Or the President's Trophy winning Atlanta Inferno that are back with a vengeance after a S64 Challenge Cup defeat?

b. You can't talk about Seattle's run without talking about the dominant performance of starting goaltender Willie Miller, who has posted a .935 SV% heading into the finals. If your Atlanta, how do you solve this brick wall? If your Seattle, what do you do to make sure your guy stays hot?

c. Atlanta's big storyline is their incredible depth. They have eleven players that have logged 10 or more points so far in the playoffs. If you're Seattle, how do you try to contain three lines of unending offensive pressure? If you're Atlanta, how do you ensure everyone is able to continue to contribute against such a stellar defense?

d. Seattle's powerplay has been on fire contributing 14 goals up to this point, which comes out to almost 30% of their goals scored (50G total) in these playoffs. Atlanta on the other hand have managed just 5 power play goals, which is only 5% of their scoring (59G total). In your opinion-- is this a good thing for Seattle, or a good thing for Atlanta? Maybe a good thing for both? Do you think a dynamic team like Seattle that can capitalize on so many of their PP chances will lead to Atlanta playing scared-- worried about what might happen if they enter the box? Do you think a relentless Atlanta team that is so flush with even strength scoring is going to be too much for Seattle to take?

a. The Inferno should be the more favoured team here but I have to go with Seattle and their star in the net, Willie Miller. Miller has been lights out and it the biggest reason the Argonauts are possible on the verge of becoming Champions. Playoff scoring leader, Calvin Hobbes will also help them in their fight against Atlanta.

b. When a goalie is playing as dominantly as Willie Miller for as long as he has, there is not a lot you can try that hasn't already been tried. You get bodies in front and try to make him uncomfortable and take away his eyes. You try to force some tough passes through to get him moving post to post. Seattle has to box out and take away those passes and hang on for the ride.

c. I think you have to do what got you here. Play simple yet effective defence and hold the players out of high-danger areas and let your goalie carry the mail. When you make it to the finals, it's because you played great hockey and I don't think that is a good time to start making changes.

d. The pesky small sample size question rears its head every playoff. I'm going to say this is good for Seattle as they only need to continue this hot streak for four to seven more games. Atlanta has the edge in even-strength but they are running out of time to get their special teams going.

4. Written, 3 TPE, League vs. League (150 words min.)
Could any SMJHL team in history (if they were NOT capped at their usual 350/425 builds) have beaten any SHL team in history a 7 game series? Why or why not? What historical teams do you think are good candidates for this trial? Who do you think is the best team in SMJHL history and the worst team in SHL history? Would the J team have a chance? Make your case!

Newfoundland Berserkers with Rand Al'Thor and Rashford would have been able to beat any SHL team WITH their capped builds.  Having two record-setting defenders on the same team was highly unfair to the junior league but it would have been fun to see them against an SHL team. We lost seventeen total games between S63 and S64 and I have the utmost confidence we could have held our own in a seven-game series against the SHL dregs. Mackenzie, Lagasse, Larsson, King, Coswi, and Tightpants would have rained down scoring chances on unsuspecting old-timers. Johansson and Tucker would form an impregnable wall behind a blueline featuring the aforementioned Rashford and Al'Thor along with a strong supporting cast of Merlin Metzler, SD Core, Jay O'Neil, and Luca Hunziker. That is just the core of one of the most dominant teams to ever step skate onto the SMJHL ice, the support pieces were many and they were fierce and they would have put a hurting on any team.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Secret Weapon (150 words min)
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

It seems a little suspect to be asking me for our secret training regiments but I'll indulge you a little. Most people like to overcomplicate our fantastic sport; "oh you need to add x, y, and z if you want to win" or "so and so just isn't a winner" are the phrases you hear a lot. The truth is you need to add as many good players to the mix as possible and then you will win. In Toronto, we are focusing on a lot of individual training to build up strengths. A lot of people also like to focus on what players cannot do but our coaching staff here is really great. If a player is bad at something but doesn't do it often, we ignore that deficiency. If a player is good at something but doesn't do it often, we encourage them to grow that skill. If a player is bad at something and doing it often, then we have a problem and we focus on that.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

[Image: SS19INy.jpg]

[Image: d9J5DHT.png]  [Image: 16PgOBm.png]


GM CW Pass

[Image: jumbobone19.gif]

[Image: cEbgUph.png] [Image: 1DL5JDX.png] [Image: vjZu62e.png] [Image: EnHtzQl.png] [Image: NwdnVLP.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


TPE: 3/16

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. I'm not sure many people would have seen this coming. Two teams that joined the league at the same time, both making the finals and competing against each other for their franchise-first cup. So... who do think wins it all? The first time to the Challenge Cup Seattle Argonauts, that have been dismantling higher seeded teams through their entire playoff run? Or the President's Trophy winning Atlanta Inferno that are back with a vengeance after a S64 Challenge Cup defeat?

This is definitely a tough match-up but an interesting one for the Simulation Hockey League’s Challenge Cup final. While both teams have been good, one team was dominant all regular season and one team has turned It on in the Simulation Hockey League Challenge Cup playoffs. If I had to choose one I would probably say the Atlanta Inferno just based off regular season and long-term dominance but I think Argonauts have a good shot.  (75 Words)

b. You can't talk about Seattle's run without talking about the dominant performance of starting goaltender Willie Miller, who has posted a .935 SV% heading into the finals. If your Atlanta, how do you solve this brick wall? If your Seattle, what do you do to make sure your guy stays hot?

The Seattle Argonauts goaltender Willie Miller has certainly been a major bright spot in the Seattle Argonauts Simulation Hockey League Challenge Cup run. If I am was the Atlanta Inferno I would just keep getting pucks to the net and get bodies to the net, because that is ultimately how you score goals in hockey. They cannot become frustrated. For Seattle the best bet is to keep supporting Willie Weber with goals but do not let Weber get shelled every game because you never know.  (80 Words)

c. Atlanta's big storyline is their incredible depth. They have eleven players that have logged 10 or more points so far in the playoffs. If you're Seattle, how do you try to contain three lines of unending offensive pressure? If you're Atlanta, how do you ensure everyone is able to continue to contribute against such a stellar defense?

The Atlanta Inferno have amazing depth as shown by the statistics. The Atlanta Inferno need to stay patient and wait for the opportunities as previously mentioned. They cannot get frustrated when things do not go the way they want to. If the Atlanta Inferno can keep their mental up they should see results. In terms of the Seattle Argonauts, have to frustrate the Atlanta Inferno whether it’s through defensive work or physical work. Get them off their mental game and see if they can hold. (85 Words)

d. Seattle's powerplay has been on fire contributing 14 goals up to this point, which comes out to almost 30% of their goals scored (50G total) in these playoffs. Atlanta on the other hand have managed just 5 power play goals, which is only 5% of their scoring (59G total). In your opinion-- is this a good thing for Seattle, or a good thing for Atlanta? Maybe a good thing for both? Do you think a dynamic team like Seattle that can capitalize on so many of their PP chances will lead to Atlanta playing scared-- worried about what might happen if they enter the box? Do you think a relentless Atlanta team that is so flush with even strength scoring is going to be too much for Seattle to take?

I think this is a good thing for Seattle but like previously mentioned if they can get the Atlanta Inferno off their mental game and frustrate them they will take penalties. Once they do that the Seattle Argoanuts can pounce and pot goals and ultimately win games. I think this will lead to Atlanta playing more cautiously or attempting to but this is the finals so teams normally do what it takes to win. I do not think Atlanta is too much for Seattle to take, but by the time game 5,6,7 come I wonder how much Seattle will have in the tank to hold on.
(80 Words)

TPE: 7/16

5. Written, 3 TPE, Secret Weapon (150 words min)
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

The Seattle Argonauts of the Simulation Hockey League has had a very successful season in Season 66 which could lead them to possibly a Challenge Cup. Looking to next year the Seattle Argonauts secret weapon is the fact they have a ketchup noodle bar in their locker room before games. Nice meal full of carbos and gives the players lots of energy, possibly more energy than most teams! Also the Seattle Argonauts will just run it back will all players playing the same way they did this season, with the same skillset, and no player will have an off season or get worse at all! This will allow the Seattle Argonauts to have a major advantage because other team’s players will get worse naturally but the Seattle Argonauts won’t because well, none of their players got worse or lost any skills! This is the Seattle Argonauts of the Simulation Hockey League’s secret weapons and no one can stop them! (153 words)

TPE: 10/16

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


TPE: 13/16

15. Written, 3 TPE, IICAN See the Future (150 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Last season we had a lot of surprise finishes that shook up the groups quite a bit this time around. Do you think last year’s top teams will stay there? Was that an anomaly? Why or why not?

Last season in the IIHF tournament we saw a ton of surprises and different teams near the top. I do not think last season was an anomaly. The IIHF scene is growing and teams are getting players via transfers and a lot of nations are growing. This is a sign that the Simulation Hockey League is growing as well as the game of hockey. It is great to see new teams near the top! Now, my predictions are going to be same old but I do believe Finland, Great Britain and Canada will round of the top of the IIHF this season. Finland is always strong. Great Britain has a great younger team which was strong last season and Canada is well Canada.  I think some other strong teams this season include Team Switzerland and Team Czechia. Both teams have been near the top before and have been good in recent seasons. I think we are in for an interesting IIHF season with the recent changes to the Simulation Hockey League setup.  (160 words)

TPE: 16/16

[Image: tylard13.gif]
Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy

Jacob Mueller S5-S
Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany
Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades
Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie

Sami Owens - S36-S52
S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada
S39 IIHF Gold - Canada
S42 IIHF Silver - Canada
S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM
Liam Slate - S54-Present
S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles
S54 WJC Silver - British Isles
S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers
S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain
S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
Triple Gold Club

Sad Ketchup -Present
S76 Ryan Jesster Trophy Winner

Seattle Argonauts GM - CW pass

[Image: AwDqhTW.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-31-2022, 07:35 PM by r1c3bowl22. Edited 7 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Verification Word: Poop

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series? Did the engine switch make a difference for you?
Well, the biggest surprise to me was the fact that micool132 won the Cup. I remember micool from the S19 days in the SMJHL (I believe they were part of the Kelowna Knights). I don't think we spoke too much back then, but I do remember having pleasant interactions when we did. I'm really not present anymore around the site, aside from my team pages and PT threads so I have no idea who's in the league these days. So it was cool to know that a former S20 player is still around and winning the Cup! I've never won the Cup, so hopefully that can be me sometime in the future.

21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Treasure Trove (150 words min.)
If you had to create an incredibly valuable object based on your team, what would it be? Think “the kind of thing that Indiana Jones would be trying to get his grimy little mitts on”. Give me a description and come up with some fun team brand related traps or tricks you could use to protect it from all those people with grimy little mitts. As a graphic task, show me what this object looks like, and depict some of its security around it.
The incredibly valuable item for the San Francisco Pride is a collection of sock puppets. But not just any sock puppets, these are the rejected sock puppets that never made it onto Mr. Rogers. The beloved childhood hero of many, Mr. Rogers is known for entertaining children with his happy personality, calm demeanor, and positive outlook on life. He also featured a segment called "Make Believe" which included puppets. Those that don't know will be surprised to find out that the puppets that made it on the television screen weren't the original puppets proposed. The initial puppets were a collection of animal sock puppets, which includes - you guessed it - a lion. Fortunately for the Pride, someone on the staff managed to buy the original puppet rejects. Now, the team makes it a tradition to have the new draftees put on a puppet show for young fans every season. It's a way of keeping Mr. Roger's message about being nice to your neighbours alive.

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Animal Rescue (150 words min.)
Your player has been asked to use some of their immense pro-athlete wealth to open up an animal rescue! Lucky for you, the type of animal was not specified, so it’s your call! What kind of animal does your player want to protect and why? Is it something you find cute? Something that actually needs help? Or do you just want a herd of llamas on hand to threaten your enemies with? As a graphic task, show me your player hard at work tending to whatever animals you’ve chosen.
A lot of SHL players are naming a lot of very interesting animals for this task. Unfortunately, Borje Samuelsson doesn't have a lot of money, so he can't go protect an extravagant species or anything. So, with that in mind, he's decided to help save the squirrels. Squirrels are a very unfortunate species, they are one of the most common victims of roadkill in the world. When Borje was just a wee lad, he saw a squirrel get run over by a school bus. Ever since that day, he's vowed to make a change when he has enough money to do so. Now he spends his offseasons in his basement trying to come up with ways to help make squirrels safer. He first thought of squirrel overpasses but thought that'd be too hard to implement. So he's decided to make little squirrel headlamps that can be easily put on any squirrel. Using that technology, hopefully people will stop and think "hey, what the heck is that" and avoid hitting squirrels in the process.

23. Written, 2 TPE, Dreams (100 words min.)
Sticking with the “last prompt is just letting people write about themselves” idea, here we go! I’m curious to know what sort of things you hope for in the world! What are your dreams? Maybe that’s a dream job, a dream house, an opportunity for your kids. I don’t know! Whatever you want to write about. What do you hope for in the future?
A unique prompt I can get behind. My dream is to be an ecologist, I had previously worked as one but unfortunately my contract ended. However, I aspire to get back into the field. My motivating factor to work that job is because I've really enjoyed being in nature throughout my life. I think it's a great thing to be able to experience. Unfortunately with all of the developments coming up and climate change, we may not be able to experience nature in the same capacity in the future. I'd like to help slow down or even reverse the effects of climate change and help allow future generations to be able to experience nature as I have.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Please take care of it. Here are some helpful links just in case.

Algonquin College Student Support Services - 613-727-4723
Crisis Text Line - Text 'HOME' to 741741
Distress Centre Ottawa and Region - 613-288-3311
Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454
Kid's Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Hotline Ontario - 1-866-531-2600
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

Click here for a list of crisis centres within Canada
Suicide Prevention Resource Centre
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

If you have the contact info to your local mental help centres, let me know!

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1. CW Trivia
Verification word: verification

SHL Milestones Link

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(This post was last modified: 08-29-2022, 08:08 AM by adamantium. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.



2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. I think that Seattle has the very slight edge on Atlanta here purely on the absolutely dominant play of starting goaltender Willie Miller. After falling 0-2 to San Francisco in the first round, Miller’s gone on to be unbelievably hot and if you’re Seattle, you have to be excited about your boy continuing to an absolute mountain in the net. (WC: 60)

b. Give that man a contract! Miller’s play, as we all see, has been incredible this postseason. For Atlanta, even though the big man has done an incredible job stopping shots, you need to stick to the basics of the game and try not to get too fancy--get the puck on net, tip shots, screen him down low. The more you shoot, the better a chance he finally slips up and lets one in. If you’re Seattle, you need to make this as easy on your guy as you can. That means hounding the puck on backcheck, that means clogging up the shooting lanes without inadvertently screening your guy, and that means putting your body on the line to make sure the shot doesn’t even get to him in the first place. (WC: 131)

c. Hard to deny Atlanta’s continued team cohesion and ability, and that’s one of their major strengths in this tale of the tape. For Seattle, you need to be able to break up their consistency and try to play the agitator. Cohesion can only last so long when you’re getting guys off their mental balance and start affecting their cool. If you can get Atlanta in their own heads, you’ve got a shot at breaking them up. If you’re Atlanta, you need to do the exact opposite--stay calm, stay cool, and continue to play your game. You’ve done so well up to this point and this is your second-straight finals appearance: you’ve got the experience that they don’t, so don’t let them rattle you. (WC: 123)

d. It’s a double-edged sword for both teams. In the case of Seattle, knowing that you’ve got the significant edge in powerplay dominance means you’ve already got a mental in against this incredibly stout Atlanta team. If they’re playing too scared to get thrown in the box for fear that this incredible powerplay gets to go to work and punish them for it, that translates into even strength play where they might not be able to keep up. On the flipside though, relying too heavily on special teams has been the downfall of too many clubs historically not to acknowledge: if you’re reliant on being a man up, how do you expect to effectively tackle even strength play?

For Atlanta, knowing that you’re strong at even strength has to be a massive boon mentally--you don’t need to worry about relying on Seattle to take stupid penalties because you consistently give teams trouble when they’ve got the ability to play man to man. But, on the other hand, if you’re given the opportunity to play with the extra attacker and you’re unable to capitalize, nothing motivates a team like a well-fought penalty kill, and the last thing you need is a surging Seattle team.

Which is more of an issue or a boon? Who’s to say. (WC: 214)


5. Written, 3 TPE, Secret Weapon (150 words min)
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

Trenbolone is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) of the nandrolone group which itself was never marketed. Trenbolone ester prodrugs, including trenbolone acetate (brand names Finajet, Finaplix, others) and trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (brand names Parabolan, Hexabolan), are or have been marketed for veterinary and clinical use. Trenbolone acetate is used in veterinary medicine in livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite, while trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate was formerly used clinically in humans but is now no longer marketed. In addition, although it is not approved for clinical or veterinary use, trenbolone enanthate is sometimes sold on the black market under the nickname Trenabol.

That's right, motherfucker. The Vancouver Whalers are cycling tren and you'd better believe we're coming to make all of you pussies understand the strength of real men (on performance enhancing drugs) with real goals (a cup with an asterisk) and real, non-homoerotic love between brothers (there's nothing straighter than getting naked with your boys and swinging your dinks around, flags out).

Think you stand a chance against a bunch of guys subsisting on a diet purely of fish and anabolic steroids? Think you've got some competitive edge because you've got "tactics" and "strategic line changes" and "team cohesion?" Think you're going to be able to put up more than .02 goals per game against our absolute fucking meat mountain of a man of a goalie? Think again, pal. 4800 combined pounds of pure muscle driving your ass into the half wall in front of your closest friends at the glass. You'll be lucky if you're not walking away with glass shards instead of teeth.

It's like Mike Tyson always says: everyone's got a plan until they take a skate blade to the dick.

Fuck you.

WC: 285 words


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 SMJHL Milestones


20. Written, 3 TPE, Jumble Up (150 words min.)
Take your SHL/SMJHL team’s name and enter it into an anagram generator (like this one: and generate a new team name! Choose one of the mixed-up results and tell me why it would be a fun choice for your franchise to rebrand to! Give me some jersey and logo ideas as well!

The obvious anagram pick here is the Vancouver Whales, and it's not like we haven't been leaning heavy into whale imagery for basically our entire team history. I mean, fuck, we're the Whalers and our logo is a whale's tail. Why? Why are we using so much whale imagery for a team with a name used for the people that kill whales? Why is our logo not a guy with a fucking harpoon or something? Or a fisherman? Why are we not appropriating the New York Islanders old Gorton Fisherman logo? Hell, I was working on a season poster earlier and my initial catchphrase for the design was "Fear the Whale," before I remembered that if we feared the whale we'd be the worst fucking Whalers in the history of the practice.

So with that in mind, if we're going to spend so much time leaning into the imagery, we might as well rebrand to the Vancouver Killer Whales, so we can be the unbelievably violent kings of the sea that our original designer apparently so desperately wanted us to be.

WC: 184


Total TPE: 16

[Image: MvfRxO2.png]
sigs by me bitch

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and
then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the
person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks


[Image: Haschdi.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-31-2022, 11:02 PM by Thunfish. Edited 4 times in total.)

1. Thunfish

2. a. I wouldn't really know, I don't spend much time paying attention to other teams all that much. Kinda just focus on my own team more often than not. The moment we're out, I'm off to check something else. Kinda sucks to say it flat out like that but... well, y'know, got other stuff to do and whatnot.

b. Oh, Willie? Yeah, I remember the guy from the juniors. He's pretty cool, aye. Let's see, if you wanna keep him up I think you just have chats with the guy. He's pretty friendly and the activity tends to keep him hot for games and whatnot. That's what I recall from back in Nevada, hope he's doing well.

c. I suppose I would go for any sort of strategy that involves keeping the puck as much as possible. If you hold onto it for longer, that means their depth won't be able to act on as many chances as they would otherwise in a more fluid match. That's just what I think.

d. Look, one of the main things in hockey is using powerplay to the most of your abilities. Scoring on it is essential if you want to get a quick and strong lead, it piles up fast and helps out in the long run. Basically, anyone that can control that will guarantee themselves a significant advantage.

7. 3 TPE

SSL Affiliate for 3 TPE

17. "Feels a tad unfair of me to speak of it but I was actually given birth to in Edinburgh. Now, my folks were often hopping from place to place thanks to their job as... spiritual zealots and bodyguards, so it was really difficult to really get used to any particular place. That said, I spent half a decade in Dublin and I was actually registered in Dublin, so I have Irish citizenship. I don't think I've spent a lot of time in most other places but I did visit loads of places. Spent a year in Rio de Janeiro, half a year in Paris, eight months or so back in Sydney, and spent a little bit of time in Nagano and Tokyo. I've also lived in Seoul, Ulaanbaatar, Cologne, Mexico City, Vancouver, Tegucigalpa and I guess I'm allowed to mention a stint at Stilwater and the Bermudas but... yeah.

I did get my first skateboard back in Dublin, this green one with a dead headgehog drawing, real cool stuff, haven't parted ways with it ever since."

[Image: d8gycCg.png]
Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
Player Page - Update Page
Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR
(This post was last modified: 08-26-2022, 12:45 PM by notoriousTRON. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. I'm not sure many people would have seen this coming. Two teams that joined the league at the same time, both making the finals and competing against each other for their franchise-first cup. So... who do think wins it all? The first time to the Challenge Cup Seattle Argonauts, that have been dismantling higher seeded teams through their entire playoff run? Or the President's Trophy winning Atlanta Inferno that are back with a vengeance after a S64 Challenge Cup defeat?

This is going to sound incredibly biased, and it is. Seattle is going to continue their fantastic run and take Atlanta out in 7 games. It's going to be a hard fought series and every win will have to be earned, but I think the Argos have the right personnel and approach to accomplish this task!

b. You can't talk about Seattle's run without talking about the dominant performance of starting goaltender Willie Miller, who has posted a .935 SV% heading into the finals. If your Atlanta, how do you solve this brick wall? If your Seattle, what do you do to make sure your guy stays hot?

For Seattle, we have to keep playing the puck possession game. we have a few veterans who are very familiar with limiting opponent's chances and keeping the puck with your teammates. We will also need to block shots. We need Miller to see as little rubber as possible to keep him fresh. I think if we keep doing what we're doing Willie will have our backs in this series.

c. Atlanta's big storyline is their incredible depth. They have eleven players that have logged 10 or more points so far in the playoffs. If you're Seattle, how do you try to contain three lines of unending offensive pressure? If you're Atlanta, how do you ensure everyone is able to continue to contribute against such a stellar defense?

The scoring depth of this Atlanta team is historic and is going to be a tough nut for the Argos to crack. I think the best way to do this is to eliminate quality scoring chances. Play the open lanes. Block shots and wait for opportunities to arise via turnovers and sloppy puck handling. The most important part of this is going to be CAPITALIZING on those mistakes with our own scoring.

d. Seattle's powerplay has been on fire contributing 14 goals up to this point, which comes out to almost 30% of their goals scored (50G total) in these playoffs. Atlanta on the other hand have managed just 5 power play goals, which is only 5% of their scoring (59G total). In your opinion-- is this a good thing for Seattle, or a good thing for Atlanta? Maybe a good thing for both? Do you think a dynamic team like Seattle that can capitalize on so many of their PP chances will lead to Atlanta playing scared-- worried about what might happen if they enter the box? Do you think a relentless Atlanta team that is so flush with even strength scoring is going to be too much for Seattle to take?

It's kind of a tall order to keep up that kind of powerplay success. Especially in the finals when the referees will be tempted to swallow their whistles. We can't lean on that part of our game, but we should capitalize when we do get our chances. We can try to frustrate this offensive minded team by staying in their passing lanes and playing tight defense and maybe we can use that frustration to draw penalties.

3. Written, 3 TPE, It Gets the People Going! (150 words min.)
There’s been some great Stanley Cup Playoff marketing campaigns over the years. Lots of us probably know the “Because it’s the Cup” series of commercials, for example. Well for the S66 playoffs we’ve really turned on the money faucet and we want YOU to give us the next great playoff ad campaign. Tell me how you’d go about promoting the S66 SHL playoffs in a way that will have people talking about it for years to come.

My playoff marketing campaign will be centered around a single phrase. "This IS the game." I chose this phrase to highlight the importance of why we play in the SHL. We're here to compete for a cup. The regular season, the TPE grind, the media and job work... it's all part of a singular focus on winning a cup. Sure the grind of the 66 game regular season matters. But it only matters to position a team for the second season. That second season, with the big hits, big goals, and breathtaking moments is the toughest run in sports. In my opinion there isn't another playoff experience that even comes close. My marketing would bring together clips of those highlight plays, emphasize the grind that it took to get here, the drama and stress of playing the same opponent 7 times and traveling between cities. Then I'd simply end the spot with a black screen and the words "This IS the game." Which I think lets the viewer know the importance of this spectacle to all the players involved.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Secret Weapon (150 words min)
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes

In Seattle's history we've had success playing in our home barn. But in recent years, for whatever reason, we've lost some of that home ice edge. The solution that management has come up with for next season is to really lean into the mind games of the opposing players. The key to this is to keep it subtle enough that the league won't catch on right away. For example, one idea that has been floated is that you make the opposing locker room have lockers that are quite deep enough to contain all of their equipment. Maybe things will continually fall on the floor between periods and people's things will be mixed with one another. Another great idea is putting a 7 second delay in the water fountain from the time the button is pressed until the water comes out. Maybe have it trickle for the delay time so players get really close to faucet only to have it go to full pressure and splash their face after 7 seconds.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 12 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 Milestones

[Image: notoriousTRON.gif]
Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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