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S66 Championship Week

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


4. Written, 3 TPE, League vs. League (150 words min.)
Could any SMJHL team in history (if they were NOT capped at their usual 350/425 builds) have beaten any SHL team in history a 7 game series? Why or why not? What historical teams do you think are good candidates for this trial? Who do you think is the best team in SMJHL history and the worst team in SHL history? Would the J team have a chance? Make your case!

The short answer is yes, but I do believe that is not long enough to really sell you on how absolutely the answer is yes so allow me to elaborate. If you take a time machine way back in the day all the way to S1 you will find that even the absolute most stacked of teams had all still earned less TPE than a good SMJHL team of today. It was just a matter of the way the league started out back in the days of dinosaurs. Now additionally TPE is not the be all end all of whether a team would win or not, but it is indeed meaningful at the end of the day. Honestly though the big reason I give it to a modern J team over an ancient big league team is the simple fact that to sim it today would require it be on the J team's turf and that gives them a colossal advantage in comparison in regards to coaching.

If I were to pick a specific candidate give me the S63 Nevada Battleborn as I know they had several capped players that season who had earned well above said cap. Honestly I would struggle to find another team that I could guarantee that fact for, but honestly any team whose first line is closer to 1k than starting TPE is apt to be able to win against an S1 team from what I was able to find.

Meanwhile I do not trust my ability to scan the index enough to be able to judge best J team and best major league team. Thank you for your understanding!

Word Count: 275

5. Written, 3 TPE, Secret Weapon (150 words min)
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

Agent Tesla: Okay so my proposed plan of action ahead of this season is to steal a book from a famous piece of fiction by turning all of the opposing players into llamas ala what happened to Kuzco in the film Emperor's New Groove. Now you may be asking 'Tesla how are we going to gain enough magic potion to poison every other roster in the SHL' or 'Tesla what the hell are you talking about' maybe even 'Tesla this was supposed to be an intervention for your outlandish plans' none of that matters though!

Dave Heinrich: I think that last one-

Agent Tesla: I have a supplier of potions who has promised that they could fill the entirety of Lake Superior with sufficient magic potion should we so desire, and so replacing all sports drinks in the visiting locker room should be plenty enough to do what we want to do. Also courtesy of my own skills in the alchemical arts I can set it up so that there is a delay on effect so they are all more likely to drink it. What do you think?

Dave Heinrich: I think this intervention is going nowhere and so I'm going to cut the cake.

Agent Tesla: Excellent! I do so love a good cake! While we're eating it I can go over my plans for redesigning our training regimens by taking cues from the Rocky movies and the Dragon Ball series. I think running up stairs with a massively heavy turtle shell on your backs will prove to be the best form of training going forward.

Word Count: 267

6. Written, 3 TPE, Curse (150 words min.)
We’ve heard of the “President’s Trophy Curse” in which the top team of the regular season has a very hard time closing the deal in the playoffs and often ends up losing. If you could invent a curse and attach it to any other league event– what would it be and why? No Challenge Cup winner shall ever repeat? Anyone who wins the goal scoring title is doomed to 4% shooting next season? Get creative and give your curse a fun name!

Agent Tesla: This is a tough one for me as there are so many curses that I am quite fond of as a person that there are almost too many options for me, but the goal here is to get creative and have fun so I will take that prompt with glee. The curse in question shall be the 'Curse of the Drama Llama' and will be such that a player's performance will be divided equally among their actual team and all of the drama teams that they rightfully find themselves added to over the course of their career. Should you show up in one drama thread looking for entertainment and get caught that means your performance is forever half of what it could have been, but make it to three and you will find yourself performing to just a quarter of your potential. Would like to clarify that this will only apply to the people who are there for the car crash element of it rather than the people who are there as the equivalent of EMT's aiming to help with the situation. They have a right to be involved and not suffer for it after all.

Dave Heinrich: I was thinking more that a team can never beat Chicago back to back and have it be the 'Curse of the Broken Kneecaps' cause you know Syndicate.

Agent Tesla: Ooh! That sounds like far more fun to me. We are going to go with that answer instead!

Word Count: 248

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones Post 3 TPE

23. Written, 2 TPE, Dreams (100 words min.)
Sticking with the “last prompt is just letting people write about themselves” idea, here we go! I’m curious to know what sort of things you hope for in the world! What are your dreams? Maybe that’s a dream job, a dream house, an opportunity for your kids. I don’t know! Whatever you want to write about. What do you hope for in the future?

Well my last dream was that Carrie got adopted by a loving gay couple whose response to her powers awakening with her period were 'first periods must just be like that' and they continued to love and care for her. What's that? Oh! You meant dreams as in meaning four from Merriam Webster. That is a far different question for me.

Honestly my dream is just to have the spoons to really write again. This year has been horrifically rough in that regard as I have managed far less work than I have in years past courtesy of a couple things within my power, and a whole host of things outside of my power. Then summer hit and it all got a whole lot worse in my neck of the woods as I do terribly in heat. Would love to get back to averaging hundreds of words a day and that is my dream for next year. Just want to get back on the horse in terms of word production, although I would also like to have more spoons in general for other stuff if I have enough to throw at writing I will be happy I feel.

Word Count: 198

1. poptarts

6. The “All-Star” Curse is a new speculation making waves in the SHL world. This unfortunate phenomenon is reported to affect any players that participate in any All-Star game. We’ve tried to find a connection between all invited players vs those who did participate but unfortunately our findings don't find any correlation there. Players affected by this curse may find themselves unable to make a proper pass or even bury an empty net goal that should go in 100% of the time. We have also heard reports that some players have had to change their skate size after the game as their feet have mysteriously seemed to get smaller or bigger. Players that didn’t notice this change may have had their skating ability impacted significantly. While research into this topic is still new. Rumor has it that the curse is meant to slow down the league's top players in order to facilitate a more exciting playoff push and maybe even some huge upsets during the playoffs.

7. Milestones 

17. My player Rylie Versi moved to Dallas, TX to pursue hockey in his younger years. But he’s actually from a much smaller city about 3 hours West of Dallas called Abilene. That’s where I am born and raised so it only made since that Rylie’s story started there as well. I don't have a lot of fun facts to say about Abilene because honestly, it sucks. More Churches than there are food options. Dive and restaurant bars are about the only fun to have during the night. We’ve got potholes bigger than tires you have ever seen, they will swallow your car and your dreams. When it rains, it pours. Literally, Abilene has no flood protection. 20 minutes of rain and you’re stacking sandbags at the front door waiting for God to come knocking. The only redeemable quality Abilene had was its bbq, burgers, and low rent cost and the rent is already on the rise so expect the bbq and burgers to go as well. Please send help i'm so bored.

18. I’ll be honest IRL stuff had me pretty distracted this season so I didn’t get to watch many games but I did check the SHL standings every night. The outcome was as I predicted but the adventure to get there was wack. Atlanta was on an absolute mission to take it all this year, rolling through teams barely even taking a scratch in the process but I did not expect Seattle to take down higher seeded teams to make the finals and much less give Atlanta the best fight they had all playoffs. Its stories like this that make the playoffs so great in hockey.

23. I have a lot of small things you could call dreams or goals. But mainly I just want to make enough money to buy my girlfriend and I a house and start doing the things we enjoy. It’s been 5 years since I’ve been able to afford to participate in any of my other hobbies and that hurts. I really want to learn how to play hockey soon and as it gets colder in Texas I’ll be getting out more to skate (which is not easy learning at 24 btw). My main goal in life is just to be successful enough to not have to worry about scheduling meals because we can't afford groceries.

[Image: ykvg72u.png]
[Image: kcP9WEd.png]
Professional frogposter
Electric lettuce enthusiast
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2022, 04:00 PM by Ohtaay. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

3 - TPE - Oats

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. I'm not sure many people would have seen this coming. Two teams that joined the league at the same time, both making the finals and competing against each other for their franchise-first cup. So... who do think wins it all? The first time to the Challenge Cup Seattle Argonauts, that have been dismantling higher seeded teams through their entire playoff run? Or the President's Trophy winning Atlanta Inferno that are back with a vengeance after a S64 Challenge Cup defeat?

b. You can't talk about Seattle's run without talking about the dominant performance of starting goaltender Willie Miller, who has posted a .935 SV% heading into the finals. If your Atlanta, how do you solve this brick wall? If your Seattle, what do you do to make sure your guy stays hot?

c. Atlanta's big storyline is their incredible depth. They have eleven players that have logged 10 or more points so far in the playoffs. If you're Seattle, how do you try to contain three lines of unending offensive pressure? If you're Atlanta, how do you ensure everyone is able to continue to contribute against such a stellar defense?

d. Seattle's powerplay has been on fire contributing 14 goals up to this point, which comes out to almost 30% of their goals scored (50G total) in these playoffs. Atlanta on the other hand have managed just 5 power play goals, which is only 5% of their scoring (59G total). In your opinion-- is this a good thing for Seattle, or a good thing for Atlanta? Maybe a good thing for both? Do you think a dynamic team like Seattle that can capitalize on so many of their PP chances will lead to Atlanta playing scared-- worried about what might happen if they enter the box? Do you think a relentless Atlanta team that is so flush with even strength scoring is going to be too much for Seattle to take?

A) I think when picking a challenge cup winner you have to stick to your gut and to the facts. Seattle is a great story, winning match ups that they were the underdog in. However, it is only so long they can keep doing that. I think coming up against Atlanta they will face their match, and Atlanta will come out on top taking home the trophy.
(66 words)

B) I think you just have to keep shooting. His run has been great but we have to remember the sim we are using.. FHM. FHM hates goalies so it is only a matter of time till he regresses back down to the FHM average. If atlanta can continue getting shots, they will have a good chance at putting the puck past willie, which will hurt seattle greatly.
(67 words)

C) If you are Seattle you just have to hope Willie stays hot. Seattle has struggled in match ups early on to record enough shots and have been bailed out by Willie. It will be important for Atlanta to just continue to play their game and not try to change it to beat Seattle. They have the depth, they just need to skate.
(62 Words)

D) This is a bad thing for Seattle as they have become reliant on the power play scoring. Where Atlanta has been strong at 5on5 play, and most of the game is played at 5on5, so this will greatly help atlanta, not to mention if Atlanta can stay out of the box they have an even better shot of taking home the cup.
(62 Words)


5. Written, 3 TPE, Secret Weapon (150 words min)
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

Well playing in chicago, every player comes into camp knowing what to expect. Fast and physical to start the camp, every player gets pushed through the ringer to make sure their cardio levels are up where they need to be. If your cardio levels are poor, it will show in your decision making when you have the puck so it is important to keep your cardio and mental levels up. From there, there is a lot of film time - see what worked, what didn't work and how we can fix. We try to take a little bit from the other top teams games, and see how we can introduce it to our game. This makes us better both offensively and defensively. At the end of training camp this is celebration with a nice big meal, which usually includes a lot of fried chicken. Chicago might not have the most skilled team, but their hard work shows on the ice.
(159 words)


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE - Milestones

15. Written, 3 TPE, IICAN See the Future (150 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Last season we had a lot of surprise finishes that shook up the groups quite a bit this time around. Do you think last year’s top teams will stay there? Was that an anomaly? Why or why not?

I would have to agree with your statement, I don't think there will be much change. Sure there is always sim luck that could change the outcome. However, IIHF has always been the one where the rich get richer. Smaller nations struggle as they do not get new recruits(Finally Austria got some recruits!!), while bigger nations just sit there and wait for new players to sign up. This is why I don't think we will see much change from the top nations. Canada will always be a strong nation, Finland is another strong team, in which you can throw Sweden in there with them as well. The one nation which is an outlier is Japan, as they are often a strong team as well. But as we've seen many teams are facing GM issues, so it will be interesting to see how that plays out. So essentially yes, I think that was an anomaly and we will see the top nations back on top shortly.
(165 words)


Total 16/16

[Image: Oats.gif]

[Image: 401.png] [Image: S42cup1.png] [Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png][Image: WuTGq5J.png][Image: XUMDqMO.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 09:25 PM by gaby. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Trivia 3 TPE

2. Grab Bag 3 TPE
a. This sure is an exciting matchup and a welcoming one. Willie Miller has been having a JS Giguere run for Seattle, who knows if he's got some tank left. Atlanta is an absolute wagon and the far superior team on paper. My heart says the Miller Argonauts but my head picks the Atlanta Inferno.

c. I'd say depth is more valuable in the regular season than in the playoffs. Don't get me wrong, it's still important but if your superstars don't perform there's so much a 3rd line can do. If you're Seattle you keep on relying on your goalie to bail you out and hope to capitalize on every chances you get. Atlanta will dominate the puck possession game, just gotta not get frustrated.

d. It's always case by case. You generally don't want to depend on your PP to get goals. But Seattle defensive play style do frustrate the opposing team and making them take bad penalties. Atlanta has a ton of vets on their squad, I don't see them falling in that trap. Their power play can't get really worse so that's a good thing. You're already getting a ton of offense 5 on 5, advantage has to be on the Inferno side.

4. League vs. League 3 TPE
I have been around since s39, I've seen my share of bad and great teams. The s54 Tampa Bay Barracuda has to be the worst roster ever. It's no easy feature to get 0 wins and they did it, we saw teams like Edmonton and Minnesota recently tanking on purpose and still get 5+ wins. The best player for the Cudas that season was a young Michael Fitted at 668 TPE. Only 6 players were above 425 TPE and most of them were probably inactive who didn't unbanked. You can't tell me a capped SMJHL team couldn't win a best of 7 against that. I can think of 2 junior teams that could get the job done. Season 38 Prince George Firebirds was pretty much an all star team after the huge trade deadline trade with the Mammoths. Out of the 22 players, maybe 2 or 3 weren't capped. The early 60s saw some great Newfoundland teams with elite FHM knowledge from their management. They probably would swept those poor cudas.

7. Milestones 2 TPE

15. IICAN See the Future 3 TPE
I was part of the cinderella Switzerland run this past tourney. We had a young roster and still somehow won the whole thing. This time around we've lost our captain and best d-man, so a repeat or even qualifying for the round robin seems unlikely. Sweden should bounce back after a terrible s65 performance. The team with the best talent pool to pick from finished in 12. You have to think heads will roll getting similar results. Canada should once again be in the picture for a medal. Great roster and a manager having ton of experiences with lines combination. So of the 8 teams who made it past the round robin in s65, I see 5 of them making it again. I hate doing this but my Switzerland, Czechia and Ireland will miss in favor of Sweden, Japan and Germany. Canada is my safe gold medal pick, Finland getting silver and USA bronze

18. Procrastinator Special 2 TPE
You couldn't really ask for a better outcome for the first season in the FHM 8 era. Besides the live sims being absolutely garbage, the results we got this season were encouraging. We were a bit worried about goalies numbers this season but just saw Willie Miller carried his team on his back to the Challenge Cup finals, something we haven't seen since the STHS years. Atlanta was an incredible team, nice to see Hamilton didn't somehow BAP'd them.  For me the Seattle run gave me a motivation boost that we can get surprises. It's only a season and meta builds have yet to be found but hopefully things keep trending on the right way.

[Image: opt6vpu.jpg]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

d. Seattle's powerplay has been on fire contributing 14 goals up to this point, which comes out to almost 30% of their goals scored (50G total) in these playoffs. Atlanta on the other hand have managed just 5 power play goals, which is only 5% of their scoring (59G total). In your opinion-- is this a good thing for Seattle, or a good thing for Atlanta? Maybe a good thing for both? Do you think a dynamic team like Seattle that can capitalize on so many of their PP chances will lead to Atlanta playing scared-- worried about what might happen if they enter the box? Do you think a relentless Atlanta team that is so flush with even strength scoring is going to be too much for Seattle to take?

I think that this is probably a good thing for Atlanta. Not being able to capitilaze on the power play but being able to still put up goals is huge, and ensures that a team is not relying on their power play to win games, which is extremely important if you come up against a good penalty kill team, which Seattle is this season. However, this might give Atlanta some second thoughts about playing physical, as the refereeing in any playoff series is hit or miss, and might open up some chances for the Argonauts to let their lethal power play strike.


3. Written, 3 TPE, It Gets the People Going! (150 words min.)
There’s been some great Stanley Cup Playoff marketing campaigns over the years. Lots of us probably know the “Because it’s the Cup” series of commercials, for example. Well for the S66 playoffs we’ve really turned on the money faucet and we want YOU to give us the next great playoff ad campaign. Tell me how you’d go about promoting the S66 SHL playoffs in a way that will have people talking about it for years to come.

I think the best way to promote the SHL Playoffs going forward would be similar or in the same vein as the NHL Playoff commercials, but maybe focussing on building a dynasty. A good example of this would be the mid S30 Calgary Dragons or the S20 Texas Renegades, both teams who had a great impact on the league today. I think that basing the commercials about building a dynasty and leaving a legacy would have a great impact on those who view it, and maybe entice some people to check out the SHL playoffs. There are a lot of insane moments that have happened within both the STHS and FHM eras of the SHL, but to me I think the Dragons from S30 or the Renegades from S20 leave an impact to me of teams that were good over long periods of time and allowed dynasties to be built alongside legacies left by players who have since retired from those eras.

Either that or I’d have Lil Pump write a song about the SHL and perform it at every single one of his concerts.


5. Written, 3 TPE, Secret Weapon (150 words min)
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

Jonathan Mercer’s plan for the upcoming season to gain a competitive edge is straight out of the playbook of the Danbury Trashers – not allowing the visiting team to have hot water, nor dry towels to really get them off of their game. As well as that, Jonathan Mercer has been training with Hall of Very Good defenceman Chris Crutchfield to work on both sides of the ice to improve his play. The Scarecrows had a solid season, but could have done a lot better (ie. Winning the 4 Star Cup), so Mercer has looked to a player that influenced his career in Crutchfield to help him on both sides of the ice.

Combining these two things together, Mercer and the Scarecrows should be able to have a stellar season, and hopefully capture the Four Star Cup, something that has eluded him thus far in his SMJHL career. Will it turn into a Championship for the St. Louis team? Who knows. Jonathan Mercer hopes so though.


6. Written, 3 TPE, Curse (150 words min.)
We’ve heard of the “President’s Trophy Curse” in which the top team of the regular season has a very hard time closing the deal in the playoffs and often ends up losing. If you could invent a curse and attach it to any other league event– what would it be and why? No Challenge Cup winner shall ever repeat? Anyone who wins the goal scoring title is doomed to 4% shooting next season? Get creative and give your curse a fun name!

I think I would invent the Crutchfield curse – a curse that if you trade a 1st Round Draft Pick for the rights to a pending free agent, the team trading for the free agent rights will dismantle and cause a mass retirement of players amongst that team. Even though I still feel kind of bad for what happened to the Portland Admirals and the retirements that fell afterwards, giving up a 1st Round Pick for any free agent rights is downright scary.

However, Chris Crutchfield really ended up being the cursed one because he was the one that retired without ever hoisting the Challenge Cup. None of the players from the CRUTCHFIELD / crutch / ligma player agency have ever hoisted a Challenge Cup, and only winning 1 Four Star Cup. Pretty brutal. I don’t know which curse I’d rather have personally. I would have rather won a cup than dismantled a team but I guess hindsight is 20/20.


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

[Image: g7VtVXX.png?1]

[Image: Z8YSDad.gif]

[Image: crutchfield.gif]
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2022, 09:28 PM by Matty86. Edited 4 times in total.)

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones +3

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 12:48 AM by raymond3000. Edited 4 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. I'm not sure many people would have seen this coming. Two teams that joined the league at the same time, both making the finals and competing against each other for their franchise-first cup. So... who do think wins it all? The first time to the Challenge Cup Seattle Argonauts, that have been dismantling higher seeded teams through their entire playoff run? Or the President's Trophy winning Atlanta Inferno that are back with a vengeance after a S64 Challenge Cup defeat?

b. You can't talk about Seattle's run without talking about the dominant performance of starting goaltender Willie Miller, who has posted a .935 SV% heading into the finals. If your Atlanta, how do you solve this brick wall? If your Seattle, what do you do to make sure your guy stays hot?

c. Atlanta's big storyline is their incredible depth. They have eleven players that have logged 10 or more points so far in the playoffs. If you're Seattle, how do you try to contain three lines of unending offensive pressure? If you're Atlanta, how do you ensure everyone is able to continue to contribute against such a stellar defense?

d. Seattle's powerplay has been on fire contributing 14 goals up to this point, which comes out to almost 30% of their goals scored (50G total) in these playoffs. Atlanta on the other hand have managed just 5 power play goals, which is only 5% of their scoring (59G total). In your opinion-- is this a good thing for Seattle, or a good thing for Atlanta? Maybe a good thing for both? Do you think a dynamic team like Seattle that can capitalize on so many of their PP chances will lead to Atlanta playing scared-- worried about what might happen if they enter the box? Do you think a relentless Atlanta team that is so flush with even strength scoring is going to be too much for Seattle to take?

a. This reminds me of season 6, when expansion brothers in the LA Panthers and Minnesota Chiefs made the finals to compete for their first cup. Of course, back then it was the second season for these teams while now its been ten plus seasons since expansion. Anyways, Atlanta has been the dominant force all season, and should be the clear favorites.

b. To start, the Atlanta Inferno should just focus on their own game. They are the better team, and their offense should find a way past Miller. If that does not work, then you can start trying to get into the goalies head by crashing the net and generally being a nuisance.

c. Seattle needs to try and control the flow of the game, and not let the red hot Atlanta offense control the puck for the majority of the game. They can play their tight defensive style, but will need to make sure they do not give the Inferno players any time on the puck. For Atlanta, they just need to focus on making crisp passes and using their skill and speed to circumvent the Seattle defense.

d. I think these stats are actually a good thing for Atlanta and should cause Seattle some concern. With the talent that the Inferno have, there is no way their powerplay will run cold for an entire playoffs. You know their powerplay will start clicking eventually, and you don't want to be the opposing team when that happens.

4. Written, 3 TPE, League vs. League (150 words min.)
Could any SMJHL team in history (if they were NOT capped at their usual 350/425 builds) have beaten any SHL team in history a 7 game series? Why or why not? What historical teams do you think are good candidates for this trial? Who do you think is the best team in SMJHL history and the worst team in SHL history? Would the J team have a chance? Make your case!
The worst team in SHL history is undoubtedly the infamous Season 54 Tampa Bay Barracuda. This team went winless through an entire season, finishing with an 0-50 record while scoring fewer than one goal per game and finishing with a -264 goal differential. More than half their team was constructed of SMJHL quality players with less than ~500 TPE with several under the old 350 cap. While there's a big gap between the SHL and the SMJHL, I'd be quite confident that at least a few historical junior teams could give this Tampa squad a run for its money. It would likely be one of the teams stacked with overage players before when draft+5 players were still allowed in the juniors, but I'm not too sure which teams they were. Maybe some of the Newfoundland Berserkers teams from the season 50s? I remember their lineups always being full of top prospects.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
+2 TPE

11. Graphic, 3 TPE, Participation Banner
The team’s owner is complaining that the rafters in your arena are looking empty. You’ve been tasked with creating a banner for one of your team’s achievements this season. Did you get eliminated in round one? Sounds like a banner to me! Did you lose a record number of road games? Banner! Win the cup? I guess that’s a banner too.
[Image: nVNRAtj.png]

13. Graphic, 1 TPE, crAIyon? More like CWaiyon!
In the spirit of the insanely easy ring task that stayed around forever, we can run this one again!. Try using OpenAI’s DALL E Mini (now known as crAIyon) to generate a Challenge Cup related image. It could be a championship ring, your player lifting the cup, a locker room celebration. Go nuts as long as you’re attempting to make it SHL related! The results will be weird, but it’s fun! 
phoenix playing hockey, celebrating championship, art
[Image: 7mVQAn2.png]

[Image: 17307_s.gif]

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(This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 05:05 AM by plutoniumdom. Edited 1 time in total.)


prompt 18) Hey, the Nevada Battleborn won the championship! That was us! I had absolutely no fucking clue that we were gonna win, and the entire season I (and pretty much the entire team?) thought we were just getting stupid lucky in the sim and that the success wasn't sustainable, and then we swept playoffs including a sweep against Quebec which like ??? MAN that was a crazy ass-ending, and the whole team was super surprised, but I'm just really happy we were able to win. Just to win at all, much less in one of the more dominant showings ever, is honestly kind of incredible. I was so happy to be a part of such a historic run.

prompt 20) So, hear me out here: The Las Vegas Banter Bolts. Bolts, like lightning bolts, that are sentient and have mouths and eyes, and can negotiate with the other players or referees, and the general idea of a talking lightning bolt with a cartoon face is just really, really funny to me. So I think that's an idea worth pursuing. For colors, you probably just go with a theme that is similar to the Chargers, a blue-gold to represent the sun and the sky, or MAYBE if you REALLY REALLY want to get crazy you could go for a Zeus-beard-gray-and-yellow and have the logo be Zeus throwing lightning bolts that are arguing with each other. Another amusing logo would be something like a shop front or store which is being managed or manned by a lightning bolt. Could also just have a bolt yelling at a player from the crowd, but that wouldn't look nearly as good, and would also feel like encouraging our fans to harass other fans (?) which isn't very cool.

Prompt 22) Boom Stick would definitely be the sort of guy to get a big butterfly cage, those really pretty massive cages where you go inside and it's like a small ecosystem, and you just talk to the butterflies, the beautiful little critters they are, as they land on you and go all around the flowers. In a similar vain, but much warmer and fuzzier (actually, do butterflies have fuzz?), birds would be pretty cool. Nothing that is a super predator bird, so no eagles or massive hawks or vultures, just smaller guys like robins or orioles. Stick would prioritize getting an endangered species, because he isn't some stupid monster or anything like that, but if he couldn't find a bird species that particularly needed any help, he'd just settle for ones that are multicolored and make him go, "wow, that is a cool fucking bird, I want that thing in my backyard." No bats though, they freak Boom Stick out. 

Prompt 23) Uhh okay this is an unusually personal question, but hey, I'll share Smile) I am currently in college for being a history teacher, and I absolutely love it! I so want to be a professional historian and college professor later in life, and every time I am in the center of a classroom, I absolutely adore it and have an insane amount of fun, so it would totally be my goal to turn that into a career - and so far I'm doing well! I'd like to have a pretty active family, too, I love kids and want to bring a few more good people into the world! Beyond that, there are other career paths I think would be great that I'd love to do professionally, especially cast sports, but unfortunately you can only live one life at a time.

Milestones Claim 3

pass of gm

[Image: ili5NZ2.png]

(This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 08:35 AM by Flowseidon. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW Trivia (hopefully 3 TPE)


4. League vs. League (3tpe 179 words)

I don’t think that there’s any SHL team in history that could come and win a playoff series against a full SHL team. We have to remember that while there is a ton of talent in the SMJHL, there are many players who never make it to the SHL, or when they show up they turn out to stagnate in their improvement.

Meanwhile, the SHL is peaked full of the best players in the world, and even to be a 4th line grinder in the league you need to have been one of the best in the SMJHL. A team full of these players, even if it’s a bunch of young guns will have less holes and be a more complete roster top to bottom than any of the SMJHL rosters.

We also need to consider that while they may be able to shock the world and take a game off of an SHL team, we are talking about a full 7 game series where things like puck luck or a good game will even out a bit more.

5. Secret Weapon (3 tpe - 230 words)

Look, next year is going to be a really important one for me. It will be my first year in the SHL, and I will be needing to do everything I can to ensure a good spot on the team, and to make an adjustment. In the SMJHL, I was one of the big guns, and able to impose my will on other teams. I will be going up against bigger, stronger, and faster competition, and I will need to be sure to find my ways to get my advantage.

My first tactic will be to ensure that I'm getting a good advantage on home ice. Now I'm afforded a little more leeway here since I can find a way to access the dressing rooms of our opponents. To kick things off, I'm going to hide some fake spiders around their room. As big as the SHL players are, we all know that moment of fear that a spider instills. This will help throw them off their game.

On the road, I'll have to get a little more creative. I can't access their dressing room, but I can be sure to change what I'm eating. Before each game, I am going to eat a large meal of onions fried in garlic to make sure that my breath is as pungent as possible to distract the other team during the game.

7. Milestones (3 TPE)

Claim found here

22. Animal Rescue (3TPE - 153 words)

I think keeping in line with my life on the Battleborn to date I would want to create a rescue for rams. It would be fitting for a member of the Battleborn to be supporting a cause based on our logo and mascot.

They have a susceptibility to poisons and diseases so a big part of the rescue would be ensuring that they’re properly vaccinated to help protect them. Luckily many of these diseases are not transmissible to humans, so our vets and support staff will be able to work closely with them.

When they’re healthy, we’ll be able to introduce them to the fans. Rams are rather cute, and we can have some opportunities for fans to win a chance to meet some of them through a charity contest. We would need to screen to ensure they treat the Rams with respect and that they do nothing to put them in danger.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

[Image: ecaJZ6D.jpg]
[Image: flowseidon.gif]
[Image: PRedauw.png]

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

+3 TPE - Milestones

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max

Confirmation word: Chesterfield

[Image: wLeEjGc.jpeg]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Claming 3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, It Gets the People Going! (150 words min.)
There’s been some great Stanley Cup Playoff marketing campaigns over the years. Lots of us probably know the “Because it’s the Cup” series of commercials, for example. Well for the S66 playoffs we’ve really turned on the money faucet and we want YOU to give us the next great playoff ad campaign. Tell me how you’d go about promoting the S66 SHL playoffs in a way that will have people talking about it for years to come.

I would start saying one sentence in the media over and over and over until it becomes an internet cultural reference for generations to come (a meme). IT would be catchy but also a bit provocative. Conservatist fans would hate it, saying im going too far and have no respect for team/opponent/colleagues/fans. Drippy fans would love it and join me in a cult like fashion. The leader of that cult would be @Ragnar because this is what he does. I would promote the meme by gifting dicord nitro here and there to those enabling my catchphrase. After some time, people would just laugh it up, until my provocative catchphrase comes to life. That phrase name? "Im gonna win the cup". That's right, it happened for real now, who is laughing? Certainly not @valor! I won the cup, I memed it into existence. Pls no copy pasterino, this is my thing I totally created it and no one else can steal my intelectual property!

13. Graphic, 1 TPE, crAIyon? More like CWaiyon!
In the spirit of the insanely easy ring task that stayed around forever, we can run this one again!. Try using OpenAI’s DALL E Mini (now known as crAIyon) to generate a Challenge Cup related image. It could be a championship ring, your player lifting the cup, a locker room celebration. Go nuts as long as you’re attempting to make it SHL related! The results will be weird, but it’s fun!  

[Image: unknown.png?width=454&height=492]

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Animal Rescue (150 words min.)
Your player has been asked to use some of their immense pro-athlete wealth to open up an animal rescue! Lucky for you, the type of animal was not specified, so it’s your call! What kind of animal does your player want to protect and why? Is it something you find cute? Something that actually needs help? Or do you just want a herd of llamas on hand to threaten your enemies with? As a graphic task, show me your player hard at work tending to whatever animals you’ve chosen.

Angus Mcfife news heard around the globe : The elite singer, heavy metal darklord crasher, and now cup winning hockey player decided to open up an animal rescue centre. The protection of the fauna is now Agnes top priority in the world, at least during the offseason. The shelter will be dedicated to protect the unicorns, a really rare species. Back in the days, way before 1992, Zargothrax killed and raise many unicorns as zombies to invade the village of Dundee, an event known as the unicorn invasion of Dundee. You can ask @lespoils about it, he knows. So back to unicorn protection, you might think unicorn protection means to wear massive steel eyepatches to protect your eyes from the unicorns spicky forehead horns, but no, it means to protect them from extinction. These horny animals remind me of a good friend, @Gwdjohnson, but to protect them means I will hoard them in a huge ranch, ride them with a jetpack and feed them some goblins or whatever

20. Written, 3 TPE, Jumble Up (150 words min.)
Take your SHL/SMJHL team’s name and enter it into an anagram generator (like this one: and generate a new team name! Choose one of the mixed-up results and tell me why it would be a fun choice for your franchise to rebrand to! Give me some jersey and logo ideas as well!

The Atlanta Inferno of the Simulation Hockey league decided to rebrand to the nonfatal retina. Indeed, for those unaware, the retina is an important part of the eye, these organs that allows most living being to see light and many other thnigs like @Leppish nudes. Eyes are so important a whole hockey team should be branded around them and most specifically the retina part. It is important to note that a nonfatal retina means it does not kill or take life away. However, it can hurt, it can make you sick or injured, never forgor this when you get on the ice with them. @hotdog e was asked to comment on the new branding. He was asked if he liked it. He replied "Aye". Journalists bursted in laughter. Those that didn't get it, like @goldenglutes, its a play on the word Eye and Aye to mean you agreege or approvege. Team Poet Taylor handed her resignation after the new team name was chosen saying "This is too much, I can handle all your other weird shit but that's just too much."

Character Page RD- Quarterback
[Image: micool132.gif]

Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

[Image: lUeg4KM.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 11:40 PM by JMacNCheese. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer.


5. Written, 3 TPE, Secret Weapon (150 words min)

To get the competitive edge over his competition, Bnana NWaffles is going to keep up the normal routine he does every year with eating right, working out, and giving it all out in training. The only difference this year is he is going to setup a Forwards camp. It will be similar to what George Kittle from the 49ers does with his Tight End camp. By bring in forwards, not just Centers, from around the league will allow NWaffles to see the top talent up close and to work alongside them. This will not only give everyone a boost to their competitive edge but might get NWaffles more insight on his competition and may learn a few new things or better ways to the way he is already playing. Now of course the street goes both ways, and his competition will get some insight on NWaffles' style and game play they did not already know from film, but he isn't going to show everything! (164 Words)

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE max

Milestone Collection +3 TPE

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)

Were the playoffs as everyone expected them to be? The teams and where they were seeded yes, but one team was expected and the other I don't think most had pegged to be there. The team expected was Atlanta, but the surprise was Seattle. Now the Argonauts have been on the rise and Inferno have been flirting with winning for a few seasons. Atlanta lost in the finals and was the best team during this season and highly projected to win it all, not only when playoffs started but at the beginning of the year as well! Leading up to the finals, Seattle was knocking off potential cup winners, and started that way in game 1. After that Atlanta took over except for the romping in game 4 to tie the series. (132 Words)

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Animal Rescue (150 words min)

Bnana NWaffles (me, J Mac) loves animals! There has always been 2 animals that have had my love from a very young age, and they are Tigers and Wolves! I know I don't have to narrow it down to one because NWaffles could own a zoo, I'd say Bnana is a wolf guy and that is what he would start. A wolf sanctuary up in the mountains would be extremely cool and the wolves ONE HUNDRED percent need help protecting. From the endangered Red Wolf to the Arctic Wolf to the more common Grey Wolf, all need help maintaining their population and safety. Without wolves, it screws up the eco-system and when this happens it is not good, but too many can cause the opposite effect and hurt the eco system. I think by having a wolf sanctuary, this helps increase the safety and population of wolves one step at a time and would help towards the goal of making sure no more become extinct and population management. (168 Words)

23. Written, 2 TPE, Dreams (100 words min)

The main thing I hope for the future is that there is one. To start we need to get the climate under control, and it has for sure began but we are far from repairing it still and it will be long, uphill battle. I believe once this is fixed the earth will heal itself along with some of its in habitants. Without this control and repair far too many eco systems are hurt, which causes a chain effect, so it effects the whole world and everything in it. Humans are ever evolving, and with this good and bad things come out of it. We are experiencing a side effect from decades ago, and it will take that time and more to repair the damage which may never be fully recovered but every improvement helps. Just touching on one thing, because there is so many topics this can lead too! (150 Words)


[Image: BnanaNWaffles.gif]
Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
[Image: lIYTYDN.png]  [Image: qtbn8zh.png]  [Image: wu5MVvy.png]

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Verification: havingfun

Quote:2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. I'm not sure many people would have seen this coming. Two teams that joined the league at the same time, both making the finals and competing against each other for their franchise-first cup. So... who do think wins it all? The first time to the Challenge Cup Seattle Argonauts, that have been dismantling higher seeded teams through their entire playoff run? Or the President's Trophy winning Atlanta Inferno that are back with a vengeance after a S64 Challenge Cup defeat?
Going in I probably would have went with the Inferno over the Argonauts. Seattle had a strong team and went on a great run but the depth of Atlanta was just too strong and they proved themselves to be the top team all season long. Too much to handle for Seattle unfortunately.

b. You can't talk about Seattle's run without talking about the dominant performance of starting goaltender Willie Miller, who has posted a .935 SV% heading into the finals. If your Atlanta, how do you solve this brick wall? If your Seattle, what do you do to make sure your guy stays hot?
When you’re talking about figuring out a really good goalie I think there’s only so much you can do. The main thing for me would be to create as much traffic in front of him as you possibly can. When a goalie is on like that you really need to stop him from seeing shots wherever possible. Also just get up in his space/around his crease and disrupt him where possible.

c. Atlanta's big storyline is their incredible depth. They have eleven players that have logged 10 or more points so far in the playoffs. If you're Seattle, how do you try to contain three lines of unending offensive pressure? If you're Atlanta, how do you ensure everyone is able to continue to contribute against such a stellar defense?
Really strong depth is tough to stop, that’s why deep, skilled teams usually end up winning championships. Usually if you want to beat them you need to create a solid gameplan to counter their strengths. One option is to play your stars as much as possible, but that doesn’t always work. For Atlanta, you just need to wear down their defense as much as possible. Use your depth to your advantage and roll lines of attack. Finish every check.

d. Seattle's powerplay has been on fire contributing 14 goals up to this point, which comes out to almost 30% of their goals scored (50G total) in these playoffs. Atlanta on the other hand have managed just 5 power play goals, which is only 5% of their scoring (59G total). In your opinion-- is this a good thing for Seattle, or a good thing for Atlanta? Maybe a good thing for both? Do you think a dynamic team like Seattle that can capitalize on so many of their PP chances will lead to Atlanta playing scared-- worried about what might happen if they enter the box? Do you think a relentless Atlanta team that is so flush with even strength scoring is going to be too much for Seattle to take?
I don’t know if it’s ever a really good thing to rely heavily on powerplay production. I think most coaches would always choose 5v5 production instead. If you powerplay opportunities dry up, there goes your production. If your powerplay just goes straight up cold, there goes your production. Whereas Atlanta has outscored Seattle in the playoffs largely off of 5v5 production alone. Any PP goals there are a bonus.

Quote:4. Written, 3 TPE, League vs. League (150 words min.)
Could any SMJHL team in history (if they were NOT capped at their usual 350/425 builds) have beaten any SHL team in history a 7 game series? Why or why not? What historical teams do you think are good candidates for this trial? Who do you think is the best team in SMJHL history and the worst team in SHL history? Would the J team have a chance? Make your case!
Assuming I’m understanding this prompt correctly (that I’m evaluating an SMJHL team based on what their players TPE were at the time rather than their cap?) I would say that it’s certainly possible, although still somewhat unlikely. But honestly I don’t know enough about FHM to say whether a couple of mid/high 1k players with a bunch of 200TPE plugs could take on a team of 600/700/800 TPE guys. The first couple SHL team options off the top of my head are the current Edmonton Blizzard (3 1.5k~ TPE players, 2 900 TPE players, everyone else sub 500ish) and the old 0-50 Barracuda Team. Just scanning through the SMJHL championships page, without going back super far I can see there were some VERY strong teams through the mid s50’s. I feel like any of the 55 Berserkers, 56 Whalers, or 57 Armada would have a reasonable chance of taking down current Edmonton. That would actually be a really interesting sim honestly, I would love to see someone try to recreate that and test it out.

Quote:7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Milestone Claim

Quote:17. Written, 3 TPE, Home Town (150 words min.)
In seasons past I’ve asked about your favourite foods or favourite things about your home country, now let’s get even more specific! Where specifically are you from in your country, and what do you like about it? Tell me some fun facts about your players home town and the kinds of places that you liked to go growing up!
So Noel Blanchet represents Czechia in the IIHF, but he was actually born in Lyon, France. His Grandmother on his mom’s side is actually Czech, so he was eligible to play for Czechia since France doesn’t have an IIHF team. He had always loved visiting Czechia and took to the culture early, especially with his Grandmother teaching him all kinds of interesting things and bits of the language. When a Czechia rep made a recruitment pitch to him as he was entering the league it was a no brainer for him to join them. He ended up getting a vacation property Karlovy Varly where he spends parts of his summers recuperating as there are many hot springs there that are great for relaxing. Also being a beer connoisseur and owning a brewery himself in France with his brother, Czechia is a perfect fit in that regard as they have an amazing beer culture. A lot of the stuff he tries there often inspires some flavours for his own brewery.

[Image: jjfrankiejj.gif]
Credits to OrbitingDeath, Tweedle, Incite, Wasty, and Slothfacekilla for sigs!

Player Profile | Update Page
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2022, 01:38 PM by AW13. Edited 3 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. I'm not sure many people would have seen this coming. Two teams that joined the league at the same time, both making the finals and competing against each other for their franchise-first cup. So... who do think wins it all? The first time to the Challenge Cup Seattle Argonauts, that have been dismantling higher seeded teams through their entire playoff run? Or the President's Trophy winning Atlanta Inferno that are back with a vengeance after a S64 Challenge Cup defeat?

b. You can't talk about Seattle's run without talking about the dominant performance of starting goaltender Willie Miller, who has posted a .935 SV% heading into the finals. If your Atlanta, how do you solve this brick wall? If your Seattle, what do you do to make sure your guy stays hot?

c. Atlanta's big storyline is their incredible depth. They have eleven players that have logged 10 or more points so far in the playoffs. If you're Seattle, how do you try to contain three lines of unending offensive pressure? If you're Atlanta, how do you ensure everyone is able to continue to contribute against such a stellar defense?

d. Seattle's powerplay has been on fire contributing 14 goals up to this point, which comes out to almost 30% of their goals scored (50G total) in these playoffs. Atlanta on the other hand have managed just 5 power play goals, which is only 5% of their scoring (59G total). In your opinion-- is this a good thing for Seattle, or a good thing for Atlanta? Maybe a good thing for both? Do you think a dynamic team like Seattle that can capitalize on so many of their PP chances will lead to Atlanta playing scared-- worried about what might happen if they enter the box? Do you think a relentless Atlanta team that is so flush with even strength scoring is going to be too much for Seattle to take?

A) So yeah, it is a pretty cool matchup and not one that happens often with expansion buddies going against each other in the Challenge Cup finals. I am not sure if it has ever happened in real sports with expansion teams that came in together, maybe an MLB team back in the 60s or maybe NHL since I don't know that expansion history well. As for who wins, we already know since I am late but in general I would have selected Atlanta anyways. The team was just in the finals a couple seasons ago and hungry to get back and win it all. Seattle does not have that previous post season success so they will try to become the next Atlanta a season or two from now.

B) If you are talking about a solid goaltender run, it can easily be wiped away with a finals matchup and a goalie can be truly tested in a matchup of top teams in the entire SHL. It appears, after the fact, that this happened as besides 1 game, Atlanta put up at least 3 goals in every game and even showcased a 9 goal performance in game 5 which totally ended the confidence of the Argonauts headed into game 6 and ultimately decided the series. Miller still finished with some solid numbers but that .935 turned to .923 which means just the small difference meant Atlanta was just barraging him with shots and that is what it would take.

C) When you have the solid depth of lines like Atlanta did, it is very hard to stop. Not only can you feel confident after every shift change but you feel like you have an advantage or at least play even at all times on the ice. What it also does is allow for the team to be completely rested or mostly rested when they get back out there as well so fresh legs makes for high quality hockey. Seattle itself finished with 9 players with 10 points or more all postseason but Atlanta in the end featured 13. This advantage of nearly a whole line more was too much to keep up with.

D) So I am not really wanting to get into all the details here but will speak in general terms of what I think this can mean. I think in general, it is very troublesome to hang your hat on your powerplay performance heading into the matchup either on the negative or positive side. First I think that it is generally a smaller sample size between the teams already with 30 and 5 percent of goals coming from the powerplay so it is hard to get a read on correlation and such with success. However, if you score a ton on powerplay, what does that mean for your even strength side? Atlanta has proven they can score and scored more goals not on powerplay than Seattle did total. I think unless Seattle is or was in a ton of powerplay chances they would be extremely outmatched.

4. Written, 3 TPE, League vs. League (150 words min.)
Could any SMJHL team in history (if they were NOT capped at their usual 350/425 builds) have beaten any SHL team in history a 7 game series? Why or why not? What historical teams do you think are good candidates for this trial? Who do you think is the best team in SMJHL history and the worst team in SHL history? Would the J team have a chance? Make your case!

I think this will always be an age old debate both in real life sports and sim league sports and rarely do we ever actually get to see things like this come to fruition. First, I would say, play it out and see what happens then you have the answer there! Obviously it would take some work but it is doable to match some great J teams with poor SHL teams.

Now, this question is indeed interesting because it assumes that the J teams would not be capped at the usual 350/425 builds so now you introduce a little more madness and also some gray area into it as well. How would the players have spent that banked TPE? Would the players be effective with their builds? How many actives were on the team and such at the time? It is tough to say but generally I think you take into account a certain number of factors for your answer here.

1. Players in the J spend a varying amount of time with their teams. Typically depending on their drafted SHL team, they could be called up anywhere between 500 to 800 TPE on average I would likely say.

2. Not all J teams are full of actives and a lot of the lower lines are either IAs, recent draftees, or players still below 500 tpe or so.

3. Players in the SHL were already called up meaning each one would likely be at that 500 to 800 tpe on average while being on the team, even the 3rd liners.

With all those factors being taken for consideration, I do not believe that any J team would have enough talent and depth to beat any SHL team in a 7 game series. Could they win a game or two? Yes. Could they win 4? I don't believe so. Even a team like the defeated Tampa Bay Barracuda still had all star players and a hall of fame goalie and enough depth on the 3rd line to be better than an SMJHL team. The last factor of course is sim luck however and in general, I would say that that would be the biggest determination of it happening but in general, I would be willing to bet that 95+% of the time, even the worst SHL team could beat the best SMJHL team based on overall depth alone and factoring about 5% chance on sim luck.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones +3

22. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Animal Rescue (150 words min.)
Your player has been asked to use some of their immense pro-athlete wealth to open up an animal rescue! Lucky for you, the type of animal was not specified, so it’s your call! What kind of animal does your player want to protect and why? Is it something you find cute? Something that actually needs help? Or do you just want a herd of llamas on hand to threaten your enemies with? As a graphic task, show me your player hard at work tending to whatever animals you’ve chosen.

I love this question because I am definitely an animal person and donate or have donated to multiple humane societies and such in my life and have volunteered as well so Enes Gundogan has to be one in the same. For the animal I am choosing, I am going with a Bengal Tiger as they are one of the species of animals that has been well known as critically endangered but also one of most beautiful and amazing animals on planet earth, and yes also dangerous and ferocious. They have been endangered from loss of habitat as well as poaching for their fur and such and though efforts have been solid to stop these inhumane practices, I am sure there are still illegal poachers around in today's world. Now, we are not going Tiger King here where it was not the best of situations for Tigers or Big Cat Rescue who may not have the best practices either and may have fed a tiger a human, maybe. Enes will start a large Tiger sanctuary in the twin cities and equip it with some of the best resources and animal care experts that we could find and make a truly one of a kind experience for the Tigers. It would be semi-open to the public where people can see Tigers in a natural habitat by appointment only but in general the facilities will be devoid of most human exposure. The goal is to have a proper care and breeding program to sustain the Tiger population for years to come.

[Image: bgwUtVZ.png]

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