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S67 PT #3: It Wasn't Me Due: October 9th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

I am torn on video reviews in hockey. On one hand the "bang bang" plays are part of the game, however at the same time reviews to make the right call and not take away the plays that a team made have a place as well. I also think that the long drawn out ones are a detriment to the shifts in pace of play and hurts the team who is currently pushing. It is not that missed calls are okay and acceptable to be missed. I believe that automated goal calls and offsides would be a good idea to offset the change in pace that results from the reviews. I think that maybe a camera system that is placed where it views down the blue line and maybe alters the refs into an earpiece. It would not need to be complex, just a system that says offsides into the refs earpiece. That would help to encourage the fast pace of hockey to continue.

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     Sig Credit: Ragnar
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Sig Credit: Moosey

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Video reviews don't bother me so much if something is close - refs don't have the same birds eye view as the audience and I imagine it's easy to miss things when there are a lot of bodies out there in front of them. In part because of that though I would also be supportive of an automatic offside assuming it's accurate - sometimes watching a video over and over again to see if a literal toe crossed the line can be a bit tiresome although it can be a difference maker so I get it. Think most of the value for video review really comes for what looks like nasty hits or trips though. Sometimes it's not as bad as it looks (or the other way around) so that video review is a good way to verify what happened. I do kind of wish video review helped to maybe remove some of that ref discretion (we all know calls aren't consistent for similar hits to different players). Sometimes they reverse a call but not always and it drives me nuts when they take a long time to come to the same conclusion.

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

I think in hockey, and honestly in sports in general, there are too many video reviews. Hockey isn’t as bad as something like football or baseball where they take 10 minutes just to make the wrong call, but I think the big things hockey needs video reviews for is goals. If there was a way to automatically call offsides I think that would be ideal but at the end of the day blown calls happen. Part of what makes sports exciting is the human error involved, because otherwise there would be no reason to have human refs. My argument for goals being the one thing to be reviewed is that goals are the end all be all in hockey, so you need to make sure every goal is accurately counted. But when it comes to stuff like normal penalties, icing, things like that, I don’t think they need meticulous video reviews because it will just slow the game down.

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

As a defender who more often than not is directly in the face of his opposition, Seamus is used to other, smaller players taking dives in order to get him off the ice. In S66 just being on the ice was enough of a deterrent for the other teams that their chances to score improved astronomically when Seamus was sitting in the box. As this was happening frequently, Seamus had to make an adjustment to his play that created a larger focus on being the "better" guy out there. That means clean plays are where its at. Of course, in hockey not everything is fair and Seamus still gets called on quite a lot. In these cases, Seamus absolutely unloads on the ref. There is no better advocate than yourself, but you have to toe the line between respect and being a target. In a way, Seamus is learning a whole new game where not only does he have to watch the puck, but he also is constantly trying to keep an eye on his positioning with the refs. If a ref is not immediately visible, Seamus can be pretty sure that someone on the other team is going to try something shifty. This is all in hopes that after Seamus ascends to the majors that he gets a rep for fairly fighting calls against him and picking his battles so refs dont see him as a constant whiner.

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Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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I think reviews are somewhat fine determining game defining calls that were downright awful calls by Refereee. I don’t mind it being in the game, just not over excessive where everything gets reviewed I think penalties are one of those things you win some and you lose I don’t particularly feel like those should be reviewed, but goals like hand pass goals, high sticking goals, goalie interference those type of things wouldn’t necessarily use it for offsides that is kind of one I would address as whatever the ref says goes. I do feel like all major penalties should be reviewed to either reinforce the penalty or downscale it to a minor or a double minor if it isn’t as serious as you thought. I just don’t feel like offsides should be used as a crutch when someone scores a goal like a minute and a half later after they have cycled for awhile because at that point you just want an excuse to not be scored on.

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In regards to video review in sports. I am a lifelong fan of the Missouri Tigers. I know full well that missed calls are part of the game. You might think that a fan of the team that lost the infamous 5th down game (seriously read the recap, it was a shit show) would be in favor of expanding replay to make sure that the correct call is made on the ice/field/pitch at any given time. But instead, I'd argue that the missed call adds an element of chaos to the game that can create a sense camaraderie among a fan base. It adds to the lore and history of the franchise/program. "Can you imagine if it wasn't for that missed call, we would have gone on to win it all." I just like the human element of the game. I understand that I'm in the minority.

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Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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I used to be pro video review, but these days I am mostly against. At least offside review should be taken away. It was never a big of a problem, but it often takes goals off the board even when it did not influence the play at all. And it takes time. Blatant missed calls happen occasionally, but it's so rare that we can live with it. We were able to do it before. This is all on the Duchene offside, a total overreaction. Refs get it right enough of the time.

I get reviews for goalie interference and for major penalties. The game is so fast, that it's very hard for the refs to get these right and they may be very big decisions. For those, video reviews/challenges are fine. As long as the penalty for an unsuccessful challenge is harsh enough to avoid it being thrown around without a strong case.

"Did the puck cross the goal line" question should be technically possible to solve by puck tracking / some kind of goal line technology and I don't really understand how that hasn't been done yet. Please do that, asap, thanks.

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Hockey Prompt

To be honest, I think that video review in hockey can be a huge pain in the ass in some cases, but overall, I think that it really is a benefit to the game. What I do particularly hate though, are offside challenges. In my opinion, there should be a harsher penalty for challenging something as simple as offside and getting it wrong. This would potentially get rid of a big delay just to see if a player's skate was 2 centimetres over the line or not, because I find that rather ridiculous. However, overall I think reviews are beneficial to the game, and do make the game fairer. We see all the major sports moving more towards embracing replay and challenges, which I find is a good thing. For example in baseball, there are often quite obvious calls that are missed despite looking fairly close in real time, and this applies to hockey as well. Overall, I think this is a benefit.

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I think video replay serves its purpose in all sports and I think for the most part I do like how hockey uses it. With definitive calls with things like offsides or goals, I think it definitely has a place. Not scoring a goal because a ref was at a bad angle isn't really anyone's fault and it could cost a team just because of a bad circumstance. Being able to challenge things like that I think can make a big difference. I don't think challenges are very useful for things like penalties or other things like that are semi judgement based. In hockey was it a flop or was it actually hooking? Stuff like that I think is where challenges do not belong and the refs should be able to make a call both on what they see and what they feel actually happened. I think long replays stink but are necessary especially if there is a replay official who is looking over something. I'd rather the call be reviewed correctly vs a rush job and no one ending up happy afterwards.

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As technology gets better, calls for better video review are only going to grow louder, and for all the annoyances that come with video review, I do think it improves the game more often than not. At the most basic level, I can't think of any circumstance where I would argue that getting a call wrong improves the game, and the easiest place to implement that right now is for goals and offside calls. I won't go so far as to argue we should automate calling goals and offsides in real time, since I always want to err on the side of letting a play go on than stopping it preemptively, but I do think we should be willing to expand what is allowable for review to cover any non-penalty call, and to overturn major penalties, each requiring a coach's challenge. Having a goal called incorrectly, or missed when the puck did cross the line, is a massive influence on the end result, and there's no excuse to get it wrong for the sake of "old time" hockey. With the move to make all major penalties match penalties (a move I support for player safety), the opportunity to review and ensure the call was correct is essential to prevent a referee's call from unjustly removing a player from the game. We might see games take a few minutes longer, but that's absolutely worth it to ensure the game is called correctly.

[Image: RAmenAmen.gif]
sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
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I definitely want the right call to be made so video review is important in making sure that happens.  There is nothing worse than a ref having a bad night and causing a team to lose a game over that.  It will obviously slow the game down and kills the momentum but if a fan really thinks about it, the pain of knowing the refs blew the game for your team is so much worse than waiting for them to get it right.  Now video replay never seems to be perfect as there are some calls that look pretty obvious but the refs do not overturn a call.  Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about that if it is being made at a central location.  I don't love how the NFL does replays where the refs on the field make the review, that should be done like the NHL in a central location with an independent person making that call.
161 Words

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Player prompt: Lias is the type of person who argues incessantly with referees but for some reason they never seem to care all that much. He's pretty sure that's because they underestimate him - he's just this feisty little guy with a mouth on him, he must be overcompensating for being small, that kind of thing. He also has a way of making it sound like he's joking even when he's arguing, and the referees are usually snickering at whatever dumb thing he said and then skating off shaking their heads. So when he gets called for tripping penalties he didn't do, he just kind of makes jokes about it with the referees - it's not like they're going to call it back or anything, so he just makes his displeasure known in a way that isn't also going to get him into even more trouble and land him in the box even longer, because he HATES sitting in the penalty box, there's nothing worse than watching his team suffer because of something he did, or even worse, something he DIDN'T do.

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

Hockey prompt:

Right now I think the state of video review in hockey is in a decent place. Some things could be improved bust most are alright. I think for things like Goalie interference, the issues that come with that are more down to the interpretation of the rule than of the reviews itself. I would say that nothing needs to be automated, the refs are fine making decisions on goals and offsides and all that, and if we have an issue with the call, the coaches can always challenge it and the refs can take a second look to make sure they got it right. It would be nice if some of the reviews took less time as sometimes they can drag on for quite a while and I feel like if the review takes that long you may as well just let the call stand as it was obviously close enough to not take away from the spirit of the game or whatever but I also appreciate them trying to make sure they get the calls right.

[Image: kahnwald.png]
Sig by @Ragnar

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