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S67 PT #3: It Wasn't Me Due: October 9th @ 11:59 PM (PST)
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 11:38 PM by charlieconway. Edited 1 time in total.)

Quote:Written Task: How do you feel about video review in hockey right now? Do long reviews annoy you? Do you think missed calls are just part of the game, or would you want to strive for maximum accuracy? What kind of calls are OK to miss from time to time and what kind of calls need to be as accurate as possible? In a similar vein would you like to see things like goal calls and offsides automated? Should a camera be used to make those calls automatically rather than relying on the ref's human eye? Tell me where you stand on all this kind of stuff! (150+ words)

I think video review is a good thing. No, long reviews don’t annoy me because I’m never in the arena itself and can always do other shit while it’s happening. The best thing to strive for is to stay true to what’s happening on the ice regardless of human error in refereeing. I think if a call is wrong and there’s a way to correct that then it should be done… within reason. There are limits to how deep down the rabbit hole I’d be willing to go to correct human error, and there also similarly needs to be a priority put on maintaining a good flow to the hockey games.

I have to admit though. I have been frustrated sometimes with some of the offsides calls especially when they happen ages before the goal is scored. That just seems very against the spirit of video review, though I do understand the need for having a standard that encompasses every play and not having an arbitrary time limit on when the offsides occurs wrt the goal scored.

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I honestly cannot stand the video reviews for anything that isn't goal related. By this I mean, was it kicked in/ goalie interference etc. The whole reviewing offside is the one that really just drives me nuts. I think human error is part of the game and part of life. There are some things that factions of an inch should not matter. If you have to sit there and discuss/review an offside for more than 10 seconds. The call on the ice should stand. It just slows the game down too much. I do think the other reviews are legitimate. You obviously should review if it was a kicking motion etc. Though, the goaltender interference reviews are getting out of hand. There needs to be a clear what is and what isn't. Too many times I've seen goals called back that make absolutely no sense. Especially being a habs fan, and watching Brendan Gallagher play. The man rightfully deserves some called back. The probelm is it seems he has a reputation now, and even the slightest touch will get overturned.

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Video review calls can definitely be a very hot topic. I am fine with reviewing a call, I am not fine for when it takes more than a minute to determine the call. If the call takes that long, then there is no way that a human eye can catch something like that and should play on. I guess the question was, do long calls annoy me, simple answer is yes and for the reason I stated. I think that automating things like offsides could help the game but it’s there is going to be a lot of growing pains about it. I think the approach for it should be how Major League Baseball is experimenting with new rules, and to try on the lower leagues below to see if it works or doesn't. I think that all goals that get called off should then become a penalty shot and if the player scores, it was meant to be and vice versa for if they miss or goalie stops them.

(170 words)

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(This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 11:52 PM by diacope. Edited 1 time in total.)


I love video replays and would like to see more of them to be honest. We are in and era now that every call can and will be reviewed because of great technology, it's like telling a caveman to keep using sticks. I think every call can be looked at if the teams deem it unfair, obviously we'll have missed calls and salty coaches so minimize the amount of challenges and i think this could really work itself into the game, hockey is always changing and this is the next step. Like I said above to the final few questions, yeah I believe we don't even need refs and everything automated would only make for an even easier transition for my other idea. At the end of the day if the whole world agrees or disagrees to something while watching I think we should get an opinion because it could change even more for the good!

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First SMJHL Goal: Colorado Raptors, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Mikelis Ozoliņš 4, Loki Odinsson 3) at 3:12, 2nd Period (GWG) / SMJHL S47 Game 47 Day 12: Colorado Raptors vs Detroit Falcons
First SHL Goal: Texas Renegades, Emeka Valentine-Okoli 1 (Josef Kubinec 5, Ricky Spanish 4) at 16:23, 2nd Period / SHL S51 Game 71 Day 16: Edmonton Blizzard vs Texas Renegades

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Man I would almost be inclined to just say that it should be a black and white matter when it comes to video replay. On one hand, to say that we don't have it all still doesn't take away the fact that as a fan, you would still have the ability to watch these plays from live footage, and of course the broadcasts are going to go over these miniscule situations as it's part of the drama and intrigue. However when it becomes an ongoing element then it only forces the conversation away from the sport itself to other intangible and completely subjective elements that are not involved in the play itself. One could say that is what referee is as it is still human calls and entirely subjected to bias on its own. I would counter in that referee and that part of the human element is part of the game. The last point I'd say is if we don't do anything with video replay, that would be the worst case scenario as there should only be a need to improve it where possible.

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I think it's great to have the ability to review some plays be a part of the NHL. Hockey is a very fast moving game, and year after year we are giving the referees more responsibility for subjective calls. This is coming with increased scrutiny from the fans who have 4k views from an incredible number of angles to dissect it. I think generally this is something that more often than not will help get the call right (at least more than before)

I do get a little frustrated with the review time duration. I think we've all seen some where it's taking forever to decide. I'd like to see a bit of a time cap added to them, if it's inconclusive by the end, call on the ice stands.

It's kinda my thought that if these things need to be reviewed and seen that many times that they probably didn't make as big a difference as we may think watching in slow motion

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I'm not good at dialogue so I hope you don't ding me for not writing any between me and a Ref. Obviously you catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar so being a 'hard ass' to a Ref is not going to do you any favors nor your team any favors for that matter. At the moment my player is an Assistant Captain so its important to keep calm and try to talk to Ref rather than just come out guns-a-blazing over the issue. Ref's are people, they make mistakes like the rest of us. If talking doesn't work, what else can you do? You just have to suck it up and deal with it. Life isn't fair sometimes, that's just the way it goes some days. So I guess I'd just have to resign to serving a bogus penalty and lodge a formal complaint at the end of the period.

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Quote:Written Task: How do you feel about video review in hockey right now? Do long reviews annoy you? Do you think missed calls are just part of the game, or would you want to strive for maximum accuracy? What kind of calls are OK to miss from time to time and what kind of calls need to be as accurate as possible? In a similar vein would you like to see things like goal calls and offsides automated? Should a camera be used to make those calls automatically rather than relying on the ref's human eye? Tell me where you stand on all this kind of stuff! (150+ words)

Video reviews in hockey I think are at a good point, however, I do wish there was more consistency in the review process. Goalie interference penalties are almost never called in the fashion they are supposed to, nor are they called with any sort of consistency. In a perfect world, though, video reviews are used to ensure that the proper calls are being made. No team wants to lose on a mistake, and as much as they may be okay winning on a mistake, I'm sure when it really comes down to it they would rather the proper calls be made regardless of the outcome. I think offsides calls are okay to miss every now and again as long as the offside isn't too egregious. I mean, someone is offside by 0.01 seconds? Who cares, we all know that millisecond didn't contribute to the goal being scored. Goal calls, however, I think should be 100% no matter what. Puck crosses by the slimmest margin? It crossed, period. End of story.

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Aleksi Kettu
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Matsmith learned from his uncle and father's that if he did something he should just accept it. It's one of the biggest things he has had to work on since he is a fiery grinder at heart. He will fight many people and many things but when it comes to the refs he won't fight. He will argue his points but at the end of the day he goes to the box when told. Sometimes he feels like he is justified in his reasoning but he knows there is little to be done when a penalty is called on him or anyone. Arguing is not going to help the situation. There is no reason to get frustrated or to get up in arms in a call, but I guess it helps sometimes to argue if you feel you are right. Make up calls exist for this reason, tho it still rarely happens. So Matsmith rarely will argue a call if he knows he has no chance to turn it in his favor.

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If I am ever in a situation where I am on a clean and I mean CLEAN breakaway where the ref whistles me down for tripping even thought I absolutely did not touch that guy first thing I am doing is going up to the ref and challenging it. ANd if I still get sent to the box or if it escalates and even if it does not escalate, I am going full Dennis Wideman on that mfer and absolutely dummying him. I will proceed to get suspended for a season or whatever, and immediately after the game during the press conf, as I am in the absolute last legs of my career. Max 3 more seasons, I will just retire, absolutely power play that mfer, and then I will be like that one dude that hated Babcock forever before everyone else, and just follow this ref around and roast him for this trash call.

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Thanks to JSS for the signature

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When Igor victory of the Philadelphia forge, of the simulation hockey league first joined the big leagues, he argued all the time with the refs. He was in the wrong maybe 50 percent of the time, but that doesn't matter too much. As when he was right he was right and that's what was important to him. So he fought and fought thinking he was right everytime, even if he wasn't right he was so convincing that he convinced himself sometimes. So after all these years he started to cool a bit, unless he saw new refs that were too timid to challenge his veteran status. Of course there were the new refs who wielded their power and immediately put Igor in the box for a few minutes, all in the name of feeling shame. That's always the feeling they wanted to put across but Igor didn't always feel that. Sometimes it was a needed break to cool down and not do anything anymore stupid.

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Hockey prompt-

I think that video reply technology in sports is a good thing as long as it is implemented properly. Sports such as cricket, rugby and tennis have all used it in various forms to good effect and as a whole it has improved all of those games. However there are examples such as VAR in football which in some leagues has been used well and in other leagues such as the premier League has been absolutely inconsistent and as a result abysmal. It really comes down to either having it entirely automated or having refs who are competent enough to use it. Calls need to be quick and concise as well as no one likes it when things take forever and it slows the flow of the game down. As for the major changes I would like to see, it's not so much about automating line calls so much as referees continuing to ref games in the playoffs as they would in the regular season.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
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