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S68 PT #3: Celebrate Good Times Due: December 11th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Please pick ONE prompt to write about. Do not mix and match prompts. Identify the prompt you are using in your submission - Copying and pasting the prompt will deduct from your word count so if you do this make sure YOUR submission is 150+ words excluding the prompt.

CREATIVE PROMPT - The in-arena event staff is looking to make your team's wins a little more hype. They want you to sit down with the team and come up with a cool tradition you can do as a group after a home win. Once the other team has left the ice, go nuts. 

Written Task: What wacky, fun, exciting new post-game celebration do you come up with? Are there fireworks? Mascots? Props? What's everyone's role? Do you change it up a little bit every night, or do you want it to be consistent so that the fans know what they have to look forward to? (150+ words)

Graphic Task: Show me your huge team celebration after the game! 

HOCKEY PROMPT- I enjoyed reading your thoughts on a broader hockey topic last week, so I'll ask another hockey question!

Written Task:  What do you think about celebrations in hockey? There aren't many of note, because it seems that most players like to keep it tame. Not only that, but when there is a celebration of note, it makes the media rounds and everyone has to weigh in. So where do you land on it? Should players be respectful and keep things low key, or would you prefer to see them go crazy sometimes? (150+ words)

Graphic Task: Show me how your SHL player celebrates a goal!

You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

All responses are due on Sunday, December 11th at 11:59 PST. NOTE: IF YOU SUBMIT/EDIT AFTER THE DEADLINE YOU WILL RECEIVE REDUCED/NO TPE.

Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL or WSLB or SSL are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.
If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded. The graders reserve the right to determine malicious intent, after discussion with me. You will not be warned.

This task is for SHL players and send downs only, it is not for SMJHL rookies.

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Answering for the creative prompt

The Seattle Argonauts will likely play into their team branding a bit, alongside their team's goal horn, which features a voice clip from the movie 300. When the road team has fully dipped after an Argonauts home win, the Argonauts will basically start up a "spartan war chant" to get the crowd hyped up post game, and once it goes on for a few time, the team's horn will blast, and the players will salute the fans, and then walk off.

The player of the game will receive a special spartan helmet to designate themselves on the ice, and will also be in charge of "leading"' the cheer.

The in-arena video staff will also help to contribute to the "wow" value of this post-game celebration with some epic on ice projections, featuring waves, thunder, maybe some 4K element to it as well. Either way, it will be a glorious way to celebrate a home win for the team.

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[Image: beegbeegyoshi.gif]

Written Task: What wacky, fun, exciting new post-game celebration do you come up with? Are there fireworks? Mascots? Props? What's everyone's role? Do you change it up a little bit every night, or do you want it to be consistent so that the fans know what they have to look forward to? (150+ words)

The Chicago  syndicate will be looking to re-vamp their celebrations after a victory at home. Similar to how in the NHL where the Carolina Hurricanes have made it an amazing atmosphere where they do cool and funny group celebrations after a victory, Chicago will now be doing the same!

Firstly, Ben Jammin will be giving a huge hug to Dave Henrich after the game and then give a big hug to goalie Mat Smith and Kev Kevens as these two have formed a great friendship from when Ben Jammin joined on in QCC game nights. Each victory there will be a different on-ice celebration. Some of the ideas Ben Jammin has would be to lead a "viking" chant that he saw other teams doing and would like the Chicago fans to join in doing one of those after a win. Another idea would be to play "bowling" where a player would play fake bowling with the players on the ice. Playing duck duck goose at center ice after a game would be amazing to see as well.

These are some fun ideas that I would come up with for us to potentially implement for a post-game celebration on home ice for Chicago.

(202 words)

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Hockey Prompt:

I've thought for a very long time that hockey has been way too bogged down by traditions that haven't been allowed to change and evolve with the times. The NHL as a whole exudes and promotes an extraordinarily out of proportion self-seriousness that I'm not convinced is necessary for hockey to be hockey. Let the players show emotion and actually enjoy themselves when good things happen. There's obviously going to be times where things should be more on the chill side. For example, if there's been a 10-2 blowout and the winning team scores a final empty-netter, the respectful move is to get your fist bumps and move on rather than celebrating and screaming like you just won the cup. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of players already have a good sense of the right time and place for letting loose, so just let them continue to navigate that line and remind everyone that hockey players do indeed have personalities. Their joy is the fans' joy, and the media needs to shut the hell up when a player stretches out of the boring cookie cutter with a goofy little celly.

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I usually find the bigger goal cellys pretty cringe. Usually the more subtle ones are the better ones anyways, but on the flip side, you have this weird thing in the states at least where if you don't celly enough that's also considered BM. I remember there being a story about a Finnish prospect in the USHL who simply didn't celebrate his goals. He just skated to the bench like nothing happened after he scored, cause he was just not about that life. But it pissed the opposing teams off so much (thinking he was saying scoring on them was so easy, there was no need to celly) that his teammates eventually had to take him aside and tell him that he has to start celebrating goals or the opposing team will start fighting him. So I guess my point is that like in most things, there needs to be balance. Don't celly too hard (cringe) don't celly too little (disrespectful). Meanwhile IRL I just never really celebrated my goals, just not really my style to hog the attention like that. And I was a SDF so me scoring was simply rare enough that I was in too much awe to know what to do anyways.

Written Task: What wacky, fun, exciting new post-game celebration do you come up with? Are there fireworks? Mascots? Props? What's everyone's role? Do you change it up a little bit every night, or do you want it to be consistent so that the fans know what they have to look forward to? (150+ words)

Well so far in Kelowna wins haven't been easy, so what we've been doing lately is after every victory we have a champagne-spraying extravaganza in the locker room, it's pretty fun at the moment but we're not the happiest of campers after we celebrate due to the fact that we should statically be one of the best teams in the league, so after we celebrate we all sit down at our lockers. We discuss what we could have done better and how we are going to execute the plan to do so, just one giant brainstorm on what needs to be done as a team, it's almost better than the champagne spraying, we really get to see what everyone's thinking and what their expectations are from one another. Celebrating is fun when it doesn't happen very often so instead, we take the time to compliment one another and then critique one another, there are rarely ever any hurt feelings because we know we're just trying to help each other out, if we can celebrate together we can tell each other what we're good and bad at.

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Quote:Written Task: What do you think about celebrations in hockey? There aren't many of note, because it seems that most players like to keep it tame. Not only that, but when there is a celebration of note, it makes the media rounds and everyone has to weigh in. So where do you land on it? Should players be respectful and keep things low key, or would you prefer to see them go crazy sometimes? (150+ words)

I personally don't mind the celebrations but I do understand the point of view about keeping it more low-key. Just like everything in life, there are consequences to actions and as enjoyable as they are as a fan of the scorer, the opposing players likely have a different take. Whether it is right or wrong, it happens and you might get run or expected to "answer for it".

One example I always think of when this subject comes up is Teemu Selanne when he scored that record breaking goal in his rookie season he threw his glove in the air and mimic'd shooting it with his hockey stick. I absolutely loved it as a kid. Then when I got older, I heard Selanne talk about regretting that celebration in retrospect and it kind of made me re-think how it shows a lack of respect to your opponent. Which I guess is some of the reason people do it. Smile

Have fun and enjoy yourself but try not being an asshole.

[ 173 words ]

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When it comes to the celebration of a win at home for the Baltimore Platoon, they usually start by firing off the cannons that are stationed above the crowd. Don't worry, they are all filled with blanks. Then the team minus the goalie if Sir Devoir is playing gathers at the center of the ice and prepare to do a salute with thier hockey sticks towards the team flag that is raised above the ice. If the goalie is not Sir Devoir in this game, they will be in the group saluting the flag as well. However, if the goalie is Sir Devoir that night, he will use his psychic abilities to do a part of the celebration only he can do.

 He will use his abilities to load one cannon that is pointed at the top of the arena with psychic energy. They then fire that cannon last as Devoir skates over to salute the flag, with the energy forming a W at the top of the arena before disappearing.

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[Image: Darby-Reznor-MET-sig.jpg]

the anchorage armada may be slipping in the standings a bit but we're not worried because the next time we win we're gonna have a big ole celly boys like no one's prepared for how big this celly is gonna be it's gonna be massive boys huge celly go boats baby. so basically what we're gonna do is whenever we win we start with whatever goalie is playing (either von hecht or walsh) skating out to center ice where they just flop. then one by one by one we all flop on each other until it forms a big ole pile of dudes in the middle of the rink. then we get up right? yeah we get up one by one from the pile and then we skate around the rink making boat noises because we're boat team and you just got boated. unironically a goated celebration, some would even say with the sauce

creative prompt, 160 words

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Hockey Prompt - 207 Words


Hockey cellys are just a part of the game as much as scoring goals and banging bodies. Obviously some guys keep it pretty subtle but some of the most iconic shots in the history of the sport come down to cellys. Obviously Bobby Orr's "flying goal" is one of the most iconic photos in sports period, but Artem Anisimov's sniper celly that caused a scrum is an infamous moment in the sport. The Jagr Salute, Selanne's duck hunting celebration, Tiger Williams riding the stick--celebrations are a huge part of the game and while I don't think everyone is going to be defined by their celebration, they're undeniably iconic. Now, that said, I think the idea of someone having a "signature celebration" is kind of lame. The whole point of a celly is the excitement and adrenaline in the moment, and to have some sort of a practiced celebration just feels a little extra? Especially given the most iconic cellys, save the Jagr Salute, really only ever happened *once.* Would Anisimov's sniper be as iconic if he did it constantly? Would Selanne's duck hunt be one of the most iconic celebrations in the sport if he did it every time he scored a goal? Obviously not.

Keep celebrating.

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sigs by me bitch


Prompt 2:

Honestly speaking when it comes to celebrations that players do on the ice following the game I have never really cared one way or the other. That possibly has to do with the fact I have not really been following the regular season for the past couple of years, due to apathy. However that really isn’t likely the case.

Mainly I just don’t really care if a team chooses to celebrate on the ice after a win and do a little routine, or if they just skate off to their dressing room. So really if the players have fun with it, and want to do it then by all means go ahead, and vice versa.

I just don’t really understand why people or the media care so much, and if the players are having fun, and the fans enjoy it then let them go crazy be creative! But against or me I personally don’t care whether they do or don’t I wouldnt watch it that long anyway.

(167 words)

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Shout out Ragnarr for these two amazing sigs
(This post was last modified: 12-05-2022, 10:46 AM by NYR73. Edited 1 time in total.)

Hockey Prompt:
Goal celebrations are one of my favorite parts of hockey, it's fun to see players get really excited about their goals. There's so many ways to be creative with your goal celebration, and it's a shame not too many players are creative with their celebrations. I know for a fact if I was in the NHL I would have a celly for every goal. I grew up watching Patrick Kane, who has had some iconic goal celebrations, and when I played hockey in the driveway as a kid I would copy his celebrations. It's also a great way to make the league more interesting and appeal to casual fans. The media seriously needs to chill about the goal celebrations and win celebrations. I'm a big fan of the Ranger's tradition of raising their sticks to their fans after a win at home. The storm surge for Carolina is pretty cool too, and I think it would be nice to have more of that in the league.

[Image: NYR73.gif]
sigs from @sulovilen @_Blitz_ @Ragnar and @enigmatic

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Creative Prompt

The Maine Timber are taking a page from this make belief hockey world called the NHL where there is a team that does a unique team celebration after every home win. The team called it the Storm Surge. So in typical tree fashion they started called it the forest party. To celebrate each win the Song Timber would be played at full blast where the team would all group up on the ice and do some sort of fun celebration like human bowling flipping a puck into the air to act a bomb going off hitting the ice where everyone falls down. No matter what the celebration it would be something new and unique each time. And in order to get some fan involvement they opened up a suggestion box that they would be able to pull from in order to keep it fresh with new perspectives. They would also announce who the idea came from as a sort of fan appreciation.


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[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

Creative Prompt

No fireworks, but definitely mascots. We used to have Twinkle our weird mixture of a blue Gritty and a Teletubby wearing a golden, sparkly star costume. Sadly, the person who played the mascot for a while eventually quit after he was being used as a punching bag every time the team lost, but we still have the costume or in fact we have three versions of it. We didn’t want them to collect dust so we came up with something else. After every game the three stars of the game from our team get to put on the Twinkle costumes (or are forced to, if they don't want to do it) and have to skate around the arena throwing random merch into the audience. Sometimes it's North Stars t-shirts, sometimes fluffy mini-versions of Twinkle, whatever the team shop needs to get rid of. It's always a lot of fun for the rest of the team, not so much for the three players (even worse for the goalies having to put on that costume).

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
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