The first thing about celebrations is they should be varying and not the same all of the time. If your team just has the same celebration game after game, season after season, then it gets dull and boring. So the Winnipeg Aurora have been mixing things up. One of the most popular one's is the 'Northern Lights' spectacular light show after some home games. You'd think with the ability to go outside and see the real thing that fans wouldn't get all excited about an indoor show, but they do. And its a good thing because the setup was quite pricey! Other celebrations are Mascot MMA where the team mascots have a mock wrestling match in the middle of the ice. Its good natured fun and hopefully no one gets hurt. Another one that's popular is hot cocoa with the team. Miguel might be known to slip a little something extra into his from time to time but don't tell anyone.
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As someone who loves defense and appreciates keeping the puck out of net, I have never been a fan of the over the top celebrations on every goal. Simple celebrations with the team after scoring goals in my books makes sense. Now important goals during playoff games or other big time games definitely deserve a bench clearing team dog pile. Watching overly elaborate celebrations during routine games and goals takes away from the game in my opinion. It shows a lack of class and respect for your opponent.
When it comes post game celebrations, I say go wild! Its not something I would personally enjoy taking part in or watching, however if the players and fans want to circle around center ice and start a chanting circle enjoy! Bringing more fans and people who love the game of hockey should always be at the forefront. I don't understand the hate of others.
Adding yet another opinion to the stack, celebrations after wins or goals is inherently not a bad thing. Whether it is an individual ramping up after a key goal or a team celebration after an earned victory, celebration of human achievements in the midst of competition is what sport is about, and there should be nothing to stomp on that. Like all things, there is a limit and application for such celebrations though, and things that are done to the excess or directed harmfully at others should obviously be condemned or criticized. After all, hockey is a team sport first, and unlike other sports cannot be carried by a single player. As well, the people out the ice every night are just that, people (albeit well-payed ones). It can be expected that they will have human emotions, and should avoid being taunted to an unnecessary degree, which gets in the way of the game. For these reasons, moderation is needed in terms of celebration. Things that try to show one player as more valuable than the team effort, or taunts that only negatively attack others, should be discouraged. Otherwise, things that display a bit of personality in light of an individual or team success shouldn't be quashed by critics and the old-school mentality.
I think that celebrations in hockey should be as accepted as any other sport. Hockey always has this stigma of being a hard hitting rough and tumble sport, but in reality, it's still a sport at the end of the day and to expect players to simply score a goal or win a major game or win a championship and have no reaction is outlandish. I do believe that there is a line that shouldn't be crossed when celebrating, like in MLB or NFL or any other sport, but celebrating is part of it at the end of the day. The NFL recently loosened the rules around celebrations in an attempt to make the league more fun and less restricting, and given that the NFL oftentimes stands for the No Fun League, I think it's totally reasonable to still have players skating around in jubilation, being mobbed by their teammates, etc., as long as it doesn't take longer than could reasonably be expected for the puck to be reset on the ice. Otherwise, let the guys be happy!
The grin grew massive on M’Baku’s face as Johan Burk, Director of Marketing for the Baltimore Platoon, asked him if he had any ideas for hyping up home wins.
“I thought you would never ask, tiny man. Listen well!” he proclaimed. “This is the chant of my mother’s family going back generations. I believe the fans will grow to love it. It is known as the Call of the Jabari.”
M’Baku then proceeded to start grunting and barking in a way reminiscent of a gorilla (for Wakanda’s Jabari Tribe worships the gorilla god, Hanuman). Mr. Burk immediately saw the potential. Imagine hearing 15,000 fans doing this call before, during, and after a game. It would be the ultimate in arena experience and intimidating as hell to opposing teams. It would get picked up on arena mics for fans at home to experience, too, and hopefully incentivize fans to get tickets to see the Platoon live.
The best part? This would cost almost nothing for the team to implement it; maybe some signage in arena, a view videos or other graphics. It would take time to build up player, team, and fan buy in, but if it pops off, Burk could see this breaking really good for his staff. He thanks M’Baku and went on his way. There were plans to make reality.
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs!
In an effort to create hype after wins and engage with fans, the Chicago Syndicate are unveiling a new tradition: After every home win, fans are invited to return to the arena after all the ice and boards have been taken down for a massive costume party. The reason for the costumes are so players aren't getting bombarded, and it also makes for a fun challenge for the fans to try to figure out who their favourite players are dressed up as. Every once in awhile the costumes are themed too, a few examples have been pirates, superheroes, animals, and after one rather spicy win against the Texas Renegades, cowboys. People of all ages are welcome, but there are also adult only sections with alcohol (overpriced of course, it is at a hockey arena after all) as well as kids only sections with more family friendly activities. At every event there's also a contest running, the first fan to find a member of the team wins free tickets to the next home game.
After a win in Texas, the Renegades are looking to feed off the hype and keep the excitement going as these days wins are sometimes hard to come by during the rebuild. To keep things exciting and to get fans really excited for the win, The Renegades stay out on the ice and set up for a "shoot out". Not your after OT shoot out, we shooting picks at each other like an old fashioned Western shoot out. If you're hit with the puck, you're out. The last player standing gets bragging rights and cheers from the crowd.
The team will get the mascot involved as well. If the mascot wins the shoot out then the fans earn a prize which changes depending on the sponsor of the game that evening. Free food, discount in gas and sometimes some sweet team swag! But that mascot has to win!
Just for extra fun, the winner of the shoot out gets the 40 gallon hat in the locker room and teammates will get them drinks after the game. It's keeping the team glued together as well besides the fans!
Celebrations are well deserved in the right situation. If they are too long though they can get a bit much. like the bowling pin knock down set up is bad. But an excellent goal or win its cool to see the excitement and emotion of people. Im happy it's not like football that way . Those cellys get ridiculous. Can't deny I haven't seen good ones though.
Everyone hates the showboat guy from the other team but he's awesome if he's on yours it seems. If the celebration is in poor sportsmanship that sucks as well. Being mean spirited just makes you a bad person. I really enjoy the simplicity of life so the classic sliding across on one knee is usually good enough for me. Are you going to be the classy guy or the trashy guy. All in all celebrate and have a good time cuz life is short.
[b]Written Task:[/b] What do you think about celebrations in hockey? There aren't many of note, because it seems that most players like to keep it tame. Not only that, but when there is a celebration of note, it makes the media rounds and everyone has to weigh in. So where do you land on it? Should players be respectful and keep things low key, or would you prefer to see them go crazy sometimes?
I really like some celebrations, like the Matthews hand to the ear, Patty Kane doing it right back to him after tying that crazy game in Chicago. The McDavid celly is amazing too, and I really like that some of these guys have unique, calling card-esque celebrations. That said, a lot of goal, save or even win celly's are honest to god really bland. We've got nothing on Justin Jefferson's griddy, the Cowboys Whack-A-Mole in the charity bucket or Ronaldo's knee slide.
I know, I know, hockey players are as interesting as wet paper is not a new take, but I really think these guys can find some space for uniqueness in their celebrations. Look how popular the Golden Knights spectacle is, how crazy Canes fans went for the Storm Surge and how popular the Goalie Hugs are for the Bruins. There are some chances for some of these guys to make names for themselves in this niche area, and I really hope we start to see more big cellys. As for the media rounds, honestly, hockey media SUCKS. It's lazy, it's filled with old players who really don't deserve to be there, and it just breeds a lot of generic responses from players and coaches because it is never intuitive or fun. They hardly ask hard hitting questions either. I want them to get these guys to open up, not ask about getting the fucking puck deep for the 75th time each game. Fans honestly deserve so much from the NHL, but it is set on being the most boring sports league known to mankind. Even college football and basketball are more popular. It's embarrassing.
Honestly, I really find the celebrations so tame, it's bored me.
I really like when players express themself after a goal. It's not like it's easy to score so they should be able to celebrate the way they want. Media should be proud of them and encourage them to be creative a come up with new ways to celebrate. They should not restrain them and critize if they do something that is new.
I really loved when Zegras make amazing plays and bring a fresh air in the NHL. We know that it's a league with a lot of «old mentalities» and we need to change that if we want to keep (young) people to the rink. It's not healty for the league to stay inactive. People come to a hockey game to see a spectacle and the NHL need to try his best to deliver that. The NHL is not in the top 5 of the major sports in some city so everything should be considered to help the league.
I think celebrations are totally fine and shouldn't be so emasculated by the media and the wider fanbases. I think people forget that hockey is first and foremost an entertainment show. Sports are meant to be fun and entertaining, so why would we limit something that increases entertainment value? For example, I am a hometown Carolina fan - when they started doing the storm surge, it was a fun thing to wait around after the game and see what they would do. I was fun to play along with the skol clap and it felt like the players were connected to us, the fans. A lot of people outside the area hate it because it takes away from traditional hockey somehow...I just think they are sour grapes because they lost. I think anything to increase the entertainment factor of the game is a good thing. I may also draw new people into the sport that would otherwise not care, which is a win for hockey.
Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs
Every win the manhattan rage throw a celebration in their stadium. This all starts with sending their rookie Pass Forfeit to New Jersey to buy 30lbs of fireworks from a fireworks dealer since it is illegal to purchase fireworks in New York State (or at least they say that so he has a reason to go). Then when it comes time to set them off, they make sure that there are security guards blocking each exit from the arena since they really really want people to watch. Then their mascot, who has no face and no name goes up to set them off in the enclosed arena. Does this break laws? Yes. Many. Do they still do it? Of course! Because it is fun to see the joy and fear on their fans faces. This has no bounds beyond legality so it is totally cool for them to do. I promise. It is the way.
Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3
For every win that the Atlanta Inferno rack up this season (and they've gotten a lot because they're red hot ha get it like fire which is like Inferno) they've decided to do a wacky fun new celebration. It's a pretty extreme one that gets the fans fired up and it usually involves a different player each game. Whoever scores the game winning goal has their jersey lit on fire and they have to skate a lap around the ice as quickly as possible before they get it put out. So far nobody has gotten any severe burns but many around the league are not very happy with this senseless risk that only some fans seem to be enjoying. This comes after the failed attempt of the first win celebration which was to have the mascot or retired players shoot fireworks at the team as they saluted the fans. Regardless most of the Atlanta faithful are enjoying it but are a bit worried.