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S68 PT #3: Celebrate Good Times Due: December 11th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

hockey prompt:

For me, whether or not a player maintains a sense of tact when celebrating a goal, it ultimately boils down to context and consideration for the other team. Going too crazy over a goal can negatively impact how the audience, your coaches, and peers within the league perceive you. For example, if you're already up 4 goals with ten minutes left and you score another, it's not a good look to go racing up and down the ice cheering at the top of your lungs. However if you're a rookie just comin' into the league and you score your first career goal, it's totally forgivable to get excited about it, it's even expected. If there's any takeaway, it's just about weighing the consequences of how your celebration will be looked at by the people around you. A vast majority of the time, a simple skate up to your bench for some glove taps will be a better look then cheering willy-nilly around the rink.

172 words

artermis,Feb 2 2017, 04:11 PM Wrote:9gag pretty lit tho

An idea for the post game celbration could be a victory laps of sorts around the area, with the players around the ice holding the team flag for the wolfpack. That way, they would give fans the chance to cheer as the flag skates by their area of the arena. To make the celebration more exciting , they could assign a celbration captain, kind of like a PT director who is charge coming up with new and fun and exciting ideas to get the crowd pumped up. in order to get them into the game. New England can also consider incorperating props such as confetti cannons or shooting shirts out of a cannot. Or maybe having the players skate through objects after the win. Overall, they key to a sucesfull post game celebration is to involve fans to make them apart of the celebration. In order to get the wolfpack fans what they want

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(This post was last modified: 12-10-2022, 11:13 PM by Toivo.)

I feel that celebrations are good for the game. We are a new era where we need to build stars, get a new cohort of young fans interested in the game. Celebrations may "tarnish" the game according to some folks but I think it will just lead to more exciting presentations. The game won't lose its charm over some celebrations after goals and games. We will still have respect for each other. But, we will have more fun! It sounds like a no brainer. It's worth trying new things to get people talking and build the excitement of the league/sport. Like the thread title says, let's celebrate the good times. We're here to have fun and live a little. Let the players break out a dance or two if they want to dance after a win. This isn't our grandparents hockey anymore. The game has evolved, society has advanced, and it's time for our athletes to live a little and have fun!

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Hockey prompt:
Celebrations can be some of the most fun and the most infuriating parts of our game. It's the immediate release of emotion, exaltation, relief, joy, intensity, all rolled into one after the most dramatic and important plays in the sport, a goal. it's an electric experience, and it adds to the high drama and atmosphere of the overall game. On the other hand, celebrating is often hand-in-hand with showboating, and some celebrations can irk a team to lose their cool. In any case, most players understand the thin line between celebrating and showboating, and will honestly tell you when a certain celebration is out of line. On the more personal side of the question, Hai Nam Hoang doesn't betray a lot of emotion outwardly on the ice, but it does boil over into a pumped, enthusiastic-if-not-jubilant celebration. When it's appropriate.

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Like the fighting prompt from last week, I do think celebrations have a place in the game overall. One of the things that I like most about hockey is that the celebrations that we DO have are pretty tame. For example, the NFL has completely ridiculous celebration protocol.. they have one after almost every single play on the field. Can you imagine that after every save or general stoppage during the game? It would look insane. Anyway, as long as the celebrations are relatively short and limited to just goal scoring, then it's a great thing in the game and really keeps the fans involved too. I've also seen it happen after a big fight, which could probably go either way. I also think it's important to note that there aren't any "mass celebrations" outside of winning the game or, of course, the cup. Occasionally you'll see one for a major milestone or record being broken, but it's so rare that it remains acceptable.

Words: 150+

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Hockey Prompt:

Personally, I love the celebrations. They are one of my favourite parts of hockey. It's one of the reasons I love to watch events like the world hrs, and younger players in general, as they get so excited after every goal and have so much fun. Yes I think there is a time and place for celebrations too, so when your team is up by 6 and you've just made it a 7 goal gap, there's no reason to be jumping around and going crazy, we can act with some class. But I think a perfect example is someone like ovechkin. He is one of the greatest goal scorers in history, and still yet might be THE greatest in nil history if he keeps it up. Yet, he gets excited after all of his goals and celebrates. There is just something charming about fully grown men getting super excited and happy and jumping all over each other after big goals. As for actual, individual goal celebrations, I don't mind those either as long as you're not doing the yakupov and making your teammates chase you all over the ice.

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Sig by @Ragnar

On ice post-game celebrations are absolutely terrible and need to stop. We get it, you won. But thats your job. You dont see a doctor, fireman or accountant celebrating every minor achievement they make at work with fireworks, lightshows or mascots.

Especially if you're one of the bigger teams, winning is what's expected from you (and if you're on the bottom teams, is one win really that big of a thing to celebrate when you've been shite all season?).

I get that you want to give the homecrowd some entertainment, but if that's the goal of the celebration do they not actually deserve extra entertainment when you fail to win for them?

So after a game, the Monarchs will not do a apecial celebration. You can find them in the VIP bar for a quick post-game drink, before they'll head back home to prepare for their morning practice and next game.

We'll save the fireworks for when we actually win the cup.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

Quote:HOCKEY PROMPT- I enjoyed reading your thoughts on a broader hockey topic last week, so I'll ask another hockey question!

Written Task: What do you think about celebrations in hockey? There aren't many of note, because it seems that most players like to keep it tame. Not only that, but when there is a celebration of note, it makes the media rounds and everyone has to weigh in. So where do you land on it? Should players be respectful and keep things low key, or would you prefer to see them go crazy sometimes? (150+ words)

Speaking as someone from a country that recently got heat over celebrations in soccer, I have got to say the idea of celebrating goals is essential to the fun of any sport. Trying to hold it back is essentially another step in a dangerous escalade of corporatizing the joy of life into a diluted, depressing mess and we really should work hard to make sure such a thing doesn't happen. With that in mind, I can comprehend the annoyance of some whenever things go overboard... although I don't think they even happen that often to make it such a hot topic.

There's a reasonable line between things that are acceptable and things that are not, which people don't tend to cross although exceptions do exist in more heated sports. Anything that instigates violence of any sort should always be deemed out of the line unless context defends it heavily. Anything else should probably be fair game as long as both sides can take it in stride. That's my two cents.

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The topic of celebrations in sports in general is pretty interesting to me. I feel like it's an extension of self-expression -- which the sport itself should be in many cases -- and that to police it is fundamentally problematic. Crossing over from hockey to other sports for a second, there was a lot of hand-wringing and complaining about Brazil dancing to celebrate a goal when four goals up against Korea in the World Cup the other day... but that's just what Brazilians do. They dance to celebrate. It's their thing.

If Jamal scored and celebrated with a dance on the ice, and people had comments, it would be weird. The man is Jamaican. We love to dance.

Sure there's a topic of whether some celebrations can be disrespectful etc etc but honestly unless you go waaaaay over the line, it's just people being soft imo. I would celebrate a goal against "war torn oppressed nation #153" at 20-0 by dancing or whatever. Why wouldn't I? It's not a problem unless I'm ... I dunno... pelvic thrusting at the travelling opposition fans, or wiping fake tears with their flag or something.

That all said, overly choreographed celebrations can come across as pretentious douchebaggery. I don't think it needs to be policed though.

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I think that celebration in hockey is one of the best in all of sports and here are the reasons why. First, the fact that fighting is still allowed in hockey means there is already a factor that keeps the players in check. If you decide to go overboard with your celebration you run the risk of getting the gloves dropped on you. Second, the fact that the players are on ice means there are so many elegant options, such as riding their stick, and performing wonderful celebrations at very high speeds. Third, I love the creativity that teams like the Carolina Hurricanes have come up with to engage the crowd and keep everyone excited and wanting more after every game. I do not think that there is any need to tame down celebrations. Overall I believe that teams do a good job keeping it in check and that there is always gonna be some awesome celebrations in hockey.

159 words

[Image: SouthPaw.gif]
(This post was last modified: 12-11-2022, 09:49 AM by dustywilson22. Edited 2 times in total.)

What wacky, fun, exciting new post-game celebration do you come up with? Are there fireworks? Mascots? Props? What's everyone's role? Do you change it up a little bit every night, or do you want it to be consistent so that the fans know what they have to look forward to?

I would say were going for something crazy on a special night of ours. Like a special promotion. There's a Knights plushie night where If the Kelowna Knights are able to score the first goal of the game The Plushies would shoot out of a cannon that would fly down onto fans with little parachutes attached to them. The knight Mascot would then skate onto the ice and lift his sword into the air as he rallies the fans for tonights game keeping them engaged with all action he would then skate off the ice where knights players would skate him off the ice! On some of those Knights plushies they would have autographs and there would only be a few that would some as each player was asked to sign only one plushie which made It rare to get that night! If you did you would get to do a meet and greet with the team that night.


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Written Task: What wacky, fun, exciting new post-game celebration do you come up with? Are there fireworks? Mascots? Props? What's everyone's role? Do you change it up a little bit every night, or do you want it to be consistent so that the fans know what they have to look forward to? (150+ words)

This season the Winnipeg Aurora has a lot to celebrate so far. With 44 wins in 50 games played, the players and crowd are almost tired of all the post game celebrations they have done. However the party never stops. Every win this season the Aurora have done a different celebration. The first celebration they did this season was a recreation of the famous Simpsons Sketch, lunch at skinners with super nintendo Chalmers. There were props and everything.

For their 20th win of the season the lights were turned all the way down and with glow in the dark sweaters in the colour of an aurora players of the Aurora skated around the ice creating a vista of colours for all to enjoy.

Their latest win was a creation of the famous video clip of Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal. Again with all kinds of props and choreographed dancing, singing and fighting. It was a great time for all those involved.

[160 words]

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
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Creative Prompt
Inspired by the storm surge of the Hurricanes, Evgeni is contacted to design the new celebration which he gladly accepts. After weeks of planning he says the plan is made and everyone goes out to center ice to celebrate the 28-3 win over the New England Wolfpack. First, the lights dim, and center ice is illuminated by a ring of candles with Evgeni standing there in a maroon robe holding a sacrificial dagger and the Necronomicon in his hands. He starts chanting in Latin as hotdog starts passing around the pee goblet and every player except Recently Tired takes a drink. Once everyone but the backup has drank from the goblet, Evgeni rolls his eyes into the back of his head as the Atlanta social media intern brings out the sacrificial egg sandwich and oatmeal stout and places them on the altar at center ice. As he screams in Latin, Evgeni stabs the egg sandwich and oatmeal stout and the great demon Kyle emerges and screams “SAH DUDE” as he shoots fire and natty ice from his hands. Kyle returns to the altar once this is over.

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Hockey Prompt

I've seen my fair share of celebrations on the ice. Some players option for the classic fist pump or stick raise, while others go for more elaborate routines like choreographed dances or elaborate showoffs. Personally, I think that celebrations are an important part of the game and add to the excitement and energy of the sport. That being said, I do think there's a line that can be crossed when it comes to celebrations. Showboating or excessive celebration can be unsportsmanlike and take away from the respect of the game. I believe that players should celebrate their achievements and victories, but should always remember to do so with class and humility. In my opinion, the best celebrations are the ones that are spontaneous and genuine. When a player scores a goal or makes a great play, it's natural to want to celebrate with their teammates. These moments of pure joy and excitement are what make hockey such a thrilling sport to watch. I think celebrations are a valuable part of the game and should be encouraged, as long as they are done with respect and sportsmanship. As a player, I'll always celebrate my successes on the ice, but I'll always remember to do so in a way that honors the game and my fellow players

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                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)

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