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S68 PT #4: Historian Due: December 18th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Please pick ONE prompt to write about. Do not mix and match prompts. Identify the prompt you are using in your submission - Copying and pasting the prompt will deduct from your word count so if you do this make sure YOUR submission is 150+ words excluding the prompt.

PLAYER PROMPT - As one of the SHL's most intelligent players, you've been contacted by a legendary author for your help on an SHL history book! 

Written Task: Write about any team, player, or record that is important to SHL history, and why. It could be something your player did, or maybe not! What parts of SHL history do you think are most interesting and exciting? Is there an old part of the site's history that you feel is important but often forgotten? Why should more people know about it? Take this chance to brag about how historically important your player is, or to get on your soapbox about how cool someone else is! (150+ words)

Graphic Task: Show me your player using their time on the bench between shifts to study up on SHL history! 

HOCKEY PROMPT- This is going to be a very similar prompt, but I wanted to give people that have a lot of real life hockey knowledge a chance to flex too. 

Written Task:  What is the most interesting thing about real world hockey history to you, and why? Is there a particular player, team, or record that you find fascinating? Is there an unknown hockey fact that you feel like more people should know? OR maybe there's a current player that's gunning for a record that you'd like to talk about! I don't know! Go crazy! I just want to learn cool hockey history. (150+ words)

Graphic Task: Photoshop your SHL player into a famous photo from hockey history!

You will receive 3 TPE for fulfilling all requirements.

All responses are due on Sunday, December 18th at 11:59 PST. NOTE: IF YOU SUBMIT/EDIT AFTER THE DEADLINE YOU WILL RECEIVE REDUCED/NO TPE.

Affiliate claims from either PBE or ISFL or WSLB or SSL are accepted; link directly to your post and note if your username is different there.
If you have any questions/concerns, please PM me. Tasks with malicious intent will not be graded. The graders reserve the right to determine malicious intent, after discussion with me. You will not be warned.

This task is for SHL players and send downs only, it is not for SMJHL rookies.

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(This post was last modified: 12-16-2022, 08:13 PM by yosh. Edited 1 time in total.)

Answering for the hockey prompt:

Old time hockey (and by that I mean, WAYYYY OLD. Not 70s or 80s old, but literally around the time the NHL was actually established and pro hockey finally had a solid ground) was so interesting compared to the current hockey we see. For one, goalies basically had little to no protective gear. No mask obviously, that didn’t come around until Jacques Plante normalized it. They had a stick, and I’m not sure how long it took for gloves and pads to become a thing. They also couldn’t fall to their knees to make a save. The game footage of that era was so funny, seeing goalies do a little hop to make the save. Playing devil’s advocate for a moment here, but shots weren’t as electric or powerful as they currently were, so it made sense at the time. If you took a Chara slapshot in the 1910s, that… would not be a good time.

Another rule that was interesting is the fact that passing was only allowed to go backwards. Personally, I hate the drop pass in the modern game, but back then, you could only drop pass. It really emphasized the importance of carrying the puck in yourself.

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(This post was last modified: 12-12-2022, 02:11 AM by MrPrime. Edited 2 times in total.)

PLAYER PROMPT - Graphic Task
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Shl - = - Falcons - = - Currently UFA - = - Canada - = - Shl
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Written Task:  What is the most interesting thing about real world hockey history to you, and why? Is there a particular player, team, or record that you find fascinating? Is there an unknown hockey fact that you feel like more people should know? OR maybe there's a current player that's gunning for a record that you'd like to talk about! I don't know! Go crazy! I just want to learn cool hockey history. (150+ words)

For me I think the most interesting thing about real world hockey would be Alex Ovechkin's quest to surpass Wayne Gretzky's goal record. Currently Ovechkin (as of this post) is at 797 goals. Gretzky's goal total stands at 894. If it wasn't for the covid shortened season in 2020, 2021 and the lockout that happened in 2012-2013. Ovechkin likely would have been able to pass that record this season. with the pace that he is able to score each season. If/when Ovechkin does pass Wayne Gretzky's goal record, he will have the title of the top goal scorer in the history of the NHL, now that is a title that will put you down as one of the greatest hockey players to have ever played the game. 

What makes this so crazy, is that this is currently happening at the very moment and we are all witnessing the quest for history. I wasn't old enough to have remembered when Wayne Gretzky was playing the game, so now that I am able to remember things, it will be surreal to see Ovechkin become the top goal scorer in the history of the NHL.

(193 words)

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Irl promt

I find gretzky hockey career is fascinating. He was rejected because of his size. Today if you put up his numbers before the NHL he would easily have been 1st overall but back then nobody cared about goals all they wanted was grit so he went undrafted. Gretzky basically owns every major record but if super mario didnt get cancer he wou,d be #1 but sadly his career fell apart. I don't tho ovi can catch gretzky because he's old as dust. I don't care what anyone says. Gretzky would own the point record if he never scored a goal in his career and had one of the biggest trade is history when he got traded to the los angeles kings. He was also apart of teams of the best teams of all time with the edmonton oilers and won a cup. But yeah gretzky is the best and will be GoaT

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Written Task:  What is the most interesting thing about real world hockey history to you, and why? Is there a particular player, team, or record that you find fascinating? Is there an unknown hockey fact that you feel like more people should know? OR maybe there's a current player that's gunning for a record that you'd like to talk about! I don't know! Go crazy! I just want to learn cool hockey history. (150+ words)

As I'm sure a lot of you know if you've been keeping up with me for quite some time now, sports are a big part of my everyday life, it's a big integral thing in my whole family, I grew up obsessed with sports and even though my one true love has always been football, hockey was the first sport I ever really got an interest in. I don't know exactly what it was that made me love it so much I think it was just an excitement to it. The first time I ever watched hockey was when I was back living in Hamilton and the Habs were playing in the playoffs against Boston, It was back when the team still had Saku Koivu, Cristobal Huet and Jaroslav Halak, and if I recall correctly it didn't go well for the Habs but I loved it regardless, I don't know if it was the screaming at the TV or the athleticism but I was starstruck and looking back at that time I would have never thought about all the historic players I watched on that team Saku Koivu being probably the most prolific of them all!

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I find one hockey history factoid pretty interesting, it's got to do with Gretzky but it's usually one of the less talked about thing that came from his dominance. It's that we still to this day cancel off-setting penalties to play 5v5 instead of 4v4. Due to just how dominant Gretzky was with more open ice, his enforcers would purposefully bully opponents into taking cancelling penalties, because playing 4v4 with Gretzky on the ice was the same as being on the PP with anyone else on the ice. This clearly isn't how penalties are supposed to work, so the rule was put in place to stop this abuse. We don't have Gretzky in the league anymore, so the purpose of the rule existing has been gone for a long time now. But the rule still remains in place, regardless of this, and probably will remain in hockey forever.

Quote:Written Task: What is the most interesting thing about real world hockey history to you, and why? Is there a particular player, team, or record that you find fascinating? Is there an unknown hockey fact that you feel like more people should know? OR maybe there's a current player that's gunning for a record that you'd like to talk about! I don't know! Go crazy! I just want to learn cool hockey history. (150+ words)

There are a lot of incredibly interesting stories/stats that I could pick from. However the one that I feel like I kind of have to mention is the elephant in the room. The most goals scored in the NHL record that Ovechkin is currently chasing Wayne Gretzky for. This is a record that everyone thought was one of the unbreakable ones and to see it happen in my lifetime is remarkable. Gretzky finished with 894 goals, and as Ovi continues to light the lamp and close in, he is now within double digits of the record and will likely break it within the next 2 seasons. All this while also missing several seasons due to a lockout that cut into his games played and the scoring rate being abysmal compared to the open Gretzky era. As a kid, I never thought that this would happen but now I would be shocked if he didn't break it. A really remarkable achievement.

[ 162 words ]

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Hockey prompt 

 While I am not the most knowledgeable about real life hockey, the one thing I guess I can talk about it how seemingly unbreakable Wayne Gretzky's points record is. With 894 goals and 1,963 assists, Wayne has 2,857 points all together in his NHL career. The next closest points to his is Jaromir Jagr with 1,921, and that is still 936 points away from Wayne. The closest active player right now is Sidney Crosby with 1447 points and that is well over 1400 away from Wayne. And keep in mind, Sidney is 35 years old, and Wayne was 38 when he retired which was remarkably young when you look at his record.

 So Sidney is 3 years away from being the same age Wayne was when he retired and has even gotten close to the record. Wayne was just a different breed, and unless the NHL gets another beyond generational player that is basically the only one scoring for thier team I doubt this record will ever be broken.

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[Image: Darby-Reznor-MET-sig.jpg]

Player task:

William Salming likes to go through statistics because he likes numbers and history. In the SHL, most interesting record for him is the most assists in a season record. It belongs to mr. Aaron Wilson who collected amazingly 70 assists in season 61. The gap to second place holder is outstanding because Aron Hernadivic had 61 assists on season 69. On that same season, Wilson had 61 too so he has two of the TOP3 assists performances of all time. Sensational kid. And there must be something weird in the tap water of Aaron's or Aron's because they dominate assists category. And why assists record is most interesting for me? Because Salming too collects more assists than goals. His record is so far 44 assists in one season but that could break this year. 50 apples is his dream but it is not likely to happen ever because he likes to play too much a two-way game. Salming doubts that Wilson's 70 assists is unbeatable record.

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Prompt #1 -

So naturally my post is going to be a bit biased, noting that I will be speaking about my own player. In GK’s final season with the Chicago Syndicate, GK managed to break the single season assist record which was 71 assists in one season, and now holds that title. A season later the 71 assist record was tied by Grogu Mandossen, I believe that’s their name but can’t be bothered to check.

This record isn’t necessarily the most important in league history, but it makes me happy that GK could leave his mark on the league. Speaking on general records on the site, I personally enjoy browsing all-time records, and trying to see where I will fall on that list, and set myself some challenges.

Now Finally, if I were to choose the most important to SHL history, I would say its all the Hamilton cup wins as it forced a change in sim engines, and banning of tactics, leading to greater change in the league. (167 WORDS)

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(This post was last modified: 12-12-2022, 09:46 AM by teztify.)

Player Prompt

I think there are a few topics worth writing about from the early days of the Simulation Hockey League - thinking back to the first ten or twenty seasons here. One that always sticks out is the time the site, then hosted on either invisionfree or jcink, was almost lost to a hacker. The exact details escape me, but a member whose player was named Anton Razov intervened and saved the forum - hence the naming of his memorial trophy. Another aspect of the league that has never really returned was the addition of a "second league", which allowed members to have an entirely separate second player, complete with rules about transitioning that player over to the SHL if your original player retired. This was the European Elite League, or "EEL", and was home to teams such as the North Wales Royals, Copenhagen Pagans, and Vatican Vipers. It was an interesting idea in that it allowed members to scratch the itch of wanting to start a new player without making a multi or prematurely retiring, and also allowed people a chance to share an LR with new folks.

Something happened on the day he died. Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside.
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried. I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar.

[Image: Wooly.gif]

 a bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, source of all greatness, all things that be.
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2022, 11:41 AM by KaleSalad.)

Player Prompt #1

Well in the long tenured history of the Maine Timber, Formally the Halifax Raiders, who date all the way back to S25 in the league. During this long tenure there have been many highs and lows They did start off with a bang in S26 only their second season they won their first 4 star cup! They would not have to wait long until season 30 to add another Championship banner to the rafters. After this initial hot start though the team would go on one of the longest droughts in history. It would come to no surprise in season 52 to the Maine timber. The Timber would have some highs and lows as they went from competitors and underdogs to underperforming over the course of many season but now in Season 67 the Maine Timber won their first championship, in the Timber uniform anyways, and their 3rd in franchise history. It was an exciting time as the Timber look to add more banners in the coming seasons.


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some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2022, 04:39 PM by bluesfan55. Edited 2 times in total.)

long before the recent scoring explosion in the SHL, and two seasons before Ryuuji Minamino became the first player to break both 50 and 60 goals in a season, Mitchell van der Heijden broke the SHL record for most goals in a season with 49 in S60. Agonizingly one goal short of 50 (he would've been the first to break 50 in SHL history), van der Heijden's season saw him win MVP and score 99 points, which at the time was the second-most in SHL history to Theo Morgan, who'd scored 102 in S59. Will this season likely be derided due to the fact that van der Heijden was on the Steelhawks? Probably. But I think, in my totally unbiased opinion, that the season deserves a bit more credit as a foreshadowing to the high scoring we're seeing nowadays. Plus, I think it's worth noting that van der Heijden scored 48 goals the year Minamino scored 60, which at the time was tied for the third-most goals in an SHL season ever. van der Heijden will go down (during his peak seasons) as one of the best goalscorers in SHL history.

player prompt


Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

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