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S69 PT #1: Surplus January 29th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

With his capital improvement budget, Sven is going to make sure to upgrade the creature comforts that allow SHL players to perform at their absolute best. The locker room will now feature a personal hot tub, cold tub, shower, and float tank for each player. A massive steam room the size of the locker room itself will be built directly next to the players personal amenities. A nap room with king size beds will be put in the basement below the locker room. Of course the stadium will need the players’ lounge, which will be equipped with luxurious leather couches, lazy boy chairs, TVs, pool table, ping pong table, a gaming rigs for the boys to play together with, multiple consoles, and a massive bar outfitted with the finest booze and multiple beer taps. Of course, with all of these amenities players will be required to live in the stadium throughout the season.

[Image: BirdmanSHL.gif]

Jean-François Bokassa

Proud Father of Johnny Wagner-Svenson

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Sven Svenson Career Stats

Sweden Raptors pride
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2023, 10:09 PM by kast3rborous. Edited 1 time in total.)

My priority would be to create a top-notch player experience that not only improves performance but also enhances the overall morale and camaraderie of the team. Starting with the locker room, I would renovate and expand the space to include additional lockers, improved lighting and ventilation, and dedicated areas for equipment and recovery. The lounge would receive a similar treatment, including the addition of comfortable seating, gaming systems, and high-end dining options. The fitness room would receive a complete overhaul, incorporating the latest in training equipment and technology, such as virtual reality and recovery systems. A new state-of-the-art rehabilitation center would also be added, providing players with access to the best treatments and recovery methods. Finally, I would consider incorporating the latest in technological innovations to enhance the overall player experience. This could include, performance analysis systems, and wearable technology to track and optimize performance. This should all create an awesome atmosphere for players and make them the best they can be.

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The NHL salary cap is pretty good in theory but it can be pretty dumb in practice. However, it is still a necessity. If you don't have a salary cap, it would be too easy for teams with a lot of money to build a gap over teams without money. However, in the salary cap system, the teams without money are significantly benefitted because they tend to be in lower income tax states. this means they can pay their players less and fit more players under the cap. I think that the salary cap should be tax-adjusted in some way. I don't believe there's any good argument for removing it altogether, and I actually think the hard cap is a fun and unique system that makes hockey a more interesting sport than the soft cap sports like football and basketball. Overall, it's a pretty good system, but probably needs some adjustment for tax havens.

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The salary cap in the NHL is the best financial control out of the four major sports by a mile. Baseball is just a mockery as too many owners are content to simply field a crap team and still make a profit off revenue sharing - why spend for a potential 90-win season when you can put out a 60-win team and make just as much money? Basketball has its well-documented issues with superteams in the past, where it's incredibly essential to get a superstar to have a shot at a title, along with just having a luxury tax. The NFL theoretically makes sense with a hard cap, but there's just so many ways to make it effectively meaningless (looking at you, Saints). I think that including loopholes would be too much of a return to the 90s, where a non-cap league doesn't just create financial imbalance but also brings back the days of clutch and grab. If you have a $40 million roster and the other team has a $100 million roster, the $40 million team is just going to hook and hold to narrow the gap without being able to skate with them.

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Yo, it's Billy Herrington, and I play for the Detroit Falcons in the SMJHL. With a budget of 3 million, I made some sick upgrades to our facilities. First up, the locker room and lounge. The old lockers were a total dump, and the lounge was outdated, so I got us some fresh lockers with charging stations, heated benches, and smart lighting. The lounge got a complete makeover too, with new furniture, a big-screen TV, and a fully-stocked kitchen for us to hang and refuel between games. And I set up a sick chel setup so we can battle it out and have some fun. Next, I tackled the fitness room. The old equipment was just not cutting it, so I got us the latest and greatest. Weight room, cardio machines, climbing wall, virtual reality training, you name it. And I made sure to reserve the best parking spots for my boys, so we're always close to the rink. I also added some extra luxuries, like a sauna and hot tub for post-game recovery, and a gaming room for when we're not on the ice. The team is pumped, and I'm proud to have made these upgrades for us all. The best part is, all the boys love me for it. They appreciate the effort I put in to make our facilities top-notch, and we've never had more fun or been more successful on the ice. It's all about teamwork and comradery, and I'm just glad I could contribute to our success.

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

Oh boy, 3 million dollars! That's a lot of bread crumbs! But since I can't spend it all on bread crumbs, I'll have to get creative for the rest of it. I would first upgrade the bathroom facilities. Did you know there's not a single car in the toilet area, let alone a convertible! Where the heck am I supposed to crap? I need a target and since I've got all the money to spend, $200k of it will go towards a new bright red Corvette convertible and then a blacked out Mercedes Benz. Those two owners hate it the most when the get doodooed on. The next upgrade would be to the shower area. Again, an massive oversight, but there isn't a single bird bath in these facilities. So I'd add an exterior chrome plated 10' round bird bath. Think of Chicago's bean statue, but inverted. That is probably a quick milli. For the rest of my money I would spend on bread crumbs being stocked in the cafeteria.

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]

I think $3 million is way too much money for a locker room upgrade, but I shall spend it all so that we get more money the next go around. First, we clearly need San Francisco Pride themed ping-pong tables, and San Francisco Pride logos and branding on everything. Because obviously we have to be reminded that we play for a professional SHL team, and need the branding everywhere.

Beyond that, I'd upgrade the lockers themselves, make them larger so everyone has a bit more space. Add some more cushions to the seats so that our butts feel nicer when we sit down. Maybe more fans around the locker room would help the stench. I don't think Sophie wants to be smelling our janky ass must. We should air it out for her at least. With the rest of the money, we should get little go karts so that we can race around whenever we want. I think that'd be a great use of our 3 million dollars.

pt pass

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

Of course, no one would actually be surprised to learn that the first move from Nevek Kove when receiving the money and being selected to make renovation to the arena would be to improve Superb Owl's aviary. He'd make sure that his best friend have a state of the art Aviary, with a natural look and probably some little mamals to make sure that the owl is living it's best life. The second facility that Kove would improve is probably the 2nd thing that's the most dear to him, the team's room. Kove has always been a team player, so for him this room is where he spend most of his time when he's at the arena. He make sure that everyone can have fun and are comfortable. He'd make sure there's multiple ping pong table and baby foot table. He'd also take the most comfortable couches he can find to make sure the guys doze off and don't want to leave the rink.

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Hocket prompt

I think the salary cap is super important to the structure of big North American sports, and hockey is no different. Player skill is a massive differentiator of success as it is in football and basketball that there needs to be a way to prevent all star teams from being bought. The issues I have with the NHL's cap system specifically is similar to the issues I have with the SHL's cap. It's almost a false number that in order to maximize your contending bid you're looking to get an effective team salary that's over the cap. In real life this is harder to deal with since rosters and players are more fluid with injuries and more flexible minimum contracts, but the premise is the same where additional value over the cap is a massive advantage in a cup run, it just starts to cost you other resources.

153 words

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The NHL salary cap is a contentious issue in the sport. It is designed to maintain league-wide parity and prevent larger market teams from dominating smaller market teams through excessive spending on player salaries. While it has been successful in achieving this goal, it has also been criticized for limiting player earnings and leading to a more homogenized product on the ice.
One league that has a different cap structure is the NFL, where teams have a hard salary cap but also have the ability to exceed it through the use of "cap space" for a limited number of years. This allows for greater flexibility in roster construction and can create a more dynamic and competitive league.
Arguments for removing the salary cap altogether include the idea that market forces should dictate player salaries, leading to a more efficient allocation of resources. However, this could result in a situation where wealthy teams have a significant advantage over less wealthy teams, leading to a lack of competitiveness and fan interest.
The NHL salary cap has its pros and cons, and the decision of whether to keep it or change it ultimately comes down to the desired level of league-wide parity versus player earnings and market efficiency.

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Thanks to @sulovilen, @the5urreal, and @sve7en for the sigs!
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Written Task: What upgrades and changes do you make to your team's locker room, lounge, fitness room, parking garage, whatever! Use your 3 million wisely in order to make the best facilities possible for your teammates. Are you upgrading to some fancy new future tech? Is there something old and rotten that you need to replace? Are you mad that your parking spot is too far from the ice surface? Talk about what you're changing and why! (150+ words)

Aksel has honestly been dying to make the team do spin classes so he seizes his chance with the renovation money to change their old lifting room into a spin room. He hires an instructor that comes highly rated, and that's just the start. He goes in on the locker room next, getting in some fresh carpet with a bigger a brighter red logo - all that psychology stuff about aggression and the color red better be right because their offense needs some more fuel in their tank. He also adds some flavor - changes the hooks in everyone's alcove to be bull horns. Because that's fun. And then Aksel finally asks his teammates what they want and uses the rest of the money to buy new towels, equipment, 10 extra sticks for Inda Bagg who breaks like one each game, and a nice seat cushion for Tomas Lind because he's gotten the most penalty minutes this season and doesn't mind a bit of fun at his expense.

166 words

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gay heghog

$3M would make some great improvements to the team spaces! Obviously personal TVs and game consoles would be needed at each locker. Top class jacuzzis and weight-training facilities are a must...definitely those fancy mirror work out things with the video feed coming in. The food needs improvement as well...we need top class poutine with WISCONSIN cheese curds! Personal trainers provided for every player (hopefully someone can help McHits stop being such a bum and teach NJ to pass Wink ). While we're at it, we've gotta hook these fans up. Only the most comfortable reclining chairs in the 1st level...Lay-z-boys all around! The coaches definetely need an upgrade on their offices, so we'll upgrade the tech, add new desks, chairs, etc. CPU upgrades the like of which are used at NASA, which they will use to totally not sim test for our upcoming games. All-in-all, taking a top organization on the ice to a top organization off of it, as well.

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While I think this is kind of selfish to use three million of public money to upgrade facilities of a multi-million dollar franchise, I'd use part of that 3 million to tune up Lord Farquaad's tower looming on the neighborhood. Lors Farquaads is our GM, so keep the GM happy to get happy players. Other than that, I'd use the money to build a big deck adjacent to our locker room so the players can lounge and relax on the deck before and after the game. While it's great for the fan interactions, it is also a long-time team need for the Aurora. Ever since I joined the team they've been asking for a deck and deck updates, so I'd fulfill their wishes. I'd use the remaining money to improve fan experience and build giant high quality LED screens outside the stadium so everyone's who's around can watch the game and not only the fans in attendance. That's about all I can think of, but I'm pretty sure I have some money left that I'll give back to the city.

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The upgrades I would use for upgrading my team locker room and such. The obvious one is to get seated seats for everyone, especially on the bench. YOu have to keep people's asses warm in order for them to perform. Two, I would put more homey iteams in the locker room and practice facilities. Couches, games, and other stuff like that. you want people to stay here and bond. You can even get pool tables, as we all as ping pong as well for the staff to play as well. But the biggest addition that I would buy would be, the biggest TV's in the world. Put motivational speaches up, review film in 8k. Start to make the tam better, start to make the team perform better. Then, when it is all said and done ,you want to include love in the lockerrom, but sometimes... love is all you need. And money

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