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S69 PT #3: Dive February 12th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

For embellishment/diving in the NHL, I would say that right now we're in a good spot. I think that diving and embellishment is not a major issue currently. It gets called enough to deter players from doing it (even getting called wrongly every once in a while which in my honest opinion is a good thing just to keep players on their toes). I think the refs can usually tell whether there is an embellishment call to be made with their experience. On the other hand, I think that doing little things to let the refs know theres been an infraction isn't the worst thing in the world (although I watch a lot of soccer so i am used to a lot worse). Putting our hand up to your face to show you've been hit with a high stick, pulling your arm away from a hook or a slash, little things like that. Falling to the ice when you don't have to in any situation though should be called as embellishment

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Sig by @Ragnar

Uhhhh buddy yeah I take the penalty? Lol are we here to make friends or are we here to win games john I don't think its out of the question that if a penalty is combined then I am better off taking the penalty and giving my team a chance. Hamilton is normally an upstanding team that does the right thing so I mnow it might be out of character to do this but at the end of the day I do need to help my big squad get some big wins to do some big things and win the game. High stick sure has to happen man high stick it is no question take that johnson and run it to the park with your friends. Will i get called a diver maybe but i can never be called a non cup winner because ive won every cup there is in this league and well maybe soime times i take a high stick so what man come on bro.

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Simmer Pass

Okay, let's put aside for a minute the fact that when an unexpected object touches your face your head is going to snap back. That's just human nature. 

But when the stakes are high? Of fucking course you're selling that. Who wouldn't? And go tell me about some unwritten code. The code is for chumps. Chumps and losers. 

The second Egli would feel that curve graze his supple chin all hell would break loose. First, the arms would go up. Nay, they would be thrusted into the air - bonus points if the thrust is enough to send the gloves flying with it. Then they would clutch that chin like a newborn babe and it screamed in agony and terror.

Oh, and do I see his knees begin to quiver? You fuckin' bet. Those bad boys would buckle like Bambi trying to cross the frozen pond. Laying belly down, legs splayed - he would peek between open fingers while clutching his chin to see if he got the call.

End scene.

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For those of us who love the NHL, embellishment calls and diving are part of the game we love. There's an inherent risk that comes with a game as fast and physical as ice hockey, and embellishment can make even the most daring moments feel even more exciting. But while some people love the added excitement, others detest it, believing it's ruining the game they love. In my opinion, embellishment calls and diving can be a positive element of the game. As someone who loves the intensity and drama of sports, watching two players battle for the puck, taking big hits, and then one player sprawling down to the ice with a fake injury adds a fun flavor to the experience. Embellishing a big hit can add an exciting wrinkle to the game, as the crowds roar and rumors swirl about who hit who and who was faking it. That being said, embellishment calls and diving can certainly be taken too far. Some players take dives in moments that can be dangerous for the other players on the ice - and if the referee falls for it and calls a penalty, it can drastically change the momentum of the game.

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Written Task: What do you think of embellishment calls and diving in the NHL? Do you think they're called too much? Not enough? Is it a necessary evil to make sure the referee actually sees that something happened? Even if it wasn't that bad? Do you think there are players with deserved reputations for diving? Maybe undeserved reputations? (150+ words)

Diving calls are absolutely important to the game of hockey. I have recently gotten more into football/soccer, and seeing a sport where embellishment is not as frowned upon and not punished harshly is pretty tough. People will fall at any contact to get any sort of advantage, and it never seems to get punished, despite it being totally anti-sportsman like. I do not see how fans can accept it and be cool with it, even if your favorite player draws a penalty by diving, you did not even deserve that and you just give ammo to fans of other teams and you do not have any good argument for it. So in hockey I am glad that referees are cracking down on it and do not allow it to run wild in the league. I think it even should be enforced even more, I can think of a couple players that get away with with more often than not, but I will not name names.

166 words

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|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

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When it comes to embellishment and diving in the NHL I think that we are very lucky when you compare it to other sports. Hockey is the fastest paced game there is and it is really hard for players to embellish and dive compared to sports like soccer. I think it is important that we see and infraction and try to get it right but, I also think it is important to try and be as consistent as possible between games. I also do not understand calling diving and penalties in the same call. Either there was a diver or a penalty, it should never be both. Like I said I think hockey has done a really good job avoiding having many players viewed as divers or even embellishers. I know with the rule that if there is blood on a high stick call that players hope and pray for something but overall I am very happy with how hockey players and the refs police this.

166 words

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(This post was last modified: 02-12-2023, 10:00 PM by MCP_. Edited 1 time in total.)

Quote:PLAYER PROMPT - We're in the run up to the playoffs and earning points in the standings is crucial. You're in a tie game with a divisional rival, third period, and you're battling for a puck in the corner (or if you're a goalie-- a scrum in front of the net). You feel an opponents stick come up and graze your chin. It doesn't hurt, in fact it barely touches you, but you have the opportunity to try and draw a penalty.

Written Task: Do you do it? Would your player embellish the high stick? Take the dive? Try to get a call where there isn't one? Keep in mind a powerplay could win you the game here! These are important points in a playoff race! Would you take the opportunity, or is your player too hard-nosed for that? Are you a stick to the rules kind of player, or a take any chance you can get to win kind of player? (150+ words)

(177 words)

Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk is the master of embellishment. In each practice, he always attempts to fake 4 injuries. While his teammates have caught on, the rest of the league hasn't. While yes, his teammates have told him to stop doing that, he uses that opportunity to refrain from retaliating and taking the penalty. With that, he has drawn many a penalty and given plenty of power play points in turn (ignore the fact that the other team gets makeup calls). He also happens to be a good explainer as to how it was a penalty, as can be seen from this audio snippet:

DuBølk: "REF! Am I not gonna get a call there? He hit me with a stick (points towards Brennan Kennedy III of Newfoundland)

Ref: "My guy he's like, 15 feet away from you. I don't think his stick is that long for christ's sake"

DuBølk: "Do I look like I care?"

Ref: "(Turns on mic) #68 Nevada, 2 minutes for embellishment"

DuBølk proceeds to try and fight the ref and has to be physically restrained

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Hockey Prompt

This argument will go on forever until the end of time. We've all been  happy when our teams get the best end of the situation but all in all there's a fine line in a healthy mix of these calls. What we don't want it to get is anything like soccer but that's another whole conversation. Some guys look like complete idiots and do it way to much I believe. I think accountability should be called when you get caught embellishing and diving too. The cameras in the big leagues see everything as well. Some games though when the reffing is so bad it's may go either way.  If the dive is related around the face area they usually get right on that. Watching bad goalie dives are hilarious. It will never go away in the league so hopefully it keeps balanced and doesn't get any worse. And if it does there definitely should be an enforcement around it.

Hockey Prompt:

Embellishment calls and diving in the NHL have been a topic of debate among fans, players, and officials. Some argue that these penalties are necessary to maintain the integrity of the game, while others suggest that they are called too frequently or not enough. Certain players may develop reputations for diving or embellishing, which can impact how officials perceive their actions on the ice. Ultimately, it is up to the NHL and its officials to determine how these penalties are called and enforced.

Embellishment calls can be seen as a necessary evil in some cases to help ensure that referees can accurately detect penalties on the ice, including instances where a player may be attempting to draw a penalty by exaggerating or embellishing contact. By calling embellishment penalties, officials may be able to deter players from engaging in these types of actions and help to maintain the integrity of the game. However, some argue that embellishment calls are overused or misapplied, which can lead to frustration among players, coaches, and fans.

[Image: AgentSmith630.gif]
Thanks to @sulovilen, @the5urreal, and @sve7en for the sigs!
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pt pass

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

Ricky Koivu is all about business, and getting results. As someone who hardly ever scores goals ever in the league, he needs to make an impact however possible. When the opponent (Edward Elric)'s stick comes up and grazes Ricky Koivu's chin, he proceeds to throw out the most spectacular and gracious dive ever known in the history of the league, and a penalty is called on Elric in favour of the Forge. However, Ricky's dive was so ostentatious that he was also called for a two minute penalty for embellishment, so it did not matter at all from his perspective. Once the two penalties to the players expired, Koivu and Elric both sprinted out of the box, but unfortunately collided as a result. Elric slightly catches Koivu with his shoulder on the way out, and Ricky once again spontaneously spirals in false pain, putting on an elite acting performance to make it appear like Elric did something serious to him. However, as a result he is called for embellishment once again as a result, as the two get offsetting minors once again. (185 words)

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Player Prompt:

In a close game against division rival Buffalo Stampede, Brick Wall saw an opportunity to give his team an advantage. With just a few minutes left in the game, the score tied up, and the Patriotes stuck in their own zone, Brick felt a stick graze his neck, and, despite no pain, recoiled backwards, and took off his glove and held his neck. The referees gathered around him, and after a quick discussion, they called a penalty on Buffalo, much to the delight of the Pats fans. Montreal went on to score the game winning goal on the power play. However, Brick's actions did not go unnoticed. The league investigated the incident, and after reviewing the footage, they determined that Brick had embellished the injury. He was fined, much to his embarrassment, although the amount was minimal. Brick learned a valuable lesson that night. He realized that cheating, even in small ways, is not worth it and that true success can only be achieved through hard work and fair play.

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[Image: Tqabyfh.png] [Image: Tqabyfh.png]

PLAYER PROMPT - We're in the run up to the playoffs and earning points in the standings is crucial. You're in a tie game with a divisional rival, third period, and you're battling for a puck in the corner (or if you're a goalie-- a scrum in front of the net). You feel an opponents stick come up and graze your chin. It doesn't hurt, in fact it barely touches you, but you have the opportunity to try and draw a penalty. 

The obvious answer to this question, and the one most people seem to be answering, is of course not. It would be dishonest. You have to show some sportsmanship out on the ice. That may be true for some, but Sean Davies' actual answer is that he would absolutely flop. Might he cite the old adage, "if you're not cheating, you're not trying." Look, he gets it's not the most honest thing in the world, but what is this, the courtroom? He's not getting paid to show sportsmanship, he's being paid to win games, and if a flop gives his team the best chance to win you can best believe Davies is going to ham it up. Hell, he'll put on a performance that would earn him an Oscar if it would raise his teams expected win percentage even half a point. Some people might complain, but it is what it is. Davies doesn't care.  Anything to get the win baby. 

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