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S69 PT #5: Everyone's a Critic February 26th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

To all the haters, you are just hating because you aren’t playing professional hockey in the SHL. We are above and beyond the best hockey players in the world. The amount of attention that sports media spends critiquing our every move is massive. We are questioned about everything we do. It makes my player a better player. The media holds him accountable to a certain degree. There’s some negative attention that comes out when they find us snacking after games or drinking a few cold ones after a game. They want to generate as many clicks as possible and the wholesome stories do not always generate clicks. It is something we get used to as professional athletes. There’s a lot of attention, a lot of positivity, and a lot of negativity too unfortunately. It is something we learn to deal with since it hits us early in our careers. One approach is trying to use the energy in a positive manner, such as fuel for proving the haters wrong.

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player prompt

sebastien regazzoni deals with ragging from the press the only way he knows how - sending that shit right back in the press's face. regazzoni is known as a shit talker on the ice, one that is keen to get in the head of his rivals for the sake of gamesmanship. so it would make sense that if he gets shat on by the press, he will let them know about it either to their face or online through twitter. if he gets asked a shitty question postgame, he'll tell the reporter as such. "i won't answer your stupid fucking question so try again and we'll see what happens." if a reporter tweets a link to an article bashing regazzoni for supposed bad play, he'll be up in the replies saying something along the lines of "i might've been bad on the ice but your mother was even worse in bed last night so it's her fault". he enjoys taking the piss out of reporters sometimes - it boosts his morale after poor performances.

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ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Player Prompt

To deal with negative attention or criticism, my player usually tries to be as honest as possible, but occasionally gets heated towards the media.  At times, especially when criticism is unwarranted, my player snaps and tells reporters that they should look at the stat line and the advanced stats.  Sometimes, the final score definitely does not tell the full story.  In other cases, particularly when my player knows that he had a very weak game, he will admit it in front of the media and openly state that he needs to do better.  These traits provide for good tv and good interviews, as they oppose the common trend of giving blanket statements in interviews.  In many ways, Lutz is respected by his teammates and some in the media for this trait.  However, others call the forward hot-headed or divisive, and until Kelowna's success this season, his ability to lead a team was greatly questioned.  In many ways, the media often fires my player up and inspires him to perform better on the ice.


[Image: lutz-first-sig-shl.png]

Written Task: How do you feel about hockey's social media culture? Specifically with regards to top players in the world. A common complaint is that the NHL does not have the star power of a league like the NBA, and that the players are much more boring. Do you think this ties in to social media, and the unwillingness many players to engage beyond the officially sanctioned opportunities? Is it unrelated? If so, how do you think the league should go about making their stars more marketable and exciting? Does it even matter? (150+ words)

Honestly, I don't think the issue with hockey's social media culture is the players, I think it is the fans. Well, with the Hockey Canada stuff, it's likely hockey culture as a whole. It can be full of some pretty nasty stuff, and I'm kind of glad I never played at a level high enough to experience the worst of it, just some wonky views from more rural players. While there is less star power for the NHL compared to the NBA for example, I don't think it is as much the players' fault as it is the league's. There are some good personalities in the league still. I think it just might be a little more obvious because our big players like McDavid are so so bland.

Part of it is likely PR work though, if your player is a raging homophobe or something, the agent is likely gonna do as much as they can to keep that from getting out. I just know it is a thing with hockey players, not just that, but everything. I think there is a culture that's been around that is just more professional, silent, sportsmanlike, along those lines. Then that kind of stuff is just a reason it stays that way.

209 words



You know that I'm pulling a Kevin Durant and switching to my alt account before shit talking all these fools blaming me. We lost 7-1, I'm only on the ice for 20 minutes what the hell am I supposed to do. Ignore the fact that this is my third alt account because the other two were banned, everyone knows I'm on the right side of the argument. I definitely don't spend hours scrolling through old tweets to find dirt on people and throw them a classic "this u", not toxic at all. Is that what Twitter is for? Throwing out hot takes and people shit talking back? But honestly I would try and show up the next games and then tweet them my killer stat line immediately after while challenging them to a 1v1. Let's see him come out on the ice and do this 66 times a season. I'm trying to win championships not waste time with beat reporters.

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So second prompt & honestly I did not even know people from NHL had twitters. Like I see a decent amount from Baseball, Gridiron Football, Association Football, Aussie Rules, Basketball, etc. But no people from NHL or foreign leagues. I do not think it has the worldwide appeal since you need the ice & a good amount of the world this just is not applicable or they have a bigger passion for bigger sports.

I think this could be a better place to promote online to a bigger worldwide audience to get more fans in or make more people marketable. Like NBA or NFL still gets mentioned a decent amount within England where I am from so that might be a fun market to grow into.

Though I must be honest, I only ever used Twitter for free sim league money unless 1 of the Beblos posts something in there from twitter so maybe this is different on facebook or instagram or whatever.

[161 words]

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This is a timely topic as Texas started the playoff series against Seattle in a tough 0-9 loss. The team is in Seattle and the media is mostly focused on the dominant win. But there's a group focused on Texas and what they're going to do to face the next game. Is there any hope as a team going forward? What's going through your mind after such a brutal loss? Who's to blame for the loss?

Boots steps up and answers those questions, obviously disheartened by getting stomped by a good team but he makes sure to say that out loud to the media. We face a loss as a team and we'll get our heads together, figure out their game and come back strong for the next one. 

Essentially, the media tormenting the team gives Boots the motivation to carry into the next game. There's no point to focus on what happened, it's about what's next. If there's a team member getting hounded for the blame, Boots will step up and make sure it's out there that it is a team effort and no one is to blame for the loss. We win as a team and we lose as a team. Feed off the negativity and take it to the next game.

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Player Prompt

When we played a bad game, we know it, so we don't need to go on social media and read about how our game was shit.
We are even harder on ourselves than people are harder on us, so personally, I'm able to only read what people are thinking without affecting what I think about myself.
With all the games, travel, practice, training and off-ice duty, I don't really have the time to be a lot on social media, so I only read what I need to. That way, I know what's happening around the league and what people are saying about me without affecting too much my confidence.
Some players are way too much into it and it had affected their potentiel and they still the same players are they were before because they didn't focus and believe on themself (read IA here).
If a reporter comes to me, I try to stay professional because it's my job to answer him, but I might not give exactly the answer he wants.

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Hockey Prompt – Written Task – 172 words

Hockey’s social media culture is bleak. There’s minimal engagement with fans online, and it tends to be very cut and dry and delivered via highly filtered official team accounts. On the one hand, I can understand players' lack of participation and personality because professional athletes used to be able to meld back into anonymity after they took off their jerseys. Still, now, everyone is more recognizable, and their privacy is essentially discarded, especially if they live in a town with a die-hard fanbase. There is a demand for more interaction online with fans, but some players don’t want a part of that, and they deserve to have a peaceful private life with their loved ones. Recently we are seeing some players participate more in social media, such as Brad Marchand, and some of them are not afraid to say things that maybe haven’t been said in the past. I think we oculd use more personalities emerging and acting different than the PR Quote Machines, but we’ve got a long way to go.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother


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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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(This post was last modified: 02-21-2023, 01:07 PM by KaleSalad.)

Player Prompt:

Cale usually tries to block out the attention of the media and the negativity after a tough game but sometimes it is just to much to take which means that is time to take control of the narrative. Cale likes to stir the pot of course so it is very easy to jump on the twitter or Chirper now and get his words out in the public. Whether it is making fun of the refs or other players or just simply replying to some messages in a more fun way. This is an underrated move if you ask me as it takes the attention away from the game itself and puts the spotlight more on him as an individual. With a young and up and coming team this can really help players forget and move on easier. Yes it also is a big old attention grab to keep the spotlight on Cale but he is a big boy and he can take it. Don’t be out there chirping or being critical of people if you can’t take come heat back!


[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

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thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

After the game I felt bad enough from the 7 to 1 loss. But seeing the recap on the news and our team getting torched by the media really lit a fire under me. I went straight to the team gym to blow off some steam with a workout. I wasn't the only one with that idea because 6 of my teammates were already there. I put my head phones in and got on the elliptical for a quick warmup. All I could think about was what I can do better next time. I was replaying the game over in my head, one shift at a time. Running scenarios and reviewing options that I overlooked in the moment. I had a couple turnovers so that was my big concern. After my workout I asked some teammates to get on the ice with my to run some one vs one drills. I needed more practice protecting the puck deep in the offensive zone.

Foil Up Boys

Hockey Prompt - Written

Hockey has issues all over the place. All rooted in the same fundamental problem, which is the financial barrier of entry. Of course the social media is lacking, of course the stars and even the game itself struggle in marketability. I think the NHL product would at the very least improve slightly with the players using their star power, gaining traction for their own issues with the game or league on social media, but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter because the NHL is unable to grow at the rate of other sports that are extremely easy to get into. With basketball, you just pick up a ball and play. With soccer, you just pick up a ball and play. Even football, you just need a ball and a group of people (I know it's more complex than the other options, but it's still simple compared to hockey). The NHL stars attempting to use their social media to engage and bring attention to themselves or the sport can only go so far in a league for a game that is borderline unplayable for the majority of the population. That said, it's worth a shot, even with the limitations, they might as well try to improve in this area, but I believe at the end of the day the impact would not be as large as some may believe. At the end of the day the impact players can have with social media is directly linked with popularity, and the NHL is just incapable of having that level of interest.

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Sig by @Evil_AllBran

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