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S70 PT#3: Let Ampersands and At-signs Fly

Kayden Pale was picked up in the offseason by Calgary dragons too lead the Defensive core he was told this Immediately upon arrival he was very upset playing with Nickelback as they were getting slapped at start of season they had a way different way of playing and it was not meshing well Pale was than switched to play with another defensive man this helped Pale and Nickelback both regain control over there stats and abilities but Pale not too found of young Nickelback but there is another Veteran of the the team Izzy who father helped mold this team and izzy jr watched in his fathers footsteps and was than drafted and played for Calgary for over the last decade but Pale thinks izzy is the worst player on Calgarys D line and is only still there via is connection too the team Pale even trying too Convince current Gm too make move for more talented Dman has rubbed Izzy wrong way and now izzy is mocking pales plus and minus


Even in California, it can be tough for Sophie Bordeleau as an outspoken openly gay professional athlete. While the locker room environment is fully supportive of her and her personal life, and she's very committed along with Sven Svenson and Slavakov Vladimirashenko to foster an inclusive environment, there are still the occasional problematic lower-level staffers in the arena who aren't as with the times as would be preferred. While there hasn't been anything to pose too much of an issue, Sophie's mostly had to deal with the occasional issue of a staff member using heteronormative language of "husband" or "him", minor but annoying. To resolve the issue, she usually just does a quick on-the-spot correction of speech to solve the issue. Being in San Francisco, Sophie doesn't have to be the only person to fight for inclusion, and she's happy to see that other staffers are good at correcting each other to not have to put her on the spot.

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PBE Affiliate Claim

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(This post was last modified: 04-15-2023, 08:47 PM by Punk42AE. Edited 1 time in total.)

PBE Affiliation

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Thanks Ragnarr!

Well, where we left off this storyline, the media member was catching a lot of flak for some very critical comments about the Seattle Argonauts and their players. Now, this is much different than if a coach was involved in some tense drama between Podz. With the team wanting to maintain a good positive image, critical media reporters that go at just about anything for extra media clicks just will not do. Podz and management had a good lengthy chat about the circumstances, and they realize that removing media permissions would also not be equally well received, especially since the media mob here in Seattle seem to be in respectable terms with one another.

So, a compromise was reached. The media member would have to stay in their lane and ask appropriate questions. No vetting process for questions, but if anything goes out of hand once again, then it will be curtains on that guy's media career. Podz and management will make sure of it.

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Sarah Burke has been fortunate enough to not find herself in this situation in the SHL so far. She generally gets along well with people and hasn't really butt heads with a teammate or staff member.. at least not enough to create any issues or noteworthy reactions. She very much lives by Will Ferrell's philosophy of "everybody love everybody" and doesn't let the little things bother her when they do happen. That isn't to say she wouldn't speak up if something rubbed her the wrong way or went south for her or another teammate, it's just she hasn't really had a need to on the teams she's been a part of so far so that's a happy circumstance I guess. She puts her head down, trains hard, and doesn't make waves where waves don't need to be made. There are probably some people out there she might have a harder time coping with depending on the context, but it hasn't happened yet so I don't know.

166 words

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thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2023, 03:14 AM by aleks. Edited 1 time in total.)



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Quote:Written Task: Tell me about your player's reaction to a teammate or staff member rubbing them the wrong way at some point in their career. What was done to annoy them? How did they respond? Were they able to work past it? Did it devolve into an irretrievable shitshow? Whose fault was it? Who was the bigger person in the end? (150+ words)

I don't want to talk out of place and spread gossip but there was an incident that occurred a few years back. For privacy sake I won't say who it was but an flare up between teammates happened when one teammate who was notoriously difficult to get along with, had a prank pulled on him. Lets just say that a prominent member of the club took said players clothes out of their locker and threw them in the shower with the water on. Essentially soaking the players clothing and preventing him from getting out of his hockey uniform. Needless to say this caused a shoving match that resulted in the players having to be separated and the one who was pranked demanding a trade out. It caused a lot of drama that season and I think it played a big part in our unsuccessful season. Both players are gone from the club now so I feel comfortable mentioning it.

[ 161 words ]

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Red Kirkby is one of those players that does not see conflict as unhealthy. Sometimes people need a kick up the arse, whether it be a team mate who is slacking at training or not pulling their weight on the ice or it's an opposition player who is susceptible to having someone get under their skin. While many people get nervous or bothered by being in conflict with someone else Red just gets on with his daily routine without bother because adults can handle being in conflict without letting it spill over into other parts of their life.  Not everyone  will see eye to eye after all about everything in day to day life and part of being in a high performance institution is that the stakes are high and sometimes tempers boil over. More often than not things simmer down over time and everyone goes back to being friends again. Those that can't be an adult and end up holding a grudge, well that's their problem and not Reds.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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Player prompt.

I think I am pretty good at dealing with people I do not like. It really depends on their personality on how is the best way to deal with them. Be able to read a room. If the the quiet person bothers you, talk to them. If it is someone loud, ignore them. If they think they are gods gift to women, tell them they need to wash better, their dick smells like fish. Sometimes it’s a coach. And they wont ever play you. Also all they talk about are their kids who are grown. You go to their house shave their dog and shit in the mailbox. I mean, personally, that’s what I would do. Once the marketing director in kelowna wanted me to do a calendar shoot, I said it was sexist and he said it doesn’t matter it’s for the team. So I had lesbian sex with his wife, told her to run away with me, then forced my call up to Buffalo and dipped. Sometimes people can be the worst.

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Written Task:  Tell me about your player's reaction to a teammate or staff member rubbing them the wrong way at some point in their career. What was done to annoy them? How did they respond? Were they able to work past it? Did it devolve into an irretrievable shitshow? Whose fault was it? Who was the bigger person in the end? (150+ words)

Aksel likes to charge the goal. It's not a good thing to do, and the safe thing to do would be to hit the brakes HARD after entering the crease, but he's had one too many close rebounds in his career and he's hungry for them. More than the rebounds though, he's ended up inside the net or on top of the opposing goalie. He's never had to shuck gloves over it, but there have been shoving matches against defensemen who understandable don't take too kindly to their goalie being in mortal peril. He goes out for drinks with peeps he played with in the minors, or even just guys in the league he knows, and one night Ben Jammin presses him about it while they're at a diner in Chicago. Aksel explains the rebound thing and Jammin stares at him for a bit, tells him he's kinda dumb, and should maybe work on snipes instead of charging for the rebounds.

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gay heghog


On every team Petr Svoboda has been on a metric ton of problems have followed. Petr being the problem himself? No, never. The problems all stem around anyone speaking out against his country, Czechia, and anyone who says anything that might be considered insensitive about Czechia... oh and anything negative about Czechia at all in any way shape or form. Is that not reasonable? Otherwise, Petr is a very level-headed guy who is hard to unsettle and make upset, oh but don't mention anything criticizing his scoring ability, or compliment anything other than his goal-scoring.... especially assists, don't bring up Petr's assists at all, yeah.

Ok, now that we have all that out of the way, if more players and teams followed these rules, there wouldn't be so much strife on Petr's teams. The problems are entirely on other people and the world itself, not Petr or his actions and opinions (nor his occupation) at all, people just need to become more understanding and supportive.

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
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prompt 2
Tiberius Kane deals with conflict in the SHL the same way he deals with conflict abroad: without mercy or sloth. His retribution is always swift and those who cross him must grow eyes on the back of their heads, else keep their heads on a swivel. Some sort of owl-based locomotion to the neck area, is what I mean. This most recent infractor was Chris Valentine. He made the grave error of using my Head and Shoulders without asking. Now you may well ask "What does a bald man need Head and Shoulders for" and for that you can mind your business. I have a brand deal. Simple as. Back to Chris. He was punished with such severity that he will never question my power. First, i filled all of the shower heads with flour and pressurized the pipes with air, so that when he turns one on he gets covered in flower and then water. Then, I have a bucket of Panko waiting that I toss all over him. Then we beat him with orange-stuffed socks.

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Fuck the penaltys
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ISFL Offseason Task
Username: Jumbo

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

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