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S72 PT #1: Above-Average Ambassador

PLAYER PROMPT - Preseason Prep

As tempting as it would be to just coast through the preseason, I think the opening games really matter to set the tone for the upcoming season ahead. Plus, as a new addition to the roster, this is the first and best opportunity to find out how you jive with your teammates, really understand your role on the team, and just generally get your sea legs for being on the ice and playing the best you can. If you give every game the respect it deserves, especially in the preseason where those stats will eventually disappear into the ether (essentially), it shows the rest of the team that you're dedicated and focused on putting your best foot forward despite the circumstances, so it's good to treat each and every game like it matters, because at the of the day, it does. You're out there playing and representing your organization. So keeping that mentality all the time, along with regular training, studying tape, etc., is all part of the preseason plan to get ready for the big time.

(177 words)

Wheezing and eating.

Puddles O'Duck has an immense preseason routine to stay in shape and stay on top of his competition that he has used every season in his career, including his first all the way to his last. This routine is very important to Puddles and it's one of the main reasons he's been able to continue for such a long career at such a high level. First off, he doesn't do any work in the offseason, so he comes in really out of shape. I mean like super out of shape. Like James Harden when he wanted to leave the Rockets, and then double it, then match that. Since I'm so out of shape entering preseason, it makes me have to work extra hard just to get back into shape. Then I'm used to working extra hard so I keep it going throughout all preseason and into the regular season. So in order to stay in shape, you must first get out of shape.

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]

PLAYER PROMPT - Preseason Prep

Written Task:  Tell me about your player's preseason routine. How do they get ready for training camp? How seriously do they take the preseason? Are they going all out to keep an iron grip on their roster spot? Do they coast to save their strength for the real games? Somewhere in between? (150+ words)

Landon is an elderly statesman at this point, so gearing up for a new season is a very tall task. I have to admit that it can be difficult to go back into another year, especially one like this where we are in a very clear rebuild and are not going to be as competitive as we have been over the last few seasons. We are likely going to finish in the bottom 3 and that is just something that I am not used to. I had one down year in junior in Vancouver, but other than that, it has been all good teams. This will likely be the first year I have not been on a playoff team, having been traded at the deadline by Vancouver in that bad year in junior to a playoff team. So this gear up has been quite difficult, but it is nothing that a little perseverance can’t fix. I mean, I have to lead the charge for the young guys, right?


161 words

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S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4

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Activity Check takes pre-season very seriously. I view it as a time to refresh, relax, but then straight to the weight room. On the downtime it is more watching film, looking at strengths and weaknesses of my game, and seeing where I can improve. I do like to burst training, because everyone hates cardio and endurance training. The way i see it is, the more burst i can keep over time the more of the dynanicism in my game for my entire career. But this offseason was a bit different, I was doing lots of endurances, really had a kick to get my sweat on and that is exatly what I did! On and on, mile after mile, just grinding away until I got the pre season where we started all over again! I felt in preseason that the work has paid off, and feel more dyanmic in my movements already! Cant wait for the season!

“I thought I was a goalie, but STA told me forget being a goalie they make nothing, and no one cares about them.  Guess what I was a center all along and I had no idea. Now I am the toast of the town, and I am getting offers from all the GMs and Scouts.”

– Spidey Talent Agency, on Activity Check

Player Prompt:

Bobby’s pre-season routine is simple, he doesn’t focus on hockey until game time. Why? Because he wants to get back into the feel of things without his brain overthinking things, we want to use this time to improve his reactionary ability while not causing him stress because the season hasn’t even started yet. I definitely don’t think the term coast is the right term for that, but letting my brain rest and have fun playing hockey.I take my physical conditioning very seriously, but I think it is important to make sure you have a feel for the game and the ice on your own before you go into the film room, if you’re thinking of 5 different things at the same time you’re never going to be able to decide fast enough, Bobby’s “training” if you can call it that makes sure he is on top of his game on the ice while also giving him free time to de-stress and be healthy and avoid any “burnout” issues.

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Signature by @enigmatic

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Anchor: Aliens are Real? That's what the San Fransico-based, Pride hockey team is saying after this morning. Our sports reporter has the story.

Reporter: While every member of the team ended up at the hospital after last night's debacle we were able to speak to the first one that was released this morning, Winger Greg Davies.

Davies: Yeah! After our team dinner last night, we were abducted by aliens from the planet "XTC-5" and they were big fans of the sport of "Ho'Kii" and wanted to learn how to play! They were the best at the sport we've ever seen and I fully believe we need an expansion team for them!

Reporter: Well I know this will certainly be exciting to fans if another team is added to the SHL, oh and aliens are real too!

Anchor: Police and government officials are proclaiming that the Team's dinner of mushroom risotto was laced with hallucinogenic mushrooms on accident after the dishwasher on duty admitted he left a bag of mushrooms at work. He is currently in custody.

176 Words

Did Ya Get It?

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As a 40+ years old veteran player, Aaron takes a more measured approach to the preseason. He knows that his body isn't as resilient as it used to be, so he focuses on preserving his energy and avoiding unnecessary strain. While he no longer needs to fight for a roster spot as coaches know what they can get from him - 13-14 minutes a game from the 4th line, he still participates in training camp to stay connected with the team and help the younger players.
During the offseason, Aaron follows a careful routine to maintain a reasonable level of fitness for someone of his age. He's well aware that he can't push himself like he did in his younger years, but he's determined to make the most of his ice time whenever called upon during the season.
Off the ice, he embraces mindfulness and visualization techniques to keep his mind sharp and stay focused in preparation for the season.

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There I was, comfy, cozy, and warm. My bed sheets were pulled up to my chin, the lights were off and I was about to fall under the sweet embrace of rip van winkle and the sand man. When all of a sudden a bright light exploded through my bedroom window and I felt myself being pulled up off the bed as if gravity was turned off. Now most people would be worried about a moment like this, but not me. I knew what was happening, I was finally going to enter the sweet embrace of a ghost orgy. My 14 year old fantasy come to life! Well imagine my surprise and embarrassment when I continued to float up, up and out of the bedroom window and straight to the stratosphere. I was sucked up by an alien space ship! When I arrived I knew what was next and dropped my pants and offered my tuckus for examination.

"WHAT, No, we have no interest in you rectrum." Quarzart exclaimed. (I found out his name much later).

"Seriously...fine." I said back as I pulled up my pants, mildly disappointed.

"We need to know more about your Ho'Kii' sport, we have been watching you and the others of the amazing Kelowna Knights playing and we wish to learn more about your game." Quarzart said, as the crew nodded in agreement behind him.

I pondered this for a while and decided to agree. We spoke about what they had learned from the game with what they had watched. After an hour or two of conversation, I let them know the key pieces they were missing. Soon they were strapped in and we were off to the Knight's rink for a late night practice and shimmy.

At first the Aliens were terrible, barely able to skate and could not do anything of note. Then they let me know of their "special talent" where they could acquire all of the skills of another through a touch process. Now I have been in some crazy, fun, embarrassing...memorable? situations in the past. But a stretching 16 inch Alien finger inserted within....let alone 23....well lets just say I am no longer "pure". But their ability after the "moment" skyrocketed and they could arguably be one of, if not the best Ho'kii' players in the cosmos.

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Sig by Lazyeye
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Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

Red Kirkby considers himself to be a pretty good amateur chef and his off season and pre season are dominated by what kind of exotic foods he can cook up for himself without blowing out and turning up to camp way over weight. One of his favourite meals to cook to get his head in the game is a beef brisket chilli. For it you need at least a couple of kilos of brisket, olive oil, cayenne pepper, smoked paprika, ground Cummin, salt, pepper, jalapenos, habaneros, capsicum, onion, garlic, black beans, chopped tomatoes and some pretty robust beef stock. You wack it all in a nice cast iron crock pot, a le crueset if you are fancy or maybe just one from pro cook if you are on a budget, and then cook it for at least twelve hours to make sure the beef is nice and soft and juicy. Usually he tries to save some for the coaches so they'll go a bit easier on him in the pre season but it's wo good he often just ends up scoffing the lot.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
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Nibble's has a lot of different ways in which he likes to approach pre-season and most of that involves just playing as much hockey as possible. If there is a rink somewhere or ice on the ground you better believe that nibbles will be in his skates and working on his speed and his agility. He does not believe in doing much weight training during the offseason as that is never going to be a huge part of his game for the forge. So he likes to make sure he is just constantly working on his speed and agility to avoid ever being put in the position to have utilize his strength. He also has been working very hard on making sure that his shot is better this season so he has been devoting a lot of time and effort to utilizing that part of his game and making sure that he can score more goals this season.

158 words

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Luca Pane takes pre-season as serious as the regular season. If you can put in the work during pre-season, you can potentially be raising your worth in the organization and should be able to see more minutes on the ice. Luca takes no breaks during the season prep and continues training and plans to do so until they retire. One of the things Luca does is he will put on weighted roller skates and find really tall hills to try to skate up. Not only does this build up the leg strength to give good balance, but it also helps with speed. Another little trick he does, He will go for a swim in his full hockey gear, minus skates, and try to stay a float. He calls this gear meditation and cites this as a way to be one with his gear so it doe not seem so restrictive while out on the ice. Overall, Luca just wants to be the best and knows that training hard and treating pre-season like the regular season are just necessary.

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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

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PT Pass

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Written Task:  Tell me about your player's preseason routine. How do they get ready for training camp? How seriously do they take the preseason? Are they going all out to keep an iron grip on their roster spot? Do they coast to save their strength for the real games? Somewhere in between? (150+ words)

As Kawashima has grown older, he has started to change his view on preseason. At his peak Kawashima knew he could coast through preseason, both during preseason games and preseason training. As his skill level was so high and his spot on the team was safe. However growing older and noticing his skill level dropping, he has started to take preseason very serious again. He needs to keep on proving to the GMs he can still handle the minutes that he wants to get and especially the training is important as he wants to keep that skill level from dropping to fast.

It's kinda like he back to being a rookie again, having to prove his worth and use preseason to keep working on his skill.

Kawashima is happy to have gotten through another preseason and to be back in full swing with the Blizzard now and the start of the season has been kind to him and the team.

[160 words]

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

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