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S72 PT #3: A Hitchhikers Guide to General Management
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2023, 09:24 AM by retuperkele. Edited 1 time in total.)

Player prompt

Gabe was on holiday for like 2 weeks and we did a good prank on him. He had no idea about how the team was doing and what not so I just tweaked the tactics to be "troll" but instead were highly succesful and when I told him about the troll tactics he panicked and switched them back to normal. Now we are 1-9 in the last 10 games played and he is begging me to do the troll tactics again but I literally have no recollection on which slider was where and which player had which role. Now the team is completely in shambles because Gabe is pressuring me to do the troll tactics but I dont know and I have been trying to avoid having the conversation with him that the troll tactics never existed and we just got lucky with the FHM and matchfixing with Aleks. Please SHL tell me how do I confront my GM about the troll of trolling when no trolling happened


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Creative Prompt

When you are facing an opponent, you don't try to beat him at his own game. You try to play with your strength while trying to minimize the impact of their strength. You also have to exploit their weakness and in this case it's obvious. Yes they are quick and they think the game at a high level, but they lacked the other aspect of the game the other aliens had, physical force. The game of hockey is a mix of everything. You can't be excellent at one thing and really really bad at another, you won't be able to succeed.

Humans are good at both, so they will be able to play defensively with a lot of physical contact while trying to stay in position to not give them 2v1 or 3v2 opportunities to score.

Our hockey style will be know through the galaxie and it's fun to discover some new species to play with.

[Image: SyiOY8U.png]
 [Image: 5tu6.png] [Image: bdzv.jpeg]

The Regina Elk mascot and Center Austin Morley teamed up to perform a prank on the teams GM, Reno. The idea for this is that Morley and Elkie were going to surprise Reno, who thinking they were coming to the regular Elk ice hockey practice, would walk into an impromptu ice polo game! Step one for this prank was to get all of the other Elk teammates on board. After Morley approached the team with the idea, everyone seemed to think it was a great idea for a prank. Second, Morley had to find enough Elk mascot costumes and "volunteers" to perform as the Elk. The "volunteers" would have to know how to skate well enough to have a teammate on their back. Once Morley had enough "volunteers" and Elk costumes, the Elk hockey players would ride around on the backs of the "volunteers" and play a game of ice polo. Imagine the look on Renos face when they enter the rink and see players riding on fake Elks playing polo - HILARIOUS. (172 words)

[Image: Morleyhockey.gif]

CREATIVE PROMPT / STORY MODE - Shoe On The Other Appendage

So now the aliens have a leg up on the opponent and can skate fast but are super tiny. I guess they are finally putting those big brains to use and learned how to play the best sport in the galaxy. We have the height/weight advantage so there's only one way we can possibly win; hit. We'll pound the opponent right from the opening whistle. They'll be faster than us so we'll have to use some type of trap game and keep the aliens to the inside of the ice that way once they start to enter our zone we can collapse on them with vicious, thundering body checks. We'll hit them high and hard so they won't want to get up and continue playing. We'll have zero to no scoring chances I presume in the first and second periods as we use them to grind the aliens down with hits and solid defensive play. In the 3rd period they'll be exhausted by then opening up lanes for us to slowly skate up the ice and use slapper after slapper until one finds the back of the net. This enforcer style of hockey will be a grind but should allow us to pull away with the win in the end.

Word Count: 211

 [Image: takethehorizon.gif]
[Image: IdMkYiH.png]

[Image: NIYtQkE.png] [Image: NjFSX1z.png]

CREATIVE PROMPT / STORY MODE - Shoe On The Other Appendage

My first thought was to utilize our big bodies against our small foes. Lean into them, grind them, smash them into the boards. This proved useless as they were far to small, quick, and agile. There was no way to hit them or even catch them. They also could read a play before it happened and knew exactly where to move to and how to avoid any counter I could draw up. Then I realized we needed a distraction, something that would catch them off guard and go off the rails with the rest of the game.

I called on a time out and brought my alien team to the bench and went over a very carefully laid out plan…

In the last moments of the time out I looked to the Mice team and shouted out. “THE ANSWER IS 42!” They looked at me puzzled and started rapidly discussing among themselves. When the time out had ended they skated back to the faceoff circle and were still abuzz about what I had just shouted.

Part 2 kicked in. The puck was dropped, and my team started skating around in wild ways. They chased the puck. They crashed the net, literally crashing the net, they ran from the puck, one guy just skated in circles. I had told them to forget everything I had taught them and just to mindlessly play however they wanted. With the ability to literally delete memory they removed everything they knew strategy and almost about hockey and just started doing what they wanted.

The mice had no idea what to do or what was going on, between the answer I had given them and the confusion of their opponents they literally started to have a mental breakdown. Most ran off the ice and made way for a safe haven to recoup their mental fortitude, the few that stayed skated as hard as they could to the boards crashing it headfirst in a suicide attempt. Soon my opponents were no more, either off planet or dead causing a forfeit and we won!

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

PLAYER PROMPT - And now for the GM

Written Task: You and your mascot have chosen alliance in mayhem. With the blessing of all your org's decision makers except the one involved, you are about to prank your GM. What's your plan and how will you execute it to drive maximum social media engagement?

If you are your team's GM, prank your co-GM or any other teammate of your choice if you do not have a co-GM.

As the Co-GM I am uniquely position to be able to get at our incredible GM, Adam. I would be the last one he would suspect of pranking him, making me the easiest to get away with it. I would also have the power to be able to make some fake moves, in order to really drive him up a wall. Being that we are in a rebuilding phase, I would stage a trade in which we bring in a couple IA players, and give up all the draft capital that we have acquired while we gear up to try and make another run in a couple seasons. I could pass it off that I thought it would be the best thing to try and continue to put band aids on a try to compete, so moving all of our first round picks the next 5 years should be able to accomplish that. HAHAHA JK, ARGOS FOREVER!


157 words

[Image: m59RPb7.png] | [Image: FcWmVTl.png]

S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4
[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: efischermann.gif]

After a couple of grade A pranks to each other, it was time to join forces and take on the big man up top. Joe has been having a rough go of late, team losing, morale dipping in the LR, time to prank him and at least have a laugh, make sure everyone has some fun. We stayed late one night and painted his entire office purple. Not just the walls. Everything. Door, floor, computer, desk, cabinets, just so much purple. When had a whole camera crew to film and take pictures of his reaction, it was great. While he was dealing with all that, we also took his car and had the interior quickly redone it also be purple, and painted the outside to be purple, for team spirit, right? Well at days end he thought all the pranking had finished, and saw his car and it happened all over again. We had a good laugh. Think of the free advertising Joe! Just wait until he gets home and sees his purple house. If you find me on the trading block, now you know why.

[Image: NOLA-oiduser.png]

Our plan would be to litter the ice with cheese. The mice no matter their IQ will not be able to resist the temptation of the cheese. They will be running all over the ice searching for cheese and will not concentrate on the great game that we created. Our other strategy is to race around the ice as fast as possible and create as much snow as we can. creating the snow will hinder the movements of our mouse related foes. The piles of snow will be so high that the little mice will not be able to plow through and push to the goal. Our last and final tactic to beat the mice is to let a bunch of cats loose throughout the arena. This will tire the mice out because they will be running for thier lives and hiding around the rink all day. These are the stratageies we will employ to ensure our victory.

Foil Up Boys

We will prank Ace by putting a shoe in his birthday cake. What a prank it will be! He will be all happy and such because it is his birthday, then we will bring him in to his fantastic cake! The cake will be awesome with Bruins stuff everywhere and all the stuff Ace loves. Then when he cuts the cake, he'll find a shoe! What a mess!! He'll say, "who put this shoe in here? It ruined the cake!" Then Rashford will reply, "Can't get much worse than a Bruins cake!" Then all the other teammates and Stardust will yell "gotcha!" A second cake is then wheeled out that is larger than the first. This cake has a huge picture of Ace in the center and a bunch of streamers coming out of the top. Ace is so surprised! It's a great cake! But as we are laughing and saying "we got you, what a prank! There was a normal cake," Ace gives a sly smile and says to everyone "Yes, you got me! And it's not my birthday!"

[Image: DqlVneu.png][Image: FVlMRDN.png][Image: q30YniK.png][Image: augr5GV.jpeg]

Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs



[Image: zootshl.gif]
Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

ISFL Affiliate

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CREATIVE PROMPT / STORY MODE - Shoe On The Other Appendage

Written Task:

Bribe the refs. Plain and simple. Being outmatched by speed and IQ should be enough to win any sport, especially hockey. But thankfully we play the sport that has the worst mentality of reffing in the world. We can use this to our advantage. Even if the bribe won't work, we can still game the system. Hockey refs, human or otherwise won't call the game, they'll call the score. And they won't call too many penalties for one team without calling some for the other. If you look at power play opportunities for any professional hockey game, 99/100 games will have the power play chances within 1-2 of the other team. It makes no sense. The teams that take the most penalties get the most powerplays. Teams that draw penalties also get called for a lot. So we're gonna play as nasty and physical and dirty as possible. Really trying to hurt the other team and render them unable to compete with our big meatheads. So we just have to have a good, sound penalty kill and we'll get our chances because the refs are going to try to even the calls. So either we're going to get our opportunities on the power play, or the refs are going to stop calling penalties on us. Either way, we're getting dirty.

[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]


PLAYER PROMPT - And now for the GM

To prank the GM of our team it would pretty simple. Knowing about him planning on taking a holiday while he is out we would be switching out his office as well as covering the entire office with small subtle changes. When he returns from the trip he may or may not be confused that his office is now one door down from where it used to be. If this wasn’t enough we would post new faces and photo edit every single photo he has in his office with someone else from the team. We would keep the old photo in storage for when he realized but the fun would come from waiting to see how long it would take him to realize. The only outrageous thing we would do is install an airhorn under his seat so when he goes to sit down in his chair for the first time the loud blast will go off waking anyone up in the vicinity. Of course the cameras will be rolling for this and that will be the joke that Melting pot (our mascot) will be blasting over the socials.


[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

Okay, so now it's time to prank the Blizzard GMs. With Egg it's pretty easy - little does he know we've *tampered* with the eggs he's cooked for breakfast! Nothing terrible, obviously, since we love the guy, we've just snuck in a tiiiiiiiiiny dash of ghost pepper into it. For a bit he'll look like he ended up in the wrong Alberta city! (Y'know, cause we're the Blizzard, but fire breathing is a dragon thing? or something like that)

For HFFO, we know he's a Habs fan, but getting him a Leafs, Bruins, or even Senators jersey feels a little bit too cliche. No, we'll still get him a Habs jersey, just of some Hab no one likes (and not for any moral reasons, so obviously no Logan Mailloux or something). Or I could just get lazy and get a Habs Legend Jeff Petry?

[Image: valpix.gif][Image: 20XRTsR.png]
Thanks to @Ragnar, @Symmetrik, @Merica, @enigmatic, and @sulovilen for the sigs! 
Avi courtesy of @MN_Moosey
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Citadelles Stampede
Citadelles Switzerland Stars Blizzard
[Image: VGl3CB4.png]

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