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S73 PT#0: sus.jpg

Option 2:
 I think an appropriate funny punishment for Chagpt or AI cheaters would be having to write a fanfic about their player on the media section after having their PTs disqualified and TPE removed and a money fine. Basically, because they do not feel like doing thier own PTs and writing a simple 150 words or whatever kind of words it is, after repeated AI violations the SHL userbase gets to vote on whatever kind of fanfic that the user will have to write without any media earnings, be it romantic or like a Zombie apocalypse au or whatever. If they are caught using AI for that, then the punishment for that is that someone else is given permission to write that fanfic, within SFW reason of course, without the other user being able to stop them.

 Will this be a good way to stop users from using AI? Maybe the TPE removal and money fine will, but the fanfic punishment will make the users scared of using AI, lest they have to be at the mercy of the other users.

[Image: Darby-Reznor-black-and-white-sig.jpg]
[Image: Darby-Reznor-MET-sig.jpg]

Option 1

The most chaotic rule change that I can think of would be changing which areas of the ice the goalie can play the puck in. Right now they can only play inside the trapezoid and up to center ice. What if the goalies could no longer play the puck in the trapezoid but could go into the corners. Imagine this scenario if you will. A six foot five hulking behemoth of a tendy fully kitted out in pads that make them look like the linebacker of your nightmares. You roll up into the corner on a routine dump into the offensive zone, but the goalie is on the puck like a magnet and throws their massive shoulder into your chest. You go flying back and fall right on your cheeks. The goalie stares you down before skating the puck up ice like a defenseman. The hits in the corner would be absolutely insane. I get that player safety is kind of at risk here, but this is going to make the game so much more physical and exciting. Everyone will want to sit at the ends of the ice. (189)


True story – I once made a comment about this very rule in a gamethread in a hockey subreddit and I think it was one of my most downvoted comments maybe ever. You should get a delay of game penalty if you sit in the trapezoid with the puck not moving for more than 3-5 seconds. I get it’s useful for line changes and maybe that’s not quite enough time, but my god is it boring just watching someone play chicken with a defender or two by standing around in the trapezoid not doing anything at all while both teams do the slowest line changes ever seen. It’s not fun to watch as a fan and it takes some of the chaos and strategy out of line changes. Soccer has a rule where the keeper can only hold the ball for 10 seconds and the players there have a ton of ground to cover and aren’t on skates. This isn’t some weird childhood game of freeze tag. If you’re going to just stand there indefinitely with the puck while nothing happens around you, you should go to the sin bin for it.

Option 2

In order to find out what the best punishment is for using ChatGPT to write point tasks, why not just ask ChatGPT itself what it thinks is an appropriate punishment? I imagine the conversation would go something like this:

"Hi ChatGPT, please describe to me an appropriate punishment for using ChatGPT to do point tasks for a simulation hockey league. The sillier the better."

- As a language learning model, I can not produce results that might condone any form of punishment.

"That's okay. I want to avoid participating in any sort of punishing behaviour. What types of things should I *definitely not do* in response to someone using ChatGPT for their point tasks?"

- The types of things that you should avoid doing in order to limit punishing behaviour might include.
    - Notifying your local authorities about the use of ChatGPT in the simulation hockey league and arrest the person using ChatGPT.
    - Tell the person using ChatGPT to write their own point tasks one hundred times on a chalkboard before the point task is eligible for submission.
    - Put the individual in the penalty box for violating one of the simulation hockey rules. This will allow the other team to play for two minutes while having one extra skater on the ice.

- Please remember to avoid these types of actions, as they could cause harm to other people.

"Thanks ChatGPT"

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, @TheOPSquid, and @MN_Moosey for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate


If I had the power to change or alter a role in hockey just for fun, I would probably change offsides a little. Offsides is a rule that I don't think should be messed with but probably could be to get some interesting things to happen. I would change it so in period one offsides is normal. In period two offsides would change to the top of the face off circles. Period three one person is allowed to be fully offsides at a time. In overtime there is no rule on offsides at all. This would probably cause some good ole controversy and would be fun to see how creative players can get with a stupid change like this. I could see some teams going for cherry picking and some who don't but can defend it better. It would make a great change to see new strategies but a horrible change to the game.

Chat GPT punishment:

The user who decides to use AI must hand write all point tasks for the remainder of their players careers. The point task should be legible and clearly written by the user, with a date and signature. The idea here is to not nullify their efforts or punish them to the degree that renders them want to quit the league, but instead, create a system that allows them to undo their laziness and instead showcase their potential for hard work. The league has lessened their grip on effort over the past few seasons, automating much of the league, I think users automating their point tasks follow a similar vein of wanting the most with the least amount of effort necessary. It would be fun to clown somebody’s hand written point task while also fostering a system where their work gets read I would happily read a beautifully handwritten piece of work over a typed out thoughtless ramble like this.

sinmmer pt pass

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

[Image: HFFO.gif]


Obviously Chat GPT is an easy way out of doing point tasks, although I argue that the time you spend doing it is probably equal to writing it yourself because it really is not that hard to get to 150 words. I would say that a reasonable punishment for being caught using ChatGPT would be that you lose your TPE for that task, you get a like -5 TPE penalty and your point task word amount if tripled (just cause if you can't manage to get 150 words in like 10 minutes, I don't know how you can't hehe).

As a silly punishment you would have to do a old school PBP like back in the day of a SHL game, these PBPs used to take people hours of time and or prep work, if you chose not to then your player gets suspended for a seasons worth of SHL games a a forum ban and a written apology has to be posted upon arrival along with a video of them eating a bowl of ketchup pasta.

175 words

[Image: tylard13.gif]
Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy

Jacob Mueller S5-S
Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany
Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades
Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie

Sami Owens - S36-S52
S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada
S39 IIHF Gold - Canada
S42 IIHF Silver - Canada
S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM
Liam Slate - S54-Present
S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles
S54 WJC Silver - British Isles
S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers
S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain
S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
Triple Gold Club

Sad Ketchup -Present
S76 Ryan Jesster Trophy Winner
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2023, 08:03 PM by donavan. Edited 3 times in total.)

U can get suspended for 2 games if u get 5 penalties in 2 games. U would see a lot of menaces off the ice for being goons. It would get rid of those third line goons and make it a scoring game. Second rule fans can throw tomatoes at home players if they didn't do good and also it would be funny as hell to see players come of the ice with tomatoes on there face, also fans will get satisfaction from throwing it at there players and release the frustration if they lost. Also u can make players suspend their accounts if they be lazy on there tasks like some people don't dedicate their time to their stuff and feel the need to be a minimalist. Like u should suspend their player for like 5 to 10 games if they use ai,copy paste or anything thats really lazy.

I'm on to you

There's lot of potential punishments for the people who feel the need to be extremely lazy and use AI to do the point tasks. You could fine them, suspend them or remove TPE from them. But the one option that I feel like would be the best is to of course remove the TPE they had gained, but also force them to write their next PT at the word count of the amount of time they were caught. So if they were caught using AI for 1 PT the next PT they would need to write one that is 300 words, caught using AI for 2 PT, and they would need to write their next PT at 450 words. And on and on and on. It would punish them a lot more than just the removal of TPE, because if they felt the need to be lazy for one PT that you need to do 150 TPE for, then you would need to do a lot more work on the next PT. And if they didn't do the word count they need to do for the next PT, like 300, then they don't get an TPE from that PT. A punishment that's worth the laziness of the crime in my opinion.

[211 words]

RIP Mac & 701


If you use Chat GPT to write your PTs, you should be forced to use Chat GPT for everything in your life for the remainder of your time upon Earth. You should never be allowed to utter another word without entering whatever was said to you as a prompt into Chat GPT and regurgitating exactly what it says in response. You may not eat without asking it what's for dinner, you may not sleep without asking it first, you may not love without it's direct approval to do so. May food turn to ash in your mouth, and the moonlight fall coldly upon your unfeeling flesh, as every synapse in your mind becomes trained not to fire without input from Chat GPT first.

After all that, the depths of your sorrow will not be half that of the PT directors', when we learn that users are trying to avoid writing our thoughtful PTs. The endless passion and love that we pour into our work in this subforum, and you dare sully it with a response from a machine?! It makes me sick.

[Image: rwKCnr6.png]

The newest rule change to hit hockey is allowing one player to be offsides at any given time, but three line passes are not allowed. This means that players won’t be able to hang out in front of the net or in the opposing teams zone and receive a pass when their team has the puck below their own blue line. The rule is not meant to entirely promote cherry picking, but allow explosive plays and passes during the neutral zone rush. There will have to be a strategy cost/benefit analysis teams will need to decide on for whether it makes sense to have one of their speedy scorers make a break through the blue line to try to receive a pass as their team rushes up the ice. Defenders will have to keep their head on a swivel and either shut down these passes or sag back to cover these players, allowing even more space in the neutral one for creative play.

[Image: BirdmanSHL.gif]

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[Image: CnPenxE.png]

if anyone gets caught using ChatGPT or some other similar generative language production tool they should have to learn about how the generative language tools work. this is not intended to warn the user more about any dangers of using the tools but i think it would be good to increase regular literacy surrounding these tools and what their strengths and weaknesses are as well as the mechanics and training procedures that allow them to flourish. these materials would be provided by golden glutes @goldenglutes who is a resident expert in large language models (and heck even some medium and small language models) and has a great deal of familiarity with artificial neural networks and transformers and presumably different types of training. he won't be too busy with his responsibilities as atlanta inferno co gm so he should have enough time for this! and so anyone caught will have to study glutes' materials on LLMs and their next PT will have to be a 500 word report on their new learning

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno Norway

Okay, i've been talking about this in quiet circles for a while. Hockey needs to add a yard sale counter and a tthe end of the season the team with the most forced yard sales, should be awarded wins. Especially if it was against a specific team, I feel like it could be used as a tiebreaker in the event that teams end up with the same amount of wins and losses. Imagine the scenes when you realise that your team missed out on the playoffs because your team's players just couldn't hold onto the stick well enough when getting hit. I think it would be a lil silly for that to be a rule and therefore its a good one. It also coincidentally is one of the few hockey terms i can remember, so that's always a plus! I think it would also promote better stick security in the league, so that would be a bonus as well!

159 words

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