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S73 SMJHL PT #4 - Pre-game Playlist

Frøya isn't much of a music listener. It's quite hard to listen to music out on the frozen lake while practising in Norway when your family doesn't have too much money. Now that the times are different in Québec City with her entry level contract, practising with ear buds is a lot simpler. So far to hype herself up or attempt to hype her team up if it's her turn for the music, she'll usually end up playing the following songs for these reasons:

1. The Call - 2WEI, Louis Liebried, Edda Hayes: The song reminds her of Old Norse folk chants which Frøya happens to really enjoy. It promotes a sense of unity in the face of hardship.
2. My Mother Told Me - Old Norse Cover by Peyton Parrish: A song she discovered while looking up Norse folk songs that she really liked the vibe of. Reminds her of home and hypes her up personally.
3. Valhalla Calling - (Trio Version) by Miracle Of Sound ft. Eric Hollaway and Peyton Parrish: The song simply reminds her of war songs and what is hockey if not an important battle? This song is often played during the team's pre-game speech as a backup to make it feel more powerful.
4. Piercing Light (Mako Remix) - Warsongs Album: This one is just one of her favourite generic hype songs.
5. La machine à scorer - Bob Bissonnette: This is QCC's goal song, played as a ritual to help the team's offence.

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In Colorado, we do not do things half way so the pregame playlist is played on all the radios of the states all the time 1 hour before the game. On that playlist there is of course the Jussaric Park Theme song because i think the team is based on some sort of dinosaur. After this big opening, we go straight up to Around the World by Daft Punk for our fans all around the world and specially in Uzbekistan. Next up we have Fire Burning by Sean Kingston to remember that one time we started a fire in the middle of the ice for fun. For the final act we play Highway to Hell to put fear onto our opponents even if they never hear it. Oh and we also play Chelsea Dagger because GM New York Rangers Seventy and Three really wants to hear it or we aren't playing on the team anymore

Pre-Game Playlist is pure dad rock, for its unequalled and timeless pump-up power.
1. Hell's Bells - Metallica: iconic, a classic. Total hockey cliche, but when the guitar kicks in, and the bells are going this bad boy is gonna get your heart rate up. 
2. Kickstart my Heart - Motley Crue: again, a classic. high speed, uptempo, just the way you want to play hockey. Get's the team going, gotta get in that attack mindset.
3. Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace: another cliche, little more modern this time (good god I'm old) but this one is jsut pure vibes. First time the chorus kicks in is just fantastic. Get's you ready to play hard.
4. Jump Around - House of Pain: an oldie but goodie. Good beat, good vibes. Gets you feeling it.
5. Breaking the Law - Judas Priest: this is my 'dad rock' guilty pleasure and to be perfectly honest, Judas Priest is front and center on my heavy metal mount rushmore. They never wrote a shitty song, and the vibes are immaculate. Legendary homo Rob Halford <3

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Oh man, pre-game playlist is hot for me. Just off rip, we can look at the classic hype hockey song archetype.
We're talking, Joker and the Thief, Thunderstruck, Dragula, Crazy Train, The Offspring and Linkin Park. These are just classic songs every hockey kid knows with some slight dad rock influence. Feature a good amount of guitar to feel some energy.

Then, y'know, the fellas in Carolina love their cardio. I personally don't run much but in the vein of good songs to run to, we've got another set of similar songs:
Running in the 90's--it's a cop-out cause run is in the name but it has a strong, fast, techno beat--, Misery Business, Koi Geba, and Kura Kura. I don't have as much familiarity but the songs all carry a lighter, yet fast paced beat that don't quit. The kind of thing you need when running, and the kind of songs that have bridges that can get stuck in your head and keep you trucking through a game.

Speaking of ear catching pops, the general vibe for pre-game music i personally find the most relevant are those little ear worms that keep you going. These can be from any genre too, just as long as there's one section you can key in on and ride off of for a whole game it's golden.
Specialz, 505, All Night Radio. They're the kind of songs that hit if they hit, and they sneak into the playlist here and there. More of a vibe for a player who likes to go head down, ear buds in, zoned out in the locker room. But hey, give someone like that the aux and you're feeling the energy.

Then to top it all off there's gotta be a a solid mix of post-game tunes beyond what we have. Still hype songs, but they don't quite fit the pump-up energy required pre-game.
Axel F is a classic, and I mean CLASSIC win song. I truthfully feel you can't go wrong with any Crazy Frog song, but Axel F, I feel, is quintessential Crazy Frog. Any ABBA song fits here too, Voulez-Vous is, imo, a high energy bop that keeps energy flowing.
Going back to Japanese influence Que Sera Sera is just a classic feel good song for me right now. This one finds it's way on the playlist, but towards the end of the list. It's a walking out of the dressing room feeling good after a big celebration kind of song, not necessarily a big "let's go" beat. Still gotta shout it out though. And finally, Theo (Der Bananenbrot-Song) is the immediate post win song. It comes in soft with the ayo's, but the Eurotech infusion to a timeless classic brings life to any dressing room. Ivan Fillini, DJ Cashi, and Tobee hit it out of the park with that mashup.

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The music that echoes from the locker room at the heart of the Videotron Center is varied and numerous, but this will focus on the songs that are played right before a game. Get together, get amped, and get ready to polish the ice with the faces of your opponents.
Let's start off with the classics: someone along the way got tangled up in one of those "visualization" schemes and so the QCC goal song, Bob Bissonnette's La machine à scorer, is always the first song played as the team is getting dressed and whatnot. See the goal. Feel the goal. Visualize... this is probably one of the Solbergs' faults but there has never been too much of a good thing, so they say.
Skrillex - Bangarang. 'Nuff said. Is its presence on the playlist ironic? Yeah. Does it also whip ass? Absolutely.
You can't go wrong with Big Black - Kerosene. Lyrically, best suited for away games especially if they're in a smaller city. A sort of humiliation tactic, if you will. "Never anything to do in this town... Kerosene around, set me on fire."
Sometimes after a rough loss the confidence can be a bit shaken. What better way to restore the ego than the 13 minute version of Gorillaz - Do Ya Thang? If Andre 3000 screaming "I'M THE SHIT" at you approximately 100 times doesn't get you feeling on top then nothing will. Get your head checked ASAP.
Last (and probably least) is Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff. Absolutely choice, and Abdi's personal addition to the team playlist. Channel the spirit of Fred Durst into your hits. Wear your helmet backwards. Live a little. Fuck shit up. And have fun doing it.
You can tell a lot about somebody by the music they listen to, and the Citadelles are no exception. A team that doesn't take themselves too seriously, but are feral and hungry and will bite you in half if you let them. Tongue

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Nevada tries to have a pre-game playlist with a diverse set of music genres, but the most important thing is that all the songs are hype! 

1. POP/STARS - K/DA: This became an instant hit in the locker room as soon as it became the goal horn seasons ago. As much as many of the players don't want to admit it, they know every word to this song and are huge K/DA fans.

2. All Star - SmashMouth: What better way to get a team hype by playing a song that literally tells them they're all all stars?

3. Riot - Three Days Grace: A more traditional hype/gym pump up song. This song in particular really gets the team ready to deliver some big hits on the ice!

4. Sandstorm - Darude: Truly a sporting event classic. When's the last time you've been to a game without hearing this song? It's a classic for a reason though, and really gets the team pumped up.

5. We Own The Night - Dance Gavin Dance: First round rookie Sergey Ivanov snuck this song into the playlist right before the start of the season. It's his personal favorite, and the rest of the team has joined in on his love for the song.

Here in Nevada we put respect on Taylor Swift's name. The pregame playlist changes each game because we like to put it on shuffle after a while, but before we do that it always includes the following

1.) Blank Space - Starting off we go with one of Taylor's songs from the 2010s. A fun one that's loud to get the team going.

2.) You Belong With Me - Next we go with something to bring everyone a little back down to Earth and remind them of what we want. You belong with me? We belong in the winners circle.

3.) The Story Of Us - After the last one we go to something more loud again that has a bit of raw emotion. How did things get so bad? Something to tell everyone what we don't want: losing.

4.) Love Story - Love story is just a banger that everyone can enjoy.

5.) Wildest Dreams - We end with a song that tells us all no matter what happens we're here for each other <3.

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[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
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Obviously every good Newfoundland playlist starts with JAJA DINGDONG.  From a movie spoof of the Eurovision contest this song bangs and sets the mood for any game or practice.  We like to follow that up with Downfall of us all by A Day to Remember.  This song goes hard from the first note on.  It's got some typical hard rock nonsense words and a Let's Go.  The breakdowns are good and the chorus is catchy.  That's all you need for a great hype up song.  After that we slow it down for the guys that are just trying to focus.  We play a chill electronic song Big Yoshi's Lounge.  It honors Newfoundland heritage calling back to NL's former Co GM and legendary player Yosh.  The song is chill and sets a good vibe.  Next is something for me we play Teenagers by My Chemical Romance.  Being Junior team this song speaks to our youth.  It captures the angst young players feel.  and gets you ready to go out and mess some dudes up.  Our final song before we take the ice is Hells Bells by ACDC.  A classic jam this last slow build is the topper on this playlist.

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When it comes to the pre-game routine for Sonja, one of the things she always does is listen to music to help herself get into the zone. She of course gets to choose music for the locker-room every now and again as well. When she gets that opportunity, she usually chooses the following songs:

1. Star Walkin' - Lil Nas X: Being a League of Legends player -on top of having a rather inflated ego- this is one of the songs Sonja can really relate and she also finds it inspiring her quite a lot so she usually gets the team to listen to it too.
2. Enemy - Imagine Dragons: Sonja so happens to be a Man United fan. As such from a young age she sort of "inherted" this mentality that Sir Alex used to tell his players "it's us against the world" and that mentality has stuck with Sonja ever since. As such she tries to pass this mentaility on for her team as well to try and inspire the team to work together and overcome any obstacle.
3. Parado No Bailão - MC L Da Vinte e MC Gury: While Sonja is a huge Cristiano fangirl, her second favourite player is Neymar as such this is also very close to her and tends to play it a lot whenever she gets the chance. And of course proudly sings along the main verse.
4. The Motto - Triesto, Ava Max: As it is becoming more and more known, Quebec City has their own little motto and as a sort of reminder of that, Sonja tends to play this song as well. 
5. Freed from desire - Gala: While Celly and Sonja come off as fierce rivals, they are actually much closer than one would think. And with Celly's recent form combined with the fact both of them are big fans of Football/Soccer, Sonja jokingly started to sing "Celly's on fire, your defence is terrified~" which of course she borrowed from an existing chant. But with Celly's amazing form lately Sonja tends to play this song more and more often before games, hoping to inspire Celly with it.

Vancouver's management team made it a distinct requirement in their drafting efforts to select players whose favorite movie series is Pirates of the Caribbean, with exceptions for those who confidently speak of their favorite movies taking place on boats (Titanic, Captain Phillips, etc.). Therefore, we have a bunch of Jack Sparrow fanatics occupying the locker room which results in the hype-up playlist consisting primarily of songs from the movies and specifically from scenes preceding a battle. Below is the list:
1. The Kraken
2. I Don't Think Now is the Best Time
3. At Wit's End
4. Parlay
5. What Shall We Die For
This accumulation of songs is usually accompanied by one or a group of players swinging around the locker room using their sticks as if they were the ropes keeping the ship in motion. In the hallway before the announcers welcome the players on the ice, the team is usually swaying back and forth uncontrollably smashing into each other and the walls, which translates into the strong physicality of the on-ice tactics. Honourable mention goes to the song "Yo Ho" which is played after each Whaler's victory and played twice as loud when the victory takes place in the opponent's arena.

The Great Falls Grizzlies pre-game playlist get a wide variety of songs that many would be surprised to see.

1. Fred Bear by Ted Nugent: A hard rocking song with bear in the title seems like an easy pick when it comes to the Grizzlies playlist. The songs killer guitar helps get the players pumped as they hit the ice and reminds them to always look to their teammates for help.

2. My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas: It gets the people going and it's provocative. Many on the team associate it with a fan favorite ice skating champion Chazz Michael Michaels.

3.  Love Story by Taylor Swift: If you dont think this song is an absolute classic than I can't trust you on my ice. Nothing like a group of friends belting out this song while shooting top cheddar.

4. Boombastic by Shaggy: A nice chill song for the players to practice their skating and dangling skills to.

5.  Simple and Clean by Kikaru Utada: Going hard on the last song as the players wrap up the warm ups and get in the right mindset for the coming game.

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Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

The Carolina Kraken have a hodgepodge of various artists, songs, and genres in their pre-game playlists. The songs and types change wildly depending on who has the aux cord for that game. In fact the competition on who gets to pick the music is so fierce that it has become a full on competition in every practice for the reward of controlling the music. Various little mini games and competitions have sprung up at practice to decide who gets to choose. Ultimately the competition to control the music has led to large scale improvements in the Caroline Kraken roster this season. When Denebor wins the right to have the aux cord he tends to stick to traditional Polish music much to the annoyance of his teammates. As the only Polish player on the roster, he is the only one who has the ear for the music or understands the words. Although Denebor picks Polish music when he can he doesn't really have an issue with anyone else and their taste in music and is just happy to have some kind of music on.

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Thank you @Ragnar  for the Sig!
Previously: Patrick Shepherd (S52 - S64)



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