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S74 All Star Week

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones link

+2 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)
How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?

High-TPE players should theoretically be the best players on any specific team. At least if the team is good in general. We have seen rebuilding teams where rookies (typically relatively low-TPE players) were chosen as all-stars so there goes the theory. It really depends on each team and the situation the team is currently in. I actually like the fact that younger players get picked, but at the same time you could also pick old, regressing veterans that are definitely no longer the highest TPE players on a team, if they had a good season. If you have several high-TPE players that all had a good season, but none of them stood out and then you had a rookie or an old player that was surprisingly good given their low TPE, why not pick them as an all-star?
(168 words)


5. Written, 3 TPE, Last Men In (150 words min.)
Argue for one of your teammates (not yourself!) to be the last man in for your conference!

I think I found proof that nobody reads these replies, because I've asked before not to call this last men in but last player in because not all players are men and we already changed this to last player in elsewhere, but I guess I can argue this every season and it won't change. I'll be back next season to check. To get to the point: We didn't have the greatest regular season in Winnipeg, but I would select Lord Farquaads as an alternative choice from my team next to MST who was the all-star selection and also the only player from the Aurora. Farquaads was second best player on the team in points (78 and that includes an impressive 8 short-handed goals and two short-handed assists) and if you want some arbitrary FHM numbers, best overall GR on the team too. He also lead the team in hits by far. If that isn't all-star material I don't know what is. Farquaads did a bit of everything, even lost some face-offs. So, we didn't have that many options (definitely, or unfortunately not among the goalies this time), and I believe they already made the right choice with the player they picked, but as a second player I really don't see anyone else than Farquaads.
(214 words)



Total: 8 TPE

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[Image: carpy48.gif]
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(This post was last modified: 01-24-2024, 03:36 PM by karlssens. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.
milestones claim - 3 tpe

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each. Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star game better or worse when this happens?
b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?
c. While there aren't any new faces in net this season, which pair of goalies do you think is going to have more fun?
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)
A. I believe it's to the wests advantage that they have multiple players from the same 2 teams. Chemistry aside, I believe it's best to award the best players that year the honor of attending the all star game rather than an equal amount from each team for the sake of fairness. This is especially true in the case of Edmonton as all 3 forwards that got in scored in excess of 100 points while some teams don't even have 1 player with that many.
D. Hey, for once my guy actually did a thing and you could genuinely argue he's a potential all star. Finishing the season with a career high 95 points, second only to Viktor Hargreeves who is in the all star game, Scholz had a terrific back half of the season and finished ahead of several of the players invited to the all star games in terms of production. He also finished the year quite well on the other side of the puck recording the most takeaways amongst forwards on his team and recording fewer giveaways than the rest of the team which is quite impressive given the significant bump in ice time this year.

8. Written, 3 TPE, Lazy Reaction Content (150 words min.)
The Last Men In are now decided and the rosters are finalized. Who was a good pick? Who got snubbed?
I think Erik Bergmark with the Baltimore Platoon was a good selection for last man in. He was an all star last season with 89 points and managed to improve on those totals this year scoring 100 points, the first time in his career he hit the 3 digit mark. It's fitting that he is able to attend again. Axel Kirkby also put up new career highs this season with 89 points, but as the 4th highest scorer on his team and with 4 other Panther players already attending the game it seems a bit odd that he would get in. Jimmy Wagner is also a surprising selection. With just 20 points on the year he is well in to regression. I have a feeling this was more so a nod to his long and successful career as he's currently in his 19th season and this is his first SHL all star appearance.

[Image: IAP8v68.png]

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(This post was last modified: 01-25-2024, 04:32 PM by Ricer13. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. Milestones (Peter Tingle) x 2 TPE

4. 3 TPE
Should there be any correlation to the amount of tpe you have a whether or not you should be an All Star?! No. There will always be some correlation as higher TPE players tend to do better anyways but I think it should be purely based off how your player performed during the regular season. You could have a 900 tpe guy put up 90 points on a bad team and yes they deserve a chance to be there, just the same as a 80 point guy with 1700 tpe on a contender does. Performance based is the right way to go about this and if your player doesn’t perform then they shouldn’t get a chance. Now, if a player with 900 TPE and a player with 1700 TPE play on the same line and both end up with 80 points a piece, who do you take? This is where I would favour the higher TPE earner. They’ve clearly been around a long time and may not have many more chances to be an All-Star, so the lower TPE guy can wait. 180 + words

6. 3 TPE
[Image: IMG_9616.png?ex=65c5388a&is=65b2c38a&hm=...9efd9d0e0&]

Milestones +3

4. It's undeniably that typically there will be a strong correlation between a players total tpe and their chances of receiving the all coveted nod to appear as an all star in any given year. Having said that, while it's clear that there's a link between TPE and overall performance, I think there's several other contributing factors when it comes to players chances of being declared an all star. One clear element is that role on a team plays a huge part in a players time on ice and therefore their ability to demonstrate that they are deserving of the all star game. If you're on a team where you are one of many great players, you might not have the space to shine bright enough to stand out from the crowd, so there's a legitimate argument that being a big fish in a little pond is beneficial if you have all star intentions. But, team prestige can influence the voters minds, so perhaps it's double edged.

Word Count: 166

5. Well, it might seem that it's an uphill battle to argue for any of the Seattle Argonauts to be elected to the all star game given their teams poor performance amidst their deep rebuild. It's not like Adelbert Steiner will be appearing with his illustrious -70 plus minus rating. However, I think a valid purpose of the all star game elections is to shine a light on fantastic players in tough scenarios who may be anchoring their team through tough times, so I'd say it would be a deserving nod for someone like Landon Fischermann to make the all star game as a last man in or even elected through the regular process. Totalling nearly over 200 blocked shots to go along with near 100 hits on opposing players, Fischermann did the best he could and used his elite skill set to at least give seattle a fighting chance on their side of the ice against the at times relentless onslaught of opposition. Dedication to the process alone warrants recognition and I believe something like an all star nod is a great way to respect that.

Word Count: 186

[Image: 6bdkPCS.png]

1. Milestones +3TPE 

4.  +3 TPE
I dont think there is much of a correlation between TPE and getting selected to the all-star game. I just don't think Caleb and his crew combs through players with the most TPE and selects them. At least it shouldn't be/ If it was like this, a player with a lot of TPE put into just fighting and aggression could go higher than a pure offensive weapon. (Though now that Im thinking about it it would be really cool to have some fighters in the all-star game). I think the all-star commitee just selects just on the stats of the players. Though there may be a slight correlation with points and TPE. But ultimatley, I dont think they are just looking at TPE I think it is really just stats like goals, points and etc. I like where the current status quo is at in terms of this, though I havent checked the TPE of the players selected. Overall it is up to the ASG commitee.

2C. Which goaslies will have more fun +1 TPE

This one is hard cause I really dont know the goalies and their personalties. Looking at just what they posted on the all star hread I will have to go with the East. Both of them are simlair in age (only like a 1 seasojn differnece in draft class) while the West has like a 5 season differnce. Also look at that West goalies name I can't even pronounce it!

2D. +1 TPE
Well my player did make the All-Star game (In the J's) . So I will be argung for (drumroll please) my draft-class mate and long-time (for the J's) teamte..........  GUY INCONGNITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all What. A. Name. Second of all this guy has been like a sleeper best D-Man in the league for like seasons now he deserves some love. 

Total 8 TPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Image: rGE8JTw.png]
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(This post was last modified: 01-24-2024, 05:08 PM by slothfacekilla. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestone Post +3 TPE

6. Graphic, 3 TPE, Logo Logic
Make an alternate logo for this season's allstar game!

[Image: M7s8Nzz.png]

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each. Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star game better or worse when this happens?
b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?
c. While there aren't any new faces in net this season, which pair of goalies do you think is going to have more fun?
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)

a. I think it is probably an advantage for the West team that they have so many players that are familiar playing with each other as teammates already. This can only help their chemistry in this one and done game. It is probably making the all-star game worse though because some fans will not get to see their players fairly represented in the all star game. Since this doesn't really count for anything I think that matters more than having the chemistry.
81 words - 1 TPE

c. I think BASE PACK and Casey Fantobens (who I always want to call Fantobeans) are going to have more fun than the other pair of goalies in the Western Conference. They will not have as many teammates on the East squad as the West goalies will have so they will be forced to interact and have more fun with each other and new faces. Things will get silly and much fun will be had.
74 words - 1 TPE

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PT Pass

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GM Pass

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GM pass

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GM pass….

Milestones cause I like to see them.

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[Image: z6GYaGE.gif]
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2024, 08:11 AM by the5urreal. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

New Orleans hasn't had many all-stars in the past several seasons, but for S74, I think the top choice was as clear as could be. Lester Oiduser was a force to be reckoned with this past season on the Specters blue line. Lester led not just the team in blocked shots, but also the entire league with 331. He also led the NOLA defensemen in hits with 74 which was also a top-25 effort in all of the SHL. When he wasn’t showing off his defensive prowess, he was showing up on the scoring sheet having also lead the Specters in points from the blue line. It was a career year for Lester Oiduser and he was rightfully nominated for the Bojo Biscuit Award! The all-star nod was well earned. As far as what we can expect from Oiduser in the all-star game, I would say more of the same. Plenty of blocked shots, some hits dished out, and maybe even a point or two.
[165 words]
+3 TPE

5. Written, 3 TPE, Last Men In (150 words min.)
Argue for one of your teammates (not yourself!) to be the last man in for your conference!

I know the all-star game is reserved for only the best of the best and in the SHL, where stats can be very inflated depending on the division or even the conference you’re playing in, being among the best means putting up the most points. When you play in the most competitive division within the most competitive conference in the league, putting up a ton of points can be tough. That was the case for the New Orleans Specters and their S74 point leader Peter Tingle. This is only Tingle’s third season in the SHL but it was also the best of his career so far. Not only did he ascend to first line this past season, but he met the challenge head on by leading the entire team in goals and points while playing on the same line as future Specter all-timer Atticus Hale. There’s no doubt in my mind that Tingle would have been near the top of the league if you were to slot him into the same position on BUF, EDM, PHI, or any one of the other teams producing top point getters.
[187 words]
+3 TPE

[Image: the5urrealshl.gif]

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1. Milestones + 3

2. (2)
a) I think having more players from the same team favours the team for sure if they're played on the same lines. Chemistry is one of the most important aspects of hockey and it's hard to find it in just one game. Those guys are the best the league has to offer but it's still a lot to ask in just one game.
d) Listen, I don't like to brag (no, I do) but there aren't many players in the league who won a fight. I'm one of them. Fighting is a dying art in the SHL and if the fan vote wasn't so rigged in favour of Edmonton and Los Angeles, I think the best brawler in the league would've gotten a spot. The people love to see players fight and I gave them what they wanted. That's right, one fight, one win.

3. (3)
Another season, another post about Meta Knight. Boy oh boy am I looking forward to this one every season. At least this time I can also talk about Alexi Piastri but it sucks that I won't be doing it anymore as he is leaving for the Los Angeles Panthers. Oh well, I'll take the win for this season and hope that another one of us makes it to the All Star Game in S75. What can I say about Meta Knight? He's been our pity pick for so long but he is actually looking good as far as stats go. He's the only Monarch who has more than 100 points. Piastri got close but not quite with 97. What I also like about Piastri's game is that it's not purely offensive. He was our most physical player this season by quite a lot. It will be nice to have two players representing the Monarchs this season for sure.

[Image: Oqsvuu4.png]

GM Pass

[Image: Screenshot_87.png]

Simmer Pass

[Image: Svatos2.png?ex=660626ee&is=65f3b1ee&hm=4...height=350] [Image: sig.png?ex=660330ca&is=65f0bbca&hm=574bd...9bdc77fda&]
(This post was last modified: 01-24-2024, 09:23 PM by Thunfish. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. A solitary TPE, what a pittance

2. a. I doubt it affects the event that much but if you are asking about the effect it has on the Conference... well, to be blunt, is it ever a good sign when you have a concentration of better players in a small number of teams? The answer is usually no, I guess.
b. West. I prefer something more varied than something that you could probably see on a regular match anyway. It really is not quite a varied show if you will have a usual pairing from a team that plays through the regular season together, so yeah... fail to see why I would rather see that as opposed to just players from different teams having to figure their way out together for kicks.
c. Probably the West, just because that goalie has to deal with players who lack the same chemistry they would otherwise have if they were from the same team. Not that it matters much given the game is really just for bantz and all so I suppose both would enjoy it in their own way though if I had to pick one, just give me the West one.
d. Barring the fun of seeing whoever narrates the game have a struggle with the name of Sunrise van de Schubbekutteveen, I fail to see any reason he would have gotten in anyway. Comes with the territory of being a young player in a team working themselves up as opposed to the usual suspects playing for the Cup that usually end up at this thing anyway.

8. No bloody idea. I see some people I like, some people I doubt I have ever met and that is probably about it. Bordeleau being our only player makes an awful lot of sense since she's the team's veteran and I believe she is on her way to retirement sooner than later so it should probably be a nice little visit if you look at it that way. But I still could not care less about an All-Star Game and that kind of just remains as it is to this very day regardless of how many teammates of mine end up in it.

That is probably why there was that three-on-three All-Star thing a while back that I had heard about but could not care much to check, to try and give the concept some extra life but man... kinda rough of a battle to face, huh? Good luck to them with this whole thing, I guess.

[Image: d8gycCg.png]
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