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Chirper #51 (AC Week #509)

the chipotle quesadilla sucks

chirp chirp. Enjoying the sunny weather before it starts raining this weekend. Feels nice to actually enjoy being outside again.

Good Blorgl everyone

Excited to have my lunch soon but I'm not really hungry yet haha

[Image: andyj18.gif]

[Image: andybj18.gif]

[Image: pawter_meowski.png]

Preseason Preseason Preseason Berserkers

[Image: mattyj.png]

Preseason starts today!

GGFG! Grizzlies

It is fun to see my signatures of old players when I am on the site

[Image: andyj18.gif]

[Image: andybj18.gif]

[Image: pawter_meowski.png]

Tijuana Flats is a terrible restaurant. Don't @ me

[Image: mattyj.png]

Can I chirp like a bird?

(This post was last modified: 02-01-2024, 03:19 PM by jason kranz. Edited 1 time in total.)

The snow is melting I'm gonna cry

The art of storytelling is a fascinating subject

I've been studying it as part of writing a VN

I really need to stop assuming the best of people until they’ve actually proven it, this “take a chance on people” thing is just not working out well.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

What an awful week

02-01-2024, 12:12 PMscudmuffin19 Wrote: the HO hires surprise no one, once again the best buddy gang stays strong
Who did we choose not to hire? I patiently await your blind guess.

[Image: sIjpJeQ.png]
[Image: KPt6Yuu.png]

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