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S75 PT0: Gebeneezer Boogie Due: Monday, February 12th @ 11:59 PST

Option 2: 174 Words


"Let me ask you the most important question you'll hear in this offseason:

You ever heard of fuckin Tekken?

You want a great way to spend your offseasons while maintaining that competitive fire that's so important to a professional hockey player, you oughta look into your city and region's local fighting game scenes. The beauty of hockey ending in the summer, especially, is that your schedule is wide open for EVO when it comes around. Now, I'm not saying you're going to be winning top 8 at EVO or even that you're going to be getting out of POOLS for fucks sake, but getting involved with your local fighting game scene is the easiest way to retain your competitive edge without risking any serious injuries that would set back your professional playing career.

And that's why I spend my offseasons absolutely obliterating Tampa Bay local tourneys and running commentary for regional event streams. I just do this whole hockey thing to fund my stick building obssession." - Benny Fiorentini to Pyotr Gallen on their podcast.

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sigs by me bitch

(This post was last modified: 02-08-2024, 09:11 AM by Spritestuff. Edited 5 times in total.)

Graphic Task
Keigan sees a ghost

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embedding aint working

A true player should be able to work hard and play hard all the time. Especially in the offseason this is important to relax and recoup strength from the last seasons. Adam Liebold likes to head to a beach for 2 weeks after the season to relax rest, drink and play golf. After that his routine is working out every morning for 2 hours. He lifts and runs and rides the bike in this time. After that he eats breakfast then gets some icetime for another hour. Then lunch afternoon golf and taking advantage of the nightlife wherever he is. This continues until the end of the summer. He leads up to training camp with some longer runs and workouts to make sure his cardio is in tip top shape for training camp back with the Baltimore Platoon. He is an example for the younger rookies showing them you can have a good time and enjoy life while still working hard and staying in shape for the season.

Foil Up Boys

Option 2:

For a hockey player, there are really only 2 routes in the offseason and that really depends on if your team has made it to the big dance, which in turn extends your playing time and cuts into your offseason time, or the other option, which means your team did not make the playoffs and you have an extra month and a half to play golf. 

We'll go over the latter option first. So it's the last day of the season and you've played the last game this season, you're packing up your gear and cleaning out your locker. The feeling is bittersweet, as it is the goal of any hockey player to play meaningful playoff games and ultimately win the cup. However, this extended offseason also gives you a chance to rest and recuperate any nagging injuries and season long ailments. The first few weeks of the off season are always reserved for rest and relaxation, which can include going on a trip, spending time with family, or going back to your home country. The second half of the offseason will be returning back to your team training facilities to prepare and get in shape for the upcoming season. If you did make the playoffs and did not go all the way to the finals, the offseason will be somewhat similar just adjusted as the offseason won't be as long.

If you made the finals or won the cup, then the entire off season will be for resting and relaxing. Your body has been put through the hell of the playoffs and finals. Hockey players are tough as nails, but even nails will rust and break if not treated properly.

286 words

Edmonton Blizzard Co-GM
Yukon Malamutes Hall of Fame
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Granny Panpan Count: 258

I think that every player in the SHL probably has different offseason routines and schedules that uniquely work for them. I don’t think that there is one “correct” way to spend your offseason to get ready for the season. RIP THUNDERDOME 2013-2023 spends his offseason fasting and giving penance to the SHL gods for the collective crime of killing the Thunderdome. That works really well for RIP TD, but I can see why such a process wouldn’t work for other players. I mean, fasting can’t actually be good for you when you are trying to get ready for an entire season of an extremely grueling sport. However, the praying probably fills him with the power of Simon T, letting RIP THUNDERDOME act as a sort of avatar for the SHL and Sim Gods. Other players probably just chill on the beach and hit the weight room, and all the power to them

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Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

Option 2 -

I am not saying that this is the best training regime to do for a player, and success may not be for everyone, but it certainly helps for Ace Lightning.

After the last game of the season, Ace takes a bus directly from the arena to the airport where he enjoys a sandwich from the newspaper stand, then boards a plane to North Korea. He spends about 34 hours in the air or making various connections, which builds his stamina for sitting and pain. Then once he gets to North Korea, they reject him and send him back because no visitors allowed! This builds his confidence because of how well he takes rejection. In his first trip, he cried and cried, but after a few seasons he now takes it very well. Then once he returns to Toronto, he hits the gym and works on his actual hockey game through rigorous exercise and whatnot.

Obviously, the best way to train for Andrade La Sombra is to keep training. Off-season, shmoff-season; the Colorado Raptors were so tantalizingly close to winning the cup last season and it absolutely came back to haunt La Sombra over the course of the offseason. Even if he wanted to rest at the end of that epic series, he wouldn't be able to. The feeling of that championship and the feeling of coming so close to winning is enough to push La Sombra's training regimen to the max. Weights can be heard slamming against the ground in the Raptors' gym hour after hour, night after night. 
That being said, this likely doesn't fall into a typical offseason for La Sombra; he makes it a point to go back home to Mexico, visiting his father's lucha libre wrestling promotion sporadically. To him, watching what his father and the rest of his family do is something that calms him, and reminds him who and what he's fighting for. That balance is going to be important in the coming years as La Sombra continues his hockey career.

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Written Task: What kind of lifestyle should a hockey player live in the offseason? How can you best strike a balance between recreation and relaxation, and training for the next season? Should you simply spent the first half in the Caribbean and the second half in the gym, or is there some other training regimen you follow? Feel free to tell me what your player happens to do, or to showcase your own expertise in real-world athletic training!

In the offseason, you should see a hockey player doing some relaxing as well as training. If you are always training and always hitting the ice you are going to burn out so fast that you will not be able to enjoy being a professional In the sport any more. You will start looking for other activities and start slacking off in games until the team decides they no longer want you. So what should an ideal offseason look like? As outlined in the question, you should take your vacation immediately and go live it up. Do whatever you want for weeks then come back refreshed and ready to get back to the grindstone to prepare you for the season. You can not skip working out entirely, but you should go at light heartedly until a month before the season and then you should really get into it.

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Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
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When it comes to the love of the game for Patey V2, it is all about winning and doing whatever it takes and he knows that. What happened in this dream was that I believe Patey V2 has been too anxious for the points and focusing less on the team, even though the team may be winning. The spirits were letting him know that if he does not smarten up, bad things may start to happen to the team, similar to what happened in the playoffs of last season. As we move forward, Patey V2 will solely be focusing on the team, and if the points come along with it than that is fine. Sometimes it is hard to just change a mindset, so Patey V2 is going to need aid from his teammates for getting his head back on straight, this will hopefully come through some team activities or just practicing in different forms on being a better teammate.

Words - 177

Graphic Task: Draw your player seeing a ghost.

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Option 2
In the off-season, it's important to stay active even if you are not training at 100%.
You need to take a little break from hockey and training, but that doesn't mean to sit on the sofa all day, drink beer and eat KFC. You still have to do some activity like golf, tennis or anything that keep the body in a good shape.
When the season finish, I have the habit to go back to my family for a week to think about something else than hockey for a change. After that week, it depend if we have a long off-season or not, but I habitually represent Team Canada so I don't really have a long summer so I need to start training not long after that week. Even with Team Canada the tournament if sometime not that long for us so it's a really good "training camp" for me to be ready for the next season.

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Option 1:

Written Task: One cold and lonely Christmas-break night, your player is visited by the ghost of their mite-hockey coach (who passed away last year in an unfortunate molasses sandwich accident at the age of 96). He warns your player that they have forgotten the right way to play, and lost their faith in the heart of the puck. You will be visited by three spirits over the course of the coming season, who will endeavor to help you get your head back on straight. What is your player's reaction to this apparition? Or was it just a dream?

Oskar Scholz has been known to be a bit of a grump. Some have gone as far as to call him a scrooge. When he was first visited by the ghost of his mite-hockey coach, Karl Karlsson, it definitely gave him a pretty good scare, but he ultimately brushed it off as a bad dream. That was until he met the first spirit that the ghost Karl Karlsson said he would interact with, the ghost of SHL Pass. He took Oskar back to a time when he was just a little dude tearing up the little league. He had no need to pass because everyone would just pass to him. He was the top threat. Then over time the players around him improved, the competition improved, and he needed to start passing. It sent a humble chill down Oskar's spine reminding him he doesn't need to do everything by himself and should work with his teammates should he want to win the ultimate prize.

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pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride

Off-season means time for things that matter, like training, eating, sleeping... around, and such activities. What sort of training you might ask, well. Depends on what you need to work on, Mephi spends loads of time in the church of satan. Where he prays to his father, to Baphomet, to the unholy spirit. He eats mostly goats, not because they taste the best but because they have the best-looking skulls and he collects them, like a normal person.
Sleeping is best done while on cocaine, it's quite similar to how a TV pastor would relax but much less begging for money and guilt-tripping uneducated souls.

Once the season approaches it's important to cut out the cocaine, it's not good to have it in the system in case of random drug tests during the games.

The offseason can be a drag, but hey. It's what you make it, and make sure you make it good.


Oh no its the ghost from the past present and future here to fight me or something i dont remember but i think they show us some of the things that happened. I fall sleep after bullying a small child as i do cause thats who i am, then i wake up its night time and there is a dude he looks like Nikolaj Boyle, but what hes is supposed to be alive, but i guess hes also a ghost too. He say i be bad and then there wil be ghost who come i say uh oh but then the ghost come its the first one he looks like a angel or baby i forgot, he takes me to the past i see my young launchpad self looking like a baby oh no i see myself being sad and stuff i dont think the guy was evil then. Then i see my present ghost who looks like the king? he tells me that oh that small child i bullied is sad, oh cool. then i see the future ghost he is the grim reaper i go to future and im dead and stuff which is sad. the end i learned something

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Kyle Sux Lmap

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