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S75 PT0: Gebeneezer Boogie Due: Monday, February 12th @ 11:59 PST

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Prompt 2

The offseason is a difficult balance between rest, relaxation, and preparation for the upcoming season. It’s all too easy to wrap up the season and then park yourself on the couch and catch up on all the recent shows on Netflix or Hulu that you may have missed when you were focused on playing. For others, there is a temptation to keep up their in-season regiment, especially if you had a great season (or a terrible one and want to feel you can do better.) Both these approaches are disastrous, setting up scenarios where your body and mind are not properly prepared for the upcoming season. The best approach, then, is one where you can rest a bit, recharge the batteries, but come into the season ready to go. For Jon St. Ark, he takes a few weeks off at the start of the offseason to rest some of the wear and tear from the season and then slowly ramps up over the course of the offseason. Longer and more difficult practice sessions until he’s in game shape.

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Option 2

What type of life should a hockey player live in the offseason? The way they should, that's the type of life they should live. Wake up in the morning, massive hangover. Get up and eat four breakfast burritos, and visit the bathroom three times before noon. By 9am they should be on their third beer of the day at the least. By noon, they need to be getting all the boys rounded up for another night of clubbing. By 2pm, they need to be doing a line of cocaine off a hookers ass to get them in the partying mood. By 3pm they need to be crying in bathroom as they stare at their own reflection in the mirror. 3:30pm is more cocaine, but this time off the picture of their childhood sweetheart that never loved them back the way the hockey player loved them. When 4pm comes around, the player should be so drunk that they end up passing out until 10pm. When they wake up, it's 30 minutes on the ice, then straight to bed. The cycle repeats until playoffs.

Sven Holmberg

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Player Page | Update Page

Option 2:

I think there is no one way how a player should spend their off-season, it is a very individual and personal question and different things can have very different effects on different people. Things that work well for one player can actually be a net negative for others, and vice versa. So it's hard to present "one size fits all" solutions here. However, there are some general guidelines that I think a significant majority of people will benefit from. Number one for me is nutrition. Peoples workout regiments and plans can look very different for the off-season and some will benefit more from a harder workload while others will get more from additional time for phyiscal as mental recovery. When it comes to living healthy however and giving your body what it needs, consistency is paramount. You can change a lot of things and habit in the off-season compared to the regular season, but you need to keep getting your body the things that it needs, without overindulging. You can add some more cheat days in the off-season, spend a whole weekend partying or have a nice vacation with a bunch of good meals, as long as you always return to your "baselin" regimen within a reasonable amount of time.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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prompt 2

Well, I think having at least some period where hockey is not on the horizon at all is pretty important. Whether you just spend it chilling around, or having some other more active pasttime is up to you entirely, but I personally think it's not great to be completely stationary. I love food which obviously, not something you get to completely indulge in during a season where weight and being healthy is pretty important, so during the offseason, some mix of eating the good shit and something somewhat active. Summer sports are kinda fun, and water is something that I love whether it's frozen or not, so beaches are a favourite spot to hang around, even as you get a bit out of shape, which tends to be a very popular spot to get a very unflattering photo of yourself plastered all over the internet. In the end though, chilling and eating has to eventually make way to preparation for the next season, and certainly sooner than usual with the big jump to the SHL ahead of me.

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: LSZLcjq.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

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PBE Affiliate

The ghost of hockey Christmas past visited Egli over the holiday break, which was a total bummer because Egli had planned a trip to Barbados but now he has to stay in Edmonton because of some unfinished business or something about "forgetting the way of the puck"

The ghost brought Egli to a flashback if when he brought those Jamaican kids from the hockey camp last season to see a game in Edmonton. This was super confusing because it was like the nicest thing Egli has ever done. The ghost waited until after the kids and Emil had egged @HabsFanFromOntario's car and made Egli watch as HFFO discovered his 2009 Honda Accord covered in eggs, and made him watch as HFFO broke down in a puddle of tears and other various bodily fluids. 

There were supposed to be two more ghosts, but after seeing how utterly sad HFFO was the ghost of hockey Christmas past and Egli both agreed that this whole thing was a little much.

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ISFL affiliate (Dindog)

Option 2:

Over the course of the off-season, Jaden can be found training nearly every day under the watch of his grandfather, Jakob Tanner. Jakob's experience as a coach puts him in a good position to train his grandson; it's not often you have the undivided attention of a hall-of-famer.

He tries to split things pretty evenly between working on his skating ability and drills to improve his stickhandling and other finesse skills. When he isn't on the ice, he's often found in the weight room, working out. Jaden's goal is to enter each season in better shape than the last, both physically and mentally.

All of this comes together to make a pretty holistic approach to hockey, working to improve his physical skills as well as his understanding of the game. While he certainly isn't the best player in the league, his progress over the last couple seasons is undeniable. And he doesn't plan to stop any time soon.

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(This post was last modified: 02-11-2024, 10:11 PM by DigDoug11.)

Option 2

Normally Trevor lahey would take it easy during the offseason, go to his hash farm and get back to his roots. It was always his dream to make a huge score on his farm so that he and the boys would make enough to retire for good. But now that he’s got enough money from being a big SHL superstar, the farm can just be a hobby and a side gig. But this particular offseason, Trevor lahey and the Falcons are coming down from an amazing season and a four cup win! So this offseason, lahey will spend the first part of his offseason at Disney world with the boys! After that, he would go back to the farm. When it gets a little closer to the preseason, Trevor will starting hitting the ice, shaking off the cob web, that have developed during the offseason.    Thats just a Quick Look into what Trevor lahey does during the offseason!

159 words

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Mikko Rashford is all about hard training.  So hard indeed that he prefers to skate on frozen lakes.  Hard frozen ice.  That's it, oh, you thought I meant like hardcore workouts or something? Yeah no, disc golf and pond hockey is about all you will see Mikko do.  It is probably the reason why his skillset has been dropping off lately, just simply not willing to work hard enough to better themselves as a player (at least, that is what the media says).

Off-season training can often be more about getting your body healed than it is getting it ready for the next season.  Deep playoff runs often keep you from being able to get the rest that you need before the next season.  Championship contending teams often start slow in the regular season due to this and the NHL has seen it quite a bit lately with Tampa and Colorado after their respective championship winning seasons.  Mikko does hope to one day get back to that level


Option 2:

When looking at how players should be spending their offseasons we first address, what would actually lead to improvement? Is it time in the Carribean? Is it hours on hours of practice or is it something else? Well Wizard took a very different approach to this and took a vacation over the offseason to improve so that not only was he able to spend some quality time with his family who lives overseas but he was able to improve his game at the same time. Granted something like this for overseas travel works well in Wizards case as it allows for a good family and work balance but for players who are based in the US they will more likely want to do something like traveling the country and challenging those around the country or getting helps from different coaches. Learning things in different places allows you to fully understand how another community may view something and how they may approach a challenge differently.

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Option 2

Let's break down the word offseason real quick. It's the off season. You know, the time that isn't the season that you have off? It's the time for the players to just relax, take it easy, and chill out. Like what, do you want accountants working on updated tax code during their time off?

And sure, you can argue "hey the offseason is the time in which a player is not going to have to worry about fatigue from the season and can really strength train" but isn't that what coaching and steroids is for? Why should the players be sticking their necks out for the teams when they are being given time off. Okay, realistically the start of the offseason is when you spend time with your family, go out with friends you didn't see, yada yada, Iand then towards the end of the season players have to ramp up and get prepped for training camp/to get into shape. Really wish players could just chill and take time off tho!

175 words

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My players, dad Ayre, his mate, coach shows up and she says hey listen man you were playing the wrong way and you have to do it the right way or else things are going to go wrong for you and the rest of your life. You have to start playing smart, pucks on net, circle the puck, if you don’t start doing it that way, then you won’t last very long. If you don’t keep doing it, then everything is going to go wrong and your career won’t last long, you haven’t been playing well this season, but it can be fixed. If you get out there and start doing it the right way that’s the way you Gotta do it and if you do it the wrong way, then that’s the right way to do it because sometimes you just have to do the right thing and if the right thing doesn’t happen to the wrong thing will. Go birds and go Tommi koivu

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Option 2

A hockey player's off season should mostly focus on relaxation while also staying active a bit. Leonard Wood likes to take to stress relieving activities in the outdoors in the off season to stay in shape. He likes to go hiking, biking, or kayaking in the great outdoors. Typically he will spend his off seasons in northern Wisconsin where nature is plentiful. He will disconnect from the outside world by turning off his phone and just take in his surroundings. This allows him to reset mentally and refocus for the upcoming season. Leonard Wood will also bring a hockey stick and a ball to play in the road against local kids in the area. He feels this keeps him humble and not as much of a big hockey star. He will also enjoy brats on the grill paired with a beer. Then of course, he will burn that off with a bike ride down a trail. The key is to keep on working and staying in shape but not too hard because you need to rest as well.

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