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S75 PT0: Gebeneezer Boogie Due: Monday, February 12th @ 11:59 PST

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Option 2:

The offseason schedule is really a good question, and it really kind of comes down to what the player needs at the time. I think pretty much everyone will unanimously agree that being a professional athlete is a year-round deal in this day and age, so personally I don't even think spending half on and half off is really a good way to prepare, you probably want to keep on top of your fitness even when "off" just so you don't have to build anything back up when you come back. I think the right way to look at it as basically being a full-time athlete for 10 years, and then getting to rest for the next 50, so the summers will include some breaks of course, mental strain and some injuries require at least some period of full-rest to recover, but the length and amount of rest is probably best to determine year on year with the help of some professional physical therapists or specialized doctors depending on the issue. I think you have to use all your resources to get you through the summer well and hopefully come back into the next season at the same level you want to be at all year, otherwise you will just be making it harder for yourself. You only have to do it for like 10% of your life, so you might as well try to not hinder yourself by over-relaxing unless it is really needed.

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My player's reaction to this is that it is just a dream, however he takes this dream as a very motivative inspiration for him to be a better player than he already is. If he doesn't take this dream serious, he does believe he his play could suffer. This dream happened suddenly right after Slurpe was traded from the Scarecrows to the Raptors in the off season and was a major wake up call so he doesn't get traded again. The next few spirits visited Slurpe at the start of the season and kept putting negative thoughts in his head about being traded again if he didn't perform up to the high standards of a 4th overall pick. The spirits in his dream all had strong messages for Slurpe, yet he made sure to not let them get to his head and ensure that they were just dreams and wouldn't come true.

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(This post was last modified: 02-12-2024, 12:25 AM by aleks.)

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ISFL Affiliate (Username Nathan)

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Credit Maxy and Merica for sigs

Maybe not a popular opinion amongst the other players or even the fans but being a professional hockey player or even a professional sportsman of any code is a job that lasts all year round and not just the playing season. By comparison to a regular job your playing career is short and there is plenty of time to relax and enjoy your hard earned savings once you retire which is more than likely going to be some time during your thirties give or take. That means that during your playing career the off season should be treated as a time of rehabilitation and honing of skills rather than an excuse to go on holiday and get out of shape. That does not mean that you go out there and go hell for leather on the practice rink because your body needs this time to recover from the rigors of the season but it is a good time to work on additional strength training and fine motor skills like stick handling.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
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A hockey player’s lifestyle should be relaxed in the offseason. They shouldn’t train too much during the dead season, to not build up a strong metabolism already, but they should also stay in shape and not pull a Kucherov and drink (a lot). You could take some time off and go to the sea or on vacation, but don't stay there too long, else you’ll lose focus and your routine will be broken. Personally, Edžus goes to see his family in Latvia for half the offseason while constantly training to keep his form, then goes back to North America for specialized training in the Los Angeles Panthers’ infrastructures. In his mind, it makes perfect sense because he gets to enjoy familial moments with his loved ones AND focus on key parts of his game, all in a single offseason. And since he doesn't know how to play golf, there's no need to stay in the United States directly after losing in the playoffs, he can just leave for his home country right away.

173 words

Written Task: What kind of lifestyle should a hockey player live in the offseason? How can you best strike a balance between recreation and relaxation, and training for the next season? Should you simply spend the first half in the Caribbean and the second half in the gym, or is there some other training regimen you follow? Feel free to tell me what your player happens to do, or to showcase your own expertise in real-world athletic training!

It would depend on how long of a post-season I had or how many injuries I had during the season, Maybe a 2-3 week vacation before training would be needed to rest up and get ready for the season. Look to try and get to be explosive and try to build strength at the start of my training, then try to condition and maybe start to skate on the ice with a month left, so I will be in mid-season skating form to start the season. I find that to be something that is needed over the last couple of seasons and I think it would be something to do moving forward and I want to be a strong skater, its something that is probably my weakness and something that I need to work on to be a better hockey player and be an better overall hockey player to start the season

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Everyone knows the right way to take your offseason is to just drink and eat as much as possible, it’s called bulking right, helps you put on muscle mass and it’s pretty fun to do it. Another way to get this bulk going is by just sitting around in the sun on a nice beach. Leo Rose takes the offseason to its fullest, never exerting himself too much because it’s always possible to injure yourself. He’ll go to the gym every couple days but it’s not needed everyday. That is until the final month of the break, then he’s getting yelled at “get in shape” “lose some weight” then it turns into cutting season. It seems to be working for Leo so far and he enjoys his offseasons so it’s probably the best way possible to do it. I’m not a registered doctor or sports dude so don’t take my word for it

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Option 2: As far as an off-season lifestyle, I think it is important for players to take some time away from hockey and go out and relax and enjoy themselves. There’s a lot of stress that comes with being a professional athlete and that’s all it takes in the body during the season. I think it’s good for players to take that time off to relax and recuperate, then when they’re ready get back into the gym to get ready for the next season. If I was a professional athlete, I would probably take a good 3 to 4 weeks off from any hockey activities as far as training goes just so I can have my body heal from the season and get ready to be able to work as hard as I can for the next season. I wouldn’t want my body breaking down on me because I was constantly playing or working out every day during the off-season. As far as training goes, there is a lot of plyometrics and on ice skills training to get back into hockey shape.

Supah has a very simple off season schedule, it has been simple since his first years of lacing up his skates. Wherever Supah goes, hockey comes with him. No matter where, no matter the vacation or who he's with, if Supah can play a game of hockey, or something similar to it, he will take the opportunity. On a beach, he would hit a coconut with a stick and shoot it into a net of sea grass and weeds. In snowy mountains he would hit balls of ice with ski poles as he is a rather poor skier, and a little afraid though he'll never admit it. For Supah, there is no fun if hockey is not in some way related. It has become his life whether for better or for worse, his dedication for the game makes it sometimes harder to get him off the ice rather than getting him on it.

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