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S75 PT0: Gebeneezer Boogie Due: Monday, February 12th @ 11:59 PST

Option 2 written

Sim Wen is a massive fitness buff who lives and breathes hockey. Ok now that you're laughing, this kid is a monster back home down in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the offseason. I don't think him and his twin brother Jim Wen have touched a weight before training camp has started in any of the seasons since they entered the league. Sim Wen will sometimes pick up a hockey stick but he mostly just takes slapshots in his backyard and tries not to break a neighbour's window again. Spending the entire offseason drinking and roasting in the sun with his friends is the ultimate rest and relaxation needed after a long and tiring season. Sim Wen takes the stance that training camp is the time to get in shape and his offseason is his time to enjoy himself. It's a great system and the season will keep going great while he keeps it up.

154 words

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I feel like the best balance for a hockey player is to have some fun in the early part of the offseason. Pushing yourself too far will only lead to injury and possibly the end of your career early. So recreation should be the start. Just cause you're relaxing a bit doesn't mean that you cant work on team related stuff. Going on Vacation with teammates can lead to some chemistry that wasn't there before. Better chemistry can lead to better play on the ice. Better trust between teammates means more risks that can lead to big plays.

But of course it can't be all play. You'll have to get back in the gym and make sure that you're physically fit for the season. Working on ways to keep yourself healthy so you can have a long career. That's my thoughts to it. Play first then work after, the mind and body don't do well with nothing but work.


option 2

so binko koivu has a very specific way of training and spending his time during his off season time period. well would you not like to know what that specific method of training and spending time is? well time for me to spill the beans and let you in on his whole regiment for his off season time spending extravaganza! first he meets up with youngster sim wen @Jepox and they go and spend some quality time together in a log cabin in the woods spending time chopping some wood and making some furniture and polishing up their knobs together and it really is some hard work and they get a real good work out doing that. they then pay a visit to atlanta legend nathan explosion @micool132 after their stay in their cabin so that they can stay with nathan in his cabin instead where they all try really hard to poop as much as possible to try to clog the out house pooper that nathan has next to his cabin in the woods. nathan cooks up some real good food and lots of it just to try to get the two current players to poop as much as possible! that ends up being such a work out for their GI tracts that everyone stays in incredible shape!

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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Option 2:

At least for the beginning of the offseason, the lifestyle of a player should be more focused on relaxation. Daniel Grumathan always spends at least the first two weeks, sometimes a bit more, of the offseason soley dedicated to visiting family and relaxing. That isn't to say he doesn't work out at all, it is just a lot more relaxed and his mind is not just focusing on improvement. The work outs are more so just to stay in shape and to keep up a routine. As the offseason progresses, Grumathan will then shift gears into a more training focused mindset. Still not at the same level as in season, but working out a bit more intensely and will get some training on the ice more often. Look at improving technical skills rather than just pure athletisim. Then finally, in the last few weeks of the offseason it is full blown training mode. It is important to be at your best right when the season starts.
(This post was last modified: 02-12-2024, 03:14 AM by Count Chocula. Edited 2 times in total.)

Option 2:

During the off season I live in my hometown of Marseille, France. I have a chateau along the waterfront where I stay with my girlfriend. It is a far more beautiful and cultured corner of the Earth than New England. During the summer I like to practice my boxing with my coach Claude. I have trained with him since I was 12. Sometimes I enter amateur fights, but my GM told me I was no longer allowed to enter fights in the off season. So now I must enter under a fake name so as to not get in trouble. Each morning I ride my blacked out Vespa to the local bakery and pick up the finest Baguette in all of France to eat for breakfast. Nothing beats the food in France, another thing that New England can't compete with. This past year I started my own charity foundation back home, to help the youngsters in France learn hockey. My hope is that I get more French players into the SHL.

[Image: Chocula22.gif]
Berserkers Wolfpack France

Option 1:

Slip McScruff takes this kind of visit deeply seriously because he has strived his whole long career to play with the heart of the puck. In fact, he has augmented his late waning income with selling books and making self-help youtube videos about getting right with the heart of the puck to achieve fame, success, and family. If the illusion of his faith is shattered, he'll have to go back to trying hard at hockey to earn more than a minimum salary.

So, naturally, he gets out ahead of this news and starts a new video series about his encounter with the ghost of his mite-hockey coach and what he can teach you. Get ready to get pucks on net towards all your goals in life, on and off ice. The first video in the series is a self-reflection on if you need to get right with the puck. Slip McScruff obviously didn't need to get right with the puck because he has been for 20 something seasons, but the spirit asked him 10 questions which he will pass along to you, please like and subscribe, ring the bell and follow on bluesky.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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(This post was last modified: 02-12-2024, 09:18 AM by Thelastheraclid.)

Option 1

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Written Task - Option 1 - 157 Words
Lord Farquaads broke out of his slumber with sweat on his brow. He was visited by his father, Lord Farquaads the 1st, yelling at him again for not clearing the puck. "Son, you will never make it to the big leagues if you can't clear the puck when your team is under siege! If you ever want to be a defenseman like me, the God Emporer of Duloc, you need to listen! Do you see any foul Fairy Tale Creatures in Duloc? No! I've kept them away, because I know how to play defense."
Lord Farquaad shuddered. This memory quickly vanished when he realized that it wasn't just a long buried memory, but a dream. "WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME, SON!? I SEE HERE THAT YOU ARE NOT EVEN A DEFENSEMAN ANYMORE. YOU HAVE ABANDONED EVERYTHING THAT THE NAME FARQUAADS EVEN STOOD FOR. A FORWARD?! IN MY BLOODLINE!? DISGUSTING!" Lord Farquaads buries his face into his hands.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

Option 2 

Kevin Kim has always been a lazy guy, he always came home from his job (which was hockey) and didn't hit the gym in any single part of the day. I guess that really backfired because now he plays worse than a SMJHL player. The only training he did was the extremely expensive training that everyone does at whether each weekend or the whole offseason. This offseason however would be different, rather than spending his whole entire break relaxing in the cozy warmth that the beach of the Florida brings to a player, he decided to change his plan complete. And finally after many months of slowly starting to gain weight, he planned to go to the gym. The first day he trained there, maybe it was because of the lack of consistent training, he felt extremely sore in every part of his body. From that day on, yes he still sucks on the ice but rather than waiting for the sunset in Florida, but at least he's doing something productive.

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                               Canada Knights Monarchs Thank you Enigmatic and Jaypc8237 for the sigs!  Monarchs Knights Canada
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option 2: Written Task: What kind of lifestyle should a hockey player live in the offseason? How can you best strike a balance between recreation and relaxation, and training for the next season? Should you simply spent the first half in the Caribbean and the second half in the gym, or is there some other training regimen you follow? Feel free to tell me what your player happens to do, or to showcase your own expertise in real-world athletic training!

In the off-season, Elly has a wonderful balance between training and recreation. When she goes home to see her family and return to the zoo/habitat where she is from, she also spends time with the team that got her started in the league in the first place. She is a bit of a local celebrity and has a name for herself. She makes the rounds to hop on the ice and teach new and even junior members tricks she has learned, as well as just have a good time overall. Elly is extremely sweet and patient, and has soft purrs. But she also knows how to teach, and teaching is one of the absolute best ways to demonstrate one's knowledge and technique. If you can break something down for those with less of an understanding, then it shows you truly know your stuff, and Elly doesn't even speak human language! (though she does understand it completely). Aside from this, she relaxes with her litter/parents, goes roaming around her habitat and does plenty of stretches and kitty things. Its the perfect offseason! 

(186 words).

Firstly, seeing slick (he got that name from the parents for using way too much hair gel when he barely had hair to slick back) was a bit of a shock because I knew he passed away and oddly enough, he had a sandwich in his hands. When I heard what he said I was kind of taken aback. I have spent so many years playing hockey, trying to improve my game on defense, and I have even told myself that I would be the one who would be a two-way threat and for him to tell me I wasn’t playing the right way was odd.

I continually try to help my team and teammates, so what could he be referring to? I do tend to look at the stat sheet a little bit more now, and seeing my production kind of low compared to my teammates does suck sometimes, but I also know that I am helping us get wins, which is the ultimate goal. It was bizarre seeing him, and I’ll try to think of the scoresheet less, but I do think my game is good and does help my team. Maybe slick wasn’t so bright…

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pt pass

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Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

There's a lot of different things that go into maintaining both physical and mental shape for a pro hockey player. It's not all about the workouts and nutrition, though those are certainly important as well. For Cormier, maintaining a healthy work life balance is extremely important even though that may seem very difficult. Finding time to spend with his duaghter, his wife, and doing other hobbies like cooking a nice meal are things that really help keep him recharged mentally and emotionally, and give him the motivation needed to follow through with the more physical aspects of conditioning. He isnt one to take a lot of vacations, he's more of a staycation type of guy. A nice afternoon at home with his family, a movie and a hot coco is just as important to him as a trip to the Bahamas or wherever it may be. When on the road, he takes advantage of video chats to still see his family and get that personal time he desperately needs to function at the highest level.

The type of life that a hockey play should have outside of the regular season, or just outside of the game life or just normal practice is not too different as it is during the season. Got to mix in a little training of course to make sure that you are staying in shape and keeping your skills on top most definitely but the relaxation really has to sit there too. The season is a long time, and the work that is put in deserves a chance to relax. Take a vacation, one of the favorite spots for Aksel VINSen to vacation at is going to the United States of America and visiting the all known "happiest place on earth" also known as Disney World. It is a fun time and just let's me relax and also have a great time enjoying it all. Taking friends, family, of course it is a good time. Nothing else in the world can match it. But, of course the excitement to return to the season and play this great sport is the best feeling.

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Option 1, Graphic Task:

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Xavier Beausoleil
Position RW
Height : 6.5ft
Weight : 236lbs
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