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S75 PT#2: Bobby Oh-Boy Due: Monday, February 26th @ 11:59pm PST

option 2

Leonard Wood would train his skating skills in various different ways. First, he'd train by simply skating more. That seems easy enough right? Then he will further his skating abilities by rollerblading to the arena on home games. Leonard just uses all of the bike lanes in the city. Next, he'd train by skateboarding at the local skate park. He's no good at skateboarding but he tries anyways. It's something he can do to say he's skate training when he's kinda not so he can make his coaches and general managers happy. Then finally after he did all of that, he'd reluctantly hit the gym and do some leg workouts. He'd do these leg workouts at the Colorado Raptors training facility at all hours of the day. He preferred to work out when no one else is there to obnoxiously loud music, like at midnight, hours after a game. Then he'd roller blade back home, dodging late night drunk drivers.

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Written Task: How does your player train skating? Leg workouts? Bag skates for days? Some combination of the above? As before, your player does not need to be correct. Feel free to write absolute madness, flex your knowledge of real-world athletic training, or anywhere in between.

Skating training can involve a lot of different activities and drills for Frøya. Usually she'll start each day with a little bit of cardio on the treadmill or the stationary bike to warm up, which does also work the legs a little bit. Following that, she would usually get on the ice to start some drills. The list of drills usually involves her sister Sonja to make her want to compete more and push herself harder to do better. They'll start with a fastest skater race around the ice just to get a little bit of speed training. Following that she usually trains her edgework doing some slaloms both forwards and back, followed by some transition edge training to prepare from going from the defense to the offense and vice versa. The twins luckily had a bunch of power skating practices when they were younger which really allowed them to build some good fundamentals to use and learn how to train and improve on their skating on their own. Nonetheless, Frøya is always happy to help teammates with these training drills as well as a good skating can be the difference maker for scoring or preventing a goal.

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Option 2:
Caspian Leevi begins his leg training regimen by doing some light stretching, then jogging 5 miles with a moderate incline. After he finishes the warmup, he begins the intense portion of his workout by walking out to his garage where he puts on a modified climbing harness and connects to the tow hook on the front of his car. He begins dragging his car behind him, Worlds Strongest Man-style.  Rather than just pull the car for a distance, Caspian pulls the car for 30 steps then allows it to stop. Then he pulls it again. He does this over and over again until he goes all the way down his driveway and back. He works his legs like this two to three times per week during the off-season to increase his  acceleration and endurance. After he finishes, he stretches again and does some pilates to help lengthen his muscles and cool down. During the season he sticks to regular workouts and skating drills to prevent unnecessary injury.

Mary's eBay sale of Bobby Orr's receipt did not command nearly as high of a price as she had initially been led to believe that it would. No matter, as it cost her a grand total of zero dollars and zero cents to obtain in the first place. Still, the fact that she had obtained it at all was a little weird. I mean, seriously? Ghosts? Mary didn't normally believe in such things, but when it came to this particular situation there was really no other explanation that she could come up with.

With a few extra dollars in her pocket, Mary pulled up to the cathedral of piss ice, the Regina Elk practice facility. Everything was going horribly for Mary, as she continued to get cooked on every defensive drill. Her attacking work wasn't anything to write home about either -- the whole season had really been a nightmare. Then, all of a sudden, something came over her. She scored a goal of greater quality than she'd scored in any SMJHL game yet. Where did that come from? Mary looked around as if to say "did anybody else see that?" but alas -- her teammates attention was otherwise occupied. No matter. Surely, from this point on, Mary would turn it around and reach the 20 goal mark on the year she so desperately wished to achieve.

Elk  Rage
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Sig by sulovilen!
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ISFL Affiliate

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Option 2

Jay O'Neil takes leg day very seriously, haven't big legs and thunder thighs is more of a way of life for Jay than anything else. These days his legs are bigger than his waist, he's huge. They had to make custom jerseys just so he can fit into them. Other players fear his hip checks because it's like getting it with a dump truck, not many can recover. Every gym session he does five hundred squats as a quick warmup and then does the leg press on max weight until he's about to pass out, most gyms won't let him in because of the spectacle that takes place. When he's walking around he always has leg weights on and only during games does he take them off, without the weights he feels like he's basically flying around out there. The importance of leg day to being a professional athlete is obviously not lost to Jay.

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Now I will tell you, no one was more surprised than Jon St. Ark when he ripped an absolute heater from the right circle and buried it into the back of the net. It had started out as a joke, when he took the puck from his own goal and started to skate towards center ice. But the coach never blew the whistle and so the players on the ice took it at least somewhat seriously. The forwards stepped up to easily take the puck from St. Ark, but he hit them with a triple deke and skated on by. Then the defensemen skated forward, ready to play spoiler. But as they tried to poke check him, Jon reached out and pushed them away effortlessly, not losing a bit of momentum. All alone against the goalie, Jon St. Ark pulled out a filthy toe drag into a wrist shot. Savage pick hit the back of the net, the ice was silent in shock. Jon sheepishly skated back to his own net, considering his options if this whole goalie thing didn’t work out.

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Tommi Koivu wow he does train hockey pretty often. As a professional hockey player in the simulation hockey league for the hailton sttelhawks he often has to be in the best of shape possible to be playing so many games! He loves to do some running training like running long distances through forests and also running sprints sprinting after some animals to catch them. He also has to do in between runs like running zig zags to make sure he is very agile. He also has to do some strength training like lifting wiehgts. He does bench press and squats and deadlift and other types of lifting to make him so much stronger and cooler. @Gwdjohnsonis his sparring partner he punches gabe in his face over and over and gabe cries lol. What an idiot. Gooney is his little firnd too they do some types of training like fighting too like @Gooneyand @Briedaqueducare his sparring aprtners and they beat up gabe in the ring. Its super fun and cool and they love eachother.

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Isfl affiliate (Dindog) +

Dominik spends a good amount of time actually skating in order to work out his legs in each practice. You can see Dominik being the last or second to last player on the ice at every practice with the Pride. He enjoys being able to work hard and get that ice time in an effort to be successful in the SHL. There is no end to the work that needs to be put in. Of course, there is off ice work that happens as well. Dominik works squats, calves, split squats, lateral jumps, box jumps, pretty much anything that gives him an opportunity to improve his explosiveness and things that would benefit him in hockey. He will also spend time in the gym working on his cardio, which is something that by extension will work on his legs. Legs feed the wolf and all that, and Dominik believes in that heavily with his workouts and play style.

WC: 157

Alex Winters (retired)
Matej Winters (retired)
Dominik Winters
S45 Jesster Trophy Winner
Challenge Cup Winning Goal Club: S52

Quote:Written Task: How does your player train skating? Leg workouts? Bag skates for days? Some combination of the above? As before, your player does not need to be correct. Feel free to write absolute madness, flex your knowledge of real-world athletic training, or anywhere in between.

The first step is to find an area with wet cement. Get your skates on and jump in that bad boy. Let the cement dry while you patiently stand there, and when it’s fully set in, it’s time to work those leg muscles and pull yourself out of there. March all the way back to the arena with cement-covered skates, and then do some bag skates (or as I like to think of them, cement skates).

The second step is to connect yourself to a monster truck’s tire on the ice with a chain. Think Grave Digger. Haul that sucker around while doing laps where you reverse direction every time you cross the red line, so that you don’t have the benefit of momentum doing all the work for you.

Finally, lay out some sticks onto the ice in two parallel lines with about a foot in between. Skate fast down that aisle 100 times, and if you fall or skate outside of the stick lines, you start over. This will train your ability to skate on a tight rope.

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Affiliate PT

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(This post was last modified: 02-26-2024, 12:29 AM by hockeyiscool. Edited 3 times in total.)

Shawn Pawn walks into the local community center to give his time and to make a positive impact on community. On days where shawn pawn is not going to the team functions or some other prior engagement Shawn pawn likes to head back to the local community center, he then has the opportunity to work out on his legs and conditioning by dunking on some kids in some freeze tag. To this day he has never lost a game of freeze tag at the local community center and has brought a valuable lesson to the kids in the community. That these kids should Stay humble because shawn pawn is coming for you and your chicken legs.

Other ways Shawn pawn will work out his legs or try and increase his speed is a more traditional route by doing treadmill work, he even has an rig set up to offer him support to reach top speeds that he would otherwise not reach which has been a tremendous help for his leg strength.

I think the first thing I would think of instead of changes to my playstyle or position would probably invest in melatonin or some kind of psychoactive substance to either lucid dream or hallucinate contact back in with Orr for more hockey contact greatness. (Lukas would probably know where to get some, now that I think about it.) Even funnier, my coach probably wouldn’t think anything of it? We both agreed that I needed to develop my offensive game this season, so this would just be a cool thing I did in practice and a sign that it’s working. Playing it cool would be the ideal, but it’s a lot funnier to just stone face it like a psychopath. 50/50 on whether my teammates understand the bit or if they just think I’m tryharding in practice. I am very much looking forward to the next visit, whatever that ends up being.

Shoyo Hinata is doing a new type of skating practice. It’s revolutionary. It’s called minimal skating. Like the name says it involve having the less skating time possible. Instead Shoyo does other thing like running and cycling. He run 10 kilemeter everyday. He lives exactly 10 kilometers from the Atlanta Arena, so he run to work everyday while carrying all his hockey gear.  When he is not running , Shoyo is cycling.  You can always find him on the stationary bike. He also love to play Zwift. He is on top of the inferno leaderboard. All this training bring results. He has massive quads that make Martin Saint-Louis jealous. They are like tree trunk. It’s impressive. On the ice, Shoyo is not that fast, but who cares, he prefer to look strong than the be strong.  With his elite hockey skill , he does not need to be fast to scores tons of goals. Also shoyo does minimal skating because he hates skating, he just want to play volleyball.

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credit to Qwest

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