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S76 PT #4: Changing Stripes Due: Sunday, May 5th @ 11:59 PM PST
(This post was last modified: 05-05-2024, 11:27 AM by CrazyMojito.)

Option 1

Jack St. Clair grew up dreaming of representing Team Canada at the IIHF tournament and if he ever had to leave for another nation, he would be devastated. He is Canadian through and through and has only ever played for Canadian teams in his career. Played for Quebec Citadelles in the SMJHL, drafted and played for the Edmonton Blizzard of the SHL before being traded to the Toronto North Stars. Similarly, he played for Canada at the WJC tournaments, now has the pride and privilege of playing 1st line of the IIHF team. It's almost unthinkable for St. Clair to play for a team across the border or the ocean. If the choice was his, Jack would want to play on team with familiar faces and for a team that he would understand the national language. Probably for a country that is very similar to that of of his own. That really narrows it down to one country, the United States.

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

If I had to change away from playing for Team Ireland, that would be a tough choice. One would think I would pick the USA, as I live and play here now it would be a pretty easy transition. No way. Not ever. Growing up I cheered against them so much, there is no chance I could betray my true self and play for the enemy. So, I would probably go with Switzerland. They are pretty neutral, a nice place to visit. Plus, I hear the scenery is pretty outdoor like and beautiful like Ireland as well. Overall, should be a pretty nice transition. Can still ski, hike, relax, and have free healthcare. Plus aren't the Swiss some of the happiest people? Seems like they deserve good things, and I could be a part of that. Again, I would prefer to remain with Ireland forever but given the prompt, this is the best case scenario.

Words: 150+

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Rip thunderdome 2013-2023 has spent the past few seasons playing for the newest IIHF team that was introduced, France. As a good friend of the fed head, joining france was a great landing spot. France has been a great place for rip thunderdome to work on his game in the offseason on a fun up and coming roster. However, if something bad ever happened in France, there are plenty of other great countries where Rip Thunderdome would have fun and play good hockey. The top landing spot for rip thunderdome other than france would definitely have to be czechia. I have a lot of friends on czechia, and i truly believe they are one of the coolest groups of people in the league. I had a great time playing for czechia with my last serious player ambacas cuddles. That makes it a pretty easy call for me if RIP TD ever had to leave France

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Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

Option 2:

When looking at how our refs due comparatively to my standards I think its pretty damn bad, hockey is a physical sport and thus a lot of actions can be justified in the spur of the moment but our officials have been too tight on even the smallest of hits preventing players from truly playing the game. This is definitely a bit controversial when it comes down to it but in reality I think referees should be more open to letting players play it out so that we do not see power play in effect so much during games, it can bolster competitiveness and effort but at the same time it drastically affects the game in an irreparable way sometimes. If I had to count how many teams lost during a power play, that was started off of a bogus call I would be counting a lot of times especially in this league. Thats why I am endorsing the new vision program for our referees.

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Option 2

Some nice options today, I would've like to write something up for both, so god job on that! I decided to go with the referee option because it is actually something I have been doing a lot of in real life over the last few years. After refereeing at lower levels for a decent amount of time, I moved up to second division games about two years ago and this past season, I got to ref my first handful of top division games as well. It is a niche sport so it's not a super impressive achievement or anything, but refereeing at very different levels of play over the years allows you to draw a few lessons from it along the way. The number one thing I would bring up is attitude. You need to try to find a good middle-ground between respecting the players and treating them as equals, while still being firm and strict if the need arises. There is no exact right way how to do this either, every referee needs to find his own style, some are more chatty, some are quiet, some are super strict, others prefer a long-leash. There is no right or wrong here, as long as you are fair and consistent in your approach.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
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Prompt 1

If I were to play for any other IIHF nation that isn't the United States it would probably be Great Britian. I played for them for a good long while with my last player and won a few gold and silver medals. The dudes over there are awesome and I would love to play with them again. Plus, the only real connection that Pork Tenderloin has to the US is that he was born there, he doesn't particularly care about representing "his" country. I mean what is a country really when you're a sentient meat product that was genetically engineered to play hockey. I think the only real loss to playing for team GB would be having to embrace their food. British food can be ok but it really wouldn't hold a candle to the food that Pork Tenderloin was used to from growing up in the south of the US.

151 words

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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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Written Option 1: If for some reason you had to leave your IIHF nation today, which other IIHF nation would you choose to play for and why?
An affinity for that nation, you like some of the players on it, their colors are cool, any reason is valid.
If you’d outright refuse to play the IIHF tournament under a flag other than your current one, why?

I would never even think about any other place in the IIHF except for Sweden. Yeah, sure, I am from Sweden and that makes it a pretty solid argument to not leave for me, that is by far enough to never even consider playing outside of Sweden. But also, the group I have met there who welcomed me when I first joined the league is truly outstanding. I could never turn my back on friends as great and funny as they are. I have never been in another IIHF locker room but I know for a fact that none of them could match up to what we have in ours. I can make the argument further: The gold chances in Sweden are by far some of the highest on the site. Just large enough that all decent earners get a spot on the team and we have some true tactical geniuses helping out as well.

[155 words]

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Written Option 1:

If for some inexplicable reason before ever having a chance to officially Lace them up for team USA in the IIHF. Brooklyn Physt who now having lived in Toronto and played for a season as well as spent several seasons playing for the Kelowna Knights in the SMJHL has her Canadian citizenship. So in theory she could pull a reverse Brett Hull Being born in the states but playing for Canada because she couldn’t make the American team for whatever reason, God forbid she was simply left off as an thought.

It’s also something I really don’t ever end up seeing is these players who would bounce from maybe one large federation and group of people over to yet another large federation as typically people accept transfers to go play for a smaller nation and avoiding having a short international career, which does speak to the realism of not always making it to the highest level of hockey such as Olympics.

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Written Option 2: What makes a good referee in hockey? How do you think the refs in our league do? Do you think you could improve officiating in this or any other hockey league by making any specific changes? If so, what?

A good ref is one who is very attentive on the ice. If you ask Elly, she would mention that a perfect ref may be lower to the ice and quick to turn to be able to keep up with the changing puck position and players. while our refs do a good job already, Elly thinks the solution is clear. more animal refs! they are lower to the ground to keep a better eye on the puck and what's happening below the belt, as well as keener eyes than your average human. they might totally catch hidden moves made by players that would totally go unnoticed for your average human ref. they could growl, bark, howl, etc. at player violations instead of those loud and sharp whistles and could put an end to fights that start to go too far with a big (soft) pouncing. they would be much more intimidating when need be and comforting also to calm player rage. and why would you argue with a ref when they give you those big dopey soft eyes. clearly their call must be the right one! 

(194 words)  

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Written Option 1

If I had to play for a different country in the IIHF tournament it would either come down to Sweden or Finland. Sweden that country is stacked and regularly are a force in the tournament. There are so many good player and win so many medals it would be hard not to want to play for them. I've also heard that Sweden's GMs are also great and are great to play for. It would be an honor to represent the Swedes. I listed Finland because before I declared for Russia I played under team Finland and I had a great time playing with them. I might have actually joined them permanently if they ever reached out to me, as I had a blast playing for them and getting to rep the proud country. But it wasn't met to be, but if the eligibility rules ever change then I definitely would give them serious consideration if they wanted me.

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Scarecrows Russia Wolfpack

Rest In Peace Dangel

1st SHL Goal - S52 Game 1 vs Tampa 3. New England Wolfpack , Jakub Bruchevski 1 (Eko Van Otter 1, Delver Fudgeson 2) at 8:10

Scarecrows Platoon Russia

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Hockey officiating is a super slippery slope, because out of all the major leagues in the world, I feel like the NHL / SHL referees are the best out of all the options. However, there is room for improvement. All major penalties should be reviewable and I think that video review should occur on every instance of goaltender interference. One thing that drives me crazy about the NHL these days is how inconsistent goaltender interference is, whether that be a penalty or a goal review. I don't like that a lot of the time, whether or not a penalty will be accessed or a goal rescinded is completely up to chance. These rules should be black and white to make it easy for the official calling them, as well as easy for fans to understand. There is a lot of ambiguity around those rules right now and for the sake of the players and the fans, I wish that would get cleared up.


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Option 1: 196 words


"Leave the US? Honestly, I think the only team you'd get me to leave the US for is probably Italy. Maybe Switzerland, they got some Italians out there, but I don't know man. What's the point exactly to go play international hockey if you're not doing it with the flag you grew up with on your chest? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those nationalists or anything like that shit, but like... I mean really, it's all bragging rights, right? How many Canadian guys do I play with that I get to jab at if we beat them in round robins or some shit, I don't know man. I think it would be cool to like, do international sport by continent or something, you'd really get the chance to showcase the best of the best against the best of the best. I mean, you know, no disrespect to some teams, but some countries just objectively play more hockey than others. It's never fun beating up on a team of guys who just didn't have a chance to start with... I don't know man. I feel kinda mixed about the whole international thing."

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sigs by me bitch

Option 2:

A good referee in hockey is someone how always calls the rules perfectly, with no subjectivity. Of course, such perfection cannot exist with the ways the rules are, so I will have to change my criteria and say a good hockey is one that lets my player get away with everything. Shadow Fenix is not particularly an aggressive player, but every now and then he does the penalty moment, and I would like it if the refs were more lax in those situations. As for our current refs, they do a good job, but I still think they call too many penalties on Shadow Fenix. Perhaps if we made a specific change that they can't call penalties on any of my players, or my teammates, it would make the league better as a whole. Calling penalties on us just takes away our ability to showcase our 5v5 skills, so we definitely shouldn't call penalties and prevent that.

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