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S76 Championship Week Due: Thursday, May 23th @ 11:59 PM PST

1. 3 TPE verification code: stick

2. d. 1TPE One of the few times I think they both had the same difficulty path to the finals. Both with a pretty easy and convincing first round win, followed by scraping by in a tough 7 game series against the between top two conference teams. Finish that off with wiping out a team that upset its division series, and here you are in the finals!

2. e. 1TPE Listen, that eagle would probably get a ton of fly by hits in, but its never going to be able to finish off the lion. All it takes is one lucky grab when that eagle swoops on by and the lion has it finished. Death by a thousand cuts? Try death by one bite. Lion wins.

5. 3 TPE I am not sure of the options for FHM, but I think a round 1 divisional game makes sense. Creates rivalries, makes sure to keep all divisions going further into the playoffs which increases fan engagement. But I think one round is enough. I would like to see a reseeding after the first round. Usually I find this would not change that many matchups, but it would be nice to finally see some other teams before making it all the way to the conference finals. I mean you are already playing your division like seven or eight times during the season, we already have a rivalry with them. Adding another round in the playoffs enhances that, but I want to beat other teams as well. This would favour the higher seeded regular season teams (at least one would think) but playoffs can be a completely different kind of hockey, so that might not really help anyway.

8 TPE total

[Image: NOLA-oiduser.png]

1. Inferno

2a. Viktor Hargreeves is my choice for a player to carry their team to a cup. They're a great player, with a team that has a fantastic supporting cast. Ultimately, they weren't even the Pride's point leader in the playoffs, but if the regular season was any indication of how good they are and how much potential they have to dominate a game, they were the most likely to will their team to a cup.

2b. Kavanaugh may have had the upper hand over Justin Time in some stats, but at the end of the day, Justin Time had the most important stat - 4 wins in the series. I find it a bit silly that "wins" is both a team stat and a goalie stat, but at the end of the day, Justin Time had the 4 wins, and has the upper hand at walking away with the cup.

2e. This is really a tough battle, but ultimately, I think I'm taking the eagle in the battle. I think if the lion has the dexterity and timing to get a hit off on the eagle, the lion has the strength and speed to win the battle. But ultimately, the eagle can fly around, soar in circles saving necessary stamina and keeping the lion on edge. The eagle can dive bomb the lion from awkward angles that makes it hard to counterattack. I think this is a "brain vs brawn" question, and in the open fields, I take brains - if we're throwing them in a WWE style cage match, give me brawn.

14. If there are two teams in the SMJHL whose downfall I am rooting on, it's QCC and Maine - so my preview for the finals is that some random team comes in from the top ropes and bodyslams both of them and walks away with the Four Star Cup. That said, I have to root for my teammates, the Lavoie's. Therefore, I'm picking the Maine Timber to beat the Quebec City Citadelles in seven games in the season 76 Simulation Major Junior Hockey League finals. I expect Mia Lavoie to pop off in the finals, scoring four goals and seven assists, on her way to winning a four star cup. I expect Edouard Lavoie to tally four goals, 5 assists on his way to winning the four star cup. Timo Leppanen will acquire 1 shutout. The Solbergs dominance over the league in the regular season will continue, however they will sadly fall short of their quest for a cup - and will move up to the SHL, where they will dominate the rookie of the year awards voting and establish themselves as here to play in the league.

+3 from Trivia
+1 from 2a
+1 from 2b
+3 from 14
Total: +8 TPE

1. CW TRIVIA, 3TPE max: 


5. Written, 3 TPE, Haven't I seen this already (150 words min.):

Who doesn't love a good rivalry? We always see the intensity ramp up noticeably in playoff hockey, but that intensity is tenfold when it comes with a heated rivalry.
I'll confess, I haven't been in the SHL/SMJHL long enough to have fully experienced a proper rivalry, but I can't wait to get my hate-on for another team. Sure, some might deem it to be repetitive, but that's the whole idea. Are you sick of getting bounced out of the playoffs by the same team year after year? Suck it up and get better! And when you do finally get that elusive win over your adversary, it will feel all the better. And the cycle continues with your recently defeated foe waiting for their next chance  to beat you and so on and so forth.
For myself, and Anchorage as a team, at the moment I suppose one of our current rivals would be the Great Fall Grizzlies who have knocked us out of the first round 3 times over the past 7 seasons (S70, S73, S76), so to them I give them the ol' Degeneration-X crotch slap and a big SUCK IT!!!

6. Written, 3 TPE, Next season will be ours (150 words min.):

The Anchorage Armada. Realistically, the only belief that this team can get over the hump and win a Four Star Cup comes from within their own locker room, and even then it's a bit of a stretch.
Long gone are the glory days of the Armada that saw them win 4 of the first 10 Four Star Cups that were ever awarded and were almost a lock to be in the finals. As the league has expanded, Anchorage has had a harder time "keeping up with the Joneses" as it were. With the exception of powerhouse teams during the 50's that saw them make the finals 6 times over the course of 11 seasons (S51, S57, S58, S59, S60, S62) and winning it all in S57, it has been some time since the Anchorage was mentioned in the same breath as Newfoundland, Detroit and Maine.
While in most leagues ownership can pat themselves on the back and attempt to get a free pass from fans simply by making the playoffs, the same courtesy can't be applied in the SMJHL as Anchorage has played in a division where they've been gifted a spot. And what have they done with their "golden ticket"? They've only made it past the first round once in the past seven seasons, losing to Quebec in the second round the only other time they've advanced.
How does ownership plan to keep the positivity going moving forward? From their end of year press conference: "....blah blah blah we felt we made strides this year, even if the results don't show it. We listened to the fans and we heard what they were saying and what they wanted and that was, of course, to fire Gabe. Which we did. So while plans are on hold for a championship parade, we can confirm that the "Fire Gabe" parade is going forward and we know that should be a rallying moment for our passionate fanbase and team. It's far too early to fire our new GM so it's on the players now to take the next step and lead us into a new Armada dynasty."

TPE: 8 (9 total)

[Image: bobdigi9.gif]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

verification: inconfirm

7. Graphic, 3 TPE, I have a plan
So either you won the cup or at least dream of doing so. And when you win you get to take cup with you and show it around. Create an image showing your player and most exotic place they would/will take the cup to.

[Image: gIZd0J6.jpeg]

15. Graphic, 3 TPE - The Procrastinator Special!
Congratulations, graphics-master procrastinator! Much like the written-word-loving procrastinator, you too have a special task! Create a post-series splash screen detailing the outcome of the series, or highlighting the player that you think should be playoff MVP. Include at least 3 stats!

[Image: 2O5rmHm.jpeg]

[Image: sulov.gif]

gm pass

[Image: NYR73.gif]
sigs from @sulovilen @_Blitz_ @Ragnar and @enigmatic

[Image: 9tINabI.png] [Image: c97iD9R.png] [Image: cEbgUph.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 07:42 PM by Slappydoodle. Edited 3 times in total.)

1. Trivia +3 tpe

1. Max Manning, Luka Hunziker, Justin Time
2. 3 (once as SFP, twice as Portland)
3. S47

2. +1 tpe
e. Which one would win a fight, a lion or an eagle? How would it go?

The best the eagle could do is to avoid the lion. The maximum damage it could ever conceivably do would be to pluck out an eye, although it seems highly unlikely. By far the most likely outcome if the eagle is unwise enough to get close is roast bird. A lion's paw is about the same size as an eagle's torso. Perhaps if the eagle was equipped with ground radar and some sidewinder missiles under it's wings , we might have something.

9. podcast 4 tpe

8 tpe total

[Image: nQDbTbM.png]

[Image: hA5o4UG.png]

GM Pass

Task 3: PBE Affiliate - 3 TPE

Task 8: Round 76 - Show an eagle and a lion fighting. So I did. And I put them... on ice. - 3 TPE
[Image: cuVKFqV.png]

Task 11: IIHF Home Country - So because I am from Guatemala, I don't necessarily have a representation at the IIHF level, unless I want to try and be considered just part of 'Team World'. With that said, I had only one GM reach out to me, @Troy_McClure03 of Czechia, who suggested I look at their beautiful country and consider them as my new home. After taking some time to consider my options, I saw the hospitality and care that the staff had for their players and knew that I could make the right decision in deciding to make Czechia my new home country. I am looking forward to getting started with them, as it look that they have quite a robust, experienced roster that I can learn from, which is ultimately my goal. (128 words) - 2 TPE

Total: 8 TPE

1. kal

7. [Image: Kn2SdN3.jpeg]

11. I decided to transfer to Latvia this time around, having already had a player on Team Canada. I knew I wanted to try a smaller nation and creating my player from Italy made it possible for me to receive calls from nations that needed help. I knew a few people on the team at the time, including Seany and he did a good job selling the team and the environment that I would play in. I don't have any regrets yet but I haven't made it to the big league so I'm looking forward to making the jump to the IIHF in the future and hopefully making a spot for myself in the top 4 defensive pairs.

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
codeword: dunk

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Looks like [TEAM] won Season 76! Who won and why? What could the other team have done differently to change the result? What was your favorite part of the series?
Congratulations to the San Francisco Pride on the Challenge Cup victory! The poor Baltimore Platoon are likely scratching their heads as to what they could have done differently to win what started as a very evenly matched series. San Fransico took Game 1 in a one goal affair. If I were the Platoon, I wouldn’t feel too bad about this loss since it was so close. The trend that I saw begin to emerge in these Baltimore losses was good possession, but poor shots on net. The Pride just seemed to be able to generate more shots, more rebounds, more chances, all while having the puck for less of the time. This trend would repeat in games 3 and 4. After being down 3-1 in the series, there was not much hope for a comeback for the Platoon.
WC: 138

ISFL Affiliate claim

3+2+3 = 8 TPE total

[Image: 88pk1Hz.png]

Task 1 - Trivia
Word: Deke

[Image: sam-volta-sig-0901.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-20-2024, 06:26 PM by Troy_McClure03. Edited 1 time in total.)

Task 1:


Task 10:

I predict that one of the other nations are going to win this time around in the iihf. It isn't going to be czechia; we still have some developing to do before we make a deep run for gold. However, I think we have a great chance for Gold in the WJC. Since my lovely Troy Boy made both teams, I fully expect my success from the season to roll over into the WJC and for Troy to do a ton of heavy lifting on the back end. Not that I'll have to do much, since our Defensive talent this season is unmatched. Were stacked. Anything short of 3rd place would shock me for the WJC. In the IIHF, we are slightly outmatched talent wise, but if we can get some puck luck i think we will improve from our finish last year. With this being Luke's last IIHF with Jayson, I'm hoping we can send him off with some hardware, but it really seems unlikely.

Task 11:

I picked Czechia way back in the S40ish days because i was tight with Cal and Blast. Fast forward to the 70s and I'm back. Seeing the once great Nation of Czechia struggling was heartbreaking. We had a good run for a long time, but we were obsolete like a gateway. So i made it my mission first as a concerned member, then as an acting federation head, then as the federation head, to turn us around. So far i havent crossed the goal line on my only goal: gold. I hope to pull it off, for all my friends in Czechia!

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!

(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 05:10 AM by Katth. Edited 3 times in total.)

1. CW Trivia - 3 TPE

2. Grab bag - 2 TPE
e: The lion would easily win in a fight against an eagle. Even though the eagle has the advantage of been able to fly it is still no match up against a lion. A lion has speed and mass and will be able to endure a lot of attacks from an eagle and the eagle will make 1 mistake and it will cost him.
f: Even though Tampa Bay did not make the finals we win anyway, just because we are Tampa Bay. We do not need no trophy to make us winners, we are winners by default simply because we play for Tampa Bay. Not to downplay the performance of Baltimore and San Francisco, but it is what it is.

5. Haven't I seen this already - 3 TPE
To make things a little bit more interesting it could be a great idea to change things around a bit for the playoffs format. The same divisional teams playing each other in the first round over and over season after season is repetitive and it does get kind of boring if you ask me. You have also played so many games against each other in the regular season already and then immediately play each other again in the playoffs for a possible of 7 games. I think it would be better to match up against a team from another division just to keep things a little bit more interesting in the playoffs. As underdog wins do happen in FHM playoffs it is not a common sight and often it is already pretty clear who will win the first round match ups from the get go. By swapping things around it would make it a bit harder to predict as well.

[Image: Katth.gif]

  [Image: CsnVET2.png]
Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

[Image: cgv4vCv.png] [Image: 95lCCDx.png] [Image: GATPRRX.png]
S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
[Image: gNFVjT6.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 03:23 PM by Urq660. Edited 1 time in total.)

Trivia Code Word: Elk

a - Erik Bergmark was absolutely outstanding for Baltimore all season. He has grown into a real star player on a team that is really deep with offensive talent! 111 Points is insane, with 51G, 60A, he was the highest scoring left winger in the league! I wouldn’t say he carried the team to the Finals, but he was a big reason for their success. (1 TPE)

e - I think a lion vs an eagle would be an intriguing match up. Obviously, the lion has the raw strength and size, so should really dominate the fight, but it gives up a lot in terms of speed, maneuverability and the obvious one, flying, to the eagle. If the lion can force the eagle to low level, it should easily pluck it like a turkey, but the eagle could use its superior movement to tire out the lion so it makes a mistake. (1 TPE)

I want to firstly thank the fans for their support this season, they really were a 6th man on the ice! They have stuck through this team during the lean years, the rebuild, the tough times. I’m so glad we could reward them with a run to the Finals. This is a team getting better and better. We  have a strong core that still has years left in them to play at the level they did this season. We also have some quality prospects percolating in the SMJHL, some good replacements for some of our veterans. Max Manning has been outstanding since he came over from his time winning back to back cups in Seattle, but he is very much getting towards the end of his time in the league. We have a young Norwegian winger in Inge Baardsen ready to take up the mantle. This team will return next season and, mark my words, will return to Baltimore with the Cup. (3 TPE)

[Image: A3AlstA.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2024, 07:50 AM by NUCK. Edited 2 times in total.)

4. The cure is real and very documented throughout the years of SHL FHM era. We have seen a constant supply of great teams win one but not the other and this season is just more of the same history. I strongly feel that the program FH.has a huge role to play in making or not making that possible. We have seen it year in and year out that the top teams in the regular season struggle to have long term success in the post season. FHM tends to highly favor the lower seeded teams in the playoffs and knock out the stronger regular season workhorses. This may be due to long term fatigue or other unseen properties within the program itself. We tend to see the strongest teams on paper do well and as expected in the regular season but once the playoffs start, it's a whole new game and everyone is a possible contender.
155 words

5. Rivalries are one of the biggest draws that leagues such as the SHL and SMJHL have going for them. This is also true for the lesser known leagues such as the NHL and similar leagues to it. These Rivalries usaly are birthed in the playoffs and flow into the regular season in some form or another. Players and fans a like create life long love and hate for their teams through this method of playing one another so often and it really shows when 2 teams match up for a best of seven series year after year. Teams and cities really get to know one another well during these long drawn oight 7 game series. Having teams remain in the same divisions each year makes.for great regular season hockey. But what really for teams and builds life long fans is when those rivalries get to meet in the playoffs. I love the current structure of the league and think there's no better playoff system on earth.
167 words

13. 2 games into the 4 Star Cup finals and it already looks like Maine is the winner! The Timber were the clearly superior team throughout the playoffs and it was no different in the finals over Quebec. It's easy to see the e Tra effort the Timber have put into the game and why they are the easy winners. Whether it's the extra effort in the board battles or the attention to detail on the breakout, Maine was all over Quebec and never let up enough to allow them to breathe. But in the end the final nail in the coffin was simply the goaltending and defensive play of the Timber.
111 words

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