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S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger Due: Sunday, June 23rd @ 11:59 PM PST

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some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

Option 1: Grzegorz has been turned into a superhuman demigod, the Hercules of hockey. He's still a goalie. So, how to make this interesting for the fans? Simply sitting in the crease and playing good technically sound goalie, while never really leaving the crease or playing the puck, works wonders when you're a regular ball-shaped embodiment of a country that physically doesn't have a five-hole, but if you do that as an enhanced reincarnation of Rostam you're just getting shutouts every game without really trying. That's sure to bore the fans. So, instead of just being the perfect goalie going undefeated every single year, Grzegorz will set a new challenge for himself: every time he gets control of the puck, he is required to skate with it into the neutral zone and take a shot on goal. He still can't cross the red line, because he's still a goalie, but he has to skate up and shoot the puck. With 9001 TPE he'll probably even score a few times. Now that's gonna be fun to watch. Maybe if we got a better sim engine...

[Image: zN6tB52.png]

Option 2:

Really the only thing you can do if you are outmatched is not give up. Never let the opponent know you are tired and keep pushing to make the play happen. Worse case, you did your best and almost stopped a chance. Best case, you pull off some heroic stuff and are looked at in a positive light. With that said, I consider myself highly skilled offensively, but lacking in the defense department. Though, physically, I am willing and able to play the body if needed. It is still important to really hammer home the point though, never give up. The need to compete should be a huge driving force in all players. I feel like I do a very good job with this. I am always ready to play, and I will play my ass off to try to get the win. As athletes, we must understand that the team is bigger than the players, and I mean that in sense that fans consider the team theirs. Never give up, keep going for the fans.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

PT pass

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TPE, what the heck is TPE when you are going to be a Super Hero? Or, are you saying that TPE matters if you are going to be a goalie? Well, that gives me good ideas. I am going to be a super human goalie in which TPE actually matters. I will have the smallest pads ever, but I will be the fastest and quickest reaction goalie that this league has ever seen. I mean, if I can be fast, cut down angles, and also stop every single shot that comes my way, what else do you even need? The program teaches me all of those things. Think of Space Jam where I just drink the water and become crazy good, well that is what will happen. I will be allowed to really just do the mpt and then some other predictions and be the best goalie ever. So, minimum work, but be the best goalie. It teaches me to be lazy, but also good. Who doesn't want that?

[Image: huNeCNb.png]
Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3

Mikkel's procedure was a pretty straight forward one. The key to un tapped strength follows the simplest of regimes imaginable to give ones self the undeniable power to concur ones foes. Become the hero you want to be.

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10K run - plus eating 2 full banana everyday. Why 2 Bananas? This is something that very few people know to continue this secret enhancement program. MONKEY NEVER CRAMP. How is it that they look like they do? And have strength greater than most humans? The answer has been right there all along. With this method alone Mikkel is hoping to produce a hall of fame career and lead Montreal back to the promised land of the SHL finals with many of those trips ending in their favour. That and the super strength formula which was injected into him - but who cares about those semantics when the real work is done OUT THERE. Out where? THERE. Duh.

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option 1

sebastien regazzoni, through becoming a super hockey player, has become "Captain Switzerland". this involved regazzoni getting roided up to give him 20 strength and 20 shooting power. regazzoni had always seen himself as a very fast skater, and the scientists decided to put little mini rockets in regazzoni's legs that activated every time he accelerated his skating, giving him 20 acceleration and 20 speed. regazzoni was also given the best vision possible, which means 20 passing, 20 getting open, and 20 anticipation. all of this tpe boosting meant that regazzoni came in at a staggering 3000 tpe. yes, that's right. he would become the greatest player ever in the history of the shl when it comes to total tpe. regazzoni might be a shl veteran, but with this tpe boost and major skill increase, regazzoni would become an absolute stallion and arguably the best player in the history of the league. crazy work.

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs

Option 1:

One night while walking home late at night after a hard practice, Paul Bondage is jumped out of nowhere and bitten by a radioactive Wayne Gretzky. Oh no! Should he go to the hospital? Call the cops? No, these things happen, just shake it up and continue getting pucks deep. He has cold sweats all night, horrendous nightmares of old boomers playing hockey and giving their political opinions. But when he wakes up and heads to practice the next morning, he is seeing the matrix on the ice. It seems that if there were a magical stats system which he could quantify his skills, his Defensive Read and Offensive Read have gone absolutely off the scales. He might not have the most accurate shot, he might not throw the biggest hits, but he is absolutely reading every single play that is happening between every single player on the ice. He is now always in the exact right spot at the exact right time.

WC: 163

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Option 1
Jacob is selected for this new improved enhancement. He undergoes some testing as he does some training and exercises as normal so the scientist can examine him so they can determine which drugs to prescribe him. It is obvious to them that Jacob is fast and very physical. So he is given pills that will increase his speed and endurance. The Highlander Assistant Captain sees that he is very fast. Even faster than during his track days so he uses his new gifted speed on the ice against another team. He can also see the results of increase endurance helps him hit better and he doesn't tired at all. Jacob looks in the mirror and notice that his body is more muscular now. Which he thinks will help in his case to get girls. These newfound abilities will help him improve his hockey play. He works on applying speed to his scoring ability so he can strike better from afar yet in superior speed.


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Option 2
Some people would call the ability cheating, but a beneficial skill for a goalie could be the ability to freeze time. Even if you don't see the puck, freeze time, look for the puck, unfreeze time and make the save. Of course you would have to be careful that nobody notices something is wrong, so you should every now and then also make a 'mistake' and miss the puck and let the other team score, but only when your team is winning anyway. It still has to look normal, but it could make games so much easier. Why call it cheating when you could call it your secret weapon? Of course having this ability doesn't mean that you should completely ignore your training, you want to become better and make saves without needing to use this little trick, but in situations where it could be useful it would certainly be very useful.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

Written Option 2:
Oliver Cornwall has a reputation among his teammates and others who know him for not being afraid to get to the dirty areas and otherwise do whatever is necessary to win. What is less known except for those paying pretty close attention is that Cornwall has a sneaky dirty streak when it helps him gain that edge. That is particularly obvious when Cornwall gets into the corners with somebody who outmatches him physically. He is not afraid to give little shots to the kidneys of opponents in puck battles, give little hooks in races away from the puck, or give little slashes to the backs of legs to ensure his competitors aren’t comfortable on the ice. Otherwise, Cornwall is a huge communicator on the ice. He yells at teammates to make sure everyone is aware of their assignment and communicates his read when he sees something he had earlier noticed on tape. Hockey is a game of inches, and Cornwall does whatever it takes to get that half inch more than his opponents.

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sig credits to @Nokazoa
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One of the things a professional hockey player learns very quickly when they make their first minor league team, is that you can't beat every single opponent player. Every player, no matter how good, has that one guy that is a thorn in their side, no matter what they do. They may not even be that good of a player overall, but they just have your number whenever you meet. In that case, avoidance is the best option. A good team is run by good coaches and managers and they know not to scheme you against that player. You simply can't win them all. Outside of that, you have to focus on 2 things, your strengths, and your opponents weaknesses. Sometimes those align, and its pretty easy to run circles around the other player. Other times, they do not and you have to figure out what to rely on or attack in the moment. Everyone has weaknesses, and everyone has strengths, and part of being a professional hockey player is knowing how to handle them. (175 words)

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

Option 1

The new super enhanced abilities will of course be given via a direct injection of rubber and ice into a player's bloodstream. Since these are the two core components of hockey, having the ice and puck literally flowing through your veins will definitely help with on-ice abilities. The top players in the league are already equivalent to enhanced superstars when comparing to the NHL, so to make the best SHL player of all time we really have to push the limits of the sim. Anything less than a rating of 20 in all stats would be a disappointment. This means the super-powered enhanced player would have a build that would take 5078 TPE, more than double what's achievable by normal means. This player would pretty much serve every purpose on the ice. They could play 30 minutes a night, easily win a fight against any opponent, and put up 200 points in a season without breaking a sweat.

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

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