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S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger Due: Sunday, June 23rd @ 11:59 PM PST

Celly is pretty frequently outmatched on some level, though it's usually on a level of size rather than skill. But they're a scrappy little shithead and always have been, refusing to let a size mismatch push them away from the puck no matter where on the ice it is. Four years of training and practicing with teammates who significantly outsized them, like Leo Roze, have helped them get a lot better at that particular skill.

On the other hand, in the event that Celly encounters someone with more actual skill than they have, they'll lean on their teammates for help. It's easier to spot a pass and give the puck to a teammate than it is to try and stickhandle around a player more skilled down the boards. It's easier to try and corral a forward towards a defender with more ability and mobility than to try and play defense yourself when you're as notoriously bad at it as Celeste. It's all about the team, baby.

[166 words]

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Option 2:

Matiss is a player that has a high hockey IQ so when he does have to go against a player that might be more physical or faster than he is his hockey, IQ will allow him to match that player and what they are going to do to what he would need to do to counter them. Even if a player has more skills on the ice but the player that they are going out with has a better hockey IQ, they are able to outplay them in certain areas. If they are not able to outplay them in those areas, just based on a better hockey IQ, that is when your teammates should come in to play to assist with taking out a team's best players. Having two players is always better than one and if you and a teammate are able to out smart or outplay another player and that gives the advantage to your team. For a team that might be going up against a more skillful team as long as every player buys into the coaching systems and plays together they have a good chance of beating that team.

Written Option 1:

Nathangus McExplosion would undergo the transformation to create a literal explosion when checking his opponent. Now to keep it legal the explosion strenght would be a small subsonic boom or something, less explosive than a grenade but like strong enough to shake up the opponent into thinking damn that guy can hit pretty hard amiright?. I think my peak TPE shoudl also be 9001 TPE so when @goldenglutes uses his binko powerlever scanner thingy @hotdog would ask "BINKO WHAT DOES THE SCOUTER SAY ABOUT HIS TPE LEVEL?" and binko would reply : "ITS OVER 9 THOUSAND". and then hotdog would be very happy because I am part of his team kek double u haha. I think I would score many goals and probably that the league would have to create a rule to stop the atlanta inferno from being too good, like they always do when we become too good. We would probably get at least 3 cups out of this.

Character Page RD- Quarterback
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Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

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Written #2 

Rashford has never been the biggest or strongest player on the Ice, but he’s always made up for it by putting in a significant amount of effort that others simply cannot match.  He often cites his mother as the originator of his passion for effort.  She was tenacious! Feared among opponents for he will to never give up on any play.

Rashford is also fortunate to have played with some of the best players that the league has ever seen.  The list of current and future hall of famers seems to constantly be growing, and during those times, he has done whatever he can to soak in all the information that he possibly can during those times.  His unique combination of high effort with high hockey iq helps him focus that effort in the areas that most need it during the game.

When his career is done, Mikko hopes to be known as the player who simply never gave up


Sim Team Head - PT Pass

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Chiefs Monarchs Lions Berserkers Switzerland Blizzard pride Panthers Grizzlies

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Special thanks to @Carpy48, @Chevy, @Turd Ferguson, @fever95 and @enigmatic for the signatures!

Written Option 1
There are two very clear canon ways to improve the stats and abilities of a Slowpoke. The most common and first discovered option is training a Slowpoke to roughly that of level 37. This level of training and dedication will force the Slowpoke (unless the evolution is cancelled) to evolve into a Slowbro. While there would be some tradeoffs it is widely considered to be an upgrade with a clear upgrade at stats and the ability to learn new abilities that were previously unlearnable by the Slowpoke. Another, less known, way to turn Slowpoke into a super soldier is trading the Slowpoke to a new team while holding a King’s Rock. This one is also less likely to happen as Slowpoke is quite happy with where he is in terms of the team and career progression. Both of these routes though would create a similar change in Slowpoke that would by definition be an upgrade. Why Slowpoke hasn’t done these is unknown but don’t look for him to evolve any time soon.

170+ Words

Prompt #2: If Opponent is faster than de Vries, it is very simple how to stop him. Hit him. Hard. In Ribs. Maybe in diaphragm. Once you do that, the speedsters all of the sudden lose all of their speed and they become very easy to hit any more. However, if the opponent is being very agile along with being very speedy, landing THE HIT may be a bit hard and may lead to bad situations. Now how do you hit him, or at least drain his stamina? Easy, hit slower teammate and goad agile teammate into fighting you, then hit to ribs, problem solved. Opponent is now just stronger than you, and can hit harder than you? No problem, we just need to introduce him into Ice Ju-Jitsu. You see, balance is everything, and if we are able to get our foe of balance from a hit, and knock him into the ice, there is not much that the stronger player can do on the floor. But what if his balance is good? Simple, have 2 best in hockey goons on your team to beat the living tar out of him

pbe pt

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Written Option 1: Your player has been chosen to undergo a player enhancement program à la Captain America in order to create the next super SHL player to make the league more entertaining for fans. How does your player gain their newfound abilities? What sort of superhuman abilities does this program give your player? What would be their peak TPE?

For the SHL Player Enhancement program, Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk decided to undergo their most drastic treatment, which involves being injected with a special formula. Afterwards, the player is locked in a room - linoleum floors and white walls, where they are forced to watch paint dry on the farthest wall. They can only stare at the wall while standing - no sitting, sleeping, or other methods of distraction are allowed. Fortunately, Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk has trained themselves on the art of watching paint dry, so the minimum 48 hours were a relative breeze (he wanted to go 72, but the researchers were not keen). He was then tested, and analysis showed he gained no superhuman abilities. This is because Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk was already the perfect specimen, and any sort of superhuman juice would only be a lateral move. Their peak TPE would actually be severely limited under this serum (5000 TPE), and because of this fact, the researchers walked home in shame in light of this fact.

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Well there's so many options to go with here, the captain america program had so much potential that just never came to fruition. Obviously we'd have to go back into that weird injection electricity machine that the original Captain America went into, and then get injected by some magical concoction of chemicals to give you the skills you'd be getting. For the actual abilities though, super strength may have to be off the boards otherwise there might be players dying on the ice every game. Super speed may be helpful, as might be some spidey senses to boost awareness at all ends of the ice. Turning a goalie into spider man would probably be the best options for them with their position, being able to stop every puck from crossing the goal line. Acrobatic saves would be insane to watch. Skaters could get laser shots or something, but maybe not too hard otherwise again, injuries come into play. Otherwise just spidey senses, speed and maybe pinpoint accuracy would be helpful.

Anyone that read super hero comics as a kid (showing my age here) knows that the best kind of super heroes are the ones that are as close to human as possible. The reason Batman is one of the best is because he is just a man in a really fancy suit, hes fallible and vulnerable, and it makes you like him more even though hes a spoilt rich twat. Superman is the worst hero of all time because hes so boring. They had to invent kryptonite just to make him interesting because otherwise he was completely invulnerable and you knew what the ending of the story was before it even began. Therefore if I had to choose a superhero enhancement for Red Kirkby it would be that of Superman but without the kryptonite vulnerability. The Forge would never lose again as long as Kirkby was lasering the other team to death, melting the ice and zipping around the rink at light speed potting 500 goals per game.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

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Option 2:
Leo is a big man, so he doesn’t get outmuscled much if at all ever, his whole game is being able to use his size to even things up. When it comes to players who have very good stickhandling, Leo uses the long reach of his stick to break up the play before they can do any of their dance dangles. Most players are used to a normal reach that defenders have and no matter how many times Leo does it, the advantage of his reach catches the off guard. He also uses his body to shut down faster players by forcing them where he wants them to go, which is usually up against the boards because they can’t do much there. A good stick handler is probably the best way to beat Leo, besides outright speed(those usually go hand in hand) so Leo’s defensive game has mainly been working on getting better at stopping those players before they can do anything that is too quick for Leo to respond to

[Image: Rn4Vt1E.png]

I hate to be *that guy* but if I had one secret recipe for outplaying people that outmatch me (see: 99.99% of the SHL) I wouldn’t be sitting with my current point and stat totals at this point in the season. That being said, physically outmatching is easier to overcome than skill difference. Sometimes you can hit with enough force or at the right angle and take a guy off guard. Sometimes that goes a little far and you take a fun mini vacation in the box though. As far as outplaying players skill wise… I can’t do everything alone and I don’t think I or anybody else expects me to. I’ve gotta rely on my seniors to get out of situations like that. I’ve gotta lock in and get more TPE. If only I could just magically summon TPE… regrettably I think that importing TPE is banned due to the league’s anti doping policy.

Viktor will have been chosen, and Viktor will also have forgotten it was happening and end up showing up very late. It will all go terribly downhill from there. After the initial scramble to get everything and everyone back on schedule, our would-be hero will haphazardly launch himself into the vaguely scientific-looking sardine can for human shapes with one last fleeting glance in Aksel Fiske's direction (do not ask why Fiske is there, for I will not be elaborating on it further). The door will slam shut behind him with a hiss, and just as the scientific-looking control boards are primed and lit up in random places, Viktor will fail to stop himself from letting out an untimely sneeze that will knock him and his oversized soup can right off of the prominently placed pedestal and fully into a giant vat of the experimental goo. When he's finally fished out by the aforementioned Fiske, Vik will have obtained zero cool hockey super powers and one hell of a headache. His skin will also have inexplicably turned blueberry blue, but no one is going to even acknowledge that in the hope that it's only temporary.

194 words

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Quote:Written Option 2: How does your player take on players who outmatch them in one way or another? How do they outplay an opponent more skillful? How do they win battles against a more physical opponent? Do they rely on their teammates to help them succeed? Or does your player have a secret weapon to take on anyone they come across?

My hockey player thrives on intelligence and agility to outplay more skilled opponents. When faced with a faster or more skilled player, they anticipate movements, exploiting any small mistake or hesitation. Quick, precise passes and clever positioning keep opponents on their toes. Against more physical players, they rely on speed and agility to evade checks, using sharp turns and quick stops to create space and opportunities. Their secret weapon is an uncanny ability to read the game, predicting plays before they happen, allowing them to intercept passes and launch counter-attacks.

Teamwork is also crucial. They seamlessly integrate with teammates, creating intricate plays that outmaneuver even the toughest adversaries. Their communication on the ice ensures everyone is in sync, making it harder for opponents to isolate and overpower them. This player’s dedication to studying opponents’ habits and weaknesses before games gives them a strategic edge. Through a combination of high hockey IQ, agility, and teamwork, they consistently find ways to turn the tables on seemingly superior opponents.

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Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
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