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Chirper #75 (AC Week #533)

Hopefully it goes away soon!

 [Image: Jammin.gif]
[Image: aRCIyeu.png]
[Image: KS8UYv9.png] [Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: IhVx0wj.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]
Thank you @Stadacona for the Chaewon player sig!

can I make it through every team in the SHL before the end of my career

[Image: Skree.gif]
[Image: xSn0esi.png]

just saying technically it's 3 down, some to go

[Image: Skree.gif]
[Image: xSn0esi.png]

a chipper chirper


Well man I gotta get creative with these

[Image: cVahF90.png]
[Image: 3XFmqtw.jpeg]

07-16-2024, 11:47 AMWeaves Wrote: pop


[Image: iUd7IJE.png]
[Image: rhodes.png]

Since rn I'm running out of ideas

[Image: cVahF90.png]
[Image: 3XFmqtw.jpeg]

07-17-2024, 10:26 AMJamesT Wrote: Hopefully it goes away soon!

Try some penicillin

[Image: iUd7IJE.png]
[Image: rhodes.png]

Hump day!!

[Image: andyj18.gif]

[Image: andybj18.gif]

[Image: pawter_meowski.png]

My usual best day to remember to chirp is hump day haha

[Image: andyj18.gif]

[Image: andybj18.gif]

[Image: pawter_meowski.png]

this wednesday

on the television

And that's the news for the day.

07-17-2024, 10:10 AMmicool132 Wrote: un deux trois MONGOOSE! @JURT womatania jourte prends une bouchée de ton saussisson

de quoi tu parles ciboire j'ai jamais été autant confus

[Image: lespoils.gif]

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