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S78 PT #5: Playoff Woahs and Woes Due: Sunday, September 15th @ 11:59 PM PST

Written Option 2:

Winning a Four Star cup was incredibly special for Ju-gong, not just from the difficulty of being 17 vs 272, but from the fact that you at most get four shots at it, and realistically even less than that. Despite making playoffs 4 times, only once did he ever make it to the cup final. As a result of that, he knows quite well the disappointment that comes with being knocked out and seeing another team go on. Generally in these times he would put on a fake smile, and try to get back home as quickly as possible. After all three playoff eliminations, he had booked flights back to Korea before he even got back to his apartment. Maybe it was a bit of running away from his pain, but being home always made everything feel better. The dead time between playoff elimination and his flight to Korea is generally a somewhat unhappy period, often spending as much time in his apartment bed listening to music as possible - between training and food needs of course.

The playoffs bring a new flavor of physicality, but Marek has always been a heady type of player, making the right plays in both zones at the right times. Never relying on a cannon of a shot, or silky mitts, Carda has always been counted on to get the details of the game right. Playoffs are an occasion, but it plays right into the type of game that Carda is already known for. He's also a good size player - not necessarily the tallest guy on the ice, but thick bodied and hard to get off the puck or win board battles against. Carda uses that strength even more effectively in the playoffs when space is a bit more limited. While he's not flashy, he'll give and absorb contact with the best of them and do his best to come out of any duel with the puck. Maintaining focus isnt a big issue because his overall playstyle doesnt have to change much. The excitement of the crowd feeds into his psyche more than it makes him nervous - especially now in his third season and with some good playoff runs in the SMJHL including a four-star cup, its hard to get Marek too rattled.

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pt pass

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

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PT pass

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Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me


PT Pass

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Dev PT Pass

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Written Option 1: Most players want to show off their skills on the ice. Whether in the form of a fancy save or incredible goal or even a hit that makes the glass shatter, spectators love being impressed. This is even more true for the playoffs where the stakes are higher. Does your player try to impress the crowd come playoff time? If so, how do they try to do so? Do they include their teammates in a set play that will make the crowd roar? Or do they try to take the glory for themselves to make an impossible play? If they aren’t the type to change their style of play to impress fans during playoffs, how does your player maintain their focus when the games get tougher and play gets more intense?
It is important to get the fans in the game and cheering for your team and in that regard, Alexandros is absolutely trying to get the crowd hyped up and excited for the team. Alexandros though is not a show boater or front and center hype man, his way to hype the crowd is winning the game and providing stability to the team so others can do their show off and win the crowds hearts. If they cheer for Alexandros’ stalwart nature, he is happy to see it but he is not a limelight person and will always be looking to elevate his teammates while being focused on the wins. Whether that be by finding Sad Ketchup in the right spot for a big goal, causing pressure in front of the net so Literally Wizard can make his big passing play or letting myself take an extra big hit so Jordan Bamford can drop the gloves and beat someone up to pump up the crowd. Alexandros is a team player but in his own way he is looking to get the crowd in.
-183 words

Quote:Every season, only 17 players of the 340 in the SHL get the honour of lifting the Challenge Cup and only another 17 of the 272 players in the SMJHL get the honour of lifting the Four Star cup. With the odds stacked against you, how does your player deal with the pressure of potentially losing in the playoffs? How does your player deal with defeat in playoffs? What does your player do with the free time after the woes of losing in playoffs? Does your team follow the tradition of golfing after the playoffs?

There is no pressure with potential loss. Why? Because the reality is that he's never hoisted the cup.... so why is there pressure? The pressure is on those who hoisted it last to repeat? Or if someone was chosen as a favorite, which McLovin hasn't been. So at the end of the day, playoff game, regular game, pre-season game, they all are treated the same by McLovin because its another opportunity to get out on the ice and put on a show for the fans and do what he loves best, which is play hockey. Defeat? It happens, its an inevitable part of anything in life, sports, dating, video games, etc. Anytime you're willing to put yourself out there and attempt something, you're going to have the possibility of defeat, but the fear of failure shouldn't dissuade the desire for success. Now if there is defeat and loss, well you use that opportunity to keep putting in work, grinding, getting better and preparing for the next opportunity that comes along. And golf? Well thats for when you retire!

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Option 2

During my first season with the Winnipeg Aurora, when my player was still the backup goalie, we made it all the way to the finals. We eventually lost, but if that's where you start your career - more or less - you will compare every season that follows to it. So far we have been lucky to make the playoffs every season after that one, but the team has gradually gotten worse, so this year I have zero expectations of us making it out of the first round. It's somewhat funny that we even made the playoffs, but I don't really see the pressure of potentially losing in the playoffs. It's more like I expect it. I'm not happy about it, but I expect it and if you expect it, you won't feel so disappointed. Of course my goal is to win a cup and being so close to it during that first season with the team didn't help. You just train harder in the off-season and yes, there might be some golfing involved.

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
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Option 2

Defeat can be dangerous because wallowing in the pits of despair can cause serious mental issues and that is obviously something you would want to avoid at all costs. My player, like me, handles defeat the same way which is you take it one step and one game at a time. Sometimes life just doesn't go your way so you come back the next game or the next year and you give it your all again. Like life, sometimes your best just isn't good enough. If you dwell on it too long and go and do something competitive like play golf you can potentially just drag those memories back up so my player likes to go find something relaxing to do like go to the beach or go camping or be with friends. I never understood the allure of golf like what's the point exactly? Dress up in your fancy clothes to go hit a ball in the heat? Seems stupid tbh.

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Graphic Option 2: Draw your player doing their favourite offseason activity.

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Leo plays every game like its his last, so the playoffs will push him even further. His shutdown game this year was tremendous, dominating the league in takeaways, while hardly losing the puck. As the Newfoundland Berserkers continue to grow into a contender, Leo is the steadfast defender that'll never come off the ice. As the play gets more intense, Leo will find himself more at home and feed off the energy of the players and the crowd. He'll watch tape of the other teams players and try to learn their individual habits. Who's a shooter and who's the passer? Who can stickhandle their way out of a phonebooth? Who's a physical player to keep an eye out for and expect a hit?

Aside from competing, he also knows its important to keep a strong, healthy routine and find ways to de-stress after the games. That may be spending time with friends or family, or relaxing and recovering in whatever way seems the best that day.

(172 Words)

The Montreal Patriotes aren't setting their sights upon the playoffs just yet. They know they're a few seasons away from them, so there's no reason to be mad about not qualifying at the end of the regular season. Their time will come soon enough once all our young players make their debut in the big league, but while we wait for reinforcement, Demir likes to spend time in the city in the summer when it comes truly alive. Terraces, amazing restaurants, world class festivals, music and Formula One come into the city and he really enjoys spending time here before heading back home. He enjoys domestic travel and usually travels to a region he hadn't had the chance to visit much in the past. This offseason he's heading off to Puglia in Italy the enjoy some sun and the beaches. There are a lot of amazing little towns on the coast that he's been wanting to see and of course eat the amazing local food.

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As far as Deth Klaw is concerned, the only glory in hockey is in winning, which means the only thing that ultimately matters is that your team has more points than the other team when the final buzzer goes off. Which is perfect for him since he plays a defensively minded dman. That said, gotta give the fans a little something to keep them coming back, and the bills paid, so definitely open to getting a good hit in now and then, or making the other team look silly by executing a perfect takeaway, which are both things Klaw is good at. Tough games don't bother Klaw at all. After all, that's what he is here for! Klaw doesn't play any different once the playoffs hit, he is still making sure he is laser focused on his job of keeping the puck out of his side of the ice and on the other side where the other teams goal is. (160 words)

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Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

Option 2

Ylib is an enjoyer of math, so he knows exactly what kinds of odds he has of winning the cup at some point throughout his career. After 5 seasons in the league there's only a 22.6% chance to win the cup. After 10 seasons it's 40.1% and after 15 seasons (probably around the average for committed SHL players) it's still only just 53.7%. He recognizes that although a cup is awarded every season and some lucky group of 17 get to win it every time, it's not necessarily a guarantee to win at any point. Losing in the playoffs is going to happen way more often than not, so he can handle it pretty well and recognize that the common eliminations make the long runs even more special. In the offseason after being eliminated, he does enjoy being able to relax and recover to prepare for the next season. Not always with golf, but by a variety of time spent with family and teammates to just get his mind off of the playoffs.

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

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