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Regarding Bleak

Quote:Originally posted by JmanPens19@Jan 30 2013, 06:12 PM

Ugh.. I try to read your posts but I can't take my eyes off your avy.  You're making SHL Life really tough for me.

dem boobies

[Image: hallsy.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Donini13@Jan 30 2013, 05:12 PM
I understand Bleak's been causing a lot of drama and shit around the boards recently but final warning? Come on if it's that easy to get a final warning Serpe should have been gone a long time ago. Heck i probably wouldn't have lasted to my SHL Draft. I really think that part needs to be reviewed. (This coming from me, someone who hates Bleak and got suspended for attacking him.)

You were definitely an asshole a while back but I don't think you were such a drama queen creating your own thread and looking for conflict. I don't really know the whole story because there could be much more you did on private message and locker room.

Discord are for plebs

Suspend the whole fucking league. Buncha pre-madonna faggots.


[Image: cDMBWce.png]
[Image: 0tCQttQ.png]
LA Panthers Goaltender

Quote:Originally posted by MVerminski@Jan 30 2013, 08:16 PM
Suspend the whole fucking league. Buncha pre-madonna faggots.

Hey man you wanna fight me. Come at me bro.

[Image: NCQjJT2.png]
Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

Quote:Originally posted by EverettTaylor@Jan 30 2013, 07:16 PM

You know the Stags are gone right? :ph34r:

Also, fuck you is definitely not a personal attack but calling people maggot is a personal attack. I didn't feel offended by it but that was definitely a personal attack, worthy of being suspended, since it was intended to offend me.

Discord are for plebs

Quote:Originally posted by vintagerockstar@Jan 30 2013, 08:03 PM
I post a huge thing, no one replies to it all. I quit.
No response = acceptance

No one called you out and said you were wrong.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
[Image: VZtEodi.png]
[Image: 1n0REYx.png]

RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

if I call someone a *****, despite them being one, that could be considered a "personal attack" and "discriminating" against gay people, however saying "fuck you" to someone whether joking or not is not going to kill them, offend them or hurt them in any way, you're not doing any harm.

This league needs to mature a little, that's for sure. People act severely butthurt over jokes and having fun between friends (which lead to some stupid suspensions which wreck near perfect reputations on the league). If kids on here watch any kind of show these days, they hear swear words on a daily occurrence if they get their parents to buy them M rated video games, or watch literally 99% of movies, you'll hear a swear word or fifty.

Bleak takes things too far however, he's ignorant and oblivious to peoples feelings, he doesn't take a single thing seriously, and some things SHOULD be taken seriously, also he's disrespectful.


Quote:Originally posted by BANACKOCK@Jan 30 2013, 04:28 PM


I messaged this to Tez:

"I was going to create a topic.. Because honestly, Im pissed. However, Ill message your prior to doing so.

How is "fuck you" attacking someone? For all you onow Bleak
Is simply messin around. You guys are preventing us from both bein sent down and its bullshit. Your first little trick with the league rule wasnt successful so now you suspend him for little bullshit.

If Bleak is getting suspended, so should everyone elso who continuously posts "fuck you" or things of this nature. Look all over the forum, are you guys [b]Fucking retarded
.. ITS Everywhere.

Fuck, please make me a commissioner or part of some sort of system so there isnt all this bias shit going on. "
I find it absolutely hysterical really.. Watch this...


oh no, how long of a suspension is that?

People state Bleak needs to grow up - well tbh, respectfully - so does the fuckin league and those who run it (or atleast pretend to). You guys bitch EVERYDAY about how theres drama.. This is causing more drama and do you think new members seeing this shit wants to be apart of it?

He wasnt even offended by what Bleak said or anything.. If he was offended in some way I could see this.. Which leads to te conclussion that you fuckers better be handing out a fuck ton more of suspensions by the time my lunch break rolls around because this shit is EVERYWHERE. [/b]

While I disagree how the league is being run at the moment, I will not defend Bleak. He brought it on to himself. A wise person would know when to back up, assess the situation and take a break for a while. Bleak needs to grow up and that is his fault, not the league's. I don't know how the league needing to grow up has to do with Bleak's situation. Also, Bleak, knowingly that the league hates him, still "messed around".

Also I agree with saying the league sucks is not a personal attack, it is a criticism, but Bleak did MORE than that.

Discord are for plebs

Quote:Originally posted by Alex@Jan 30 2013, 08:10 PM

why are commishes looking at other teams LRs?

I know I don't look in other teams LRs. Only time I did was when I was an FA and wanted to get a feel for the team's LRs I might join, but I only stayed to one little thread I made in each. Same with when I let myself into the Vegas LR during the activity check a few seasons ago to call them a bunch of

Quote:Originally posted by Donini13@Jan 30 2013, 08:12 PM
I understand Bleak's been causing a lot of drama and shit around the boards recently but final warning? Come on if it's that easy to get a final warning Serpe should have been gone a long time ago. Heck i probably wouldn't have lasted to my SHL Draft. I really think that part needs to be reviewed. (This coming from me, someone who hates Bleak and got suspended for attacking him.)
His behaviour towards other members is disruptive, and it happens every day. There are frequent outbursts and he seems to lose his cool very easily. We're willing to work with it if he shows a willingness to improve but if you look at the only members we've ever actually banned, it's been for similar constant disruptiveness.

Quote:Originally posted by Spangify@Jan 30 2013, 06:32 PM

I know I don't look in other teams LRs. Only time I did was when I was an FA and wanted to get a feel for the team's LRs I might join, but I only stayed to one little thread I made in each. Same with when I let myself into the Vegas LR during the activity check a few seasons ago to call them a bunch of

finish that sentence u hoe

[Image: hallsy.png]

lol you can say the league sucks, people do that on a daily basis. I know it sucks, that's why you're all still here and we're about to enjoy the start of our 12th season and it's fun Smile

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